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[Suggestions]QoL (Quality of Life) Ideas [Merged]


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Thought for character customization it was weird how each gender for each race had different hairstyle, minus a few of course. 
But seeing how some hairstyles are shared I thought it would be so much better if all the hairstyles were available for both genders.

For their own corresponding race of course (would be funny to see a Norn with leaves for hair though)

Just thought that in the current year masculine toons can be more feminine and visa versa.

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Someone just suggested on reddit for ways to get more "Otter's Blessing Enrichment" after you get the enrichment.


I agree. I have the encrichment myself, and it would be neat to be able to buy more of them with extra Memories of Otter + gold or map currency from a vendor so my other characters can have the effect too, but why stop there?


It would be AWESOME to see variations for all game modes - WvW, PvE and PvP


For WvW for example, players could have the +10% WvW Experience stat with the otter's blessing animation, or the +5% WvW Reward Track Infusion with the otter's blessing animation.


That way people can have the infusion/enrichment stats they want for whatever game mode they prefer - PvE (karma, magic find, XP etc.), WvW or PvP - but also keep the otter's animation effect, and be able to have it on MULTIPLE characters.


I don't know why this wasn't done in the first place, and hasn't been done with other items to be honest - like Koda's Warmth, and probably a few others infusions I can't think of right now off the top of my head.

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Fusing 25 Quartz Crystals at a 'place of power' - but it only accepts the quartz if it's in your inventory. Nevermind the fact that I have plenty of it in the bank. It's so frustrating, because we as players deposit materials into the bank all the time to stop inventory clutter, but the one time we need to keep these materials - it's in the bank!!! So you have to go ALL THE WAY TO THE BANK just to withdraw the quartz, then GO ALL THE WAY BACK to a 'place of power' in order to get a charged quartz. This really needs to change. Make it so that you don't have to have the quartz crystals in your inventory - and have it pulled from the bank if you need to charge a quartz.

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Dear dear devs.

I'd like to request the following:


● A skin tone changer.


Sometimes we only want to change the skin tone/tan on our characters without the need to "complete makeover" them.


So a skin tone changer available on Gem store, aswell as Black Lion Statuettes, chests, and even laurels should do it.


This item could be the same price as the Self Airstyle changer?


Many thanks.

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To ANET,  some of part in current outfit are worth to make as individuals armor skin

if I were recommended 


Balthazar regalia : glove

Crystals savant : shoulder 

Herald Aurene : foot

Logan : all

Mage knight :  all

Marjory : glove. Shoulder 

Musaat : foot 

Wandering weapon master : all 

player can buy for mix and match fashion 


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4 hours ago, Ashantara.8731 said:

😂 The what now?

Haha. 😂

I forgot the proper name and wasn't logged in at the time to look.

So because we have one of those self hairstyle thingies, I thought that we could have one to change the skin tone.


I made my mesmer a little too dark for her character... all them years ago.


Her skin complexion should be lighter.

I just don't wanna have to spend a lot of gems and waste away a complete makeover.

I'm trying to save for another character for a name change. 



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The ability for a normal dismount would be nice when the mount is close to the ground or a traversable surface. When the raptor trips on some small rocks or when the beetle rolls over a series of small bumps and the game locks the dismount ability because, as far as it is concerned, you are mid-air, can be annoying. Very mildly, but still...

Also, the Skyscale wall grab. Again, I'd love it if it was a special action with a key bind and not automatic. Especially, when it can hold onto a single piece of overhanging vine that you don't even notice while moving but for some reason has collision...

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Dragon Essence - Auto absorb all dragon essence from enemies. Why do we as players have to exhaust so much time and energy into chasing THIRTY of each dragon essence from enemies - we have better things to do than play easter egg hunt while fighting enemies.


Invitation to "Lily of the Elon" - have it no longer required in your inventory to gain access. I bought this ages ago, but haven't used it because I don't have enough room in my shared inventory slots to have it, so I have it in my bank. But whenever I'm in the Crystal Oasis and see the area nearby, I can't go in because it's not in my inventory. Why punish players who have already bought and paid for access to this area? Just because they don't have the item in their inventory? Absolutely ridiculous!!!

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More waypoints in waypoint lacking areas, such as Sandswept Isles. I mean, 2 waypoints for the whole place!?!?!? I have all the mounts and it still takes a good 1-2 minutes with skyscale to get to the bottom parts of the map to try and keep up with mentors or commmander tags. There are some maps that are severely lacking in waypoints and need more. It doesn't add anything to the game but frustration and wasting time.

