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I'm about to realize this build and will soon be lvl 80 (but I'm still working on the personal story):

Nowhere in the build is it explained which mastery points you should invest in (except for weapon mastery, which is important for this build).

Where should you start, what is most important or should you unlock everything bit by bit?

Ps. I assume there are enough mastery points to unlock everything?

Thank you.

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Masteries aren't part of a build, they're account-wide effects that are always active on every character once you unlock them. Also in spite of the name Weaponmaster Training is an achievement, not a Mastery, so you don't need to get mastery points and train it up, you just need to get to the start of the 3rd chapter of SotO and talk to Frode to unlock it.

Most Masteries don't affect combat and are only relevant to the area of the game where they're unlocked, so with a few exceptions which ones you want to unlock first depends on where you are and what you're doing. More widely useful ones are:

Those are all active everywhere and will help with moving around the world and some other useful bits.

All mastery tracks are designed so the first few points are the most important and later ones are more situational or optional bonuses, so you don't need to get the whole mastery track unlocked, just the bits which are useful to you. Although there are more than enough mastery points available to unlock everything eventually.

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There are enough mastery points to unlock everything. Though mastery points mean something else - as Danikat already explained. There are account-wide:


For hero points - they are char-based:

You need those to unlock your skills and traits. And there are enough in the game to unlock everything. For the elite specs you need to to hero challenges from the expansions. (They give more and only maxing everything in the core game won't even be enough to fully unlock one elite spec I think.


Weaponmaster training (Danikat linked that already and explaind it) means you can use a weapon that is exclusive to an elite spec ... without that elite spec (playing the core profession or a different elite spec). I checked that build. Pistol is used in it. Originally (according to wiki) this is/was exclusive to the harbinger elite spec of the necromancer. With the weaponmaster training you can use it with the scoure elite (which that build uses) spec as well.

So you need to get the weaponmaster training and enough hero points to unlock the scoure elite spec.

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11 minutes ago, DoNotAimAtMe.3510 said:

Most Mastery points are found in the Open World, correct? Or are many also through archivments and where are they listed that I can see what needs to be done?

What you need in order to level a character's specializations are Hero Points, not Mastery Points.

As for your question, no, the majority of Mastery Points are locked behind Story and Achievements. The Achievements that award Mastery Points are marked as such in the Achievements Panel.

Edited by Ashantara.8731
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18 minutes ago, DoNotAimAtMe.3510 said:

Thanks for your answers, now it's clearer for me.

Most Mastery points are found in the Open World, correct? Or are many also through archivments and where are they listed that I can see what needs to be done?

Thank you.

Mastery Points are both in open world and in achievements. You can sort the achievements with the little cog next to the search bar on the achievements panel. There are a good amount of them and you'll usually end up with extra by the time you train everything so don't think you have to do every single one.

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2 hours ago, DoNotAimAtMe.3510 said:

Thanks for your answers, now it's clearer for me.

Most Mastery points are found in the Open World, correct? Or are many also through archivments and where are they listed that I can see what needs to be done?

Thank you.

Most mastery points will come through story, open world and achievements. They are linked to specific expansion (red = core Tyria, green = Hot...). Many players struggle to get all the core Tyria ones. For those Fractals and Living World season 2 are a big source.

Hero points on the other hand are all found in open world. You do get 250 through leveling. Youll need 250 more for each elite spec. Expansion maps are best source for them.

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The easiest one of Mastery Points is those that you can find Hero Panel called Mastery Insights.

Mastery Insights works the same way like Hero Challenge where you only need to get to that place and start to channel. After you have finished your channel you will now have one Mastery Point waiting in your screens right corner, which you need to consume to have that MI marked in that Mastery colour. Before that you can see on map those MI in grey colour as that indicate that you haven't yet got MP from that MI.

You can also find a list on GW2 wiki: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Mastery_Insight

Just know that with Icebrood Saga (IBS), there was some MI added that you can see on over world map, but can't access until you do Dragon Response Mission.

Use GW2 wiki to see which one. All that start with Dragon Response Mission in link about Mastery Insight is the one you need to go into an Instanced map [you can enter Public version and do either mission with random group there or solo to only get that MI]). You get there from Eye of The North and there you find an Asura gate which will lead to DRM and if you upgrade it from that NPC standing on left side of gate, you will also get direct access to all cities and your Home Instance.


As an example in Metrica there is one MI that you can't access until get into DRM for Metrica Province.

EDIT: To avoid misunderstanding - you don't need to get that blue (IBS) Mastery, just that when you are doing map completion and try to pick up all core Tyria Mastery Insight, it is possible that there are some you can't access yet (and they will be grey until you can). I use this just an example, so you understand why there is some MI that can be seen on main map and compass, but not yet get access to.



(Scroll down to Notes and you will see that information for Metrica Province map)

IBS Mastery Insight and Mastery Points are blue while Core Tyria's are red when you have channelled and consumed MI for that map.

Don't forget that World Bosses (and achievements related to those also will give you core Tyria Mastery Points. Check with Event Timer to when those WB happens and be there in time before WB event will start as map can fill up and you might land in an overflow map with too few players that are doing this WB.



Edited by ShadowCatz.8437
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21 hours ago, DoNotAimAtMe.3510 said:


I'm about to realize this build and will soon be lvl 80 (but I'm still working on the personal story):

Nowhere in the build is it explained which mastery points you should invest in (except for weapon mastery, which is important for this build).

Where should you start, what is most important or should you unlock everything bit by bit?

Ps. I assume there are enough mastery points to unlock everything?

Thank you.

