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Are we really getting pistol, and not greatsword or some kind of bow??


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3 hours ago, RazieL.5684 said:

the comment was only proven right even more by the sneak peek... a mage with a gun is simply looking stupid...

Nah. That's your subjective opinion, plenty of people have been excited about pistol on ele for a long time and the teaser has mostly just increased the hype. You're one of the small minority I see complaining about it.

3 hours ago, RazieL.5684 said:

pistol is equal to scepter automatically making it obsolete because majority of scepter skills can't be reflected/go through projectile hate while pistol projectiles seem to have HORRIBLE velocity...

If you're thinking about it from a strictly competitive mindset? Sure, maybe scepter will be better in a lot of scenarios. Pistol is also looking like it will have a fairly decent leg up on scepter as far as utility goes, so the trade off will likely be "higher damage potential and utility" on pistol vs "lower but much more reliable damage" on scepter. There's also a good chance that pistol will be better in PvE but worse in PvP/WvW than scepter. They can be equal for different reasons.

You could also potentially consider not throwing all of your cooldowns in all 4 attunements directly into projectile reflection, perhaps? You have to play around that on tons of other builds in WvW and PvP, not sure why it is suddenly the end of the world to do that on ele.

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49 minutes ago, Darklord Roy.2514 said:

Nah. That's your subjective opinion, plenty of people have been excited about pistol on ele for a long time and the teaser has mostly just increased the hype. You're one of the small minority I see complaining about it.

the opinion is indeed subjective... same as yours... the only problem is that you are under the wrong impression that we are the "small minority" when in fact the minority is the one that asks for pistols on casters which is an absurd idea unfortunately for us it's the more vocal one... but i guess it's ok... you are allowed to be wrong after all...


51 minutes ago, Darklord Roy.2514 said:

Pistol is also looking like it will have a fairly decent leg up on scepter as far as utility goes, so the trade off will likely be "higher damage potential and utility" on pistol vs "lower but much more reliable damage" on scepter

any links to that? i have not seen any mention of something like that so it seems made up wishful thinking... from what is stated in the sneak peek it seems that pistol will be unreliable outside of pve and unless it has some broken numbers/abilities it will be below scepter in every possible way...


52 minutes ago, Darklord Roy.2514 said:

There's also a good chance that pistol will be better in PvE but worse in PvP/WvW than scepter. They can be equal for different reasons.

"a good chance" ? again... source? there's also "a good chance" it will be melee...


56 minutes ago, Darklord Roy.2514 said:

You could also potentially consider not throwing all of your cooldowns in all 4 attunements directly into projectile reflection, perhaps?

thanks for the worthless advice, nice hyperbole "all cooldowns in all 4 attunements"... also what are reactions?...


56 minutes ago, Darklord Roy.2514 said:

You have to play around that on tons of other builds in WvW and PvP, not sure why it is suddenly the end of the world to do that on ele.

yes, you do have to play around that on some other builds too, that's why harbinger gets almost completely shut down by reflects and people haven't stopped crying about magnetic aura that was nerfed time and time again, again because of a small vocal minority like yours... but again another hyperbole "the end of the world" why are you even here?... anyway it will simply be inferior to scepter unless they nerf scepter or buff pistol to the point where people will inevitably cry about it being broken... how you don't see that as an issue is beyond me...

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1 hour ago, RazieL.5684 said:

the opinion is indeed subjective... same as yours... the only problem is that you are under the wrong impression that we are the "small minority" when in fact the minority is the one that asks for pistols on casters which is an absurd idea unfortunately for us it's the more vocal one... but i guess it's ok... you are allowed to be wrong after all...

Bruh, this forum is the minority of the playerbase. That's why most of the posts are filled with the same people over and over again.

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There were people talking up gun elementalist well before SotO was even announced. Not as many as bow elementalist, but it's hardly a 'subverting expectations' choice.

I find the 'any links to that' response to be a bit disingenuous in this sort of discussion. Most people aren't in the habit of building massive libraries of links just in case someone challenges them years later, and it's a challenge often issued by people who aren't offering similar backing to their own assertions.

