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3 hours ago, Robert Calais.8425 said:

Honestly, I didn't even think of upgrade extractors, because I never have any. *sigh*

Neither did I realize that having legendary runes not destroy non-legendary runes would practically give someone an infinite upgrade extractor. Simply because I'm not one to look out for things I can abuse. I'm just trying to get along. Which, by the way, is unbelievably difficult in a game that has literally zero accessibility options. Yet another thing I have been begging for for years and since given up on.

Side note, in case a moderator reads this: Yes, I know I shouldn't be posting multiple messages after another, but I don't know how I would have been able to have this block of text in my previous message, so that's just how it's gonna be.

you can buy the extractors from npc's or get them from the vault.  The thread you created here is not about accessibility so not sure why you are tying to pivot to it.

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34 minutes ago, Dibit.6259 said:

Forgive me if I'm wrong but doesn't the game give a warning that you're about to replace/destroy the current rune whe applying the legendary rune?

yes it does, we can assume OP ignored that message 60 times

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3 hours ago, Robert Calais.8425 said:

I might misremember the warclaw part then. And no, I didn't buy the Guild Rider warclaw skin. I can't afford it. It costs 200 gold.

The reward track for Triumphant armor is what unlocks Triumphant Hero's armor for purchase with skirmish claim tickets in the first place. Which then unlocks the tab with Mistforged Triumphant Hero's armor.
I made no mistake, besides maybe misremembering what the mount cost.
Edit: No, I didn't. The mount armor costs skirmish claim tickets.
Edit 2: I also bought the blue catmander mini. I completely forgot about that.
Edit 3: And crafting recipes that were also expensive as hell and a requirement for WvW legendary armor.

Please, please research how you craft WvW legendary armour. There are 2 paths, one through ascended Triumphant Hero's Armor and one through ascended Mistforged (more expensive). You don't need Mistforged for legendary. Any WvW Ascended armour works as a precursor. The only difference is skin.

Also I am 99% sure that you don't need to buy any recipes for skirmish tickets.

Also Guildrider Warclaw skin reward track actually rewards tickets. You're not losing any tickets for it only gain it. 

I have a feeling you're wasting a lot of time and valuable currencies for nothing.

If you are completing Diamond chest weekly you should definitely think about WvW legendary armour. It is possible you already have all the precursors you need.

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6 hours ago, Teknomancer.4895 said:

And yet given the "condescending troll" vibe of your posts, insults seem to be all you're capable of provoking. Climb down off that high horse you rode in on, and maybe stop being a jerk with every single response. You might be surprised at how the tone of people's responses will change.

Ah, yes, the magical full stops and correct grammar that keeps pissing people off. No, I won't change the way I've been writing basically my entire life.
I take responsibility for the words I use, not the underlying tone people think they see, because there isn't one.

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3 hours ago, Cuks.8241 said:

Please, please research how you craft WvW legendary armour. There are 2 paths, one through ascended Triumphant Hero's Armor and one through ascended Mistforged (more expensive). You don't need Mistforged for legendary. Any WvW Ascended armour works as a precursor. The only difference is skin.

I know. Pay attention to my wording.
"the tab that contains Mistforged Triumphant Hero's armor".
There are two sets of Triumphant Hero's armor and because they both share the same name, I specified the precursor tab this way to clear confusion.

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3 hours ago, Parasite.5389 said:

they might be refering to the recipies for Grandmasters X marks you'll neeed in order to purchase the Triumphant armor

Yes, I did. Thank you. There might be other sources, but the game pretty much directed me towards the recipe container.

I'm terribly sorry for the multiple posts, but the MultiQuote thing just isn't working for me. 😕

Edited by Robert Calais.8425
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And without change, there's no reason to expect legendary runes would magically turn themselves into upgrade extractor type of utility. Legendary items can freely take out upgrades slotted within them. Legendary upgrades can be freely put in/out and altered while on any item. Nothing here at any point involved or hinted at being able to "freely take out non-legendary upgrades from non-legendary items". I don't know how this is news for anyone (well, for OP specifically, because I think that's the first time I saw someone being surprised about it).

Edited by Sobx.1758
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1 hour ago, Sobx.1758 said:

I don't know how this is news for anyone (well, for OP specifically, because I think that's the first time I saw someone being surprised about it).

Common sense.
If you're engaging with something for the very first time, you're just as clueless as everyone else.

Edit: To the person throwing reactions like there's no tomorrow, don't you have anything better to do? I could be asking what's wrong with you, but I really don't care. If you have something to say, you're free to do so. 😉

Edited by Robert Calais.8425
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3 hours ago, Sobx.1758 said:

Nothing here at any point involved or hinted at being able to "freely take out non-legendary upgrades from non-legendary items". I don't know how this is news for anyone

Particularly since the OP indicates in this thread that he knew of the existence and use of upgrade extractors, even if he didnt have any available to use at the time.

