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WvW World Restructuring Beta Feedback and Future

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First of all I think World Restructuring has turn out well. 

Secondly not sure if this has anything to do with world restructuring,
1) I am having weird lag issues that involves  long delay of chat being send to the chat window
2) I am unable to collect payout from the black lion people (see picture)
3) Every time I click on the "castle icon" or every time I port to a new map this pops up (see picture)

while all that weird lag is happening, I have no problem executing skills in a 3 way 50 players fight.

I want to point out that Guild wars 2 have all access on my computer, firewall isn't a problem. 


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Im on Skrittsburgh. 24/7  outnumbered, blobbed to death, perma outnumbered buff, none of any player i know and nomally meet in wvw (im mostly roaming on my own) . The wvw fun is actually -100%. 

Lets say it short: This sucks!

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I think the big conclusion so far is balance matters and WR has not done a great job of balancing this first linking and matchup.

One up / one down weekly adjustments will presumably help a bit but some worlds seem sufficiently short of players/fight guilds/etc that I question whether it will be enough. I suspect our team, Throne of Balthazar on NA T5, is in that category, we're getting stomped by both other teams and we're in the bottom tier already. Our only hope is that in two more weeks both of the teams beating us have moved up and been replaced by weaker teams moving down but even if that dream comes true (and I doubt it will, I'm not convinced any of the T4 teams are weak enough that if they move down to our team then we'll be competitive with them) that would mean that we were waiting 3 weeks to get to a reasonable matchup.

So WR needs to do a much better job of the next linking.

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19 hours ago, SweetPotato.7456 said:

First of all I think World Restructuring has turn out well. 

Secondly not sure if this has anything to do with world restructuring,
1) I am having weird lag issues that involves  long delay of chat being send to the chat window
2) I am unable to collect payout from the black lion people (see picture)
3) Every time I click on the "castle icon" or every time I port to a new map this pops up (see picture)

while all that weird lag is happening, I have no problem executing skills in a 3 way 50 players fight.

I want to point out that Guild wars 2 have all access on my computer, firewall isn't a problem. 


I do have that chat lag you speak of. A lot of the time it happens when you can see the friends list go online/offline quickly or when that dreaded popup keeps happening (the one about log-in server/network error or whatever), but sometimes it doesn't even do that and there is some desync going on with the chat. Chat can appear to be lagged differently from skill lag because I don't think they are hosted on the same server/instance (my assumption only, as the lag associated with each can be independent from one another).

Edited by DemonSeed.3528
dialog box error msg
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Hey, I figured I would add my feedback here.

I don't want to be a downer, but my experience of the WvW restructuring betas haven't been good.  The permeant beta (those words still boggle my mind... "permanent beta"...) has been similar.  I've pug commanded once so far, that went well at least.

But in general, I guess I was very attached to Darkhaven.  I was friends with so many people throughout the guilds.  

One thing I don't understand: we are still having massively unfair population imbalance issues.  WTF?  It's really sad to me that my our communities were disbanded and scattered to the winds and were not even getting the one positive thing that was the goal of this change.

Honestly I didn't really mind being outnumbered most of the 24 hour cycle when I was on Darkhaven.  Our roamers and scouts were so good at communicating that I honestly felt it was fun to face impossible odds when we didn't have peak population.  But in all the WvW restructuring betas it has sucked.  Most of the time it's just blob vs blob, or enemy blob going around effortlessly papering everything.

My new server seems to not care about the borderlands at all.  Which is weird, because the enemy servers definitely seem to.  I find this to be a really crappy circumstance. 

I've chosen to move with my guild, and we floated, since we were not in an alliance I guess.  I could join the ex-dakrhaven community, or BREW, or another of the guilds I have friends in, and I almost did, but then I would be away from my current guildies.  Either way there are dozens and dozens of people I feel like I was good friends with that I will perhaps never see again.  WvW on Darkhaven was the only thing we had in common.  

I hope all my friends found new pugmanders, they deserve to have a good WvW experience.  Im super sad i cannot be there to help them.


