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Love the world of GW2, but the classes :/ (HELP)

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I have been buying the game since day one, each DLC and EXP. But here is the thing, love the world. But I can't seem to find any class I enjoy playing.

Keep quitting as the classes are boring to me or don't feel like something for me (Maybe I have not tried all or not had enough points)

But I keep quitting, but REALLY want to play the game 😕

In other MMORPGs, like Wow I always play as a DK, warrior, or paladin. Love 2h wep. and death.

In other MMORPGs, its always 2h wep classes.

But I tried warrior and they feel so weak, that is boring to play IMO.

DI don'tl ike when the rotation is way too complicated. 


What class should i play? 

REally like the necro spec with the 2h, but seems like lame to play a class and can only play one mastery and never change it up

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32 minutes ago, Deathleecher.8532 said:

What class should i play?

You should fully level a profession to have access to all traits before dismissing a class completely.

For two-handed sword there are several options: Guardian (Dragonhunter), Necromancer (Reaper), Mesmer (Power Virtuoso, Chronomancer), Warrior (Berserker), or Revenant. Ranger (Power Soulbeast with Greatsword or Hammer) is also possible.

Which of these professions would be most to your liking is a question only you can answer. Since you like the "death theme", Necromancer should be right for you, but as you yourself acknowledged, only Reaper really plays Greatsword. Revenant could be another viable choice for you, it's also quite complex (i.e., not "boring").

For a full list on current meta-apt builds, you can check this site that covers all game modes.

Edited by Ashantara.8731
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If you liked Deathknight in WoW I would suggest Reaper (necromancer spec). It's big health, big damage, big crowd control. Just feels really fun and satisfying to me to see those big numbers while my character just cleaves away in front of him. 


REally like the necro spec with the 2h, but seems like lame to play a class and can only play one mastery and never change it up

Necro's can certainly play their other specs as well. Harbinger is quite fun as well and Scourge is a strong healer.

I wouldn't give up on the other classes either. There are LI (low intensity) builds for most classes/specs out there to uncomplicate a rotation. 

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It sounds like you're giving up on classes a bit too early. You can't really get a good feel for them unless you've unlocked enough of their kit.
This doesn't mean you have to level up all the classes to max from scratch before you can decide. What I did for myself, was find gameplay videos out there of people playing a particular class I'm interested in. If it looks good for me, I then look more into it to see if it has the right amount of complexity for me (through the wiki, posts of people talking about its rotations, or just more videos). If I'm still interested, then I'll give it a go in game and level up the class.

Try different types of weapons. It's easy to unlock most of the weapon skills by just buying the cheapest ones available for the class from the TP and equipping them. Then run around with them and see how they feel. But keep in mind that weapons are but a part of a class' build, and that certain things like boons and traits can affect how one can feel. For example, you may find that a class may move too slow, but there's various things you can do to make it move quicker and be more fluid.

When/if you've played the game enough, you get access to XP scrolls and tomes, which you can use for leveling other new characters when you'd like to try a new class. The PvP lobby is another way you can preview skills and traits that you haven't unlocked. You don't have to join a match or anything, just stay in the lobby and look at your character's traits and skills from there.

I also liked the Deathknight from WoW, and I agree with the other person who said Reaper might be a good start for you.

18 hours ago, Deathleecher.8532 said:

REally like the necro spec with the 2h, but seems like lame to play a class and can only play one mastery and never change it up

I'm not sure what you mean by this. You can change your class up pretty significantly since there's different components to a build: traitlines/specializations, the particular traits you choose, armor types, weapons, the runes and sigils you have for them, the utility skills you use, etc. You can change these up anytime, so you shouldn't worry about being "kept" to a particular playstyle. We even have build templates now that allows you to switch around between builds.

For example, for my ranger, I have a build made for a Druid, Soulbeast, and Untamed. I have different armors for them, one for dealing condition damage and more survivability, and another that's focused on power damage. I have different skills for these, as well as weapons. All these play differently, and I switch between them whenever I want as long as I'm out of combat if I want to change things up. GW2 is far from a game that pushes you to only "master" one class and not change it up; in fact, it encourages the opposite.

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On 12/28/2023 at 3:35 PM, Deathleecher.8532 said:

In other MMORPGs, like Wow I always play as a DK, warrior, or paladin. Love 2h wep. and death.

In other MMORPGs, its always 2h wep classes.

  If you like death Elemenatalist is a good starting point; downstate is oftenly considered part of its rotation...

  If you like hitting with 2 handed weapons Vindicator is decent, albeit the celestial builds are stronger foir solo (in PvP and WvW you can keep using the greatsword, tho).

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I also like GS on Herald.
Skill 2 and 5 on cooldown, fill with auto attack.
Needs the unlock to use GS on Herald in SotO though (weapon master?).

GS on warrior would be an alternative if you could move while doing skill 2. As it is now it is no fun, damage gets lost when the enemy moves, and they actually do that often. Hammer/GS warrior could be so fun.

(GS on guard is utterly boring and feel so slow. GS on mesmer doesn't feel like sword at all. GS on necro is ok, also feels a bit to slow for my taste)

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17 hours ago, Buran.3796 said:

  If you like death Elemenatalist is a good starting point; downstate is oftenly considered part of its rotation...

