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Passion has gone my friends [Merged]

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56 minutes ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

No. The news are that "it's being worked on", and " the start of the development has not been finalized yet" (notice, the last one does not mean the development has not started, it might as well mean that they are developing it, but are still in initial phases of it). That's from NCSoft, because news from Anet are that "we won't confirm or deny GW3".

Wasn't that just different translations/interpretations of the same comment?

As far as I've heard all we've got is one comment by an unspecified person during an NCSoft shareholders meeting. Neither NCSoft or Anet have announced anything.

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I do feel that OP and you're not the only one.
While I'll casually play GW2 and get expansions, I feel I don't want to really sink too much of my time in it now and I'd rather focus on other games until there's a strong confirmation about things one way or another.

I lost GW1 and it struck me heavily because GW2 didn't deliver what I was expecting. I can't go back to GW1 because game is just old and lacks updates and refreshment. 
I fear it's just going to be the same with GW2 unless GW3 really delivers.
Still, just the very news of it being potentially in development has soured my desire to keep getting legendaries and I'd rather spare myself that now -- even if it takes 10 years for GW3 to develop, I somehow catch myself with 'what's the point?'.

At the moment I'm just focusing on other games and investing in them until I hear more things about this and/or GW2 expansion (which I will buy and just casually play).

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You don't need to grind 😕 the game is super casual. Just chill, do what you enjoy. The great thing is unlike other mmo your gear will probably still be relevant in a couple of years and you only miss out on story. Take a break. See if other games match up maybe. But gw3 is not for some time. 

Edited by Tiamat.8254
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This will still take years - if this is true. Read only the speculation and discussion of approval vs being in development (like the 2nd post in the thread discussed) - where it seems that they have not even started developing. Then we need to see how much hardware it will require. With the constant increase and focus on better graphics I do not play many modern games - prefer low-end specs also because it uses less power/electricicty.

If the game is not playable without a GPU that does NOT need an externtal power connector ... I might not even buy it. (Do not want to buy an extra computer just for GW3. And 75 watts should be enoug. Then gain: GPUs also might improve ... with newer and cheap ones available by then that fit this requirement.)

At least one more expansion is announced for GW2 and I think at least until end of 2026 (not before 2027) it surely will not happen. If this is in super early stages of development (and new/own engine not even started to be coded) ... more like 5+ years until it reaches beta phase.

We also have to keep in mind that GW2 can still bring easy money while a new game will be pretty costly in development (might need to divert fundes made by GW2 towards it and develop less for GW2) ... and pretty risky. (Hopefully it won't try again to compete with other big games in PvP and hopefully no gear treadmill to try to get that kind of playerbase to move from WoW-like games to GW3. Core playerbase of GW2 won't buy it then.) Best to stay true to the philosophy developed in GW2. And trying unique approaches for PvP-based stuff.

(Or a totally different game and not a MMORPG lol. I always would have liked to see a trading card game linked to GW2.)

No reason not to slowly grind anymore. (Never really grinded but I still want to complete stuff.) There might be things carrying over to GW3 (like with the GW1->GW2 account linking and HoM.) And I still slowly play GW1 to catch up for lore and GW2 HoM.

Edited by Luthan.5236
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16 minutes ago, Blur.3465 said:

I do feel that OP and you're not the only one.
While I'll casually play GW2 and get expansions, I feel I don't want to really sink too much of my time in it now and I'd rather focus on other games until there's a strong confirmation about things one way or another.

I lost GW1 and it struck me heavily because GW2 didn't deliver what I was expecting. I can't go back to GW1 because game is just old and lacks updates and refreshment. 
I fear it's just going to be the same with GW2 unless GW3 really delivers.
Still, just the very news of it being potentially in development has soured my desire to keep getting legendaries and I'd rather spare myself that now -- even if it takes 10 years for GW3 to develop, I somehow catch myself with 'what's the point?'.

At the moment I'm just focusing on other games and investing in them until I hear more things about this and/or GW2 expansion (which I will buy and just casually play).

I get you in a way, but the reality is that that's already a question you can ask before GW3 was even a thing. What's the point of getting legendaries or doing anything in a game? Nothing lasts forever after all.

Personally, I'm not as invested as I was in GW1 like you for the same reasons, but I still get legendaries and such but for the reason that I enjoy setting goals and achieving them. But at the same time I've taken a number of long breaks from GW2 as well because I'm not that invested in GW2. So I invest in the present and not the future nowadays. All things you do in games do not have lasting value after all, except in your mind afaic.

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I don't think anyone should make a legendary if they don't feel like it's worth the time, but I also don't think it's a good idea to base the decision on something that might happen in 5+ years time.

I got GW1 in 2006, and about a year later Anet announced they were working on GW2. It was another 6 years before GW2 was released and in that time GW1 got an expansion (which wasn't much smaller than the stand-alone campaigns) and a bunch of free updates with additional storylines, rewards, changes to existing maps etc (kind of a precursor to the Living World now I think about it). If I'd stopped playing GW1 when they announced the sequel, or even avoided long-term goals I'd have missed out on the vast majority of my time with one of my favourite games (I'd barely played anything beyond Prophecies when GW2 was announced) and a lot of fun experiences that gave me great memories, even if they didn't count for anything in the sequel. (It always used to annoy me when people said getting 50 HoM points and the GWAMM title meant they'd 100% finished GW1, because there's a lot of the game which didn't count towards those objectives.)

