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[Suggestions]QoL (Quality of Life) Ideas [Merged]


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Positive suggestions for home instance items:

- EoD nodes for daily gathering, including Jadeite and Soybean.
- Jade bot workbench.
- A bookcase that collects all of Snargle's books as we find them, like an expanded version of the bookcase in EotN.

Edited by Jimbru.6014
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8 hours ago, Legensy.5804 said:

Can we somehow fix character`s deadstate after "Invitation to Lily of Elon" used? Character just moved to a premium area,and you cannot do anything rather than open your map,use random waypoint, and then use Invitation again.This procedure pretty annoying.

1)Let NPCs auto revive players on spawn spot.


2)Disable Item usage when character in dead state

or best one

3)Make "arrival" to Lily in alive state.

Thanks you!


The "problem"




It would be a nice change, though I've never failed to have someone revive me shortly after I arrive. And I revive people there whenever I see them.

Do the other lounges revive you?

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A new condition:

● Deaf

Cannot gain boons for a period ot time.

Also inflicts stun when used as a skill.


Could be added to Revenants, elementalist as a new element sound or mesmers too.




Plrase increase the flame visual effects on Breath of Jormag sword.




Please give us a backpack skin that looks like webbing on vampire/bat wings without any bones.

So just the hanging wings skin.




Please give us the following new outfits or armor.

To go with Cantha theme.

● Japanese school outfit

● Samurai Heavy Armor outfit with crescent moon helmet and Great Sword.




Plrase increase jewelry crafting level to 500.

It is the only profession that caps at 400.

Allow us to craft Ascended trinkets, and modify existing ones visuals and stats, as a jeweler. 




Undereater custom playlist does not activate while in Cantha.


Also may I please request territorial playlists, such as charr, norn, asura, human, etc...

Also Fire Islands, Fireheart Rise, Orr, and other sinister places to have their own playlist.





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Fishing is still way too hard.

I am maxed out on fishing mastery.

I have top notch bait and lure.

+100 fishing power while nourished.

I can't fish a thing in green, never mind on yellow... and I won't even dare red zones.


Please decrease the difficulty on fishing.


How come starting areas such as Rata Sum and The Grove are yellow zones?

They should all be green.


My anxiety levels went to 50% over this.


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23 hours ago, alakapurine.8245 said:

2) When you're a passenger and you sit down, you can't open your containers. It's a perfect time to manage your inventory when owner of the boat drives you from one node to another, but we can't do it. My dudes said it's because it works like chairs...I'd like to exchange these chairs for something that allows to open fish and free some space.

3) Bait for fish is overdone. I do love that different regions have unique bait AND each bait has its own neat icon. However, bait with lures take like...1/4 of my inventory? I fish only on one of my characters, can't afford keeping all that on all 3 characters I play. I wish it'd be like a storage that you fill instead, maybe even account wide storage. 

We need a TACKLE BOX for lures, bait and anything fishing related (food too) that can be placed in the shared inventory bar ASAP!


23 hours ago, alakapurine.8245 said:


6) Fishing is kinda lacking. I don't know how to put it better. I wouldn't do it if I had no party. Maybe add events or some other rewards, like "blobfish trophy" for guild hall, aquarium or pond decoration that you can fill with different fish...Anything that will add more value to it and related to fishing.

YES! multiple decorations from fishing would be a great idea! different decs and dec rarities acquired from different regions.



just figured out how to separate quotes on accident. wow. lol

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2 hours ago, Kelly.7019 said:

I'd pay many many gems to change my stupid account name.

It's like i don't know what my account should be called untill i create my toons which i can't do until i create an account. 😞

If you mean your Display Name (Name.xxxx), you can change it by contacting the CS Team via the 'Support' link above/below.  https://help.guildwars2.com/hc/en-us/articles/360000728148-I-Want-to-Change-My-Display-Name

If you mean Account Name (email address associated with your account), again, you can change it by contacting the CS Team.

Edited by Inculpatus cedo.9234
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I wish there was a way to set guild notes for people in your guild. So you could add dates when they joined in order to promote them later and anyone (who is selected in guild options) usually officers could see these notes too. I always have a hard time remembering when someone joined or even who they are 😄 if i didn't invite them. You can change their nicknames which is my current method of "notes" for friends but only i can see that (unless i make a video recording and they log in / off during it will display in map chat.)  😮

Edited by Kelly.7019
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This suggestion is in regards to the World Boss Portal Device and the equivalent device for Heart of Thorns as well as any other similar device that functions in the same way.


My suggestion is something of a boss/event checklist that you can easily access on the device that shows you what bosses/events you have or haven't completed for the day. This seems like a feature that could be very easy to implement as the game already tracks what you have done through the daily rewards, and you could even put text next to the teleport button that says something along the lines of "(Reward claimed)".


It'd be a nice change and extra QoL for the people who forget which world bosses they've killed exactly since there are so many of them, and it'd be extra incentive to buy the devices too which means more profit.


Thank you for listening!

