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Another year of SAB, another year of asking for whats right.

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Finish it.
No matter what it takes.
Finish the super adventure box levels.

Next year you better finish world 3.
And either reuse zone 0, or give every world a zone 0.

Stop it with leaving things half finished, proves yourselves worthy. 

Edited by Inssengrimm.7924
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4 hours ago, Inssengrimm.7924 said:

No GW3 is going to be good if they don't finish SAB.

SAB is literally the best piece of content this game has ever had.

I would take SAB over any raid, wvw, pvp, even an expansion, whatever any day.

Be better.

Sounds like you're playing the wrong game then. Don't get me wrong. I love SAB. I've been gaming since the 80's so it really takes me back. But it's literally a side story of a side character and their creation that has no bearing on the actual story of the game (except for 1 story chapter years ago). SAB is not what GW2 is about and it will never be what GW2 is about. It's a fun little addition that started as an April Fools joke. And now, finally after years, they're continuing development on it. Don't expect full worlds to be released every year because ANet doesn't have the manpower to spend on something that is not the bread and butter of the studio or the essence of their game. And why spend so much on a festival that is only active 3 out of 52 weeks? From a business perspective that would just be dumb.

Go play some old 8-bit games if SAB isn't enough for you. Give it some time. Who knows where SAB will be in 5 years? I mean, 5 years ago no one ever expected them to continue development on SAB but here we are.

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Or just fix the "cornerstone" in the game's cornerstone mode that is WvW (and other bugs, exploits and map hacks - not even talking about a new map etc.) and not a silly April's Fool side project of one of ANet's programmers that is liked by many players for the 8-bit nostalgia, but not part of what should be the core of the game.

(sorry for the rant)

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If Anet isn't able to finish SAB, then whats left?
How can we keep confident they will ever be able to finish something when the one good thing is not done? 

Four worlds, 3 levels each.

Step up. No more excuses. Finish the Super Adventure Box.

Prove to this community that you all are capable of true greatness. 

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44 minutes ago, Inssengrimm.7924 said:

Finishing your work is not dumb.

Its your duty. 

It's not the work of the whole company, though. It was a side project from one guy and a small team that started as a one-off April Fool's joke. We're lucky that they turned it into a festival and have  added more stuff to it, considering it's just a side activity that is not part of any main content.

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Agree 100%. GW 2 basically only exists to provide a contrast to realise the true beauty of SAB. No other game in existence has such a complete lobby from which to launch the ACTUAL game. The fact that it was all an April Fool’s joke makes it even better. Seriously, nothing quite like SAB exists in any other game. It’s a testament to the ingenuity and sense of humour of ANet’s staff. It definitely deserves to be completed … But in the free time of the developers, i.e. when they feel like it. Because once it becomes a full featured line-item on some bean counter’s spreadsheet the magic shall be gone.

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14 minutes ago, nosleepdemon.1368 said:

Have you no sense of enjoyment?!

If it just went away, many players honestly wouldn't miss it's garish pixelated horror.  I loathe it, some years I never set foot in it.  Did just enough to get the annual this year, and that's more than I really wanted to.  I really don't care to see them ever finish something that should never have been.  Spend resources elsewhere.  

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17 minutes ago, Farohna.6247 said:

If it just went away, many players honestly wouldn't miss it's garish pixelated horror.  I loathe it, some years I never set foot in it.  Did just enough to get the annual this year, and that's more than I really wanted to.  I really don't care to see them ever finish something that should never have been.  Spend resources elsewhere.  

It gets more participation than any other event. Source: People with a sense of humour.

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It takes time. They obviously are working on ot - adding the disclaimer that this should not be taken as a promise of a full season to avoid disappointment if it takes longer than expected.
That they are also fixing certain stuff the speed runners in tribulation (ab)used is also a good sign. (Means they start to care for SAB in general.)

The test zone already seems like (one of) the best zone(s) in the SAB to me. So many good additions: The freely usable checkpoints. Vendor machine in the zone - to restore lifes (so I can always use my infinite coin to restore to never be able to go to the game over room again). The mini JPs like with the one chest - where they even added the adventure. (Which has a clever use: Can reset you to the start of the mini JP without having to walk back there. When you still need to go for the chest for the bauble for other achievement. And the players that want hard/competitive stuff can use it to compare their times trying to get better there.)

This is how it can work. Seems almost finished in that zone I think we soon can start to get a test 2nd test zone and move this one to a final W3Z1 release.

For the festival itself: I like that you easily can get cheap currency to buy stuff from the weekly vendor. The festivals with the non-bound curreny have rare/grindfy ways to obtain it. Making it expensive at the TP. Making the weekly vendor expensive. (Wintersday, Dragon Bash and Halloween.) The other 2 ones with the bound currency are either harder (more stuff to do but still fun and nice and "cheap" sine you can earn enough of the free bound currency for the weekly vendor) or more boring. (Four Winds and the .... slightly boring New Year's.)

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