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Whats next..!? more of the same !?

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Im sorry if i come in sounding like bit negative... but i played this game for over 18k hours in the past 7 year or so... and it saddens me to see  how repetitive this game is becoming...

WIll try explain as best as i can on how i feel about it...

Game is bassicaly map complete > do meta events > craft legies /get looks or qol from gemstore...  This last xpac had no real end game content..just more of what we already had. more maps to complete with sily non challenging metas.... gets tedious....  strike missions are  ok but quite short... i really wish we had more raid wings or dungeons..

I seriously would like to see anet trying something new... give us a new game mode ...some guild vs guild  or something... fix pvp... get the wvw going.... more mini games, more guild activities ...  something you know... guild wars 1 had so much more end game /pvp stuff going on.!

Its nice you give ways to new /casual players to get legies and stuffs, but you catter to much to the casual player you loosing every body else... if only you finaly fixed pvp and give us more game modes, something diferente, likee capture the flag... or even for pve had more beetle racing, or stuff of the sort.. ... but no its just another pve bs map to compleete some crappy masterys to xp up and thats it... more copy pasta of the same bs we already had.... farm map get mats _ craft stuff  or buy from gemstore get bored / quit go play something else....

whats the point of getting fully legi if then theres almost no content to flex thouse legies aftr!

Thats what happens to me every time i finish a legi i just quit game for a few months cause bored.. nothing new to do or a game mode that is engaging to me no more..

So yeh again i would like to se more content in game but not just story and maps to complete..... they are fun / ok 1 time but second time arround its just feels like a shore...

Either way srry for the rant , i just wish you guys would be a bit more creative  and sort out the issues alot of us been complaining for a long time... i stil enjoy or am trying to enjoy the  game but its getting hard... and it sucks cause fpr  long time this as been one of my favorite games.  I wanted it to b my favorite game again ... thats all 😉


Edited by Rvoltpt.8453
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12 minutes ago, Rvoltpt.8453 said:

Im sorry if i come in sounding like bit negative... but i played this game for over 18k hours in the past 7 year or so... and it saddens me to see  how repetitive this game is becoming...

WIll try explain as best as i can on how i feel about it...

Game is bassicaly map complete > do meta events > craft legies /get looks or qol from gemstore...  This last xpac had no real end game content..just more of what we already had. more maps to complete with sily non challenging metas.... gets tedious....  strike missions are  ok but quite short... i really wish we had more raid wings or dungeons..

I seriously would like to see anet trying something new... give us a new game mode ...some guild vs guild  or something... fix pvp... get the wvw going.... more mini games, more guild activities ...  something you know... guild wars 1 had so much more end game /pvp stuff going on.!

Its nice you give ways to new /casual players to get legies and stuffs, but you catter to much to the casual player you loosing every body else... if only you finaly fixed pvp and give us more game modes, something diferente, likee capture the flag... or even for pve had more beetle racing, or stuff of the sort.. ... but no its just another pve bs map to compleete some crappy masterys to xp up and thats it... more copy pasta of the same bs we already had.... farm map get mats _ craft stuff  or buy from gemstore get bored / quit go play something else....

whats the point of getting fully legi if then theres almost no content to flex thouse legies aftr!

Thats what happens to me every time i finish a legi i just quit game for a few months cause bored.. nothing new to do or a game mode that is engaging to me no more..

So yeh again i would like to se more content in game but not just story and maps to complete..... they are fun / ok 1 time but second time arround its just feels like a shore...

Either way srry for the rant , i just wish you guys would be a bit more creative and  and sort out the issues alot of us been complaining for a long time... i stil enjoy or am trying to enjoy the  game but its getting hard... and it sucks cause fpr  long time this as been one of my favorite games.  I wanted it to b my favorite game again ... thats all 😉


Well only thing to do then is leave and come back late 2026 when last mini expansion we know of releases so you have 2 years of content to blow through.

Should take you about 2 months at the high end.

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thats kinda what i done before this xpac...  toke long break, come back buy new content, finish content in a few days.. loose wil to play cause theres hardly any new type of activity, and wvw / pvp have been the same crap for ages... so i guess im just bored and yeh will go play something else xD this game failling to keeep me interested and if next xpac is the same i might consider not buying...

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5 minutes ago, Rvoltpt.8453 said:

thats kinda what i done before this xpac...  toke long break, come back buy new content, finish content in a few days.. loose wil to play cause theres hardly any new type of activity, and wvw / pvp have been the same crap for ages... so i guess im just bored and yeh will go play something else xD this game failling to keeep me interested and if next xpac is the same i might consider not buying...

Going on youtube it seems helldivers 2 might be something to look into mate.

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seems fun game yeh but im playing tru gw1 atm and having loads of fun with old game xD theres something about it that keeps me engaged 😛 despite is outdated graphics and combat being a bit clunky at times, the ammount of skills and diferent teams you can build is awsome.. i wish gw2 was a tidy bit more like gw1 in some aspects :). and keep in mind i only got gw1 a year ago... i ddnt live thru its golden age, tho game is stil quite alive and you still seee alot of people online.

