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Essence of Despair. Please give us some options as to what to do with them.

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Usually such currencies have some kind of a continuous sink. These are just completely useless if you are not going for lege armour. I would delete them but am afraid they will have a use someday. So they actually deter me to do content that drops them.

5 hours ago, frazazel.7501 said:

I think it would have been great if the amalgamated or purified essences were tradeable. It would mean that rich players would be able to pay less established players to do the grind for them, and it would open up farming opportunities for SotO maps and rift events.

These currencies are never tradeable. They serve as a time gate. Just look at them as OW LI or skirmish tickets or ascended shards of glory. It's something you just have to grind through.

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But EoD had ancient summoning stones, jade runestones, and ancient ambergris which were tradeable, making farming EoD content viable, and reducing the pain for making those legendaries. SotO needs something like that, and it needs to be something that's attainable via the SotO content that they want people to be able to farm, to keep up player count. Maybe it's the meta reward items instead of kryptis essences. But it needs to be something.

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23 hours ago, frazazel.7501 said:

But EoD had ancient summoning stones, jade runestones, and ancient ambergris which were tradeable, making farming EoD content viable, and reducing the pain for making those legendaries. SotO needs something like that, and it needs to be something that's attainable via the SotO content that they want people to be able to farm, to keep up player count. Maybe it's the meta reward items instead of kryptis essences. But it needs to be something.

Well I was comparing currencies needed for other lege armours where each mode has a specific that you cant trade.

Weapons seem to have different philosophy as you can actually also trade whole weapons so its also encouraged to craft multiples.

While trinkets are a bit more varied but generally still gated, achievs being the gate in ow.

I do agree with your premise of the post though. Although I hope we never again see essences beyond Soto so I can safely dump or delete them after the next season ends and we see all their uses. Just because they drop in such high amounts that they clog everything. They could easily reduce the drop rate and crafting requirement by 3 or 4 fold. So you would get exactly 1 from base rift. Would make it much more manageble.

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They put too many of their eggs in the legendary armour basket with this expansion, and then chose to release it so late that people have judged the expansion as bad before the legendary armour dropped (and rightly so). I hope they learn something from this.

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11 hours ago, frazazel.7501 said:

They put too many of their eggs in the legendary armour basket with this expansion, and then chose to release it so late that people have judged the expansion as bad before the legendary armour dropped (and rightly so). I hope they learn something from this.

If there is a single thing that Anet does consistently, it would be not learning on past mistakes.

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  • 2 weeks later...
4 hours ago, Gop.8713 said:

Looks like no new uses this update? Problem isn't going away . . .

Could also be a case of "feedback received too late for this release" and we may see something in the last release in May. Might also have been their intention all along to have an essence dump added in the May release too.

I'm holding onto my extra essences until the release of expansion 5. If nothing else is added by then, I'll just shuffle them into Amalgamated Kryptis Essences I guess, in case I ever decide I need an additional armour set.

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Yeah I'm hoping they just didn't want to release any alternative uses before leggy armor lest ppls who weren't paying attn used all theirs up then whined about it later. But it's to the point now where I'm actively avoiding content just bc I don't want more essences. So looking at it that way, there is content I'd like to engage with that I'm avoiding bc I don't want to deal with the 'rewards'. That's def a problem ; p

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On 2/10/2024 at 8:46 AM, Gop.8713 said:

Twenty-three thousand despair, thirteen thousand greed, nine thousand triumph. I fully recognize it's my own fault for opening the boxes, and I have been making motivations as I go along, but these numbers are just silly. I don't even really feel like I farmed that much. I did rifts to get the cheeves and stopped, did a hundred convergences for the cheeve and now just do the three weekly, no idea why I've kept up with those. I suppose I'll eventually work through most of them selling motivations, but those aren't going to remain viable forever. Some kind of alternate use would be nice . . .

That's more than enough for a set of obby armor. Go make the armor and put those mats to use.

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Like many many many other players, I already had leggy armor from the existing methods. It's great that there's this new path to that for players who didn't, or who are just really into cosmetics I guess ; p, but it doesn't do much good for the rest of us . . .

