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[Suggestions]QoL (Quality of Life) Ideas [Merged]


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15 hours ago, Tiviana.2650 said:

Would it be possible to clean up LFG in the expansion

Possible? Yes. Likely? No.

I'd appreciate a re-haul of LFG to clean up categories and perhaps also add a way to queue for/join instanced content remotely, but something like that is probably going to come after EoD (if it comes at all). Devs have mentioned that the expansion was a blindside to what they were trying to achieve with IBS, so it seems to me that their primary focus is on getting the expansion finished and little else is on their radar right now.

..except changing offline to off-line. Evidently that was vital stuff last year.

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Update the spam filter such that players are allowed to reply once to a mail sent to them without that reply counting as spam and then being blocked from replying to the rest of their mail. 



Effect of this change is so that players who are drowning in mail can effectively reply to their mail instead of being time-blocked. The current system where replying to > 2 mail in a row means you're temporarily blocked from replying for the rest of your mail "to prevent spam" adds annoyance and is a QoL downer that especially punishes mentors.

I think that replying once to a mail sent to the player, is usually solicited, legitimate mail, not spam. 

Spammers send unsolicited mail to random people, or reply multiple times.


Some types of players that may find this useful or use cases the current situation may be rough for:

- guild leaders- get lots of mail coz offline, or working out guild stuff.

- group/community event organizers who organize events over some time- (example, supposing they're organizing an event or community event for a specific day in the future or something so the organization happens sometimes when they're not playing),

- tags that do mentor-y/helpful-type stuff like portaling folk, shortcuts, hero trains, offering to teach meta/mechanics even if offline and leading/meta can thank their tippers more easily or explain mechanic things if they get a lot of offline questions if this change is implemented. 

( i can personally confirm that this system of blocking the ability to reply to mail is irritating and a major QoL downer if you like helping people as a portaler.)

-edit- :

In the case the confused face is a confused because the suggestion is unclear or i've edited this suggestion for clarification on the current system- it's not an issue the average gw player comes across if they haven't portaled anyone or exchanging stuff between friends a lot- tho I've heard some complaints also from guild leaders/organizers; if there is a way to bypass this issue, I would love to know. 

Otherwise I assume it's that the person does not like the idea, in which case I would be open to understanding why this is a bad idea or something i've missed if they'd like to put in their 2 cents :).  If there is something I've missed, I'd like to refine this suggestion.

Edited by cloudsareyum.8120
The two cases in which I've experienced mail blockage been irritating has been as a portaler (x1000) and mentoring teaching mechanics (mildly .doable, but still irritating).
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On 1/21/2022 at 1:12 PM, Zraurum.8493 said:

I had a funny idea about "Tea time" chair, but is it possible to make such a chair for a mesmer so that you can put your clone in front of it? ) I think it would be funny, there are also two basic buttons for tea time. And the mesmer would have a third button - seat the clone opposite)
Ideally, add buttons so that the clone can drink tea in two ways, or when the button is pressed, as soon as the clone brings the mug to his lips, he breaks up into butterflies)

this is a nice suggestion, i think it would get more attention in the "Gem store item suggestion thread" - Gemstore Requests, I think is called.

Edited by cloudsareyum.8120
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On 1/8/2022 at 11:43 PM, Mil.3562 said:

Hi ANet. It would be great if we could change our Guild Name with a Gem Store item just like the player's identity change contract. I am sure that it can be done easily since I have often seen guilds being asked to change their name if they used an inappropriate one. Please consider.

FYI that this may get more views or be worked on in the Gemstore Requests thread- specifically for Gemstore suggestions.  I can't figure out how to quote more than one post, so i guess I'll just have to quote each of y'all that may get more attention there xd


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I would like to be able to play as the right body type and the left body type for norn female character customization. (i've seen slightly slimmer norn, but no abs allowed on female norns apparently. =[ )  The current feels like just iterations with miniscule changes of the middle type of body type. 

Edited by cloudsareyum.8120
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1 hour ago, cloudsareyum.8120 said:

FYI that this may get more views or be worked on in the Gemstore Requests thread- specifically for Gemstore suggestions.  I can't figure out how to quote more than one post, so i guess I'll just have to quote each of y'all that may get more attention there xd


Why would players wish to pay for a Guild Name Change when the CS Team will do it at no cost?  https://help.guildwars2.com/hc/en-us/articles/360013021194-Policy-Guild-Ownership-and-Name-Changes

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I figure that this option has been presented before but just encase is has not. 

Would it be possible to ADD the unbreakable gathering tools to the Legendary Armory. Even if it was just one of each type would make it easier on those of us with multiple toon that do a lot of farming. beside the fact that it would free up space in the inventory/shared inventory.  \

Just an idea 


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Can we please get a 'Noxious Pod' home instance node?


I'm in Oceania, time-zone wise, hardly anyone is online when I'm online - which makes it difficult at the best of times waiting for enough people to be online to do the meta, so that many noxious pods spawn around the map.


