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Delete duo qe once your reach plat.


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Or plat 2, for what it matters. Like it was the case some years ago.

Or make your system a little bit better idk, put equals premade in each team, so we don't have in one team 2 duo try harding as hell against full pu in other team?

That would be a little bit more fairplay idk.

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Just remove duo-Q completely from ranked.
Those who want to "play with their friends" can do it casual.

Or don't allow duo Q above gold 2-3.
Legend is a meme nowadays anyway, so it will not change anything if they allow people to buy boost "play with their friends" till they reach the "top bracket."

At this point, tho, they are better off disabling ranked completely, keeping only casual as training and focusing all the effort they put to improving PvP (yes the whole 10 mins they spend on it yearly) to make WvWvW a guild-based competitive mode.

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there's no way to play this game without duoq now, you are matched with silver in plat...you will lose matches after matches even with all 20+ kills and 0 death and duoq you basically breeze through everything until your rating is way too inflated in relation to a point you won't progress even with duoq...

i don't even want to touch this game if i can't get a duoq since it's like 40% of the key factors for winning..

unless..no one can duoq...then everyone is on equal footing, maybe then there will be more incentive for people..

basically w/l rate based on duoq is no fun, unless you just completely remove the option..

duoq and soloq are basically playing different game in the same space and it kills your will power to play it soloq.

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3 hours ago, Lighter.5631 said:

unless..no one can duoq...then everyone is on equal footing, maybe then there will be more incentive for people..

basically w/l rate based on duoq is no fun, unless you just completely remove the option..

duoq and soloq are basically playing different game in the same space and it kills your will power to play it soloq.

Exactly how it should be. Duoq removed completely from 5v5, all soloq

Duoq okay in 2v2 because its fair there and that's what duoq should have been added for

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@Multicolorhipster.9751 @Eddie.9143 @Khalisto.5780 If there is ever going to be a change we need a unified oppion on the forums.

I have talked openly about this with Hispter before but heres my take again and I suggest we start posting this in an organized way together. 

Conquest (5v5) Since we will not have 5v5 premade vs premade anymore because that time is over unfortunately - We need to make 5v5 a solo que mode only. (My oppinion is you will still have people stacking on each other so theres that) however removing duo que makes it a bit easier. Give 5v5 to Solo quers. Adjust top stats for solo que. For example that fact that is no stats for engagements survived in 5v5 is wild to me. You pushed far and engaged two people and did not die? Should be noted in *Least deaths vs damage done ratio* or something to that effect. 

Team Death Match (2v2/3v3) Needs to be premade only. What I mean by this is unless you are partied up you cannot que and if we dont want to do that at least ensure an understanding that queuing solo will put you at a significant disadvantage. This will allow people who want competitive team play (that is what this mode is afterall) a way to do it with out having to organize 5v5. 

Separate the ladder and have them both up all year round. Give individual rank, titles, etc to solo 5v5, and give the teams their rank and I think it would be cool to put the name of the duo or trio team name up on the leader board along with account names.

Ensure the titles are the same - IMO my of the arena title is something I favor over the 3v3 and 2v2 elite titles. I think many other people feel this way. Unified rewards for placement the boards.

What your left with is a game mode for solo quers, a game mode for teams year round, and unified rewards. Pugs not colliding with established teams, and something for everyone to do. Remove unranked all together and this way you have 3 total game modes (instead of two) it reduces population split, and add pips based on engagement in the match not on loss to reduce farming, botting. 

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2 hours ago, jdawgie.1835 said:

If there is ever going to be a change we need a unified oppion on the forums.

I have talked openly about this with Hispter before but heres my take again and I suggest we start posting this in an organized way together. 

That's easier said than done because this forum is full of divisive degeneracy. Not from you or anyone you mentioned, but there's a handful of vocal 'intellectuals' who frequent here that cannot consider for a moment that they could be wrong on any matter, and everyone else is wrong no matter how insane or specific to them their issue is.

Some have always been that way and do it on purpose to distract from the real problems. Some started out good and honest and grew to be that way, probably from the stress of continuing to compete in an objectively unfair competition that has been rigged against them for over 5 years straight.

The singular unifying question should be "Is 2v1 fair?" If that can be answered directly and honestly then there be a real, nuanced discussion on more specific individual problems people might have. But if someone can't, or they can but not without veering off from the question with something like "yes, because sometimes I win 2v1s" then they deserve close scrutiny because that's not the question. Not asking if they; as a soloq, can sometimes win against duoqs. The question is "Is 2v1 fair?"

And really we should be asking to people like @Cal Cohen.2358 since they've taken over Ben P's role and Ben P was the only dev who talked about such things.

2 hours ago, jdawgie.1835 said:

Conquest (5v5) Since we will not have 5v5 premade vs premade anymore because that time is over unfortunately - We need to make 5v5 a solo que mode only. (My oppinion is you will still have people stacking on each other so theres that) however removing duo que makes it a bit easier. Give 5v5 to Solo quers. Adjust top stats for solo que. For example that fact that is no stats for engagements survived in 5v5 is wild to me. You pushed far and engaged two people and did not die? Should be noted in *Least deaths vs damage done ratio* or something to that effect. 