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Right out with it, there's too much Despair essence and no decent way to get rid of it. There are ways, but not good ways


You can make Amalg essence, but those require a huge chunk of ecto and have limited use, mostly for legendary armor. 

You can make motivations, but it still requires oddball materials and ecto anyway. Motivations are hardly worth it, given the cost to make them. 


I was hoping the release of the legendary armor step would at least give us some way to vent these piles and piles of Despair, but that hasn't appeared yet. Quite frankly, they're super easy to get and hard to use, and while I don't want an eater for them, there needs to be something along the lines of the Magic-Warped Bundle. I'unno, call it a Sad Sack that costs 250 Despair. Something on the level of the Magic-Warped Bundle would probably be ideal. Heck, don't even need to change the loot table. 


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46 minutes ago, Rauderi.8706 said:

Sad Sack

I ain't sad after reading that. 🤣

Edit: I suppose I can post something more constructive though.

I do agree that something needs to be added and I hope that something will come with the next release. By then, we'll be have the ability to unlock the second tier of the Obsidian armour, which may use Kryptis Essences as well. Now, for those who already have their second tier unlocked, no interest in the second tier, or no interest in the Obsidian armour, for any reason, there should still be another dump for these, else there will no longer be a reason to run Rifts and Convergences (I realise some folks struggle with much reason to do them now for the reasons mentioned). A non-ectoplasm-related dump would be delightful.

Edited by Kiki.9450
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Whatever they add, please don't be another gobbler. Gobblers are far more inconvenient to fuss with for just a few pennies than outright deleting whatever thing you're trying to gobble.

At least it's easy to avoid stacking up excess kryptis essence. Just don't do rifts or convergences, the only sources of essence. You only want to do those for the essence in the first place, otherwise there are much better things to grind for gold and other materials. They aren't particularly unique content either, so if you do them because they're fun, there's a diverse assortment of similar content available to do instead.

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It's not even just the despair essences at this point, we really need a sink for them asap, I'm also holding onto them hoping Anet will add something, anything really that just takes those and gives us something in return even 1 copper per essence sounds like a good deal at this point. I'll be able to turn my 70 stacks into 1.75 gold at least...

Edited by jason.1083
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I'm hoping they're just waiting for all tiers of the armor to be available before they release another means of disposing of them to prevent ppls from getting rid of them out of ignorance and then needing them later. I would accept literally any solution, even turning them into one copper vendor trash would be preferable to forcing us to go through and manually deleting them all . . .

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3 hours ago, Gop.8713 said:

I'm hoping they're just waiting for all tiers of the armor to be available before they release another means of disposing of them to prevent ppls from getting rid of them out of ignorance and then needing them later. I would accept literally any solution, even turning them into one copper vendor trash would be preferable to forcing us to go through and manually deleting them all . . .

This. Wait until Tier 2 is released, or when we get notified of what is needed for them, which ever happens first.

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On 2/10/2024 at 11:08 AM, Sobx.1758 said:

There is material storage space for them already.

Yeah, I have 1000 already in material storage. And another 5-6 bank slot stacks of 250. And a cluster of unopened Kryptis event boxes that have even more Despair in them. 


On 2/10/2024 at 2:16 PM, Ashantara.8731 said:

They should introduce a Gobbler that converts them into Research Notes! 😄

As much as I don't want another gobbler, turning a stack of Despair into Research Notes would be great! I suppose I could accept having an Asuran Graduate Student in my pocket to turn Despair into Research. :3c

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I kinda like the idea of turning Kryptis Essences into Research Notes. It's research about Kryptis! The notes: "they look weird and they smell like feet but some of them are pretty chill once you get to know them."

Then I can feed those Research Notes into making Motivations and then I can get even more Kryptis Essence! Yay!

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I am surprised it has not already been released but I am hoping that at some point we will be able to promote them in the mystic forge like other multi tiered mats. This will also be useful for future viability of the currency as fewer and fewer people run rifts.

I am drowning is dispare. I want to feel some envy.

Edited by Entara.3075
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