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How to remove afkers and bot rewards farmers during PVP.

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  • 1) Don't give rewards nor reward track EXP to a loser team.
  • 2) Winning team gets 3x the EXP, Rewards & reward track EXP.

Problem solved!

They can't farm if they don't put real effort into winning the match. Out of 10 PVP matches, even winning 1 - 3 PVP matches will grant massive rewards and tracks EXP to compensate your loss. So at the end, it's a really good change.

ofc, haters and farmers gonna give that confused face (dislike).

Edited by August.5934
typo correction
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they already fixed it, in 38 days the new open world legendary armor will be available, there're ppl with all the mats ready for it, most will just start when the patch drops. Then nobody will choose to farm pvp legendary armor, all the trolls left dont care about rewards, they troll for the sake of trolling.

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11 hours ago, August.5934 said:
  • 1) Don't give rewards nor reward track EXP to a loser team.
  • 2) Winning team gets 3x the EXP, Rewards & reward track EXP.

Problem solved!

They can't farm if they don't put real effort into winning the match. Out of 10 PVP matches, even winning 1 - 3 PVP matches will grant massive rewards and tracks EXP to compensate your loss. So at the end, it's a really good change.

ofc, haters and farmers gonna give that confused face (dislike).

That doesn't prevent emo quitters, in fact it may motivate the more malicious of them

That doesn't motivate players who just lost a evenly fought match game and got nothing for their time and effort (also against GW2 principles)

That removes the incentive for players who play for the fun of it even when they are losing.

That punishes new players.

Not well thought out.

Edited by Bladestrom.6425
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5 hours ago, Wolf.1972 said:

But how would you get your rewards then? 🥺 I'd feel so bad for you considering you don't win often 😔

By winning. 

at the current moment(Ranked PVP), when you lose a match; you get 4 points and winning gives you 10 points. and some EXP for Reward track (idk how much exactly).

So what i am trying to say is, if we lose we get 0 points & 0 EXP but if we win then we get 30 points and 3x the reward track EXP. tbh this is a great change that can't be abused by AFK'er and leechers. I have come across leechers countless time, player just Q to leech reward or go straight into enemy lair and do sucide to throw the match fast, why they do this is because they are rewarded for losing.

At the moment, gainning 20 points means you get the ranked PVP reward. Leechers lose 5 matches they get the reward box. Even if Anet makes it 2 points per loss, there will still be leechers and some ppl aren't gonna put effort because they will be rewarded non the less.

But if they are only rewarded for winning, hence 30 POINTS! + 3x Reward track EXP, i bet many players will stop slacking of and there will be no leechers to farm the lose reward. Players will start to give their all to win! They will start to make real strategies to win and start to fully work in team to win because losing gives no reward but winning will give massive rewards.(BRAINCELL OVERDRIVE! 😛 )

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4 hours ago, Bladestrom.6425 said:

That doesn't prevent emo quitters, in fact it may motivate the more malicious of them

sadly that's how world is as well, No matter the amount of good will, there will be malicious will to torment other just for fun but the changes i am suggesting will surely break the will of leechers in PVP... but who knows!? with the raise of malicous players, more hardcore competent players will raise as well. Look at the bright side 😉 

Edited by August.5934
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4 hours ago, Bladestrom.6425 said:

That punishes new players.

Not well thought out.

no punishment for newbies. They will learn to PVP and will start to win few matches overtime. Ranked PVP puts players with same rank in PVP where as Unranked PVP is a real gambel here. 1 Legendary ranked or  Platinum ranked player has the skill to take out 3 - 4 silver & bronze players. If you take a guess over it, Unranked PVP is the most punishing for newbies when they are up against higher ranked player in unranked match. Don't ask why would a legendary ranked be in unranked PVP, they got thier own reason to crush newbies and to break thier will (ruthless 😞

Edited by August.5934
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1 hour ago, Stalima.5490 said:

won't this just double the number of these since they now need someone on both teams to rig the winner to be more efficient?

i have my doubts over it as well. Normally Anet to makes changes to PVP so that a same class isn't there twice. 

example in 3v3: Sometime getting 3 mechanist or 1 ranger with 2 reapers ... so on. they should change it so that there is no same classes in 1 team. Both in 5v5 & 3v3, we got 9 classes so it's totally possible.

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I hope you eventually realize how easily exploitable this is by the current low, insular, friends among friends type of population we have now. Ironically your proposal would work out much better if we had a larger population. But now? DuoQ would very easily become a reverse farm central for the top accounts. Hell they could even start selling since they already know the ins and outs of match manipulation so well on top of being more experienced at the 10 year old conquest maps than most others. 