Edited by Rvoltpt.8453
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1 hour ago, Rvoltpt.8453 said:

Game is bassicaly map complete > do meta events > craft legies /get looks or qol from gemstore...  This last xpac had no real end game content..just more of what we already had. more maps to complete with sily non challenging metas.... gets tedious....  strike missions are  ok but quite short... i really wish we had more raid wings or dungeons..

We got a new meta, new convergence bosses, a new strike cm, tons of new achievements, legendary armor, legendary relic, new weapons for each class ( -> leads to new builds -> more variety in gameplay) and more.

Idk, if you say "no real endgame content" it looks like you just don't like the content. Which is okay, it's a matter of taste.


1 hour ago, Rvoltpt.8453 said:

I seriously would like to see anet trying something new... give us a new game mode ...some guild vs guild  or something... fix pvp... get the wvw going.... more mini games, more guild activities ...  something you know... guild wars 1 had so much more end game /pvp stuff going on.!

It's kinda weird to argue with "GW1 had so much more", because that's what burned out the devs so fast they stopped after Nightfall, slowed down and cut stuff with EotN.


1 hour ago, Rvoltpt.8453 said:

whats the point of getting fully legi if then theres almost no content to flex thouse legies aftr!

If you want to say that GW2 has no content, then you play the game wrong I would say.

And if it's just about flexing, a city or lounge is much more effective than any endgame content anyways. lol


1 hour ago, Rvoltpt.8453 said:

Thats what happens to me every time i finish a legi i just quit game for a few months cause bored.. nothing new to do or a game mode that is engaging to me no more..

You may need to change your perspective. Or take a longer break. Sounds like you played til burnout.



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Also 18k hours here.

The game has always been:

- Load patch while reading patch notes. 

- Check gemstore/Bl chest + skins and new items/legendary.

- Play Story. 

- Map completion. 

- Grind Exp for mastery. 

- Do all achievements. 

- Patch done. 

In this order since like lw3(?) 

Every. Single. Patch. 

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Guild Wars 2 for sure needs something else than legendary items as the goal each expansion. They are nothing else than just skins for most now days and yes if getting a skin or 2 u like each expansion is the only thing it offer than u get real quick bored and none motivated to play

Edited by Nightcore.5621
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2 minutes ago, Nightcore.5621 said:

Guild Wars 2 for sure needs something else than legendary items as the goal each expansion. They are nothing else than just skins for most now days and yes if getting a skin or 2 u like each expansion is the only thing it offer than u get real quick bored and none motivated to play

And what is that something?

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6 minutes ago, Nightcore.5621 said:

A good game like Guild wars 2 should be able to find something else than just relasin skins as every expansion end game

"I don't like what I got but also don't know what I want. Someone else has to figure it out for me." 

10/10 👌

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11 minutes ago, DanAlcedo.3281 said:

"I don't like what I got but also don't know what I want. Someone else has to figure it out for me." 

10/10 👌

Is not my game. Plus if they want legendary items to be a real end game goal than make generation 2 quest for them and not a instant trading post buy u get same minut the expansion release. Is pretty odd that the end game goal for expansions release involve 0 gameplay and only gold to get what u want

Edited by Nightcore.5621
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7 hours ago, Rvoltpt.8453 said:

i played this game for over 18k hours in the past 7 year or so

7 hours ago, Rvoltpt.8453 said:

every time i finish a legi i just quit game for a few months cause bored

18,000 hours in 7 years equates to 7 hours a day, every single day for those years. If you then factor in repeated breaks from the game, that means you are likely playing for 12+ hours a day during active periods. No entertainment platform in the world can delivery satisfying content at that rate of consumption, let alone one that costs maybe £20 a year.

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8 minutes ago, costepj.5120 said:

18,000 hours in 7 years equates to 7 hours a day, every single day for those years. If you then factor in repeated breaks from the game, that means you are likely playing for 12+ hours a day

I would rather see that as an indication that (s)he let his computer often on while not playing (e.g. durng the night) with GW2 in the char-selction screen. I think that already counts for play hours of the account.

Edited by Dayra.7405
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5 hours ago, DanAlcedo.3281 said:

"I don't like what I got but also don't know what I want. Someone else has to figure it out for me." 

10/10 👌

People are paid good salaries to figure this out, it is not the work of a random dead forum user to design the game or part of it.

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32 minutes ago, Simzani.4318 said:

People are paid good salaries to figure this out, it is not the work of a random dead forum user to design the game or part of it.

I think the people who are paid good salaries to figure this out have quite likely concluded that it is very difficult, or even economically impossible, to produce enough good content to satisfy veterans who have reached end game and have already done most of what the game has to offer. Both OP and Nightcore seem to have enough resources that they can buy any new legendaries so those goals don't work. Obvious goals like gliding and mounts have been done, even less obvious goals like skiffs and fishing have been done.