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3 hours ago, RazieL.5684 said:

the opinion is indeed subjective... same as yours


3 hours ago, RazieL.5684 said:

but i guess it's ok... you are allowed to be wrong after all

Simply lol at this guy who doesn't know how opinions work.


4 hours ago, RazieL.5684 said:

any links to that? i have not seen any mention of something like that so it seems made up wishful thinking...

The title of the pistol sneak peak on the GW2 website is literally "the choice between greater damage and defense" and the very first line is "The pistol is a condition-focused weapon that brings some mobility, crowd control, and a large amount of damage." How much more confirmation do you need that pistol will have more utility than scepter, which is essentially entirely DPS centric and offers almost no survivability?

4 hours ago, RazieL.5684 said:

it will be below scepter in every possible way...


4 hours ago, RazieL.5684 said:

there's also "a good chance" it will be melee...


4 hours ago, RazieL.5684 said:

anyway it will simply be inferior to scepter unless they nerf scepter or buff pistol to the point where people will inevitably cry about it being broken

For a guy who seems to dislike assumptions and ask for sources for everything, you sure seem to make a lot of assumptions. What source do you have that shows it will be worse than scepter in any way whatsoever? And did you miss the entire part of the video where the PC shoots a charr multiple times from what looks like 900 range?

4 hours ago, RazieL.5684 said:

that's why harbinger gets almost completely shut down by reflects

Harbinger gets shut down by reflects because *there would be no counterplay to it otherwise.* That's like saying warrior hammer is bad because all of it's attacks can be blocked. Harb is one of the burstiest high damage roamers in WvW, it's high risk high reward. You either get nuked by it or pump out reflects and blocks. That doesn't make it bad.

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4 hours ago, RazieL.5684 said:

when in fact the minority is the one that asks for pistols on casters which is an absurd idea

Additional food for thought: pistol has generally been the second most requested weapon for elementalists behind longbow (another traditionally projectile based weapon). Ever since the reveal of elite specs people in DROVES have asked for pistol, though I think most people thought it would end up being dual pistols. Where have you gotten the idea over the past 8 years that people who request pistol are the minority?

Also, mesmer and necromancer are both casters and both have also had pistol for years. Why is it suddenly an issue with elementalist?

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3 hours ago, Darklord Roy.2514 said:

Additional food for thought: pistol has generally been the second most requested weapon for elementalists behind longbow (another traditionally projectile based weapon). Ever since the reveal of elite specs people in DROVES have asked for pistol, though I think most people thought it would end up being dual pistols. Where have you gotten the idea over the past 8 years that people who request pistol are the minority?

Also, mesmer and necromancer are both casters and both have also had pistol for years. Why is it suddenly an issue with elementalist?

I thought it was rifle, not pistol as the 2nd, but pistol was the, well if we can't have rifle at least give us pistol club.


While I always was and still am in the longbow camp, I prefer pistol over rifle...it's just that it sucks it's only a MH. I'd be a lot happier if we could use both, because we have no real offhands to really compliment it well at range for dps(if it indeed even ranged🥲)

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7 hours ago, Darklord Roy.2514 said:

Simply lol at this guy who doesn't know how opinions work.

simply lol at this guy who doesn't know that an opinion can still be wrong...


7 hours ago, Darklord Roy.2514 said:

The title of the pistol sneak peak on the GW2 website is literally "the choice between greater damage and defense" and the very first line is "The pistol is a condition-focused weapon that brings some mobility, crowd control, and a large amount of damage." How much more confirmation do you need that pistol will have more utility than scepter, which is essentially entirely DPS centric and offers almost no survivability?

this is wrong on so many levels i'm starting to get exhausted just explaining basic stuff...

first of all when they state "greater damage or defense" how do you know if that is in comparison to scepter? as the examples they give later on in the article is using earth 2 that gives more bleeding with your bonus elemental bullet OR using the elemental bullet as a bonus to earth 3 for barrier... choosing between more damage or more utility? do i also need to draw it for you? cuz i didn't bring and crayons...

second of all how is scepter "essentialy entirely dps? it has cleanse and vigor on fire 3, it has chill on water 2 and self healing on water 3, it has blind on air 3, barrier and resistance on earth 2 and blind and cripple on earth 3... yes, most of those skills also do damage like almost all skills in the game but the utility is plenty...

