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Game Crashing in WvW [Merged]

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I was tag up for NSP in EBG (T4 matchup) and all 35 of us in discord and I had 8 DCs myself and whole discord channel did too..  Seems like when ever we fought Green that DC would happen.  Same error message as stated in the post.  Was not ArcDPS either since after 8 DCs move over to Alt acct on IoJ and ZERO DCs in EBG.  While in T4 matchup, we were able to hit Red side, drop siege from guild to superior, fight, etc.  However any movement to green side, green SMC, or green player, the DC would happen to all.  I challenge the developers who can change servers without a queue to try running with NSP or SBI and fight JQ tonight to see what we were seeing.

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just tried to tag up on Green BL Dark Haven server and most of my squad and I were constantly crashing halfway into trying to travel via warclaw from citadel wp to Hills. no add-ons here as well and we were not in any fights. I did not see any enemy nearby in all my crashes. I called it after my third crash (each crash being about 1-2min apart).

Edited by A Hamster.2580
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5 minutes ago, Sky.4359 said:

I was tag up for NSP in EBG (T4 matchup) and all 35 of us in discord and I had 8 DCs myself and whole discord channel did too..  Seems like when ever we fought Green that DC would happen.  Same error message as stated in the post.  Was not ArcDPS either since after 8 DCs move over to Alt acct on IoJ and ZERO DCs in EBG.  While in T4 matchup, we were able to hit Red side, drop siege from guild to superior, fight, etc.  However any movement to green side, green SMC, or green player, the DC would happen to all.  I challenge the developers who can change servers without a queue to try running with NSP or SBI and fight JQ tonight to see what we were seeing.

The downside to merged threads is that I think there are couple of issues going on here for various players.

I second your thought though. I haven't found it yet on the other forums, but I think EU has seen it as well based on posts. Anet you need to get someone back into the security position that is visiting other sites so you can sort out third party cloud provider issues from player created issues from internal coding issues versus clumping them together like this thread.

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13 hours ago, SolarWind.5693 said:

The red server in question is Darkhaven. We also are crashing en mass. I too thought it was a mesmer doing it but a Dragonbrand mesmer. But I don't think there were any Dragonbrand around this last (6th?) time tonight I crashed. I tried repairing the game files and that had no effect. Whatever it is causing this is obviously widespread and a big issue. It is making WvW absolutely unplayable. 6 crashes. Wait in queue, play for 5 minutes, if lucky, crash! Wait in queue, play 5 min.. etc. 

Yeah the crashes have definitely been making it very unplayable when 60% of people crash in every engage.

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On 12/29/2023 at 9:27 AM, MarkBecks.6453 said:

In the last hour, their have been multiple players crashing in EB. I know that the forums indicate not naming any Servers, but for the sake of this bug, its RoF, FoW, and Gandara. I am unsure if any players are running software or anything that is interfering with the EB server, but this is affecting a lot of players at the moment. I am also noticing players in the same guild ALL having perma protection, resistance and no damage, and one of them may be running something illegal, please check as this is affecting the gameplay

It is not just a tier matchup.  It affects multiple or all tiers as I am in a different grouping than you mentioned.

We crashed multiple times earlier in the week, and today we crashed 4 times in about 30 minutes.  Each time we were at or approaching a keep or gari and it happened on different maps. It did not happen at a camp or tower.   It was also only at enemy assets.  

Oh, and we had about 35 people today.  I do not recall the size of our group that crashed earlier in the week.  We did not have problems with smaller groups.  




Edited by Anodin.9142
Added last line of information.
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Look like a missing texture crash:

*--> Error Logs <--*
19:51:17Z Texture missing mip chain: 0x00d95c
19:51:19Z End coordinate of emitter scan request is NaN or Inf.
19:51:19Z End coordinate of emitter scan request is NaN or Inf.
19:51:26Z End coordinate of emitter scan request is NaN or Inf.
19:51:26Z Invalid frustum length 1037540.125000
19:51:26Z End coordinate of emitter scan request is NaN or Inf.
19:51:26Z Invalid frustum length 2572571.000000
19:51:26Z Invalid frustum length 2210579968.000000
19:51:26Z Invalid frustum length 4879649280.000000
19:51:26Z Invalid frustum length 139193984.000000
19:51:26Z Invalid frustum length 1182184.625000
19:51:26Z Invalid frustum length 1385950.125000
19:51:26Z Invalid frustum length 1522546.375000
19:51:26Z Invalid frustum length 71934566400.000000
19:51:26Z Invalid frustum length 1337567.375000
19:51:27Z Invalid frustum length 2054111.750000
19:51:27Z Invalid frustum length 2077150.250000
19:51:27Z Invalid frustum length 2103859.500000
19:51:27Z Invalid frustum length 2269216.000000
19:51:27Z Invalid frustum length 1976258.250000
19:51:27Z Invalid frustum length 2776894.000000
19:51:27Z Invalid frustum length 2943314.500000
19:51:27Z Invalid frustum length 259269935104.000000
19:51:27Z Invalid frustum length 273494523904.000000
19:51:27Z Invalid frustum length 2402824.750000
19:51:27Z Invalid frustum length 281075417088.000000
19:51:27Z Invalid frustum length 2777769.750000
19:51:27Z Invalid frustum length 259879632896.000000
19:51:27Z Invalid frustum length 237975945216.000000
19:51:27Z Invalid frustum length 2575246.250000
19:51:27Z Invalid frustum length 190021730304.000000
19:51:27Z Invalid frustum length 168096317440.000000
19:51:27Z Invalid frustum length 2280854.750000
19:51:27Z Invalid frustum length 86256205824.000000
19:51:27Z Invalid frustum length 53823717376.000000
19:51:27Z Invalid frustum length 40646610944.000000
19:51:27Z Invalid frustum length 43613000.000000
19:51:27Z Invalid frustum length 8942961664.000000
19:51:27Z Invalid frustum length 6005344.500000
Crashed at 19:51:33Z

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according to reddit, it is the new glider.


So anet: are you going to fix it ASAP?

are you going to punish the exploiters?

are you going to compensate the players who crashed?


even greedy mobile game companies send you some compensation when they make a mistake (Lilith and AFK Arena for example. One hero is accidentally too strong? Here is some cash shop currency). 

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ArenaNet i'm crashing but i still love you, I hope you have a great holiday...

Forget about WvW, enjoy time with family I know you did this on purpose to benefit us.

I asked AI for a poem in honor of this incredible mode :

WvW, you are my passion
But you cause me so much frustration
Your queues are long, your lag is high
Your balance is a joke, your rewards are dry

WvW, you are my addiction
But you need some serious attention
Your maps are old, your bugs are many
Your modes are stale, your updates are few

WvW, you are my love
But you are neglected by the ones above
Your devs are silent, your community is ignored
Your future is uncertain, your potential is untapped

WvW, you are my hope
But you make me want to elope
With another game, another genre
Another company, another developer

Edited by VictorLeal.4102
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Everyone saying it's happening in WvW, ye but it's not just in WvW, I errored 3 times today, and i've only errored like once in the past year. I errored inside the wintersday jp once, 1 times in divinities reach, and once in ebg at QL. https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/652727034023378964/1190865147850407956/image.png?ex=65a35a98&is=6590e598&hm=73da96b29e13e8abbf121fa8ff3f59b6d3d07bc0dc0643eefcdfb7c606523700&. This is the error I got, I tried to log back in and it won't let me, I turned off my AMD graphics card, it let me in no issue at all, but it's so laggy that I can't do anything even after turning my graphics all the way down.

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