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Your Top 5 Problems or Concerns of WvW

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37 minutes ago, misfired.8403 said:

They should use voice comms. Strikes and Raids are a competitive PvE game mode that is mostly balanced with a clear and concise objective. Remember I reference commanders demanding the use of Discord as an indicator that the WvW community thinks this is a competitive environment and does everything to reinforce it. Even if they do not think WvW is a competitive game mode they are buying into the notion. Casuals typically do not use voice comms.

Competitive pve? 😧 

If you're defining competitive as anything that's not a free for all clusterkitten, I guess. I mean I feel like if you are to devote a large amount of time to a certain hobby, then one owes it to themselves to at least be able to accomplish goals, and yes have clear and concise objectives. Even as a casual player. There's no point wasting hours wiping and achieving nothing. This is just having standards.

I feel like you are projecting certain ideas towards  a large group of people you've never truly interacted with, which is why it's difficult to reach an understanding. Not that it really matters at this point, but I'm just going to warn you these problems are not just specific to this game.

Like, even more casual players in games like Helldivers like to talk with each other as part of the social experience. Surely in a Multiplayer Massive Online Role playing game would encourage and even reward these aspects.

And these things are inevitably a community doing, rather than a game designer choice.

I mean if your conclusion is that if an MMO is not suitable for you, then there's no argument and that's fine. But a lot of us don't play this like a single player game for clear reasons and a lot of that has nothing to do with pwning the opposition, even if that can be one.

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28 minutes ago, misfired.8403 said:

On a side note, I do recommend you avoid Live Service games like GW1 or GW2 in the future. Those eventually get shut down. In fact, if Anet's next game is a live service game then I will avoid it.

Eh this game been around for 11 years and will be for a while, as long as pve is there, they just need to get their expansion development in order again and stop reusing stuff already sold. Highly doubt gw3, if that ever gets made, wouldn't be a live service game like the previous ones, but I doubt it would have pvp, certainly not wvw, they barely want to touch it in gw2.

But yeah people should be weary of live service/mmos from certain companies these days, like the recent suicide squad game, or the avengers game that shut down further development last year, or look at skull and bones from ubisoft, sold as a "AAAA" game 🤭 But ubisoft and now EA want to move into the f2p micro the kitten out of the games route, and I can't say that's going to be good for them or the consumer. A lot of these games can be predatory and buggy and incomplete, which turns off players, which in turn drops their numbers, which they rely on to continue their services. The suits are only interested in money, too bad their greed basically sabotage their games early on.

Anet has done a good job with their cash shop, selling only cosmetics and account upgrades, while also allowing gold to be used to purchase gems, no extra micro chests and seasonal tracks bullkitten that those other live service games push. Their balance devs though.... heh yeah... not gonna say anything on that.

Anyways glhf in your next game adventure. 🍦

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10 minutes ago, XenesisII.1540 said:

Eh this game been around for 11 years and will be for a while, as long as pve is there, they just need to get their expansion development in order again and stop reusing stuff already sold. Highly doubt gw3, if that ever gets made, wouldn't be a live service game like the previous ones, but I doubt it would have pvp, certainly not wvw, they barely want to touch it in gw2.

But yeah people should be weary of live service/mmos from certain companies these days, like the recent suicide squad game, or the avengers game that shut down further development last year, or look at skull and bones from ubisoft, sold as a "AAAA" game 🤭 But ubisoft and now EA want to move into the f2p micro the kitten out of the games route, and I can't say that's going to be good for them or the consumer. A lot of these games can be predatory and buggy and incomplete, which turns off players, which in turn drops their numbers, which they rely on to continue their services. The suits are only interested in money, too bad their greed basically sabotage their games early on.

Anet has done a good job with their cash shop, selling only cosmetics and account upgrades, while also allowing gold to be used to purchase gems, no extra micro chests and seasonal tracks bullkitten that those other live service games push. Their balance devs though.... heh yeah... not gonna say anything on that.

Anyways glhf in your next game adventure. 🍦

It's a simple fact that nothing really lasts forever these days and things move faster. Oh sure, many people love those days where you can own that copy of the game they can never take away (basically any classic Blizz game lol-- but they try.)

However, it is a definitely necessary to not crowdfund games, and buy incomplete products. Like I have no sympathy for people that preordered SotO and then cried when it was missing features. I mean, why not just check for a few minutes to see if it's done, and then buy it? FOMO is one hell of a drug.

As a side note, I'm also not really sure about people that complain about WvW but constantly buy gems to transfer around. I get why it's necessary to move somewhere sometimes, but it has the disadvantage of incentivizing them for... doing literally nothing.