@draxynnic.3719 the reason i asked for such links was in case there was some statement released somewhere like twitter or something which i don't follow at all and  it's not out of the question someone mentioned "yes pistol will have more utility than scepter" in which case i would have accepted the new information... the reason i am not providing any links is because there is nothing i need to provide links for as i didn't make any statements like "pistol will have more utility than scepter" without anything to back it up... i fully explained my reasoning in the previous post where i pointed out the flaws of having pistol compete with scepter for the same role of mid range condi weapon... just count the pros and cons once the weapon is released...

7 hours ago, Darklord Roy.2514 said:

For a guy who seems to dislike assumptions and ask for sources for everything, you sure seem to make a lot of assumptions. What source do you have that shows it will be worse than scepter in any way whatsoever?

i have made 0 assumptions as i stated several different options that would happen exactly because we don't know yet, otherwise i would do what you did and make a statement like "pistol will be worse than scepter" and that would be all... it's factual that projectiles (some of which could simply be sidestepped even by mobs in open world) are inferior to abilities that hit directly like spinal shivers for example or ground targeted skills like shatterstone which also can't be projectile blocked

7 hours ago, Darklord Roy.2514 said:

And did you miss the entire part of the video where the PC shoots a charr multiple times from what looks like 900 range?

as the camera was slanted for the entire video it can be argued if it was 900 range, the melee meme i stated was just to show the absurdity of your statement of having "a good chance"... as it might also have "a good chance" it is 1500 range but didn't show it in the vid... yet another absurd statement but i am really really hoping you got the point by now...

7 hours ago, Darklord Roy.2514 said:

Harbinger gets shut down by reflects because *there would be no counterplay to it otherwise.* That's like saying warrior hammer is bad because all of it's attacks can be blocked.

what the hell are you even talking about? do you even understand that a reflect of a projectile and a block of a melee ability is not the same thing?

7 hours ago, Darklord Roy.2514 said:

Harb is one of the burstiest high damage roamers in WvW, it's high risk high reward. You either get nuked by it or pump out reflects and blocks. That doesn't make it bad.

you can't even comprehend the argument and you throw random words our there... who are you arguing with? who said harbinger is bad? i never said harbinger is bad so idk who are you talking to...

i brought up harbinger as an example of how projectile hate shuts it down almost completely, now imagine what harbinger would be if you couldn't reflect or absorb it's projectiles... it's a nod to my earlier statement that projectiles are inferior to directly hitting abilities... i didn't think i would have to explain this to someone assuming we are playing the same game...

7 hours ago, Darklord Roy.2514 said:

Ever since the reveal of elite specs people in DROVES have asked for pistol

i have never seen a single person ask for pistol before it was announced for this patch... never in my entire history of playing this game have i seen someone say anything close to "jeez i wish they put pistol for ele" while the concept of shooting fire arrows and water arrows or generating pure energy bow that shoots energy arrows or whatever has been one of the most popular idea in culture next to god kitten greatswords since forever... so based on the wild assumptions you have made so far i would call these "droves" also a part of your imagination...

7 hours ago, Darklord Roy.2514 said:

Also, mesmer and necromancer are both casters and both have also had pistol for years. Why is it suddenly an issue with elementalist?

you keep using that word "suddenly" i don't think it means what you think it means...

mesmers with their literal "magic bullet" ability are actually a great implementation of what the so called "spell slinger" should be also spawning a phantasm with dual guns doing a lot of physical damage as an actual bullet should kittening do is also a great implementation of a pistol to a caster... maybe give mesmers a main hand pistol next? that would be absolutely fine with me...

necros? it's debatable... the pistol sure is strong but again i don't think it fits... it doesn't fit with the necro thematic, it also doesn't fit with the elixir thematic...

ele? no... simply no... shooting a fire ball from a pistol is just stupid... lead? sure... with a huge extent maybe an incendiary ammo? but that's more of an engineer thing... squirt gun water attunement ele? no... staff already covers this type of projectiles pretty much, yes staff sucks but then go fix staff instead...


anyway this has taken too much of my time, at this point i don't even care if you understand these super basic explanations it doesn't matter anyway, we are getting the kitten pistol and we have to wait for the actual good weapon for some time in probably never...