If Anet ever decides to give rewards only to winners they'd be merely acknowledging to have given up on sPvP, as it'll be actually easier to be a farmer with a fully premade team in Unranked and especially as a duo in ranked. Again, I would take the option to get the same rewards in average by taking more for only winning, but certainly not in the current state of match manipulation.

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It wouldn't work any better, lol
The same people who currently afk would just give up immediately if the very first fight was lost, in order to get into the next match faster. Bots are automated and eventually hit a point where their win/loss would stabilize so it's not like they care.

The only solution that's ever gonna work is to actively put in the effort towards punishing it. As has always been the case in every single game. You're not gonna design around it.

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It's common sense. Give someone something for doing nothing and they will be incentivized to keep doing nothing.

There's still going to be a handful of people who afk just for the sake of wasting everyone's time, including their own, but the numbers are way exaggerated here.

Best way to ensure people stop afking is to remove the freebie reward and have Anet enforce the TOS they came up with by giving dishonour to AFKs and banning the ones that do it all the time.


And if you're getting confused emojis it means you're right. Keep it up 👍

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23 hours ago, August.5934 said:

.1 Legendary ranked or  Platinum ranked player has the skill to take out 3 - 4 silver & bronze players.

We can also carry a team with 1 AFK player.  If you have more than one, then most likely no one likes you, or the game went really badly (like 50-500 bad).  

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22 hours ago, Shagie.7612 said:

The same people who currently afk would just give up immediately if the very first fight was lost, in order to get into the next match faster.

This is the case for every game that has PVP matches but the point of this post is to remove the leechers & farmers who only join to get the rewards. If players aren't rewarded for losing then i am very sure, over time.. players will start to take the PVP matches abit more seriously cause of winning reward.

unfortunately there is no cure for those with weak will who gives up the very first min they die. It same in every game sadly 😞

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18 hours ago, Multicolorhipster.9751 said:

Best way to ensure people stop afking is to remove the freebie reward and have Anet enforce the TOS they came up with by giving dishonour to AFKs and banning the ones that do it all the time.

Just give no reward for losing. If they Q to bore & waste ppls time then they will overtime quit it cause they ain't rewarded anymore and only thing happening to them is they losing thier rank faster to the bronze league. 

idk but only a real idiot would try to troll by wasting time and  there is no loss reward there anymore either. Others will eventually keep climbing the rank or be fortunate to not have that same guy in the match.

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2 hours ago, Gotejjeken.1267 said:

We can also carry a team with 1 AFK player.  If you have more than one, then most likely no one likes you, or the game went really badly (like 50-500 bad).  

I know you can. The hardest ladder to climb the rank is from silver to gold cause most of leechers are all in silver rank 😔

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3 hours ago, August.5934 said:

the point of this post is to remove the leechers & farmers who only join to get the rewards.

Right, but what I'm saying is, this change won't actually go that far towards improving that.

Bots and the true AFK-from-start players will eventually tank to such low ratings that they'll hit a relatively stable win/loss ratio, plus they're automated so it's not like the people who bot care.
And the people who currently rage quit or whatever else are doing it out of anger, they're not going to stop and would be even more likely to give up after the first lost teamfight simply to get into the next match quicker for a new chance at a win. The standard gg afk go next response won't change.

I think it's great to want to combat bots and afkers, but I don't think doing this is going to radically solve the problem you have, because it's not one that you're going to solve by making design decisions.

e: I'm also not saying that it's pointless to make any changes to the reward tracks, or they shouldn't or anything. If anything, giving more progress in general would be great, which is something your change would do for almost everyone.
I just don't think it'd alleviate the pain.

Edited by Shagie.7612
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Full disclosure; I'm a PvE player first and a WvW player second. I'm trash at sPvP (I've never been ranked higher than Gold 2.) That being said, this would make PvP even more of a ghost town than it already is. The biggest problem with PvP is there's not enough players of enough skill levels for matchmaking to do its job. So you end up with bronze and silver level players getting repeatedly matched against platinum and legend players and getting curbstomped. I once went 0-7 in a single night. Going 7 losses in a row is demoralizing enough without taking away what little rewards I could get from that.

I think a better way to go about it would be a personal Participation reward system; actively participating by killing enemy players, capturing points, and accomplishing map objectives would build up a stacking pip and reward track bonus that would be award at the end of a match. We also need more robust catch-up mechanics so that the losing team at least has a decent chance of pulling a comeback, or at least snatching the near victory bonus. I think win or lose, as long as you're actively participating you should be rewarded for your time. I'm willing to bet that a lot of the people that AFK through matches do so because that had so many losing streaks even when they were giving it their all that they just gave up and decided they were gonna lose no matter what they do, so why even try?

You guys wonder why your gamemode isn't getting much active support, the reason why is it's incredibly hostile to new and casual players, and making losses hurt even more than they already do is only going to exacerbate the problem.