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2 hours ago, Kelly.7019 said:

I wish there was a way to set guild notes for people in your guild. So you could add dates when they joined in order to promote them later and anyone (who is selected in guild options) usually officers could see these notes too. I always have a hard time remembering when someone joined or even who they are 😄 if i didn't invite them. You can change their nicknames which is my current method of "notes" for friends but only i can see that (unless i make a video recording and they log in / off during it will display in map chat.)  😮

You can look that up in the history-tab in your guild boar (G). This is the letter-icon. There is a filter option for 'Roster'. If selected, you will only see the invites, joins and leaves. It is easy to spot who joined how long ago. I used this always to decide about promotion from newbie to member. 

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Well thanks to all for the blistering, apparently I said something I shouldn't have. Only thing I can think that would be seen as rude was when I said Bless your heart, not really sure.


So let me try this again I don't really care about the Legendary Armor just the ability to swap stats. I know I can swap on my Ascended armor using the Mystic Toilet but that is a pain to be honest. I'm not someone that is skilled at playing PvP, WvW, or Raids. Its not a git good type of thing it is an inability to do said things.

How about adding something to the Black Lion that allows weapon swapping for Exotic and Ascended armor? We could purchase and add to a share inventory slot?

This is really an issue for some who can't obtain Legendary and I see it as similar to the Forever harvesting tools.


Please keep the opinions civil or you too can be banned from a forum that doesn't matter lol


Edited by Lite Ning Strike.5203
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Am i the only one that sometime have to get my face literally in the screen to see some item in the review, And also some items are big that make you want to zoom out a little to see them clearly, I don't know why with about 10 years in the existing we still don't have a zoom option to the review option like most of the money the game make is from the 💎 store then why you don't let people inspect skins and outfits in more comfortable and better way specially if it can make difference between buying and not. 

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Please make jade bots Recyclers protocol recycle every Junk in inventory regardless of its source, or give us a manual converter item that works when recycler is equipped. 


Right now only drops are recycled, but not when you open bags, or any other way.

For instance, if I keep Junk stacked in bank, when I move it to the inventory of a character that has a recycler equipped, it should automatically convert it, or at the very least have us choose from a pop up prompt when we move junk into inventory.


So 3 ways, 3 methods to make this work without being just recycled from a "raw" drop.

Automatic, Prompt, and Manually.


Also may we have more types of Scavenger and Recyclers? 


Scavenger: Food Extract.

Recycler: WvW blueprints, or exchange memories of battle for jade slivers. 

Edited by SoulGuardian.6203
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Catalysts has this thing about charging elements before a raid boss. (I don’t play Ele in endgame, but one in our raid static does.)

Our poor ele main in the raid static has to keep doing that before fights. Sometimes one of us accidentally triggers the boss, requiring us to /gg, then they have to do it all over again.

Can the team give a QoL fix for this please? I understand this was done for Scourge’s life force and Druid’s astral force before raid bosses. This way people won’t need to wait or precast anything.

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EoD Flip Over Skills have no 0.5s skill delay:

— It’s so easy to ‘call’ the Mech and accidentally ‘dismiss’ them right after on the F4. Given the Mechanist F4 cooldown, on an Alac Mech, this is a disaster for Alac on a raid or fractal boss that can’t be fixed for almost a minute. (A substantial time on fast enough kills).

— Spectre Shroud also has this problem

— Catalyst, double tap on Hammer 3


— Can we add the 0.5s skill delay to activating/deactivating the skill? According to a guildie, it seems this has already been solved before like with Holosmith’s Photon Forge.

Edited by Chrysline.2317
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QoL suggestion: Anet, if your going to go and make huge changes to everyones builds on their characters, at least make it so we can change our characters class like we change traits, instead of having to make a new character. Cause to many players it just looks like you're nerfing classes to make players have to create new characters and buy inv slots and loadouts for them.

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okay is it me or you guys mocking those of us who made warrior juuust for the support, i complained you were gimpng our support even though no aoe heals and you put regen on banner of tactics... a whole 2 seconds, banner of defense woulda been better with resolution, but nooo we get resistance, and the only banner buffs aside from quickness that last more than 2 seconds... is might... i would greatly prefer being able to 100% uptime more defensie buffs like resolution/protection/regen for team personally, seems every other class can already do 100% uptime alacrity/quickness anyways. so why not let at-least 1 class focus more on defensive boons? seriously not sure if i should just delete my warrior or put my warrior aside in the hope that mayyybe one day she'll be worth using again.

i see ranger spirit got giga nerfed too, but least they got solid aoe heals via druid

is it me or is anets favorite jutsu  from naruto. "multi shadow clone jutsu" cause they seem to loove their clones

signed  a player who loooves support roles, and was disappointed

TL:DR well they nerfed both my alts badly, went from having decent and original support options to , here's a buff half the other classes can already keep up forever anyways and some other buffs thrown in, but with durations so short they're useless

Edited by kitemay.1327
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with KP and gatekeeping still being something of a problem and many of the Raid and Strike CM's offering Titles upon completion,

it would be nice to be able to link titles in chat from the dropdown list in your acheivement panel(not the achivement page itself, but the section where you pick your title)

Edited by Parasite.5389
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