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7 minutes ago, RazieL.5684 said:


i have never seen a single person ask for pistol before it was announced for this patch... never in my entire history of playing this game have i seen someone say anything close to "jeez i wish they put pistol for ele" while the concept of shooting fire arrows and water arrows or generating pure energy bow that shoots energy arrows or whatever has been one of the most popular idea in culture next to god kitten greatswords since forever... so based on the wild assumptions you have made so far i would call these "droves" also a part of your imagination...

you keep using that word "suddenly" i don't think it means what you think it means...

I recall the 'spell slinger' concept coming up a few times before the EoD elite spec reveals, let alone SotO. Just because you didn't see it doesn't mean there was no demand.

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2 hours ago, RazieL.5684 said:

simply lol at this guy who doesn't know that an opinion can still be wrong...

The literal definition of the word disagrees with you. Opinions are subjective, and by nature anything subjective cannot be proven right or wrong. Opinions are not facts.

You went pretty fully unhinged on the rest of this post, so I'm not gonna bother with you anymore. You can keep doomposting if ya want.

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39 minutes ago, Darklord Roy.2514 said:

The literal definition of the word disagrees with you. Opinions are subjective, and by nature anything subjective cannot be proven right or wrong. Opinions are not facts.

You went pretty fully unhinged on the rest of this post, so I'm not gonna bother with you anymore. You can keep doomposting if ya want.

So, if someone said that, in their opinion, the earth is flat, only 6000 years old, and that dinosaurs and humans lived at the same time, the opinion would not be incorrect?

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54 minutes ago, Ashen.2907 said:

So, if someone said that, in their opinion, the earth is flat, only 6000 years old, and that dinosaurs and humans lived at the same time, the opinion would not be incorrect?

i was gonna ask something similar but you were faster than me, thank you for being a normal person that understands basic concepts! seems that it's rather rare nowadays...

p.s i advise you not to waste time with them, they have nothing intelligent to bring to the conversation so it's a waste of time...

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1 hour ago, Ashen.2907 said:

So, if someone said that, in their opinion, the earth is flat, only 6000 years old, and that dinosaurs and humans lived at the same time, the opinion would not be incorrect?

An opinion is a belief. Facts surrounding beliefs can be incorrect, but the act of saying "I believe x, y, and z" cannot be right or wrong.

This is the difference between saying "I think the earth is flat" and "the earth is definitely flat." One is stated as fact, the other is simply a belief. I can tell the first person that I disagree with their opinion, and maybe that the way I believe it *is* the factually correct way, but they are allowed to believe whichever they choose. You cannot, however, say that it is factual without being able to definitively PROVE that is the case.

In the current case on this thread, the opinion I started arguing against is that "pistol is a stupid look for casters." That is not a factual statement. It's an opinion, and it isn't "wrong" because it CAN'T be. Just like how me saying "it does look good thematically" can't be wrong. It's a personal opinion.

English is not that hard, you guys.

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2 hours ago, Darklord Roy.2514 said:

Glad I can contribute to illiterate people leaving the forums lol.

oof some more irony... but i wouldn't expect you to understand that... but if you really cared about that then why are you here?

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12 hours ago, RazieL.5684 said:

mesmers with their literal "magic bullet" ability are actually a great implementation of what the so called "spell slinger" should be also spawning a phantasm with dual guns doing a lot of physical damage as an actual bullet should kittening do is also a great implementation of a pistol to a caster... maybe give mesmers a main hand pistol next? that would be absolutely fine with me...

necros? it's debatable... the pistol sure is strong but again i don't think it fits... it doesn't fit with the necro thematic, it also doesn't fit with the elixir thematic...

ele? no... simply no... shooting a fire ball from a pistol is just stupid... lead? sure... with a huge extent maybe an incendiary ammo? but that's more of an engineer thing... squirt gun water attunement ele? no... staff already covers this type of projectiles pretty much, yes staff sucks but then go fix staff instead...


anyway this has taken too much of my time, at this point i don't even care if you understand these super basic explanations it doesn't matter anyway, we are getting the kitten pistol and we have to wait for the actual good weapon for some time in probably never...

ele? no... simply no... shooting a fire ball from a bow is just stupid

how do you know water attunement is going to be a squirt gun and not an Ice gun?