Edited by ArchonWing.9480
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37 minutes ago, ArchonWing.9480 said:

It's a simple fact that nothing really lasts forever these days and things move faster. Oh sure, many people love those days where you can own that copy of the game they can never take away (basically any classic Blizz game lol-- but they try.)

However, it is a definitely necessary to not crowdfund games, and buy incomplete products. Like I have no sympathy for people that preordered SotO and then cried when it was missing features. I mean, why not just check for a few minutes to see if it's done, and then buy it? FOMO is one hell of a drug.

As a side note, I'm also not really sure about people that complain about WvW but constantly buy gems to transfer around. I get why it's necessary to move somewhere sometimes, but it has the disadvantage of incentivizing them for... doing literally nothing.

For sure, I think gamers need to be smarter about their purchases, give your money to those companies that work on providing an excellent product from content to customer service, be weary of those that have a history of not doing so. Especially crowdfunded mmo games, many of which have been delayed years, or bombed out of the gate. Don't buy half delivered  promised content, which this game also has a history of, with Soto but also with HoT selling 2.0 legendaries as a main feature but then don't even fully release them for another 2-3 years.

As for the fomo, lol it's kinda hard to resist sometimes when you have friends that want to play too and you get dragged along, but also if a game might not last long either, last two games I did this for was outriders and avengers, both were fun but a buggy mess at launch. I held fast at diablo4 though, might play it when it gets on the ms pass, but games like that people need to stop outright blindly supporting out the gate anymore.

Ok... whelp think we derailed this thread long enough lol.

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My biggest concern is that everything is swept up and hidden under a dirty mat. I have played for almost 12 years, possible missed 3 or 4 days at the most, but consistently seen a decline in the game, the builds the boon balls, the unkillable players, the pulls, floats and everything else that has crept in and become the new standard. I doubt anything will change and the freshness and new builds and healers and everything else needing to help with elitist CM Raids, Fracs, Bosses by way of the new Expac has come in and done irreparable damage due to needing new skillsets at the expense of the basic WvW which did not need these drastic changes, and pointless 40-to-50-minute fights. I am so over WvW and the pointless professional arena it has become, and although I only speak for myself, I seem to be echoing many dissatisfied player sentiments.

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41 minutes ago, MarkBecks.6453 said:

My biggest concern is that everything is swept up and hidden under a dirty mat. I have played for almost 12 years, possible missed 3 or 4 days at the most, but consistently seen a decline in the game, the builds the boon balls, the unkillable players, the pulls, floats and everything else that has crept in and become the new standard. I doubt anything will change and the freshness and new builds and healers and everything else needing to help with elitist CM Raids, Fracs, Bosses by way of the new Expac has come in and done irreparable damage due to needing new skillsets at the expense of the basic WvW which did not need these drastic changes, and pointless 40-to-50-minute fights. I am so over WvW and the pointless professional arena it has become, and although I only speak for myself, I seem to be echoing many dissatisfied player sentiments.

It does seem kinda weird to me that they've leaned so heavily into support which in turn has allowed groups to bypass bosses so much easier. I mean that usually happens in other games with vertical progression, everything becomes obsolete by the next expansion, but for a game that was suppose to be built on horizonal progression? The power creep is real too, with 4 stat gear, additional rune bonus, now relics, and specs getting things they shouldn't have, and skills that do too much things at once, this was even the initial reason for the feb 2020 massive nerfs, how quickly they're reversed course on that.

Somehow they think making everyone tanker is suppose to help them, but really it makes them more lazy being able to bypass mechanics, groups sitting in aoes longer than they should, when they fail they don't blame themselves and learn to be better, they just pass it off to well didn't have enough spam we need moar, we need more players to soak damage! no, you should be avoiding damage in the first place not sitting in it! And there is the huge gap between the really good groups who can to be immortals while knowing how move and not sit in junk for so long, and the ones who try to be the same but learn nothing and stand in one spot till they die because the spam is suppose to do the work for them. This gap always existed, and always will, but it doesn't help to buff support so much, promote stacking to over come caps to mitigate damage, and killing the tools to use on them. 😕

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1 hour ago, XenesisII.1540 said:

For sure, I think gamers need to be smarter about their purchases, give your money to those companies that work on providing an excellent product from content to customer service, be weary of those that have a history of not doing so. Especially crowdfunded mmo games, many of which have been delayed years, or bombed out of the gate. Don't buy half delivered  promised content, which this game also has a history of, with Soto but also with HoT selling 2.0 legendaries as a main feature but then don't even fully release them for another 2-3 years.

