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[Suggestions]QoL (Quality of Life) Ideas [Merged]


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Add a keybind to rift hunting or make it a big button somewhere, aiming for that small arrow down left to choose rift hunting is annoying.

Make tasks and rewards from vault show on the right like with old dailies and get rewards just by right clicking it instead of opening vault ui and clicking on chest specifically.

Add a ticket in NPC merchant that teleports to the mage quarters, haven't seen it anywhere. New maps are far off from the main maps and scrolling there to teleport is annoying.

Ad a cooldown timer somewhere for the new skyscale mastery of jumping onto the mount during the combat. It has 180 sec cd but once it's used I have no way of finding out what is the rest of cd and have to guess.

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1 hour ago, GoodMartin.6307 said:

Add a keybind to rift hunting or make it a big button somewhere, aiming for that small arrow down left to choose rift hunting is annoying.

You can keybind it yourself. It's under the control tab as special actions IIRC

1 hour ago, GoodMartin.6307 said:

.Add a ticket in NPC merchant that teleports to the mage quarters, haven't seen it anywhere. New maps are far off from the main maps and scrolling there to teleport is annoying.

God, please yes! 100%

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12 hours ago, GoodMartin.6307 said:

Add a keybind to rift hunting or make it a big button somewhere, aiming for that small arrow down left to choose rift hunting is annoying.

You can keybind it... Look at your keybinding settings it's always been a thing for new mastery skills...

12 hours ago, GoodMartin.6307 said:

Add a ticket in NPC merchant that teleports to the mage quarters, haven't seen it anywhere. New maps are far off from the main maps and scrolling there to teleport is annoying.

You mean this or...? You also don't need to scroll to maps if you don't know. You can hit a button on the compass and it moves you over that area for each xpac and core.

Edited by KawsMeCal.5923
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The Leyline Gliding on mounts -must- be a toggle. I've so many times tried to go somewhere only to almost get there, accidentally hook myself on a Leyline and get yeeted back.

Do like with the Siege Turtle, add an F1 option of  "Ride Leylines"/"Ignore Leylines."

Edited by Malus.2184
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It might be worth to add a solo dungeon before Ascalonian Catacombs. Dungeons are old contents, we know it, but almost all of the new players will run them at some point, and often they won't have a good experience, making them judge the game too harshly.

Ideally I would swap Caudecus and the catacombs, since the manor is a much better instance, with trails to follow, and it's a better first time experience. But if it's not possible for lore reasons, it could be considered adding a new small solo dungeon, where players can learn what it's a defiance bar (for example adding a miniboss like the vale guardians, that you have to CC when they are at 1%, or you won't kill them. With boulders conveniently placed nearby) and also learn that it's possible to resurrect an ally/NPC (in my last run, with new players, 2 of them, one after the other, left the group after they died, and not because we left them alone, behind. We walked very slow, all together). Some stopper where people must use a dodge to pass through could also be used. The flames in the catacombs might look something that you can avoid by simply waiting for the right moment for example, you may not think that you can evade them with a dodge. Not everyone opens the chest in the starting map.

Also, completely new players don't even know the difference between story and explorable, and usually their post in LFG is simply without subject. A solo dungeon (story mode) with tutorial could be available at around lv.23, just after the second part of the personal story, to break the monotony, and then a new explorable path (without the tutorial) could be unlocked at lv.25; with enough time to have a close goal before changing map and forgetting about it.

It's possible to level up very fast nowadays, and not everyone will know how to dodge, what's a defiance bar, or that we can resurrect allies by just standing close to them, before they do their first dungeon. It can also happen that you have to play your first dungeon with high lv. players that will rush 1-shotting everything and the run will be over after few minutes with a feeling of... "meh, that was so weird. It didn't like it". At least if you can play alone and learn some basic mechanic, you should be able to understand what's going on with a group.