  If you like hitting with 2 handed weapons Vindicator is decent, albeit the celestial builds are stronger foir solo (in PvP and WvW you can keep using the greatsword, tho).

Jokes aside, a trailblazer fire/earth tempest or weaver build with hammer is quite durable and deals excellent damage in solo play.  In group play with viper stats they're both top tier DPS as well.

Here's a clip of Condi hammer tempest straight facetanking a champion while dealing over 20k DPS solo just camping fire and pushing buttons off cooldown.

Edited by AliamRationem.5172
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On 12/29/2023 at 10:38 AM, meerfunkuhtron.9725 said:

It sounds like you're giving up on classes a bit too early. You can't really get a good feel for them unless you've unlocked enough of their kit.
This doesn't mean you have to level up all the classes to max from scratch before you can decide. What I did for myself, was find gameplay videos out there of people playing a particular class I'm interested in. If it looks good for me, I then look more into it to see if it has the right amount of complexity for me (through the wiki, posts of people talking about its rotations, or just more videos). If I'm still interested, then I'll give it a go in game and level up the class.

Try different types of weapons. It's easy to unlock most of the weapon skills by just buying the cheapest ones available for the class from the TP and equipping them. Then run around with them and see how they feel. But keep in mind that weapons are but a part of a class' build, and that certain things like boons and traits can affect how one can feel. For example, you may find that a class may move too slow, but there's various things you can do to make it move quicker and be more fluid.

When/if you've played the game enough, you get access to XP scrolls and tomes, which you can use for leveling other new characters when you'd like to try a new class. The PvP lobby is another way you can preview skills and traits that you haven't unlocked. You don't have to join a match or anything, just stay in the lobby and look at your character's traits and skills from there.

I also liked the Deathknight from WoW, and I agree with the other person who said Reaper might be a good start for you.

I'm not sure what you mean by this. You can change your class up pretty significantly since there's different components to a build: traitlines/specializations, the particular traits you choose, armor types, weapons, the runes and sigils you have for them, the utility skills you use, etc. You can change these up anytime, so you shouldn't worry about being "kept" to a particular playstyle. We even have build templates now that allows you to switch around between builds.

For example, for my ranger, I have a build made for a Druid, Soulbeast, and Untamed. I have different armors for them, one for dealing condition damage and more survivability, and another that's focused on power damage. I have different skills for these, as well as weapons. All these play differently, and I switch between them whenever I want as long as I'm out of combat if I want to change things up. GW2 is far from a game that pushes you to only "master" one class and not change it up; in fact, it encourages the opposite.

If i play the necro with a 2h sword, I'm locked into one mastery, I cant change must right?

Dont really care about 1h , DW and so on

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1 hour ago, Deathleecher.8532 said:

If i play the necro with a 2h sword, I'm locked into one mastery, I cant change must right?

Dont really care about 1h , DW and so on

The latest expansion gives you weaponmaster, which lets you use elite spec weapons for your class on any spec you choose.  But without it, yes, the elite spec weapon is specific to that spec.

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12 hours ago, Deathleecher.8532 said:

If i play the necro with a 2h sword, I'm locked into one mastery, I cant change must right?

Dont really care about 1h , DW and so on

If you don't have Weapon Mastery, as someone else mentioned, then yes you will have to play Reaper if you want to use the greatsword.
But I would suggest actually trying out the class first before worrying about not liking it. If you end up liking it, great! You can keep playing it. If you don't like it, that's fine, because there are other classes out there that uses the greatsword which gives you a lot of chances to find what works for you. As we've said though, Reaper is a solid spec that resembles the Death Knight from WoW. Give it a whirl, then rinse and repeat if you find you'd like something else. Just make sure you're giving the classes a fair chance.

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14 hours ago, Deathleecher.8532 said:

If i play the necro with a 2h sword, I'm locked into one mastery, I cant change must right?

Dont really care about 1h , DW and so on

if you have secrets of the obscure, talk to frode after the first story mission to unlock weaponmaster training. after this you can use the greatsword on scourge, which actually works pretty well since scourge has no shroud and can take the greatsword and signets for a mighty (and very tanky) power build.


it doesn't work very well on harbinger since they're intentionally designed to be fully ranged.


you could try this open-world build, which gives you permanent 25 might, fury, protection, swiftness, alacrity and quickness, along with lots of barriers and cleanses and is fully crit-capped assuming the use of ascended trinkets (easily obtainable from living world seasons):


Edited by SoftFootpaws.9134
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  • 2 weeks later...

skipping the wow classes as I have not played wow, here are some gw2 classes that can use 2H weapons (or at least one of their 2h weapons) melee or partly melee (is melee what you're looking for? i had thought of paladin as a caster but in wow seems melee)




thief with daredevil or weaponsmaster (thwack with a staff, awesome)

also warrior might be better with an elite spec. my warrior is like lvl 10 so I can't recommend one over the others.

Edited by willow.8209
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On 12/30/2023 at 3:09 PM, AliamRationem.5172 said:

Here's a clip of Condi hammer tempest straight facetanking a champion while dealing over 20k DPS solo just camping fire and pushing buttons off cooldown.

Tsk... You realise that it's a side of elementalist that the elementalist community don't want anyone to acknowledge?

I'm genuinely surprised that even after 2 weeks you didn't get a flood of confused e-motes for daring to show proof that elementalist can be sturdy, deal decent damage and not very difficult to play.

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