Dude, you do realize that you're just saying you like arrows more than bullets, and that's cool, but how in the H is one worse than the other? At least the gun is something new and not represented much in fantasy games, while also making more sense than hammer.

And dude, I think the premise is that they are using bullets, but combining them with spells. I think you're trying to make magic into something based on logic and physics or some kitten, but it's magic....

You're very cocky for someone who has confused personal taste in how magic is represented with objective facts.

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19 minutes ago, ScottBroChill.3254 said:

ele? no... simply no... shooting a fire ball from a bow is just stupid

fire arrows you mean the thing that has existed pretty much since bows have existed in real life? oof man... big oof...

20 minutes ago, ScottBroChill.3254 said:

how do you know water attunement is going to be a squirt gun and not an Ice gun?

because it's clearly visible in the video?...

20 minutes ago, ScottBroChill.3254 said:

Dude, you do realize that you're just saying you like arrows more than bullets, and that's cool, but how in the H is one worse than the other? At least the gun is something new and not represented much in fantasy games, while also making more sense than hammer.

that's exactly the point... guns do not belong in fantasy, they make every other weapon obsolete... if one army has guns and the other swords and arrows, the one with guns will always win proven by our entire history... imagine legolas had a gun instead of a bow in lord of the rings, he would have killed gandalf instead of gandalf parrying the arrow... bows fit in a fantasy world and that's a fact...

but other than that it just feels more correct to add a 1500 range weapon to ele, one that we don't have, instead of ANOTHER 900 range weapon, as the one we already have... on top of all the reasons i already listed why pistol and scepter will have a hard time against one another and ele will most likely just suffer from the clash...

25 minutes ago, ScottBroChill.3254 said:

And dude, I think the premise is that they are using bullets, but combining them with spells. I think you're trying to make magic into something based on logic and physics or some kitten, but it's magic....

i understand the premise, i just don't like neither the thematic feel of a gun in fantasy nor how it will butt heads with scepter, this was clearly the wrong decision again by anet (what a shocker...) but it's done so whatever...

27 minutes ago, ScottBroChill.3254 said:

You're very cocky for someone who has confused personal taste in how magic is represented with objective facts.

you are confusing cocky with confident... i have confused nothing and there are no objective facts here other than what i have stated... hate me if you will, you will not be the first nor the last one but what i have said here is nothing but truth...

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6 minutes ago, RazieL.5684 said:

fire arrows you mean the thing that has existed pretty much since bows have existed in real life? oof man... big oof...

because it's clearly visible in the video?...

that's exactly the point... guns do not belong in fantasy, they make every other weapon obsolete... if one army has guns and the other swords and arrows, the one with guns will always win proven by our entire history... imagine legolas had a gun instead of a bow in lord of the rings, he would have killed gandalf instead of gandalf parrying the arrow... bows fit in a fantasy world and that's a fact...

but other than that it just feels more correct to add a 1500 range weapon to ele, one that we don't have, instead of ANOTHER 900 range weapon, as the one we already have... on top of all the reasons i already listed why pistol and scepter will have a hard time against one another and ele will most likely just suffer from the clash...

i understand the premise, i just don't like neither the thematic feel of a gun in fantasy nor how it will butt heads with scepter, this was clearly the wrong decision again by anet (what a shocker...) but it's done so whatever...

you are confusing cocky with confident... i have confused nothing and there are no objective facts here other than what i have stated... hate me if you will, you will not be the first nor the last one but what i have said here is nothing but truth...


Actually, fire arrows are more a Hollywood  thing than a historical thing because of the nature of arrows and putting the fire out. It requires a certain chemical mix which can only really be done with modern materials to make a real fire arrow. In history, most arrows were just normal war arrows with the different tips and shaft strength. Nothing fancy about it in a magic or chemical sense.