Edited by Urud.4925
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Any chance for stat combo sets , to have a chance for a single weapon skill  to deal  "max damage" (regarldes of the stat you have), in order to fix this issuse .

Some combo sets , can have a chance for the  weapon skill 2 (regardles of weaspon)  to deal 'max damage" , and other armor sets to buff specific spells from each spec with a lowe cd ?

Or if you use a 4-2-3  weapon skill combo , then your 5th attack have 100% canhce for "max damage"

Edited by Killthehealersffs.8940
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I would love if the Skyscale's Fireball skill could be re-bound in options. I use the number 2 skill for Griffon Dive at the moment, so fireball isn't useable for me without either clicking it or remapping dive to something else. it'd be awesome to be able to bind it separately eventually, so I can find another comfortable key to use for it! 🙂

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1 hour ago, Gwylen.3462 said:

I would love if the Skyscale's Fireball skill could be re-bound in options. I use the number 2 skill for Griffon Dive at the moment, so fireball isn't useable for me without either clicking it or remapping dive to something else. it'd be awesome to be able to bind it separately eventually, so I can find another comfortable key to use for it! 🙂

The first few skills of mounts actually take their keybindings from your weapon skills, which is a bit confusing, because the game lets us bind the same keys to weapons and mounts simultaneously, but the mount keybinds take precedence so you end up with skills you can't use. This has been a problem for a while now but I guess player controls aren't a priority. I'm guessing that because technically we can rebind to whatever we want, it's a "player error" issue or something.

I ended up just sucking it up and rebinding Mount Skill 2 to something else, but now I'm going through this awkward phase where I keep messing up races and simple activities because I'm used to my old keybind. I'm not sure what the best fix would be, but maybe they ought to just create a separate set of explicit keybinds for mount skills 1-3, and by default have them inherit the keybinds from weapon skills, especially now that we have mounts and such that have more skills (skiffs, certain types of story-related vehicles, etc).


Anyways, my small QOL suggestion: It would be nice if we could right-click the Wizard's Vault icon at the top of the screen to instantly collect all pending rewards (kinda like the old system), instead of having to open the window and individually click everything.

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In my last post, I talked about how there should be a toggle for Leyline riding. Now I want to expand on it. Make it a toggle for both Leyline riding and using Updrafts and make both the Griffon and Skyscale have one. In addition to meeting myself across the map in the wrong direction when accidentally hooking a Leyline, I know also have to deal with that I can "branch" myself when flying since hitting an Updraft makes me lose forward momentum. And on a griffon that feels really bad.

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On 8/24/2023 at 7:20 PM, DemonAtTheWheel.1804 said:

There is one of those, when you talk to any vendor which can buy junk items.  Or are you meaning something different? If so, elaborate? 

"Sell junk" inventory button not requiring vendor interaction. Like "deposit materials" button.

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there's literally no one playing in past expansion maps, only the map with teleport/house still got some ppl (e.g. crystal oasis).

if there's no one playing your games, fine.

at least make those meta/normal events easier/scalable so I can at least finish them in "single player mode" and stop putting a timer on every mission, thx


Edited by UNO.4906
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7 hours ago, SpiderZ.9146 said:

"Sell junk" inventory button not requiring vendor interaction. Like "deposit materials" button.

The closest there is currently for that is if you get the Collector's Edition Sandstorm or Tarrktun Personal Delivery Portal  (from mega gambling with ectos.... you then can sell junk anywhere via that tool

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The Wizard's Vault purchasing could use some tweeking....

Lets say you have hit the max of 1300 Astral Acclaim and need to go on a shopping spree.... you choose Laurels... there are 150 available. Great.

You click on it, a window pops up asking 'one or five'... you are gonna buy as many as you can, 5... window closes. WTF. you have to 'rinse and repeat' that crap 30 times? really?

Either there needs to be like a normal vendor... arrow up / down for how many you want, or the popup should no close and you should be able to spam the '1' or '5' buttons like a mad man till you burn though your wad

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