I'm lucky if I manage to find 3-5 or so noxious pods in the whole map of an empty Dragon's Stand map.


The drop rates of the machined axe handle, machined focus casing etc. from noxious pods are also very low, which makes it even more difficult to complete the Machined Weapons achievement.

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... also in WvW.

Would it be possible to add sounds such as

"Your base is under attack"

"Your camp is under attack"

"Building lost"

"Castle lost"


A lot of times we're still fighting for the castle, and its been lost.

I know we should pay attention to the colour changing, but in the heat of battle, we don't often notice it, and are still inside by our selves instead of legging it.


Some warning sounds would be awesome.

Thank you.

Edited by SoulGuardian.6203
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34 minutes ago, SoulGuardian.6203 said:

... also in WvW.

Would it be possible to add sounds such as

"Your base is under attack"

"Your camp is under attack"

"Building lost"

"Castle lost"


A lot of times we're still fighting for the castle, and its been lost.

I know we should pay attention to the colour changing, but in the heat of battle, we don't often notice it, and are still inside by our selves instead of legging it.


Some warning sounds would be awesome.

Thank you.

I'd be for this only if it was a toggle option.

I am sound-sensitive, especially to speech and extraneous sounds like that would be stressful and bar me from playing WvW.

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I can't help it but when I play guild wars some effects really hurt my eyes like barrier is so bright >.<

Edit: Turning off post processing helped a bit, someone whispered that to me


New suggestion: Put a description for what post processing does in the options.

Edited by Serenic.6852
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41 minutes ago, Serenic.6852 said:

I can't help it but when I play guild wars some effects really hurt my eyes like barrier is so bright >.<

Edit: Turning off post processing helped a bit, someone whispered that to me


New suggestion: Put a description for what post processing does in the options.

Already a description in Options. Just hover your cursor over the 3 options for Post-processing. 

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I've noticed that, for some years, the game sees a rise in players only when some new content comes out, especially story content. I think that could change if some new, more engaging mechanics were added. 

The best mechanics I've seen that tend to attract all kinds of players for the longest time are usually more roleplaying life like mechanics. You can see that especially in games that can be modded, like Skyrim, where even though it's a fantasy world, players still love to add realistic mechanics to it, like making your own farm, traveling NPCs you can protect while attacking their assailant, having injuries and diseases, animations for many simple things, and much more. 

I know many of these things can't be added because of the engine limitations, and some are already in the game in a simple version like conditions.

So I've thought of some ideas that I've seen attract many players to every game that has them, and possibly could be easily added to the game by using mechanics already in the game. 

So here are the ideas:

-New private instance for the player besides the home instance or guild hall. 

Home instances have too many limitations for the farming and decoration aspects that anyone can easily see when trying to work in it, although now we have the decoration system from guild halls. 

Using the guild hall decoration mechanics should make it easy to let the player decorate their private instance, or even create their own home from already existing decorations. This way, not only would guilds be happy to have more decorations, but also other players that aren't too guild driven could also get them to use in their private instance. It would even make everyone more excited when new guild decorations come out. 

Also, instead of just having the premade gardens for the home instances, players should be able to buy single garden plots or mineral deposits that they could place anywhere, on the ground, on the ceiling, in a cave, or even on the wall like a hanging plant pot. Then players could buy basic seeds/saplings/minerals from NPCs around Tyria, or rare versions from players in the market that they collected from the nods around the world and the gem store, and then place them on those plots. And if a player didn't want to have a garden, they could make a farm, tame animals, or buy them like the seeds and place them in their instance, feed them to help them grow and then either collect whatever resource the animal provides, or butcher the animal for meat, pelts, etc. 

And if a player doesn't want to gather in anyway, they could also buy decorations to make their instance into a resting zone, a nature park, or even a amusement park. 

To have this private instance, players would have to buy a pass for 1000 to 1600 gems, which when used, the player goes alone or with friends to the player account locked private instance. 

Players could also buy themes for their private instance from the market (or also earn from achievements) after completing each map, including, dungeons, wvw, expansions, fractals, raids, and living world story instances, to decorate their instance even further. 

And why not make teleports for annual events in their private instances to use all year round by buying access to each event in the market or at the event with event currency, both at a high price. Having those events all year round would probably attract more players to stay in the game for longer since there are many that just come back to the game for those events' achievements.

-Another mechanic I loved from another game is pack deliveries by land and boat from Archeage. 

Even though i hated the pvp focus of that game, I always loved being able to rp as a merchant and go on my way to deliver packs to the trade outlets. 

Well, we already have something like that in some events and wvw, but it is an event where you have no control over where the pack goes and it is not your materials on the line. 

Using the siege turtle's extra seat for the packs and the skiffs, the player could in theory make those deliveries, buy the pack in a heart npcs or outpost, deliver it by land with the turtle or by sea with the skiff, making either considerably slower while carrying the pack or come to a stop when mobs (or bandits) spawn to attack and steal or destroy your pack. At this time, the player would jump off the turtle or skiff, keeping them summoned while having the pack event active and not being able to mount other mounts, and have to kill the enemies to proceed.

