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Flaming your teammates doesn’t win games

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“Trash team can’t win when I’m 1v2”

“Can’t win games because of idiot teammates”


Understand this: 

The PvP population isn’t large enough to have consistently balanced matches.

It is not your teammates’ fault if they are being matched above their level. Flaming them doesn’t solve anything. 

If you want a higher rating, you have to carry harder.


Picture this scenario: 

You are a platinum player.

Your teammates are all silver.

Most likely the enemy team has 1 platinum player and 4 silver players. 


If you are losing, it means that the enemy’s good player is carrying better than you are. 


So how do you carry these games?

There are two main methods:


Method 1: Play high dps and win team-fights *fast*.

Simply winning the team-fights isn’t good enough, you have to win fast enough that you can snowball the rest of the map. Assume that your teammates have no dps and get the kills yourself before the enemy kills your team. 


Method 2: Play a side-noder and hold multiple players *without dying*. 

With huge emphasis on the *not dying* part. 

Your teammates are going to have inefficient rotations and poor targeting, so they need more time to win those fights even if they have a 4v3 advantage. 

If you die, then those 2 players you were holding are going to join the fight and destroy your team. 


Let’s have less flaming people who aren’t at fault for unbalanced matches, more of “what can I do to carry harder?”

Edited by Random Weird Guy.3528
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Excellent post.

Nothing useful to add really. But I'll say go for mid (Method 1) if you think you can overpower them otherwise avoid mid (if they have scourge/healer combo) and go for sidenodes. You can also tell your team to go far as you stall 3/4 people on mid which can work if they have 2 supports (as they'll lack the dps to kill you).



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Imagine entering a match where your team is ranked lower than you and immediately becoming the disney villain that offs their own minions when things don't go their way


Carry harder

People who solve this problem are responsible for every nerf thread.

You can probably begin to see why we have population issues now, as an aside.  The game balance(and in some cases the community) punishes people that carry AND punishes people that don't carry by giving them increasingly lopsided games where they must carry to win. 

Edited by Azure The Heartless.3261
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In one of the matches, one of our teammates before the match goes like, "Hey guys if we kill that DH at the start on mid then he'll start flaming his teammates and we'll win."

So we do exactly that and sure enough the DH starts flaming in map chat. And our whole team went rofl. You love it when a plan works.

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24 minutes ago, Frequency.6407 said:

In one of the matches, one of our teammates before the match goes like, "Hey guys if we kill that DH at the start on mid then he'll start flaming his teammates and we'll win."

So we do exactly that and sure enough the DH starts flaming in map chat. And our whole team went rofl. You love it when a plan works.

lmao, i always remember this tilted players and give this "tips" pre match, it's useful information and it wins games easily.

I add this ppl in my friendlist and nickname them like "tilts if loses first fight"

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Its the MMR, its too wide, with common games where dps ignore the likes of dead-eye/chrono after the first target drop /freecast. I don't play full support anymore for that kind of thing, purely down to MM range.

Edited by Flowki.7194
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Good post.

Just to add, flaming doesn't teach me anything. I already know I'm bad. Tell me what I did wrong. Tell me what I should have done. Tell me what I should be looking for. Tell me why the rotation was bad. If I get no constructive feedback it's hard to improve. 

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The low population also means a lot of the plat players know each other and play around each other, which makes it even worse for everyone below as they get laser focused by veterans no matter what during matches. I feel like this built up frustration also causes a lot of G2/3 players to devolve into intense toxicity even though they're often losing (especially when they're losing 5+ times in a row in fact). The post makes very good points but I also wonder if Anet really cares at all to attempting alleviating the problem themselves by, for instance, reducing the spread of the rating used for matchmaking in the first 10 or so minutes of queueing so people at least know they're going to have to carry if they don't have a full match found by that point.

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4 hours ago, Frequency.6407 said:

In one of the matches, one of our teammates before the match goes like, "Hey guys if we kill that DH at the start on mid then he'll start flaming his teammates and we'll win."

So we do exactly that and sure enough the DH starts flaming in map chat. And our whole team went rofl. You love it when a plan works.

Love it when such plans work 😂

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2 hours ago, Jedrik.3109 said:

Good post.

Just to add, flaming doesn't teach me anything. I already know I'm bad. Tell me what I did wrong. Tell me what I should have done. Tell me what I should be looking for. Tell me why the rotation was bad. If I get no constructive feedback it's hard to improve. 

That also backfires mostly 😅. When you try to calmly explain and strategise for the win just to get blocked because they can't handle tips 😂

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Intonation doesnt carry through text. If they're on a loss streak and being flamed all day, thats going to color your tips in a negative light. 

Pro tip as a LoL player: Don't offer targeted advice. 

Instead of "Stop feeding into far" which singles out the person who died far. 

I'd say something like "Play for mid+home" or "Avoid X player and we can win"


Also helps if you start matches with a simple greeting. Establish a positive atmosphere early. 

People will say "Community is too soft. I shouldn't have to-- ect" but one should never underestimate the power of keeping morale high. It's a low effort way to win more games over time.


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It doesn't work, people don't care, they just wanne do their own thing. Only time I see any real team work is duos, or supports who litterally depend on it.


I ahd a game where there was a bunker just sitting on our home. Next game he was on enemy side again. I told team mates he is bunker and just wants to waste your time. 2 team mates spent the entire game trying to kill him. Thats the basic mentality of players.