So it's perfectly reasonable to ask what they would like as no obvious answer come to light.

To be fair OP did actually post some ideas of what he would like tho they likely represent too much dev time to be feasible in a timeline which OP would regard as acceptable.

It's really Nightcore who's being demandingly unhelpful with his "I don't know what I want but give it to me!"


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The player character who has done years of fighting, commands the planet's armies, saved the planet, brought up an elder dragon, is now an inter dimensional legend is still  doing the same quests as the base game. Go find this and that for a low end NPC, follow someone far below your station into a cave to fight an enemy. This is really not immersive however many hours you have in the game.

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10 hours ago, Rvoltpt.8453 said:

Game is bassicaly map complete > do meta events > craft legies /get looks or qol from gemstore...  This last xpac had no real end game content..just more of what we already had. more maps to complete with sily non challenging metas.... gets tedious....  strike missions are  ok but quite short... i really wish we had more raid wings or dungeons..

I seriously would like to see anet trying something new... give us a new game mode ...some guild vs guild  or something... fix pvp... get the wvw going.... more mini games, more guild activities ...  something you know... guild wars 1 had so much more end game /pvp stuff going on.!

Its nice you give ways to new /casual players to get legies and stuffs, but you catter to much to the casual player you loosing every body else... if only you finaly fixed pvp and give us more game modes, something diferente, likee capture the flag... or even for pve had more beetle racing, or stuff of the sort.. ... but no its just another pve bs map to compleete some crappy masterys to xp up and thats it... more copy pasta of the same bs we already had.... farm map get mats _ craft stuff  or buy from gemstore get bored / quit go play something else....


Anet has the metrics and knows what content will bring in the most profit.  It seems to be the more casual, open world player group based on how much resources appear to be invested in that content.  Yes, they may "lose everybody else" but it might be that the groups you seems to be advocating for (PvP, GvG, raiding, etc) just don't make up a large enough portion of the player base for Anet to heavily invest in keeping.

Maybe if that portion of the player base spent more money, Anet would begin to cater toward them?  But then, it might be difficult to determine which players spend on the game so they can only look at the statistics that they have for where the bulk of the population gathers and plays.

It's kind of a catch-22: in order to get more invested in WvW, PvP, raids, etc... there needs to be more players playing that content, but players aren't playing that content because of the lack of investment in it.   I'm not sure that there is an easy answer.

Edited by kharmin.7683
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Its hard to telll and i can only speak for my self and the people i know that quit the game... simply because, we hardly get any new pvp /gvg game mode / content.. anet always negleted thouse areas, pretty much like underwater combat, and it was big selling point when game launched... and i think its silly...

if they fix the game/Q system  had more game modes had more maps or whatever maybe people would wanna play pvp more or give us a gvg ring and fix the edge  map for even more wvw places.... dunno...

they could even capitalize on some things like personal siege skins...

imagine you being a commander and when ever you pop a siege or use a golem it as a personalzed skin you got on gemstore...   or when you had a guild controled sm sm had  diferent look that the guild lleader bought on gemstore...

this jut small ideas anyways. on how they could capitalize more on some wvw stuff but i think the bigger issue here might be the spageetti code and the lack of will to really do something relative to pvp and wvw....and well Guilds vs guilds.... game called guild wars where guilds barely got any reason to interact with each other.....  dunno.. jut my feelling anyways

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9 hours ago, kiroho.4738 said:

We got a new meta, new convergence bosses, a new strike cm, tons of new achievements, legendary armor, legendary relic, new weapons for each class ( -> leads to new builds -> more variety in gameplay) and more.

Idk, if you say "no real endgame content" it looks like you just don't like the content. Which is okay, it's a matter of taste.

you cannot call that meta ... look at any HoT meta, even PoF metas are probably more meta than this pile of something....
new convergence bosses - just like they took sorrow and used it as final "boss" for new "meta" these will be just copy pasted from somewhere else .. additionally its for convergences, which is such a boring, dull and unimaginative piece of "content"

lege relic is kinda pointless rn, you need like 3 to 4 relics per class to cover all possible builds, only thing its doing is saving a bit of inventory space, and with current prices not worth it

new weapons are probably the only positive that came out of this update.
new lege is ok to have (even tho the farm for it is more atrocious than any lege before it), but its just more of farm gold the way you farmed it until now to get it (most veteran players will have lege armor already, so unless you really like the skin then it is not realisticaly a new content)

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8 minutes ago, ProtoGunner.4953 said:

18K hours in 7 years, find help. Really, this is an average of 7 hours per kittenING DAY. This sounds unhealthy and sad. Of course you are bored. My god, do stuff in your life.

I don't think that the fact invalidates the criticism. Content quality and the fun level have changed drastically. It's easy so get bored by non-fun tasks and improper story-pacing and bland story-telling.

Edited by Ashantara.8731
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