As for the fomo, lol it's kinda hard to resist sometimes when you have friends that want to play too and you get dragged along, but also if a game might not last long either, last two games I did this for was outriders and avengers, both were fun but a buggy mess at launch. I held fast at diablo4 though, might play it when it gets on the ms pass, but games like that people need to stop outright blindly supporting out the gate anymore.

Ok... whelp think we derailed this thread long enough lol.

I suppose a lot of people play with the expectation the game will be dead soon and they move onto something else. I've never really thought that was a great idea but I suppose it is what it is.

On the other hand, I notice the saltiest people often just play one game. And it makes sense if that's all they're thinking about. Which is why I can play another game when Gw2 is boring me. So see you guys, onto Lost Ark.... wait 27 hours maintenance wtf? Stupid multibillion dollar indie companies. Alriight back to gw2.

Grass is greener, etc.

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On 2/22/2024 at 2:04 AM, XenesisII.1540 said:

Been a while since we've had one of these.

The dev/"balance" team

The dev/"balance" team

The dev/"balance" team

The dev/"balance" team

The test team.


All the complaints about what's wrong... it's been repeated, stated, ad nauseum -- frequently before patches/releases etc.

This indicates a root issue. 

Testers just mentioned for courtesy of some silly simple bugs that appear to creep in without being caught prior. Must be a mythical team. 

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3 hours ago, XenesisII.1540 said:

Their balance devs though.... heh yeah... not gonna say anything on that

>their balance devs thought.

Gw2 is only game where major hype is around balance changes and combat related stuff, just look guys, how community accross modes react, wait, and hype the combat related things, u can't find anything of this magnitude in any other mmorpg.

It's why we play this game, it's what makes it different from other mmos...or made it different.

Current team is rekting it, no miracles that skin guys can pull will salvage this when it reaches critical mass, players just leak to other games and gw2 enters maintenance mode.

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32 minutes ago, ArchonWing.9480 said:

So see you guys, onto Lost Ark.... wait 27 hours maintenance wtf? Stupid multibillion dollar indie companies. Alriight back to gw2.

Grass is greener, etc.

lol one thing I'm grateful for in gw2 is it doesn't have those day long maintenances. 🤭


3 minutes ago, Triptaminas.4789 said:

Gw2 is only game where major hype is around balance changes and combat related stuff, just look guys, how community accross modes react, wait, and hype the combat related things, u can't find anything of this magnitude in any other mmorpg.

It's why we play this game, it's what makes it different from other mmos...or made it different.

Current team is rekting it, no miracles that skin guys can pull will salvage this when it reaches critical mass, players just leak to other games and gw2 enters maintenance mode.

Well it takes them 3-4 months to even do a proper balance patch(use to be longer, sometimes it took 6-12 months for them to look at a problem), and usually there's some extreme mechanic change in them, so they need to explain it on a stream, and you get people riled up about them, most other games don't change mechanics until next expansion. Last year they changed scourges to be support barrier alacrity bots, now they're nerfing the heck out of that. 🤷‍♂️

Even pve is getting annoyed with the boon spam, let's see how long they continue being lazy about it.

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On 3/12/2024 at 6:00 PM, TheGrimm.5624 said:

This is an interesting take that I have not seen come up. Add a level below ground with various surface access points to ABL. Maybe path ways that open on a clock for limited time across above the ground, a cloud level, picture some influence from SotO. Could make the map more interesting.

Interesting. Maybe they could do map seasons in WvW. Every mini xpac the map gets updated with assets from the new expansion. Could be one of the steps in the roadmap they release each year.

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21 hours ago, misfired.8403 said:

I also will not change my mind that this is a broken game mode without any clear and concise objectives that many treat as a cooperative competitive environment.

You don't need to change your mind. In fact, I would say that your idea is a banality. We've written pages and pages about how the competitive aspect of this mode could 'improve' or how we could move out of the current perpetual format, towards a seasoned format, so as to make the objectives, rewards, give a meaning of winning or losing etc etc clear and evident.

However, this section of the forum gives voice to perhaps 2% of the players who participate in GW2. And all these people (myself included) express new ideas, suggestions and personal desires. sometimes little shared and sometimes more shared with other players.

It doesn't matter how many times we ask or express our requests or observations here, because how, where and when something needs to change in WVW is up to Anet alone. Numbers, flows, medium or long-term prospects are on the Anet table, not ours. And let's not forget that Anet has done it, both GW1 and GW2. And last night when I logged out at 02.00 at night on the enemy side we still had a group of 40+ players.