Edited by Zaoda.1653
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4 hours ago, Zaoda.1653 said:

There are some maps that are severely lacking in waypoints and need more.

I'm on the exact opposite of that opinion. The core maps are absolutely oversaturated with waypoints. I mean sometimes they are so close that standing at one the next closest WP is already within range of the zoomed in minimap. I believe that's one of the things the devs corrected when they started adding new maps after the initial release and that's why some of them became permanently contested in the core zones.

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I just picked up Guild Wars 2 after buying it at launch in 2012 and playing for about 30mins. I'm 72hrs in now and I have to say this is the perfect MMO for me! So much love and dedication went into this game, even 9 years after launch it's game design is far superior to most MMO's I've played. End of Dragons looks to be a solid update and I can't wait to explore Cantha. There are only a few small suggestions I would make to improve the experience, I feel if these were implemented the game would be indistinguishable from an MMO released in 2021 and simultaneously outshine most of them:


1 - Make the post-processing bloom effect a lot more subtle (possibly add a slider for this).

2 - Add the option to remove target outlines and highlights when post-processing is turned on (or off).

3 - Change the system font to something more modern (especially chat, enemy, npc, player, and objects names).

4 - Add an option to hide rewards and receive them automatically (for those of us that love action camera).

5 - Slightly increase the difficulty in the starter zones and make the story dungeons more challenging and balanced.

6 - This one is optional but a housing system with crafting or similar would make this my top MMO of all time.


Thank you for the wonderful game, I look forward to seeing what comes next!

Edited by gnarghoul.4782
unnecessary spaces
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This probably never crossed anyone's mind, but after years of playing the game and customizing my characters, I would love to be able to change the things I summon. I LOVE minion builds, and I always try to force classes into them, but I only wish I could change how they look.

It would be great if it was a thing that was unlocked via gameplay, but if it was a gemstore thing I wouldn't mind. I mean they even sell chairs there, so it would fit.

Imagine summoning Zhaitan minions as a necro, Primordius and jormag minions as ele, maybe even have different animal skins for the ranger (Basenji instead of the Krytan Hound for example).

And the best idea I've had on it so far, the Thieves Guild skill summoning Order of Whispers dudes.

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33 minutes ago, zait.5042 said:

This probably never crossed anyone's mind...

So many threads have been discusing that for the past years. And while more options are better, I'd rather have ANet spend resources on somethig else that benefits maybe all players and not just pet classes.

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Remove the 'Are You Sure?' interface that pops up every time you stat-change legendary gear. It's like, yes, I'm sure, if I wasn't, I wouldn't have picked it... and if I misclicked by accident, I can change it back. It's faster without this nuisance interface popping up EVERY SINGLE TIME!

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Hello dear devs.

We sometimes request changes that aren't that important to begin with... but seem to forget aspects of the game that do qualify as QoL.

We know you are very busy with EoD; but if you can find a little spare time of your busy routine, I'd like to request the following please:


● HoT maps lag a lot more than the others.

Please optimise these maps, with any means you can.

I find when entering verdant brink, the huge open space makes it lag almost to an unplayable state.

Perhaps you could hide objects that are behind other objects or terrain, just like the ones in core.


● Crowd lag.

Just like HoT maps, when a map has more than 20-25 players, it feels like we're applying breaks in the video card.

This is most troublesome in WvW maps as if that number reaches over 50 players in the same area, I can't see most of my team, and can't even see the enemy approaching. 


I request an extra option or slider in which I can see all the players but reduce or nullify unecessary visual effects.

This option is to reduce visual clutter, such as visual effect emitters on armour, weapons, and trinkets.


Sparks, glows, light effects, etc...

You could also add a tick box to hide everyone's backpacks, minis, and all visuals that are unecessary for a WvW experience. 


● LFG search bar to find a guild with a specific name.


● LFG participation bonus.

Some sort of reward for joining and redoing events such as Triple Trouble.


I've been trying to obtain this achievement for years to no avail.

I tried the LFG but never find a team big enough to succeed... if anyone at all.

This is one of the hardest achievements in the game as it requires a huge amount of people. 

Please do something about this.


Well. Thanks very much for your time.

I hope you can solve these issues.


Edited by SoulGuardian.6203
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Hi devs.

I'm trying to find a warhammer skin suitable to fit a specific character's theme.


I've looked through all the warhammers in wardrobe and there isn't one like I'm loiking for.


What I actually want to ask is a hammer that has sort of spikes and blades in both ends without the maul bit.

I know it's a long shot, but please consider.


A Kris sword too please.

I think there's a kris dagger? ...but not a sword. 



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