Also it was about a year after GW2 launched before I stopped playing GW1 regularly, and I still play it sometimes now. The sequel eventually stopped new things being developed for GW1 but the game is still online and playable, I haven't lost anything I paid for or earned in that game and can still play it when I want to.

I think maybe it helps that I'm used to single-player games which are far more likely to get sequels (or just left) than endless new releases, so I'm used to playing games after the developers have moved on to working on something else and don't feel like it requires me to drop it as well. I'm also used to the idea that sooner or later I will stop playing for some reason and then the items I got, achievements I completed etc. won't count for anything I'm currently doing. Except, at the risk of sounding cheesy as all hell, the real-life experience I got. Even if that's just being able to pick up another game more quickly because some parts are familiar to me. Although I've also sometimes found things I learned in games useful for real life. Including the idea that it's often worth doing things just for the experience, even if you don't get anything else from it.

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5 minutes ago, Gehenna.3625 said:

I get you in a way, but the reality is that that's already a question you can ask before GW3 was even a thing. What's the point of getting legendaries or doing anything in a game? Nothing lasts forever after all.

Personally, I'm not as invested as I was in GW1 like you for the same reasons, but I still get legendaries and such but for the reason that I enjoy setting goals and achieving them. But at the same time I've taken a number of long breaks from GW2 as well because I'm not that invested in GW2. So I invest in the present and not the future nowadays. All things you do in games do not have lasting value after all, except in your mind afaic.

I love your post ❤️ 

While I do love GW2 a lot, GW1 will always -always- hold a special place in my heart. When you grow up in a game like GW1 that kind of feeling will hardly ever go away. It was, quite literally, the best time of my life.

I suppose I may need a break from GW2 in general, after crafting Vision I might just be on a burnout mode and the GW3 news just kind of enhanced that feeling to the point I just can't even login to do anything now.
I'll just wait for new expansion news and hope that rekindles my desire to play and have fun!

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38 minutes ago, Danikat.8537 said:

Wasn't that just different translations/interpretations of the same comment?

As far as I've heard all we've got is one comment by an unspecified person during an NCSoft shareholders meeting. Neither NCSoft or Anet have announced anything.

No, those are two different statements. First is from shareholder meeting, made by a vice CEO Park Byeong-moo (Notice, that while his position in company is not a strong as the CEO and founder Kim Taek-Jin's, many sources mention him as not vice-CEO but rather a co-CEO and talk about dual leadership structure. Regardless of the detail we're talking someone at the very top of company) and is very clear in its meaning. Second is from followup press release by NCSoft's PR team, and seems very intentionally vague in its interpretation.

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15 hours ago, TheQuickFox.3826 said:
  • Maybe GW3 never gets released. ==> (Your progress in) GW2 stays relevant.
  • Maybe GW3 gets released at some point in the future, but it is a different genre ==> (Your progress in) GW2 stays relevant.
  • Maybe GW3 gets released at some point in the future and is a remake of GW2 on a new engine ==> (Your progress in) GW2 stays relevant.
  • Maybe GW3 gets released at some point in the future, it is a MMORPG but players don't like it. ==> GW3 dies and (Your progress in) GW2 stays relevant.
  • Maybe GW3 gets released at some point in the future, it is a MMORPG and you can keep your characters, achievements, mounts and gear ==> (Your progress in) GW2 stays relevant.
  • Maybe GW3 gets released at some point in the future, it is a MMORPG and while you can't keep your characters, but there is an excellent way you can transfer your current gear, achievements, mounts and progression to the new game ==> (Your progress in) GW2 stays relevant.
  • Maybe GW3 gets released at some point in the future, it is a MMORPG and while you can't keep your characters, and most of your progression does not transfer, the GW2 game will get it's own development team that continues to develop expansions and releases for the game into the long future. ==> (Your progress in) GW2 stays relevant.
  • Maybe GW3 gets released at some point in the future, but it is unsuccessful, a financial disaster for ArenaNet. GW1 and GW2 still have a decent market value and AranaNet gets sold to a different publisher. It makes all the sense in the world to keep GW1 online and GW2 updated because it sill makes money to do so. ==> (Your progress in) GW2 stays relevant.


  • Maybe GW3 gets released at some point in the future, it is a MMORPG and you can't keep your characters, your current progress is not meaningfully transferred to the new game, GW2 no longer gets meaningful updates and gets into maintenance mode like GW1 is. ==> Yes, now your current progress is severely degraded. But I don't expect ArenaNet / NCSoft to be so stupid to go this way.

TL;DR: There are many scenarios. Most will end up in your current progress being valued as it should. In the end: We just don't know what the future will be. Anet never wanted this information to be out now and are probably as displeased by the NCSoft reveal as many GW2 players are.

Funny how you ignore how the development of GW3 would have an immediate impact on resource allocation to GW2 regardless of whether it would get implemented or not. Or how you try to handwave that last option as if it was unlikely, when in reality this is the most likely way it would go if GW3 would ever go to the release.

Hint: even GW3 cancellation before launch would have negative impact on GW2 due to resource redirection. And GW3 launching, regardless of result, would likely kill this game (because you can be sure Anet would cut the funding practically immediately, and even if GW3 failed later on, it would be too late to reverse course, as players would have already left the building).

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I'm confused. A "Is it worth getting a legendary amulet if gw3 is coming out?" thread has been merged with a doomer thread about how the OP doesn't like the games current direction and isn't sure if they should stay because GW3 isn't in the cards..


Are the mods AI looking for keywords to merge, or is there some relation I'm missing?

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