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13 hours ago, Robert Calais.8425 said:

And that's what I didn't know would happen. The wiki doesn't say this.

The wiki for the Legendary Rune opens by telling you explicitly that Legendary Runes can be removed without upgrade extractors or destroying the gear itself. 

The wiki page for Upgrade Components will tell you that "A upgrade component slotted in an item can be replaced with another one, but doing so will destroy the previous upgrade, except for the legendary equipment and upgrades." And a bit later goes on explaining Runes and Sigils telling the exact same thing, but with a different context.

So, the wiki does say it, you just didn't read.

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On 1/28/2024 at 1:19 AM, Robert Calais.8425 said:

And then I learned that applying a legendary rune to non-legendary gear will destroy any previously-equipped rune.

Correct. The same thing would happen if you tried to replace the rune you had in non-legendary armor with another non-legendary rune, because that functionality is specifically tied to the individual legendary item.

Let me give a couple of examples to see if this clears up why this interaction happens and why it is 100% intentional:

You decide to put your legendary rune into one piece of ascended armor, but then later you decide for whatever reason you want to put that rune into a different piece of armor. You can freely remove that legendary rune from the armor piece any time of combat without needing an upgrade extractor to save it, which you could *not* do if the rune was not legendary. Because legendary runes are added to your accounts legendary armory, they physically cannot be destroyed or lost.

Now let's invert it. Let's say that instead you had a single piece of legendary *armor* and you put an exotic rune into it. You decide later that you want a different type of rune in that armor. Same thing happens, you can remove that exotic rune from the legendary any time and replace it with a different exotic rune, because the legendary is specifically designed to work that way, but you still have to buy each exotic rune separately (compared to the legendary rune, which you slot in once and never have to take it out ever again).

Hope this made sense. Legendary items work completely independently from any other item in the game. They are designed to be a self-contained convenience, they don't change the way that other pieces of equipment work. All non-legendary runes are always destroyed when slotting a new rune into non-legendary gear unless you use an upgrade extractor, full stop. 

Edited by Darklord Roy.2514
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2 hours ago, IAmNotMatthew.1058 said:

The wiki for the Legendary Rune opens by telling you explicitly that Legendary Runes can be removed without upgrade extractors or destroying the gear itself. 

The wiki page for Upgrade Components will tell you that "A upgrade component slotted in an item can be replaced with another one, but doing so will destroy the previous upgrade, except for the legendary equipment and upgrades." And a bit later goes on explaining Runes and Sigils telling the exact same thing, but with a different context.

So, the wiki does say it, you just didn't read.

Exactly. It opens with that, not with "yo mate, it's the gear that must be legendary, not the rune".
"A upgrade component slotted in an item can be replaced with another one, but doing so will destroy the previous upgrade, except for the legendary equipment and upgrades." reads to me as "gets destroyed, unless it's legendary gear or legendary upgrades".

Just stop.

Edited by Robert Calais.8425
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Just now, Robert Calais.8425 said:

Exactly. It opens with that, not with "yo mate, it's the gear that must be legendary, not the rune".

Just stop.

Yes and none of your items you try to replace is legendary the rebreather is ascended and the rune is exotic sloting in a legendary rune works the same way it do when trying to slot in a exotic rune.

If either of what you had on you already was legendary, it would have worked differently but none of them is.

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32 minutes ago, Darklord Roy.2514 said:

Correct. The same thing would happen if you tried to replace the rune you had in non-legendary armor with another non-legendary rune, because that functionality is specifically tied to the individual legendary item.

Let me give a couple of examples to see if this clears up why this interaction happens and why it is 100% intentional:

You decide to put your legendary rune into one piece of ascended armor, but then later you decide for whatever reason you want to put that rune into a different piece of armor. You can freely remove that legendary rune from the armor piece any time of combat without needing an upgrade extractor to save it, which you could *not* do if the rune was not legendary. Because legendary runes are added to your accounts legendary armor, they physically cannot be destroyed or lost.

Now let's invert it. Let's say that instead you had a single piece of legendary *armor* and you put an exotic rune into it. You decide later that you want a different type of rune in that armor. Same thing happens, you can remove that exotic rune from the legendary any time and replace it with a different exotic rune, because the legendary is specifically designed to work that way, but you still have to buy each exotic rune separately (compared to the legendary rune, which you slot in once and never have to take it out ever again).

Hope this made sense. Legendary items work completely independently from any other item in the game. They are designed to be a self-contained convenience, they don't change the way that other pieces of equipment work. All non-legendary runes are always destroyed when slotting a new rune into non-legendary gear unless you use an upgrade extractor, full stop. 

This was the most helpful comment so far. There have been similar comments, but yours is the most detailed.