For Personal Story you don't need to be focusing on a particular build. Personal Story where made with low level character that didn't have all traits, skills or even exotic gear yet. So PS can be done with the gear you have so far and skills.

While you increase in level you will also get Hero Points and some gear as reward. Do some map completion to unlock where you need to go for next part of your PS and you will get some mats, gear (from loot) and WP that you unlock on your way to next place where you that green map marker for story.

You collect Hero Challenge (Points) under your way and when you level 80 (as you are now), then you also have unlocked core build for your character.

After that just look in map for any Hero points train that usually are run by experienced players. Those players are often lead by a commander with a squad tag. You can join those trains from map, by hovering with mouse on that tag and you will see an option to join tag.


In HoT, PoF, EoD maps you will also get 10 Hero Points from one challenge instead of only one Hero Point. Those maps are a bit harder for first time players, but with a group that run Hero Challenge train you should be fine.

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14 hours ago, DoNotAimAtMe.3510 said:

Thank you, I still have one question: how can I hide the "daily goals" (blue) in the top right-hand corner? I haven't found an option for this or for the guideline (yellow).

Thank you.

If you mean that blue icon for the Wizard's Vault Objective, you can either open the Wizard's Vault panel at the top (Shift + H) or click on the daily itself, on the right. Then untick the icon with the shape of an eye, above the chest(s).

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34 minutes ago, Urud.4925 said:

If you mean that blue icon for the Wizard's Vault Objective, you can either open the Wizard's Vault panel at the top (Shift + H) or click on the daily itself, on the right. Then untick the icon with the shape of an eye, above the chest(s).

It is possible to collaps that line in UI when you click on it, so don't need to untick everything in Wizard's Vault, if you just to keep it out of the way.

You can collaps most of all UI elements that are on right side of your screen.

There is also two small icons to change what will be shown in this place of UI, click on that place where those icon is and it will toggle between Wizard's Vault and Watch  List for achievement.

You can see where Watch List in Hero Panel from this picture on GW2 wiki.


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I assume you are referring to the Central Tyria Masteries? If not, please be more specific.

If you started training Legendaries or Fractals, you certainly can switch to training Pact Commander.

If you are training a mastery in Pact Commander, but want to skip it and begin the next, that isn't how it works. You have to finish and unlock them in order.

What does "The XP is also gone again" mean?

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Yes exactly, I still need 2 points for "Pact Commander" but I'm so busy with all the content that I can't get to it at the moment 😉

But I think I've got a few more coming in Season 2 so I'm sure I'll get it done soon.

It also seems to me that masteries are more endgame anyway.

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28 minutes ago, DoNotAimAtMe.3510 said:

Yes exactly, I still need 2 points for "Pact Commander" but I'm so busy with all the content that I can't get to it at the moment 😉

But I think I've got a few more coming in Season 2 so I'm sure I'll get it done soon.

It also seems to me that masteries are more endgame anyway.

Masteries are designed to supplement end game or at leats post-80 progression

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44 minutes ago, DoNotAimAtMe.3510 said:

It also seems to me that masteries are more endgame anyway.

(Spoiler alert!) You're level 80. Everything is now end game.

Focus on Pact Commander, unlocking auto-loot makes life so much better.

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2 hours ago, DoNotAimAtMe.3510 said:

It also seems to me that masteries are more endgame anyway.

When you have one character at least at level 80 on your account, then Mastery (and its abilities/skills/features) will be what you will have access to in all your future characters (even low level) as it is shared on your account.

When you will create a new character, then you will have to do all Hero Challenges (to unlock professional build) and do map completion (to unlock at least WP and remove fog of war effect as when you haven't been on that map before you will not be able to see events and other stuff), but your new character will now have access to the same content, but with Mastery active for that character.

The definition of "Endgame" will depend on who you talk to and what they consider to be their goal; doing instanced grouped content like raids, strike mission or doing PvP in form of WvW or sPVP.

The base line is when you have a character at level 80 now you need to activate a Mastery Track (it where your XP will go when this Mastery Track is active - and you make it active/unlocked by using Master points - later in some cases you will have to do story step or achievement which then unlock that Mastery Track which is the way it works for getting started on mounts from PoF maps with SoTo this might have changed a bit as you get access to a base mount, but still need to work Mastery Track to unlock a permanent mount.)

Endgame in GW2 would mean that you at least have exotic gear as minimum tier on armour and weapon (fully unlocked professional build) and worked to get your ascended backpack and trinkets (as those now are easier to get then for some years ago).

GW2 is built on layers of progression which make it a horizontal progression system where don't have to hunt down any equipment with attributes that increase on weapon or armour which other games make use of (vertical progression). 


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9 hours ago, ShadowCatz.8437 said:

Endgame in GW2 would mean that you at least have exotic gear as minimum tier on armour and weapon (fully unlocked professional build) and worked to get your ascended backpack and trinkets (as those now are easier to get then for some years ago).

Exo gear I already have but for me it seems impossible and totally confusing how to get the stuff + materials for this build:

PS. Currently I'm still playing through the content of seasons and DLCs so I haven't done any real endgame runs yet.

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For the Mastery points, for example, I have now trained "Legendary Craftsmanship" but I don't want to award any points there yet because I'm saving for Pact Commanders, but now the yellow bar at the bottom no longer fills up with XP because I'm not awarding the point.

Furthermore, this annoying info pops up every few minutes that the skill is fully trained ? 😕

PS. So in fact beter not train until i have the mastery points to complete because this popup sucks and no exp get gained, right?

Edited by DoNotAimAtMe.3510
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