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Can We Talk About How Bad Your Spec is? (points to you).

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Garbage tier specs:

  • 1.) Mechanist - Basically negative 2 people on any given team. They do everything wrong.
  • 2.) Firebrand - Will always be replaced by Core Guard Supp because it's still better.
  • 3.) Druid - Pigeonholed into some weird side-node condi bunker that isn't better than other sidenoder specs.
  • 4.) Scrapper - Has bursts but 0 self sustains and will always get farmed, especially now that DH exists.
  • If you're not a necro, czerk, or specter and you play a condi build, add yourself to the list

DH got so many buffs all at once that Anet didn't consider just.... how bad other specs already were. (or how bad the playerbase actually are).

There is an absurd amount of baddies running condi XYZ builds not knowing a DH can literally go Hunter's Fortification to counter their already-meme condi spec. Honestly... players need to stop running condi and learn a power build even IF they have to go more bunker oriented for a sense of security. I'm not talking to players who are already Plat... it's everyone else who hasn't got a clue. Sometimes dual cleanse sigils is enough to counter your meme condi build.

Thoughts on DH as a Guard main:
I don't like DH Trap Aegis spam. For a number of reasons.

It's fun rn because it's meme and maybe there's a place for... that kind of solo-node "War 2.0", slow mobility playstyle, but no one asked for it.  A lot of us DH players were accustomed to reactive traps that gave superspeed, enabling DH to kite (longbow oriented), whose positioning awareness playstyle actually had a skill ceiling; yet, anyone can now spam traps and gain value. And this is coming from a Guard main that never liked Longbow.....I applaud the Devs for Hammer changes ❤️ 


Edited by Saiyan.1704
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2 hours ago, Saiyan.1704 said:

Scrapper - Has bursts but 0 self sustains and will always get farmed, especially now that DH exists.

Ranked qs or??? Scrapper plays rlly well into dh my pov AT but I play with dps who engage my targetcalls to strip aegis for my 100-0 go's.. Also really unhinged post you make alt accs to play the same build/same region to collect baron titles?? 

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Lol, OP you are one of the reasons why I think the game would become much better, if there would be a hard cap of damage at 20k DPS.

Just because something isn't optimal according your preferences, doesn't mean that others should have the same preferences as you nor should they select builds according to that.

Edited by Dayra.7405
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11 hours ago, ccccc.4963 said:

Ranked qs or??? Scrapper plays rlly well into dh my pov AT but I play with dps who engage my targetcalls to strip aegis for my 100-0 go's.. Also really unhinged post you make alt accs to play the same build/same region to collect baron titles?? 

Rank queue. No one here is talking about coordinated teams in AT/mAT.

Collect baron titles? Why do you ask, are people buying? Because I can meme and grind out Baron titles all day on any account.... it isn't difficult.

It's not a secret that nayaiS.6041 is my alt. The character name literally says, Saiyans Alt, lol. And it's a 7year old account too. Also my 1 and only alt.... though, I'm thinking of getting an EU account to play with a few friends there.

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16 hours ago, Saiyan.1704 said:

Garbage tier specs:

  • 1.) Mechanist - Basically negative 2 people on any given team. They do everything wrong.
  • 2.) Firebrand - Will always be replaced by Core Guard Supp because it's still better.
  • 3.) Druid - Pigeonholed into some weird side-node condi bunker that isn't better than other sidenoder specs.
  • 4.) Scrapper - Has bursts but 0 self sustains and will always get farmed, especially now that DH exists.
  • If you're not a necro, czerk, or specter and you play a condi build, add yourself to the list

*struts into thread on condi thief and an overwhelmingly large sense of entitlement*


Honestly... players need to stop running condi and learn a power build 

trUUUUUUUUUUU- but it won't happen, unfortunately, You'd need to do something wretched like removing rabid amulet to get that future. 


 Lol, OP you are one of the reasons I think the game would become much better, if there would be a hard cap of damage at 20k DPS.

mfw people want to cap the amount of damage players can do

Edited by Azure The Heartless.3261
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@Saiyan.1704I generally agree with most of your post but as your semi often duo partner i feel compelled to remind you that you often duo with a condi tempest named Maris who also has an account Siram (some dumb DH gave me the idea😚) both of which accounts are mid p1 and do quite fine holding their own. I refuse to add myself to the trash heap but will throw some wood on the fire you already started 😃

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47 minutes ago, MarisGolding.3297 said:

@Saiyan.1704I generally agree with most of your post but as your semi often duo partner i feel compelled to remind you that you often duo with a condi tempest named Maris who also has an account Siram (some dumb DH gave me the idea😚) both of which accounts are mid p1 and do quite fine holding their own. I refuse to add myself to the trash heap but will throw some wood on the fire you already started 😃

Add as much wood as you can! I want the fire to be visible for miles!

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5 hours ago, Khalisto.5780 said:

not sure about druid tho, it won EU mat, with some sort of bunker semi support build, not sure if that build would be a thing on ranked or it requires team coordination to play well.

From my perspective, it requires zero team coordination to play well.  I only play it and have played against Naru/CJ/<insert name here> top 10's on opposite teams with games being very close--last one only lost 480-500.

