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[Suggestions]QoL (Quality of Life) Ideas [Merged]


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The same way fractals LFG are unlocked by progressing through fractals, could you please make Strikes and Raids experienced LFG listing accessible only after a predefined number of kills of the corresponding strike/raid ? Even if the prerequisite is 1 kill.

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I just bought the boss portal device and the maguma portal devices, about a week or two ago, and I absolutely love the notifications of incoming world boss and other metas in my chat. Was Just wondering if we could see a similar function for Path Of Fire metas and End of Dragons Metas on timers. As for the Living world episodes of old, and icebrood saga, I figured because they already have portal tomes. I was thinking about putting notifications built into the tomes (Completed and not missing a page to incentivize buying all the scrolls), for map metas that are on a timer which are the following maps. 


  • lake doric
  • domain of istan 
  • jahai bluffs
  • thunder head peak
  • grothmar valley
  • bjoria marches
  • eye of the north (dragon storm)


Any time I can get quality of life like this in game and not through external add-ons or overlays is a better experience in any game. Obviously I expect these to be a gem store item, but it would be worth 400 gems like the other two imo.

Edited by TheSoulTkr.6928
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A "trash" gobbler would be nice. Something that eats only the stuff that must be discarded as there is no way to break it down or sell it. It seems so counter intuitive to discard so many things in this game rather than being able to profit from the literal litter your toon is picking up.

Similarly a "there are too many in the game, so they are worthless" gobbler. For example, the Halloween tonics that you can technically sell, but there are currently like 2.5 million for sale on the TP at 2 copper so they will never actually sell without some form of a sink being introduced.

In either case, being able to convert stuff that is worth nothing into maybe a few silver a day or week would be great compared to just discarding it (especially for those discards you have to type out the names of, kitten)

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Better loot output in black lion chests.

Please remove materials from them.

Maybe leave just a chance for ascended materials.


The better the loot, the more keys people will buy = the more money for you.

People will also buy the lion chests themselves from Trading Post, which = more money for you.


I just spent 27 keys, in hope to get an infinite self hairstyle kit; and all I got was common materials and a few dyes.

One single armor skin, and one single weapon skin, which aren't even that good.

A few minis, and little else.


I more or less calculate the keys value at 2,225 gems = 500 gold aprox.

I got overall about 20 gold, after selling everything I could sell.

That's a total loss of aprox. 480 gold.


Overall very poor loot output from black lion chests.


I hope you guys really improve this... for us, and for you.

It's a win win, situation.


Edited by SoulGuardian.6203
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23 minutes ago, SoulGuardian.6203 said:

I just spent 27 keys, in hope to get an infinite self hairstyle kit; and all I got was common materials and a few dyes.

One single armor skin, and one single weapon skin, which aren't even that good.

A few minis, and little else.


I more or less calculate the keys value at 2,225 gems = 500 gold aprox.

I got overall about 20 gold, after selling everything I could sell.

That's a total loss of aprox. 480 gold.

There is a reason the Permanent Hair Stylist Contract is 2080-2698 gold on the TP, it is super rare to get it as a drop from the Black Lion Chests. You have like a 0.001% chance of getting ANY super rare drop, and there are 6 super rares, which means you have a 1 in 1000 chance to get any super rare, and more like a 1 in 6000 chance of getting the one you want.

The Black Lion chests are really geared towards getting keys as drops, unless there is something you want in the guaranteed or common loot tiers like a couple weeks ago where you got guaranteed WVW/PVP reward track progress potions.

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11 minutes ago, DemonAtTheWheel.1804 said:

There is a reason the Permanent Hair Stylist Contract is 2080-2698 gold on the TP, it is super rare to get it as a drop from the Black Lion Chests. You have like a 0.001% chance of getting ANY super rare drop, and there are 6 super rares, which means you have a 1 in 1000 chance to get any super rare, and more like a 1 in 6000 chance of getting the one you want.

The Black Lion chests are really geared towards getting keys as drops, unless there is something you want in the guaranteed or common loot tiers like a couple weeks ago where you got guaranteed WVW/PVP reward track progress potions.

Indeed.  After 10 years of opening Black Lion Chest I finally got a super rare...Endless Reinforcing Contract, lol.   Then I had an Endless to go with the stack of Instant Armor-Reinforcing Canisters.  Thank the Six I got it just after the change, and sold it for 1000 Gold. 

In other words, Endless Contracts super rare, just as they are aptly designated.

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2 hours ago, SoulGuardian.6203 said:

Better loot output in black lion chests.

Please remove materials from them.

Maybe leave just a chance for ascended materials.


The better the loot, the more keys people will buy = the more money for you.

People will also buy the lion chests themselves from Trading Post, which = more money for you.


I just spent 27 keys, in hope to get an infinite self hairstyle kit; and all I got was common materials and a few dyes.

One single armor skin, and one single weapon skin, which aren't even that good.

A few minis, and little else.


I more or less calculate the keys value at 2,225 gems = 500 gold aprox.

I got overall about 20 gold, after selling everything I could sell.

That's a total loss of aprox. 480 gold.


Overall very poor loot output from black lion chests.


I hope you guys really improve this... for us, and for you.

It's a win win, situation.


There're drop rate estimates on the wiki page.

Looks like you have an average of about 973 chests to go before you get your Permanent Hair Stylist.