Team Death Match (2v2/3v3) Needs to be premade only. What I mean by this is unless you are partied up you cannot que and if we dont want to do that at least ensure an understanding that queuing solo will put you at a significant disadvantage. This will allow people who want competitive team play (that is what this mode is afterall) a way to do it with out having to organize 5v5. 

Separate the ladder and have them both up all year round. Give individual rank, titles, etc to solo 5v5, and give the teams their rank and I think it would be cool to put the name of the duo or trio team name up on the leader board along with account names.

Ensure the titles are the same - IMO my of the arena title is something I favor over the 3v3 and 2v2 elite titles. I think many other people feel this way. Unified rewards for placement the boards.

But to get back to this, yes, this is spot on. 👍

5v5 - Soloq only | 2v2/3v3 - Teams only | Separate leaderboards for both gamemodes, same rewards. No rotation, run both at the same time and always.

2 hours ago, jdawgie.1835 said:

Remove unranked all together and this way you have 3 total game modes (instead of two) it reduces population split, and add pips based on engagement in the match not on loss to reduce farming, botting. 

This might be the only part I disagree with, with respect given. I'm more for revamping ranked's rewards to exclusively reward winning and engagement and moving the current system that rewards afking, botting, and losing over to unranked and the bots, afks, and victims along with them(They will follow the freebie rewards).

That's purely a concession for the lazy, casual playerbase. Unlike Arenanet, I'm not for giving people something and then suddenly taking it away like they did with soloq. I don't think casual and competitive-minded players should ever be blended together because that creates toxicity and pvp already has plenty. Compromise is cousin to happiness, yes?

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2 hours ago, Multicolorhipster.9751 said:

Not from you or anyone you mentioned, but there's a handful of vocal 'intellectuals' who frequent here that cannot consider for a moment that they could be wrong on any matter, and everyone else is wrong no matter how insane or specific to them their issue is.

this is trolling right

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On 11/16/2023 at 5:04 AM, Last Crab.6054 said:

The fact that Anet has not even once responded to a single pvp thread since Ben left shows all you are is a paycheck (at best).

actually... i remember like a year ago, someone Anetstaff actually wrote something in the pvp section... i cant fully remember tho... But people were ranting that Anet doesnt read anything here and that we are screaming into the void,  and they just said that they infact do read here and appreciate the feedback.


Also, and i know this could very well just be coincidence...but...

I was spamming threads begging theyd add a cleanse trait to weaver, because thats all whats needed to push FAWeaver into viability..

2 weeks later: 

  • Woven Stride: This trait now additionally removes a condition when gaining superspeed or swiftness.
Edited by Sahne.6950
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I agree, the existence of duoq means that you basically have to also be duoq if you want to have a consistent shot at winning higher rated games. 

Less of an issue in gold and below, since there will usually be enough players to fill 2 teams of the same level.

I prefered how it was many years ago, where we had a solo queue and a team queue.

Edited by Random Weird Guy.3528
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3 hours ago, Random Weird Guy.3528 said:

Less of an issue in gold and below, since there will usually be enough players to fill 2 teams of the same level.

Gold what and below, as G3 is Top 250 and has been for forever now.  

Even if we say duo is less of an issue in G1 and below, does it matter? Who is duo really affecting then?

On the opposite, hate how the forums always talk about plat 2 as if it's 'the norm' when literally its top 20.  99.9% of the game exists outside of plat 2, so best to prove duo q is a problem in gold and below or they'll never touch it, because why should they for 20 people...8-10 of which are alts?

I say this as someone who solo q's up to around ~1500 each season on a non-meta build--to me, balancing is far more of an issue than duo q because many times you will get one on each team as they are so prevalent now.  Getting two per team is probably what I'd consider an issue but also somewhat of a unicorn for me, as I haven't encountered that very much (and the one time I did which has vid on here was actually a pretty good game lol).  

Edited by Gotejjeken.1267
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12 hours ago, Gotejjeken.1267 said:

Gold what and below, as G3 is Top 250 and has been for forever now.  

Even if we say duo is less of an issue in G1 and below, does it matter? Who is duo really affecting then?

On the opposite, hate how the forums always talk about plat 2 as if it's 'the norm' when literally its top 20.  99.9% of the game exists outside of plat 2, so best to prove duo q is a problem in gold and below or they'll never touch it, because why should they for 20 people...8-10 of which are alts?

I say this as someone who solo q's up to around ~1500 each season on a non-meta build--to me, balancing is far more of an issue than duo q because many times you will get one on each team as they are so prevalent now.  Getting two per team is probably what I'd consider an issue but also somewhat of a unicorn for me, as I haven't encountered that very much (and the one time I did which has vid on here was actually a pretty good game lol).  

Of course p2+ isn't the norm, that's exactly why duoq is such an issue in that rating. Like I said, there aren't enough players to fill 2 teams of the same level once you reach a certain rating, so duoq creates an unfair advantage.

Duoq doesn't matter as much in gold and lower because there are usually more than 10 players queuing who are in gold division, so filling a game with gold players is easier than filling a game with plat players. 

Edited by Random Weird Guy.3528
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I just got matched against a duo of "God of Arena/PvP" players (with current ~1750+ rating) while being in G2 with ~1375 rating. It's baffling that this is a thing and easily explains the winrates of "80 wins to 15 losses" that top 10 players have - they have not nearly enough on their level to play against and can opt out of playing against each other on top of it.

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