Really not bad for a game mode 11 years later and especially when you can read on the forum that it's a game that's been dead for 10 years. Not to mention the last week of beta testing where we also saw 3 maps queued for hours etc etc. The truth is that we WVW players are constantly seeing big investments and great jobs and upgrades on the PVE side and as a result we build our claims. Because we would like to see and have so much more in WVW. 

Ironically, the part of WVW ''unbelievable'' coincides with its ''condemnation'' because even though development essentially does not develop WVW it continues to function decently. Lack of competition in all the MMOs you often mention? I don't know, but I probably do.

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20 hours ago, XenesisII.1540 said:

lol one thing I'm grateful for in gw2 is it doesn't have those day long maintenances.

Yea, when Gw2 servers go down, it's typically a very bad situation. Most games generally have a weekly mainetance or something.

Also holy kitten it's still under maintenance for another 10 hours. Maybe that Dragon Ball Z marathon came up at a good time; maybe then it'll be done.

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#1: Disposable accounts.

#2: Lack of content

#3 lack of proper customization that creates new playstyles.

#4: Audio is severely outdated,we made suggestions for new combat tracks and we got ignored.

Now we stare at Helldivers 2 getting extra sales because they got that swole music during all the action selling it hard.

#5: Maps are outdated both size and design wise,could use new maps and modes 5 years ago.


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All the barrier that support can put out is way to high. Scrappers and scourges are the worst offenders at this moment. Transfution makes downing enemies irrelavent if they stack enough heal scourges. Even when the 19th March patch goes live, these skills will still plague the game mode. Transfution is singlehandedly the most unhealthy mechanic in the game mode. I thought we've learned that lesson many years ago when it used to be a thing before its reemergence. Apparently not. Make barrier cap at 20% of your health in WvW if you really wanna make it a thing. Transfution needs to be completely axed. That's on top of all the boons/heals that the 4 supports/sub meta can kitten out. Yet Anet is still periodically nerfing strips. GG

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2 hours ago, Coldtart.4785 said:

You would've thought Anet had learned that support builds are double broken when they gutted every tanky/healy amulet in pvp but then in wvw they go and make the same builds triple broken instead.

Working as intended the guilds and closed chat that Anet listens wanted this as well.


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5 minutes ago, Aeolus.3615 said:

Working as intended the guilds and closed chat that Anet listens wanted this as well.

What kind of information do you have about this? Who do the guys at Anet talk to, who do they really talk to? Here in the EU, to be honest, I don't even remember when I saw an Anet player. In 10 years it was truly a rare thing to see.

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48 minutes ago, Mabi black.1824 said:

What kind of information do you have about this? Who do the guys at Anet talk to, who do they really talk to? Here in the EU, to be honest, I don't even remember when I saw an Anet player. In 10 years it was truly a rare thing to see.

Facts, leaks, prints. many stuff in the past that showed it, and its also a known thing in NA wvw.

This is actually kinda normal in mmo's to happen, but yeah sadly it results in some players have to much influence, but at the end  IMO does not conflict with how Anet wants players to zerg  queue almost all on minstrels so it's impact it is not that deeeep.


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For me server lag has been the biggest issue since sometime last year where they seemed to make a change to WvW servers when an Alliances beta was happening.. it's been a while now. Anyway it been an off and on issue when multiple large groups clash these days. It was always noticeable in years past but nothing like the last year or so.

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On 3/18/2024 at 2:39 PM, Aeolus.3615 said:

This is actually kinda normal in mmo's to happen

Yes, it's great if somewhere there's an open, constructive dialogue between players and development. They just have to make sure that it is not reduced too much to a ''niche'' vision and intercept as widely as possible the requests, thoughts, feedback of this community. or you risk not understanding what's going on around you.

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38 minutes ago, Mabi black.1824 said:

Yes, it's great if somewhere there's an open, constructive dialogue between players and development. They just have to make sure that it is not reduced too much to a ''niche'' vision and intercept as widely as possible the requests, thoughts, feedback of this community. or you risk not understanding what's going on around you.

It is a double edge sword  since it is resumed to a few gamemode keys groups or players , so i kinda doubt theres is a good and constructive dialogue in these chats whatever game is, sometimes player groups or certain players hold to much power over the community rather the developers we have assisted this in alot of games actually so i doubt gw2 is an exception in taht aspect reason i said it can work like a double edge sword due how certain players can have the intent of manipulate game towards their setup or the group they only represent and not the entire game population.

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