Meanwhile, this would provide an excellent opportunity for other players to see the event on their maps as a close event and participate to help protect the other players' cargo like any other normal protect the npc event. The event could even scale depending on the number of players present protecting the cargo and at the delivery point, and they would get normal rewards for helping, karma, gold, map rewards, and even daily event completion, while the player that bought the pack would get the currency of their choice depending on the size of the pack and daily event completion for the map. This way, events could be started by players instead of everyone running around like headless chickens trying to find events for the daily event completion. This would be amazing to be able to be done in any core or expansion map.

Also talking about gliders, they could get a skill to ascend (with proper skill downtime to not infringe on mounts and barriers). We could get a mastery in pve to use glider stamina in a new way, using it to create something like a ley line upwards for the player and friends to use while consuming all stamina. This would not influence jumping puzzles because they still have the no gliding zone debuff to take care of that. 

While in WVW, we would have to unlock its mastery. Also, we could use trebuche/catapult to yeet players or have to buy a new construction to build a jump pad to use. Both would only be usable inside your world's controlled areas, but if a player is yeeted into an enemy controlled zone, they would be able to keep gliding to the enemies' castles, towers, camps, and keeps to drop bombs that either they unlock the skill from mastery like war gliding or buy the bombs from merchants. 

If, for any reason, the player unmounts the glider, they can't mount it again if they are still inside an enemy controlled area. To fight the war gliders, players can either upgrade the keep to get a sniper to shoot the gliding enemy off or upgrade the camp, keep, tower, and castle to have sniper NPCs to shoot enemies out of the skies. To counter this, gliders could also get a skill to use to make them unstoppable for 3 seconds, after which they enter a 1 minute cooldown.

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Once playing through the story, it would be nice to have a button that will allow the NPC story content to go at a faster pace, i.e a story x2 speed button which will allow the story NPC dialog to go faster. This is for people who want to finish the stories on other characters (for completionists)

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So, I recently noticed that there is a strange thing going on with the raven ceremonial chest armour in different weight classes:

Heavy and Light chest armour only have the chest piece, a beautiful thing with feathers (duhh, raven armour). If you want, you can accompany it with leg armour that consists of a long, luxurious skirt, reaching to the ground. But if you don't like the skirt, no problem! The chest piece is still there to fill up your preferences on female humans mostly, I'm sure.

But that preference can not be expressed on the remaining weight class: medium. Because for some reason the medium armour chest piece automatically comes with the long skirt, and the leg armour does not add anything new at all. You cannot choose to simply wear the beautiful feathered bra, but instead need to deal with the skirt as well. Why????


ANet, your art is beautiful. Many of your armour pieces are _amazing_ (looking at you, blossoming mist shard). The Bear and Raven ceremonial pieces are unique, and make it so fun to create themed fashion wars - the true endgame. But why does only my druid need to cry in a corner because she can't just wear the chest piece, but needs to deal with the unsuitable skirt as well?


I ask you, kindly and with appreciation for the wonderful endgame you have created, to please please please allow the Raven Ceremonial medium chest armour to also, just be a chest piece.


Thank you for coming to my TEDTalk 🙂

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Hey dear GW2-Team,

thank you for making this great game real ❤️

Although I cannot imagine this hasn't been suggested before, I haven't found it here in the forum. So I (re-)suggest it. I'm always  happy to get an ascended ring dropped. But I have difficulties to make good use of them. Salvaging them is not worthwhile most of the time and 4s95 is really not an appropriate price for an ascended trinket imho. It would be very nice if we could sell the ascended rings that drop from fractals and raids, let's say for 40 fractal relics or for 1 gold. I would much prefer the relics but I would be happy with some more coins too. 😄

Thank you and I hope you can have some fun too with this wonderful game

Greetings and take care


Edited by Ashreen Destemas.6840
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When you attune(is this the right word) and infuse the ring, the chance is way higher to get more out of it. Its actually pretty profitable when you play a good amount of fractals and have enough salvaging tools.


What can you earn from Fractal relics?

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Frost bitten suet suggestions:

A. Account bound instead of soul bound. Can’t even stack it in the bank at the moment.

B. Material storage slot for it.

C. Another use for it besides thaw elixir.


D. Make it vendorable for some change.

(Okay, confused person, am I just missing something about suet? I’ve got stacks on several characters, they’re soul bound, can’t be vendored. Only useful for visiting the bitter cold)

Edited by Gibson.4036
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Would it be possible for the story to move to the next story in line after the one completed, instead of bouncing back to the earliest unfinished one?

I stood up Lord Faren so long ago. I've killed two elder dragons. I'm trying to track Balthazar, and after each chapter the game wants me to go back and find out why Faren insists on seeing me. I'm pretty sure he's emptied out my wine cellar by now and the guests have all gone home. 😄

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