Currently I'm sitting at I think a mere 1420--but I've never duo'd in ranked, and at one point this season I decided just to grind out games for Wizard Vault and went 1490 => 1260 (lol) and since basically only have played enough games to get on the board...if I was trying harder / grinding out more games maybe could have top 100 with it.  

That's why out of any spec I like Druid as it really does require a certain amount of skill to be helpful on as so many things shut it down now.  If you CAN play it well, then I think it's something to be proud of--well as proud as anyone can be in this balance nightmare 😂.

Edited by Gotejjeken.1267
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I'm currently enjoying playing dagger/pistol mirage even though it's not useful past gold 2. But instead of saying it's bad, I'm gonna say daze spam from the ambush is pretty crazy. It should definitely get a nerf. I feel bad about the people I stun/daze lock to death and all I really do is spam pistol 5 and ambushes. 🤷

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6 hours ago, Azure The Heartless.3261 said:

You'd need to do something wretched like removing rabid amulet to get that future. 

I don't think you'd actually need to do that if picking rabid meant that you were (relatively more) weak against condition damage, since toughness doesn't affect em.
But the ability to handle conditions comes from every other aspect of the buildcraft, and the specs that can get away with wearing rabid also tend to handle conditions really well, so they're not really making any sort of trades or hard decisions for it. Less strike damage, I guess, if that matters to the build.

I don't think it's good by any means, but I also think the players that pick mechanist make it look a lot worse than it is too. Like, across the whole game it's a spec that doesn't teach you how to play very well, arguably intentionally so. 

anyways toss renegade on the list because im selfish, buff me thanks

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5 minutes ago, Shagie.7612 said:

anyways toss renegade on the list because im selfish, buff me

There is nothing selfish about this XD

Renegade is THE worst, and least played profession, and its not even close.    (yes i know FB exists!)

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8 hours ago, ArthurDent.9538 said:

Scrapper is THE most popular dps in top tier play while druid has been seeing lots of meta usage lately including winning the last MaT iirc. Weird choices for garbage tier specs.

Saiyan doesn't realize he's the problem with mm as the unqualified "plat" player in a lobby who doesn't match the other teams plats-- this thread probably came out of frustration on a bad q session on the meaningless alt account

Classes are whatever it's when you don't put yourself in winning trades on map for the 'role' your build/rating should be matching

Just had a game where the p2 coregod x marci duo on my team avoided any teamfight or side node vs the other teams p2 duo. Just run far and chase a nameless mech/virt player! Not sure how anet can help these traumatized ranked players

Edited by ccccc.4963
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4 hours ago, Sahne.6950 said:

There is nothing selfish about this XD

Renegade is THE worst, and least played profession, and its not even close.    (yes i know FB exists!)

I don't know about the current situation of renegade but it was one of the best specs for countering DH before EoD.

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7 hours ago, Frequency.6407 said:

I don't know about the current situation of renegade but it was one of the best specs for countering DH before EoD.

The current situation has never been worse for ren, it really is the most pointless dps spec going. The legend abilitys are great on paper, but bad in practice, they are a downgrade from herald/vindi and even core. The only real thing ren had going for it was shortbow+pierce, which all specs have now. It can have high bleed condi or higher crit, but that isnt worth losing vindi/herald legends, or even extra damage/sustain from another core line.


There is some very promosing support/condi ren point builds (ironic for what is suppose to be a ranged spec) that me and another poster here tried. The scepter might actually make that build more viable as a side noder/main point support, the ren legends really lack quick sustain (but are very good when they work) its all cast and all aoe fields that fights often move out of, the scepter might fix that gap with the shielding on the move. It would be pretty hillarious if ren, the ranged dps, became the best point support of rev.

Edited by Flowki.7194
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10 hours ago, ccccc.4963 said:

Saiyan doesn't realize he's the problem with mm as the unqualified "plat" player in a lobby who doesn't match the other teams plats-- this thread probably came out of frustration on a bad q session on the meaningless alt account

What is it with your posts that has an absurd amount of assumptions to them. Circle the first three letters of that word.

By the way gg 2minutes ago. Figured the score would be closer but guess yalls thief wasn't thiefing very well.

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18 minutes ago, Saiyan.1704 said:

What is it with your posts that has an absurd amount of assumptions to them.

Is this supposed to be a serious thread? You giving a tiktok 'vibe' rate of classes? 


18 minutes ago, Saiyan.1704 said:

By the way gg 2minutes


18 minutes ago, Saiyan.1704 said:

but guess yalls thief wasn't thiefing very well.

Yeah he sat in spawn at the 11min mark , I personally wouldn't call that a good game but different bars for people I guess

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Posted (edited)
17 minutes ago, ccccc.4963 said:

Is this supposed to be a serious thread? You giving a tiktok 'vibe' rate of classes?

It sure got you vested in it.


"I'm not talking to players who are already Plat..."

Perhaps I should have emphasized this more in my OP.

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10 minutes ago, Saiyan.1704 said:

It sure got you vested in it.

Thread reads like the mount maz/flowki post so I engaged in it with another perfect take (as always) 

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