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- Stay in queue for 10min.

- Get match. 

- Check Team preview. 

- See that my team has worse setup. 

- Go midfight.

- Lose midfight. (we got destroyed) 

- Score 100 to 10.

- "Yep, match lost" 

- No reason to fight anymore. 

- Option A. Go Afk. 

- Get reported. 

- Option. B. Feed enemy points to get out of a time wasting match quicker. 

- Get reported. 

- Option C. Pretend to care and "fight". 

- Waste unnecessary lifetime for literally nothing. 



Edited by DanAlcedo.3281
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3 minutes ago, Ruufio.1496 said:

I mean this is self inflicted from all people of the moron generation. Generation z is it? Or is it something else now. I remember playing castle wars in runescape almost 20 years ago and it was PACKED on all servers and everyone was playing it just to have fun. There were no rewards other than cosmetic armor which I think had the stats of adamantite? And it took so many tickets barely anyone ever got it. Everyone played for fun. Same with every other minigame. Now all minigames in runescape are dead as far as I know. Why? Because a generation moved on and a .... "New" one... ew... came along. *BarfFaceEmogi*


So I read all of your post but really it can all be condensed into that last word you wrote: "Fun"

Because it IS fun. And it WAS fun when the game was newly released. SPvP was quite lively back then, actually. Why? Probably because it was a different generation - literally.  Hotjoin was kitten awesome and everyone is wrong for thinking otherwise. You could almost argue that removing hotjoin killed spvp. Hotjoin was FUN.


There seems to be a global problem in general with the newest generation in 1st world countries. THAT is the real problem.

Gen z. Yeah.

Playing games for Fun is soooo 1990s tho.

Now its about farming participation rewards.


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On 1/21/2024 at 5:45 PM, August.5934 said:

Just give no reward for losing. If they Q to bore & waste ppls time then they will overtime quit it cause they ain't rewarded anymore and only thing happening to them is they losing thier rank faster to the bronze league. 

idk really I think some of them are okay. Top stat and near-victory pips are fine cause they encourage ppl to at least try but top stats are worth 1 pip each and near-victory is only worth 2. Meanwhile you get 3 just for being there no matter what, and that does no good for getting people to try. Realistically if someone contributes nothing to a blowout loss then they deserve to get absolutely nothing and at least 72 hours of dishonour at the bare minimum if that was their intention from the get-go.

On 1/21/2024 at 5:45 PM, August.5934 said:

idk but only a real idiot would try to troll by wasting time and  there is no loss reward there anymore either. Others will eventually keep climbing the rank or be fortunate to not have that same guy in the match.

I feel that, I don't know what the people in this thread are talking about. I don't doubt that there are petty people like that who pvp willing to waste everyone's time including their own just out of pure spite, but I don't think there's enough to ever consider it an issue.

What will most likely happen is the people who afk pip-farm will probably leave pvp entirely if they can't get rewarded for doing nothing, which is an absolute good for the rest of us because they aren't playing the game to begin with.

PvP need to be purged frfr

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On 1/20/2024 at 8:15 AM, Wolf.1972 said:

But how would you get your rewards then? 🥺 I'd feel so bad for you considering you don't win often 😔

So 3x times rewards for winning.

My spitball math says, that afk will be even more profitable because the game tryhards to force a 50/50 w/l.

Bots will si k to whatever and be carried along with hyper bads...


This solution is HORRIBLE

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On 1/22/2024 at 3:37 PM, Ruufio.1496 said:

I mean this is self inflicted from all people of the moron generation. Generation z is it? Or is it something else now. I remember playing castle wars in runescape almost 20 years ago and it was PACKED on all servers and everyone was playing it just to have fun. There were no rewards other than cosmetic armor which I think had the stats of adamantite? And it took so many tickets barely anyone ever got it. Everyone played for fun. Same with every other minigame. Now all minigames in runescape are dead as far as I know. Why? Because a generation moved on and a .... "New" one... ew... came along. *BarfFaceEmogi*


So I read all of your post but really it can all be condensed into that last word you wrote: "Fun"

Because it IS fun. And it WAS fun when the game was newly released. SPvP was quite lively back then, actually. Why? Probably because it was a different generation - literally.  Hotjoin was kitten awesome and everyone is wrong for thinking otherwise. You could almost argue that removing hotjoin killed spvp. Hotjoin was FUN.


There seems to be a global problem in general with the newest generation in 1st world countries. THAT is the real problem. And I\if I could give myself an award "like" for this post I would. So I will rely on you to do it for me thanks.

I remember castle wars yes, lovely.

Still play mostly for fun. But it's nice there are atleast some few more rewards here then castle wars hehe.

I prefere this though over castle wars, more fun imo

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