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The next weapon should be....


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A new greatsword. And by that, I mean warriors just go back to training and learn new skills, because they seems a bit rusty.

But if the warrior ever does dare to pick up new armaments, dual wielding focuses as fists and mainhand pistol (actual range capability) both seem fun. I do hope however that people will dual wield the Binding of Ipos--because all intellectual warriors know, the best way to defeat your foe is to pick up a book and immediately apply it in the field.

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1 hour ago, firedragon.8953 said:

But if the warrior ever does dare to pick up new armaments, dual wielding focuses as fists and mainhand pistol (actual range capability) both seem fun. I do hope however that people will dual wield the Binding of Ipos--because all intellectual warriors know, the best way to defeat your foe is to pick up a book and immediately apply it in the field.

If that's a euphemism for "caving their skull in," I'm okay with it ^^

Edited by Malus.2184
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that's basically holosmith tbh

and yea, holosmith is very warrior melee, that gets sword/hammer/pistol moves in a single weapon kit(hint: weapon master) (literally quit war and mained holo for PoF, like i mained rev for HoT for how disappointing berserker was(which is basically core war but has slight animation alteration for the same burst skills, a core war with a skill that changes how burst skill look basically))

all these holosmith/reaper etc would be warrior's advance job in other games, gets like big energy slashes or blood lust kind of moves or weapon masteries

but this game, all classes adapt to melee warrior style in all kind of flashy ways

but warrior stays to slow basic melee and boring utility skills and isn't allow to have any flashy moves no matter how many elite specs it gets, that's why nobody plays warrior


Edited by Lighter.5631
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On 11/16/2023 at 4:16 AM, Lighter.5631 said:

that's basically holosmith tbh

and yea, holosmith is very warrior melee, that gets sword/hammer/pistol moves in a single weapon kit(hint: weapon master) (literally quit war and mained holo for PoF, like i mained rev for HoT for how disappointing berserker was(which is basically core war but has slight animation alteration for the same burst skills, a core war with a skill that changes how burst skill look basically))

all these holosmith/reaper etc would be warrior's advance job in other games, gets like big energy slashes or blood lust kind of moves or weapon masteries

but this game, all classes adapt to melee warrior style in all kind of flashy ways

but warrior stays to slow basic melee and boring utility skills and isn't allow to have any flashy moves no matter how many elite specs it gets, that's why nobody plays warrior


My thoughts, exactly.

... And as for the new weapon, I have requested the devs for a land spear so many times... me and hundreds, if not thousands of other players in these forums alone. 

Not even adding the requests from other forums.

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27 minutes ago, SoulGuardian.6203 said:

My thoughts, exactly.

... And as for the new weapon, I have requested the devs for a land spear so many times... me and hundreds, if not thousands of other players in these forums alone. 

Not even adding the requests from other forums.

I'm with you there. Either 2h Spear or 1h Spear so we can do some Hoplite stuff with Spear and Shield.

Edited by KryTiKaL.3125
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3 hours ago, Zekent.3652 said:

Just 3 more expansions and this class has no more weapons to add, unles they add some new weapons to the game, like spears, 2 handed axes, etc.


right hand Pistol



That's already more than three and that's ignoring that not every expansion might get a new weapon. And if they ever change their mindset about Focus, Torch and Shield being left-hand only weapons (or Scepter being right-hand only), that opens the way for even more future weapons.

Edited by Fueki.4753
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8 hours ago, DanAlcedo.3281 said:

I just want changes to:

Greatsword. Root= Bad

I'll accept the root if the cast time is reduced to 2s.

8 hours ago, DanAlcedo.3281 said:

Rifle. Wake me up if that thing can do over 30k dps. 

Double the number of rounds in Volley while keeping the coefficient/shot the same 😈 But yeah, making the AA faster would work wonders as well.

8 hours ago, DanAlcedo.3281 said:

Mh Mace. A reason to use it. 


Other than Skullgrinder? A better Mace 2, and AoE barrier on Mace 3 instead of self barrier.

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On 11/18/2023 at 3:13 PM, gmmg.9210 said:

Spear as a new weapon. This game needs new weapons anyways. Spear mainhand, shield offhand to 300 rp and lunge at enemies pretending to be Leonidas.

this one. 

Bonus points if it's magic and detonates at the area where it is thrown, causing stun

Edited by Azure The Heartless.3261
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