Im really trying to search for some sort of positive light in the darkness.  I was really hoping that light would be: "At least we have equally balanced population coverage on all the servers", but alas, it seems this is not the case 😕


Overall, I would say results are mixed and I've not been having such a great experience with the WvW restructuring.  This time around isn't quite as terrible as the past mini beta's, but I was really hoping... Well, if we're going to sacrifice our legacy servers and the amazing communities they had become... I was at least hoping it would work (successfully adress population balancing)


I don't know what my feedback will accomplish.  I just wanted to let the devs know what I've been experiencing.  I can speak for a lot of other people too when I say this has been a really sad and challenging time for a lot of people I know.


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15 hours ago, NerevarineNinja.1643 said:

Hey, I figured I would add my feedback here.

I don't want to be a downer, but my experience of the WvW restructuring betas haven't been good.  The permeant beta (those words still boggle my mind... "permanent beta"...) has been similar.  I've pug commanded once so far, that went well at least.

But in general, I guess I was very attached to Darkhaven.  I was friends with so many people throughout the guilds.  

One thing I don't understand: we are still having massively unfair population imbalance issues.  WTF?  It's really sad to me that my our communities were disbanded and scattered to the winds and were not even getting the one positive thing that was the goal of this change.

Honestly I didn't really mind being outnumbered most of the 24 hour cycle when I was on Darkhaven.  Our roamers and scouts were so good at communicating that I honestly felt it was fun to face impossible odds when we didn't have peak population.  But in all the WvW restructuring betas it has sucked.  Most of the time it's just blob vs blob, or enemy blob going around effortlessly papering everything.

My new server seems to not care about the borderlands at all.  Which is weird, because the enemy servers definitely seem to.  I find this to be a really crappy circumstance. 

I've chosen to move with my guild, and we floated, since we were not in an alliance I guess.  I could join the ex-dakrhaven community, or BREW, or another of the guilds I have friends in, and I almost did, but then I would be away from my current guildies.  Either way there are dozens and dozens of people I feel like I was good friends with that I will perhaps never see again.  WvW on Darkhaven was the only thing we had in common.  

I hope all my friends found new pugmanders, they deserve to have a good WvW experience.  Im super sad i cannot be there to help them.


Im really trying to search for some sort of positive light in the darkness.  I was really hoping that light would be: "At least we have equally balanced population coverage on all the servers", but alas, it seems this is not the case 😕


Overall, I would say results are mixed and I've not been having such a great experience with the WvW restructuring.  This time around isn't quite as terrible as the past mini beta's, but I was really hoping... Well, if we're going to sacrifice our legacy servers and the amazing communities they had become... I was at least hoping it would work (successfully adress population balancing)


I don't know what my feedback will accomplish.  I just wanted to let the devs know what I've been experiencing.  I can speak for a lot of other people too when I say this has been a really sad and challenging time for a lot of people I know.


🙂 I am glad DH and SBI had an extra bit of links together, like DH and you all. Floating is weird, seeing it as a mini-vacation to see how the sorts are looking and yeah its a mix based on what I am seeing out there, here on the forums and in the scoring. 

Key I would say as you float is to watch for others you and yours might want to link with. Be they already established or also floating. So I would say look at it more like a vacation to a town you haven't heard of and go from there. 

As when linked, /wave from Grim and good hunting!

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Congrats for this new guild blob system were people that are in small servers are obliterated, is pathetic and really bad.

Interesting is we don't see any Anet tags (they used to come and see watt's is going on), you can come we have lots of space for you. I know the real reason you don't come.

When we have servers, we have lots of fights, even in lower tiers, now is all big guild blob domination.

You totally ruined WvWvW. Buying the next expansion was a bib mistake.

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Thinking seriously in let GW2 some time.

As a WvW player the game is so boring now in my server, second link and same problem than last week.  We are always outnumbers and can't do anything even if we are better fighters.

Alliances were looking very good but the balance in this beta is really bad and give a really bad experience to the people on the server where you are always outnumbered.

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On 6/19/2024 at 8:52 PM, Pheppo.9286 said:

Im on Skrittsburgh. 24/7  outnumbered, blobbed to death, perma outnumbered buff, none of any player i know and nomally meet in wvw (im mostly roaming on my own) . The wvw fun is actually -100%. 

Lets say it short: This sucks!

at least youre not on frost citadel. the server equivalent of bin juice.