But it is ok to not like guns in fantasy settings. People are entitled to think whatever they want about it. Just like how there are people like me who love guns in fantasy settings because fantasy can take many forms. Plus. Gw2 is not pure 100% LOTR level of fantasy. There is steampunk, magic tech, medieval and probably many other themes mixed into the game, so Elementalist shooting a gun makes perfect sense in this universe just like how it makes sense for mesmer and necro to shoot guns too. Again, you can dislike it all you want, and as you said it is already here. I just wanted to clarify about the fire arrow thing since in old warfare it wasn't really a thing. And if it was(not to my knowledge), it was not a big part of most timeframes. Unlike guns which did exist in medieval times and were used my knights and warriors. Albeit in a different form then we know.

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On 11/2/2023 at 2:39 PM, Sensations.9507 said:

Who supported pistol?  Has anyone actually given feeback that pistol is desired?

Its not too late to change or fix this!!

I agree 100%

Elementalists should get both a Great sword and long bow.

That's what players want.

I don't recall anyone ask for ele pistols.

Not by a long shot.

Pun intended. 

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I am still of the mind that they should let ele use the pistol as an 2h weapon where you get an reload on the 4 skill and an aimed shot on the 5th when you don't use an off hand weapon. It fits that light weapon use and loading magic ammo ark type that most "gun mages" fill. You will still be able to run an off hand if you want but you lose the full effect of the pistol as an "mage bullet user."

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8 hours ago, ScottBroChill.3254 said:

ele? no... simply no... shooting a fire ball from a bow is just stupid

Sure, but Lava Arrows were a skill in GW1. As was Shock Arrow. There are also a couple of spear/javelin skills that could be reframed as arrows. And there are a lot of settings where archers imbuing their arrows with elemental magic to achieve a variety of effects are a thing.

I disagree with the premise of this thread that elementalists using pistols is inappropriate in a universe where pistols have definitely been established to exist and function effectively as channels of magical energy. But counter-arguing by saying that bow ele shouldn't exist either is flawed by the same principle.

7 hours ago, SoulGuardian.6203 said:

I agree 100%

Elementalists should get both a Great sword and long bow.

That's what players want.

I don't recall anyone ask for ele pistols.

Not by a long shot.

Pun intended. 

You clearly either didn't read, or don't recall reading, some of the threads I read.

It was less popular than bow, to be sure, but it definitely existed.

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7 hours ago, Doctor Hide.6345 said:


Actually, fire arrows are more a Hollywood  thing than a historical thing because of the nature of arrows and putting the fire out. It requires a certain chemical mix which can only really be done with modern materials to make a real fire arrow. In history, most arrows were just normal war arrows with the different tips and shaft strength. Nothing fancy about it in a magic or chemical sense.

But it is ok to not like guns in fantasy settings. People are entitled to think whatever they want about it. Just like how there are people like me who love guns in fantasy settings because fantasy can take many forms. Plus. Gw2 is not pure 100% LOTR level of fantasy. There is steampunk, magic tech, medieval and probably many other themes mixed into the game, so Elementalist shooting a gun makes perfect sense in this universe just like how it makes sense for mesmer and necro to shoot guns too. Again, you can dislike it all you want, and as you said it is already here. I just wanted to clarify about the fire arrow thing since in old warfare it wasn't really a thing. And if it was(not to my knowledge), it was not a big part of most timeframes. Unlike guns which did exist in medieval times and were used my knights and warriors. Albeit in a different form then we know.


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You guys... there weren't guns in gw1, how is that a basis that there can't be fire bullets 250 years later. A ranger makes fire arrows, how is that unique to ele. Also, the ele would just be using spells to enhance arrows, much like the bullets in the pistol. It's literally projectile+spell, but somehow only certain projectiles will work with magic... because why exactly? And have we forgotten there's literally incendiary ammo and Dragons breath ammo? You guys are being ridiculous by citing that guns and magic don't make sense because the fantasy worlds in games and things tend to be not technologically advanced for guns. Or there's a purposeful distinguishing between weapon users and magic users, but this game never had that separation. There's like this weird notion that you can't use modern technology with old magic. I say why not the best of both worlds.

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