Edited by Flowki.7194
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  ^I think He posted the same in Reddit.

   My take: 

* Every player should have its rank vissible in every match, so players would be aware of how useless the matchmaker is with such low population.

* Duos should have been visible from the start, so knowing that and the ranks you should be aware of how unbalanced will be the math.

* Game should have a "surrender" vote system before even the match starts, since extremely unbalanced matches are a waste of time for veveryone.

* Chat should be disabled in PvP since if you really care about the aftermath chances are you're already in a duo or team using voip.

   Nothing of this will be implemented because Anet didn't provide a single new feature in PvP/WvW for a lustrum, and PvP had decayed to a point it will never recover. All is vain.


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9 hours ago, Random Weird Guy.3528 said:

Picture this scenario: 

You are a platinum player.

Your teammates are all silver.

Most likely the enemy team has 1 platinum player and 4 silver players. 

I wish, except that Duo Q is a thing--so likely if you are g3/plat, the enemy team could have two plats and 3 silvers--meaning you still lose.  This has happened twice to me in Naru games this season as he almost always plays with a duo.

This also doesn't factor in smurf duos, where you have one known plat player and the buddy on 'Johnny Asura Sins' or some nonsense alt that is in like silver but is a plat 2 main.  

The other times that I have been frustrated and people messaged to tell me that I was on a team with mostly silver / g1 is few, but it's happened two or three times now.  I'd probably say something about being gold 3 in chat then ask what the rankings of others were out of curiosity, and a few times I got whispers that matchmaker was putting like silver 2's with me.

Basically your second point about sidenoding and not dying is really they only way to SoloQ climb.  If you are holding attention of 2-3 ppl and still lose, then IMO you should blame your team lol.  

Edited by Gotejjeken.1267
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3 hours ago, arazoth.7290 said:

That also backfires mostly 😅. When you try to calmly explain and strategise for the win just to get blocked because they can't handle tips 😂

This is true too, but reverse for me...had to actually block someone for whispering me in the middle of a game to tell me to 'stop afk'ing on home node' when there was a bunker untamed actively trying to camp it.  So, if I moved, they'd just decap and / or backcap it. 

So I ignored and blocked them, and we won 500-300 or something as said untamed was now not holding their own home or bothering mid and our thief just kept decapping their home and we won the mid fights.  

But, I have also been blocked for yelling 'I like bears' in chat on spirit watch when doing unranked--a player on my own team seemingly took offense to this, afk'd, and started spamming chat for the opposite side to win.  They didn't...but I lol'd.  

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9 hours ago, Frequency.6407 said:

In one of the matches, one of our teammates before the match goes like, "Hey guys if we kill that DH at the start on mid then he'll start flaming his teammates and we'll win."

So we do exactly that and sure enough the DH starts flaming in map chat. And our whole team went rofl. You love it when a plan works.

Lmao that literally worked for us yesterday 

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2 hours ago, Gotejjeken.1267 said:

This is true too, but reverse for me...had to actually block someone for whispering me in the middle of a game to tell me to 'stop afk'ing on home node' when there was a bunker untamed actively trying to camp it.  So, if I moved, they'd just decap and / or backcap it. 

So I ignored and blocked them, and we won 500-300 or something as said untamed was now not holding their own home or bothering mid and our thief just kept decapping their home and we won the mid fights.  

But, I have also been blocked for yelling 'I like bears' in chat on spirit watch when doing unranked--a player on my own team seemingly took offense to this, afk'd, and started spamming chat for the opposite side to win.  They didn't...but I lol'd.  

yeaa some 😅. I once got blocked for the following reason he wrote " I don't like you breathing, watching you even ". 

Now what was the cause, I just stood afk in heart of the mist outside the ffa 😂😂😂

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People who flame their teammates are bad players, though. So even suggesting they can carry at all is laughable.

Good players already understand what you're talking about and so when they lose, they tend to lose with dignity.

Edited by Buzzbugs.1236
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On 1/5/2024 at 12:06 PM, Random Weird Guy.3528 said:

“Trash team can’t win when I’m 1v2”

“Can’t win games because of idiot teammates”


Understand this: 

The PvP population isn’t large enough to have consistently balanced matches.

It is not your teammates’ fault if they are being matched above their level. Flaming them doesn’t solve anything. 

If you want a higher rating, you have to carry harder.


Picture this scenario: 

You are a platinum player.

Your teammates are all silver.

Most likely the enemy team has 1 platinum player and 4 silver players. 


If you are losing, it means that the enemy’s good player is carrying better than you are. 


So how do you carry these games?

There are two main methods:


Method 1: Play high dps and win team-fights *fast*.

Simply winning the team-fights isn’t good enough, you have to win fast enough that you can snowball the rest of the map. Assume that your teammates have no dps and get the kills yourself before the enemy kills your team. 


Method 2: Play a side-noder and hold multiple players *without dying*. 

With huge emphasis on the *not dying* part. 

Your teammates are going to have inefficient rotations and poor targeting, so they need more time to win those fights even if they have a 4v3 advantage. 

If you die, then those 2 players you were holding are going to join the fight and destroy your team. 


Let’s have less flaming people who aren’t at fault for unbalanced matches, more of “what can I do to carry harder?”

you'd be surprised how many times we went from losing to winning after calling my team trash, its an hidden game mechanic.

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