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1 hour ago, Sandzibar.5134 said:

at least youre not on frost citadel. the server equivalent of bin juice.



On 6/19/2024 at 8:52 PM, Pheppo.9286 said:

Im on Skrittsburgh. 24/7  outnumbered, blobbed to death, perma outnumbered buff, none of any player i know and nomally meet in wvw (im mostly roaming on my own) . The wvw fun is actually -100%. 

Lets say it short: This sucks!

I have some fantastic news, there is a solution! Joining a guild with likeminded people will make this experience much better! the wvw team you're on should not matter anymore!

Dont be like Tom! (insert meme here)

In all seriousness, i hope after a few resets and relinks things will be great for you as solo players will find their actual home in a suitable tier.

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Please no. I’m loving being able to run with my friends in our guild and not having to spend 1800 gems or whatever to try and move to a server that is full anyway just to participate in competitive WvW. I think the people feeling frustrated are probably stuck in really unbalanced matchups for 6 weeks, and this is not unsurprising because the volatility of recreating new tiers means some people are paired with others who are either significantly above or below their competitive level. I would anticipate a lot of that evening out over the next matchup or two. 

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Sorry to say WR has been a disaster for us as a guild and for our alliance. There is no conent and perma q on every border that doesn't move. If the goal was to stop us playing it's working a treat. I think you guys need to take a look at the activity levels and the times that people are active cause the balancing is worse than it ever has been.

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Beautiful balance. Powerful alliances of veteran players, 24/7 coverage without ppt against small alliances with rookie players. This is worse than before. Zero desire to play when I already know that it will be impossible to win a single fight. In the morning or in the afternoon, it is the same.

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6 hours ago, rwknoll.7824 said:

Please no. I’m loving being able to run with my friends in our guild and not having to spend 1800 gems or whatever to try and move to a server that is full anyway just to participate in competitive WvW. I think the people feeling frustrated are probably stuck in really unbalanced matchups for 6 weeks, and this is not unsurprising because the volatility of recreating new tiers means some people are paired with others who are either significantly above or below their competitive level. I would anticipate a lot of that evening out over the next matchup or two. 

Unbalanced is a feature, not a bug, of the new system, because of the way that the very active WvW guilds have created their alliances. The system will remain unfair unless, after the tiers are sorted so that the most active/larger alliances are in T1 and the least active/smaller/no alliances are in T4 and there is no movement between tiers occurs. So long as there is up and down, T2 is possibly going to be a misery for at least one set of guilds/alliances.

Let the larger organised ones, with close to 24/7 activity, be stuck fighting each other.

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3 hours ago, Hesione.9412 said:

Unbalanced is a feature, not a bug, of the new system, because of the way that the very active WvW guilds have created their alliances. The system will remain unfair unless, after the tiers are sorted so that the most active/larger alliances are in T1 and the least active/smaller/no alliances are in T4 and there is no movement between tiers occurs. So long as there is up and down, T2 is possibly going to be a misery for at least one set of guilds/alliances.

Let the larger organised ones, with close to 24/7 activity, be stuck fighting each other.

I admit, I would kinda be interested in them setting thing up a bit more stratified.  I would love to have some lower-organized and lower-population "worlds" that get to fight amongst themselves removed from the big 24/7 activity teams.

I know world linking was introduced because there were a lot of dead-ish WvW servers, but I admit that I have always wanted to give that style of WvW a try.  I might be alone in that, though.  :V

Edited by Maekrix Waere.2087
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1 hour ago, Maekrix Waere.2087 said:

I admit, I would kinda be interested in them setting thing up a bit more stratified.  I would love to have some lower-organized and lower-population "worlds" that get to fight amongst themselves removed from the big 24/7 activity teams.

I know world linking was introduced because there were a lot of dead-ish WvW servers, but I admit that I have always wanted to give that style of WvW a try.  I might be alone in that, though.  :V

Essentially EotM.

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1 hour ago, joneirikb.7506 said:

Essentially EotM.

The problem with EotM is it's rewards.  Namely, the lack of pips towards the skirmish reward track.  I honestly would love to give EotM a proper attempt at learning it and playing on it, but if I'm not progressing skirmish chests *and* my WvW reward track points are lower, why would I bother?

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