Why on Earth it had to come that far with people coming in and being nasty is beyond me. When I wrote my first post, I wasn't aware that there would have been infinite upgrade extractor potential and I pointed that out very quickly, yet people kept on attacking me for another two pages. *sigh*
I noticed the "yo, I'm gonna destroy that rune of yours if you put me in there" popup when I tried to apply the rune for the first time and decided I don't want to lose those runes, so I didn't apply the legendary rune at all. Afterwards, I checked multiple wiki entries regarding legendary equipment and upgrade components and nowhere did I find a statement that was clear enough in telling me that legendary components work differently, because their wording was ridiculously unclear.
Had I been aware of all of this before, I wouldn't have opened this post in the first place.

And to any troublemakers still in this post: You can move on now. You could have two pages ago.

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12 hours ago, Robert Calais.8425 said:

This was the most helpful comment so far. There have been similar comments, but yours is the most detailed.

Why on Earth it had to come that far with people coming in and being nasty is beyond me. When I wrote my first post, I wasn't aware that there would have been infinite upgrade extractor potential and I pointed that out very quickly, yet people kept on attacking me for another two pages. *sigh*
I noticed the "yo, I'm gonna destroy that rune of yours if you put me in there" popup when I tried to apply the rune for the first time and decided I don't want to lose those runes, so I didn't apply the legendary rune at all. Afterwards, I checked multiple wiki entries regarding legendary equipment and upgrade components and nowhere did I find a statement that was clear enough in telling me that legendary components work differently, because their wording was ridiculously unclear.
Had I been aware of all of this before, I wouldn't have opened this post in the first place.

And to any troublemakers still in this post: You can move on now. You could have two pages ago.

Yea noone attacked you bud they tried to explain that your legendary weapon example you tried to say worked the same as you puting a legendary rune into ascended was like for like while that was not correct.

Since in your example you had a legendary weapon equiped it allowed you to switch out exotics and even legendary sigils for free.

Having a ascended equiped with a rune since it is not legendary so trying to put a new rune into it exotic/legendary did not matter it would work the same way regardless.

That is the same way all legendary upgrade works.

If you craft a legendary sigil and try to slot it into exotic/ascended weapon it will destroy the already equiped sigil in that weapon.


added a Not

Edited by Linken.6345
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-Legendary armor allows runes of any rarity to be freely swapped.

-Legendary runes can be freely swapped from armor of any rarity.


You will not be saving your obviously-not-Legendary Rune of Whatever from your aquatic headpiece that is obviously not Legendary without an upgrade extractor.


It is as simple as that.

Edited by Sinic.3926
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19 hours ago, Robert Calais.8425 said:

The rune itself is legendary. I assumed it would work the same way my handful of legendary weapons do when I change things.
Excuse me, your highness, for that I'm not physically flawless enough to be able to get one legendary piece after another. Or even a single one that's armor, for that matter. Because that would require normal vision for a start.
I have 87 characters, not 60.

You assumed. 

In the age of the internet where every single information you could ever need is presented to you on a golden plate. 

Heck, there are thousands of people around that made a legendary rune and could have given you an answer too. 

Thats what I did. I asked others who crafted legendary runes on how they work. Got my answer in like 5min.

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20 hours ago, Robert Calais.8425 said:

For ascended gear, you need ascended salvage kits. And then I'd need to spend weeks constantly farming stuff to replace all my breathers. And even longer to obtain transmutation charges to restore them. Another currency I never have, because I don't have legendary armor and only a handful of legendary weapons (all of which I exclusively got because of their skins).

There are upgrade extractors for ascended gear.


They are gemstore though, but you might have some lieing around

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14 hours ago, Robert Calais.8425 said:

Ah, yes, the magical full stops and correct grammar that keeps pissing people off.

You know just as well as everyone else does that this sentence was written with a tone. This is not a neutral tone sentence.

If you're ESL, maybe you don't realize how strongly this sentence comes across, but otherwise you know kitten well you're writing in a hostile way.

Edited by Sarrs.4831
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6 hours ago, Robert Calais.8425 said:

Exactly. It opens with that, not with "yo mate, it's the gear that must be legendary, not the rune".
"A upgrade component slotted in an item can be replaced with another one, but doing so will destroy the previous upgrade, except for the legendary equipment and upgrades." reads to me as "gets destroyed, unless it's legendary gear or legendary upgrades".

Just stop.

If you're 70/80 whatever characters deep in the game you shouldn't need the game to hold your hand and explain things like you'd explain to a 3 year old. 

If you don't have basic reading and understanding skills don't go and complain about the game not telling something, when you can't understand what the game is telling you. Both sources explain how each works, the upgrade component wiki specifically tells you that removing/replacing a non Legendary will destroy it, if you go on assuming how things work despite the clear descriptions it's on you. 

If I had an issue like this I would have left out the number of characters I have, because as you can see it's a sure way to get people to make fun of you considering you spent 12k gold at the least on Character Slots alone and you're here complaining about not knowing how upgrades work.

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