Looks like you got two uncommon drops, which is about in keeping with the drop research.

I save my keys and only open them if I know I want something I can get with BL Statuettes, or if I like most of the uncommon drops.


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Couple of relatively small UI tweaks to two interfaces....

In the Hero panel, Achievements section, the Summary screen. There are two short lists, 'Recently completed' and 'Nearly Complete'. Would be nice to scroll back through maybe ten "Recently Completed", cause some times you complete multiple at once or in rapid succession, enough that you can not see all the ones completed. And for the "Nearly Complete", it would be nice to drop or hide ones you do not plan to complete any time soon from view. Like the "Preparing the Eye", lots of people likely do not see spending 50 gold to get a bank at that location worth the single achievement point or "just to get it off the list".

In the TP, specifically in relation to buying things like recipes and dyes, but also for skins or weapons collections, being able to "show only" the ones you do not have yet would be nice.

Edited by DemonAtTheWheel.1804
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For Legendary Equipment, an "Equip all" or "Copy All" button would help.

For example, for a Legendary Trident, I want to copy the skin, stats, sigils, and infusions to all 8 equipment templates.

It gets old copying the skin (and hopefully dyes) over 8 equipment templates.


Especially when we're mass copying several legendaries at once, like 6 pieces of legendary armor, runes, infusions, skins, stats, et cetera.

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QoL improvement for guild bank -- make it function like the regular bank so that you can double-click an item in your inventory and it automatically adds that item to a stack in the guild bank. Right now, people have to put ones and twos in the guild bank and it gets cluttered really fast. (If they don't have permissions to withdraw the partial stack, add their items, then redeposit the stack.)

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Recycling: The Jade bot recycler doesn't work for "trash" you obtain from sources like bags or chests or if you pick them up on other toons...I'm an alt-a-holic but I don't yet have it unlocked on all toons. I'm still holding a stack or two of bone fragments from halloween on an alt. Feels like a waste to not get them recycled 😞 

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Either a way to lock your camera zoom... OR... maybe... just STOP CHANGING THE ZOOM.

This has been a complaint for years for boss fights like Tequatl... You have your camera zoomed all the way out. The boss meta starts and you get extra zoom-out ability, which is great. I have no issue with that changing to grant more during the meta than while running open world. However, you knock 25% down, and now you run back to do lasers and the damned screen zooms you in. You zoom back out, the laser mechanic is over and the damned screen zooms back in. You zoom back out and go slap the dragon, and the screen zooms back in.

It is infuriating. Manageable, sure, but annoying as all hell.

It is far worse, I have discovered, in raids! I was running in a Deimos training raid and it seems everytime the  mechanics of the fight change, you are zoomed way way in. Like, you get sucked to the underworld, and zoom back out, but when you come back to the main battle, the camera is almost perched on your toon's shoulder. If my norn had ear hair, I would have been able to see it blowing in the demonic breeze.

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Some old, some new, some mine, some not:

a New vendor with items for world boss tokens like Nicholas the Traveler OR change the jellyfish area in LA into an ever-expanding lively market.

Offering items from around the world ! 1-5 tokens per boss


Music sheets for your instruments.

Want to play some cool tunes but you just can't,  add these to your repertoire.


Different shouts to inspire the masses, one for each race and more for whatever. PRAISE JOKO!

New random chair, seats of nature.

Randomly spawns a stump, log, rock, mushroom or large flower to sit on.

Farmers straw hat.

Barbers unlock pack

Unlocks new kinds of facial hair designs like Farmers beard with straw in mouth.

New random item/enemy/foliage tonics per expansion.

So many new models to choose from!

Tengu combat tonic.

Not the playable race for us then atleast this!

Oakheart essence novelty.

Was mapbreaking before mounts, let us have some fun! (unlimited)

Return of the black moa chick.

Item to start this quest for that supercute mini.

Ragged outfit from the prisoncell in The Hero from Istan.

It's already there why not release it.

Full-body aquatic armor.

Like a full outfit that goes in- and works as the breather slot, from scuba gear to full Atlantean, don't forget the flippers!

Lantern novelty.

Hold it in front of you to light your way (the square metal and glass one with the windows and pointy top)

Animated cape and hair.

Be a real superhero where everything sways in the wind (left, right and straight)

Royal banquet table

8 seats 2x6 multiple actions (eat, laugh, drink, raise glass) collection and crafting. Owner sits at the head.

Thats it for the vendor items now on to the mount skins.




Chak Mounts.

Frog springer.

Snail Rollerbeetle!!! with a wooden natural seat.

Grumpy rock rollerbeetle.

Spider turtle skin.




Bond of faith upgrade with targeted groundpound hero landing.

Fire my own cannons on my turtle.

Proper weightclass armor pieces for radiant and hellfire armor (shoulders, gloves, helm and boots) also looking at decade armor.

New partnership with the amnoon casino, all casino coins are now canach coins.

Simple qol when releasing a new themed outfit for a festival, release it at the beginning and not 3 weeks in when we lost interest.

Festivals need little stories again. 

Week long community events for smaller holidays easter/valentines with themed drops.




The Void variation of the Aurene legendary.

Unlocks if you have every other skin for that weapon, works the same way as the other variants.

Edited by Odinius.9826
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There has not been any changes to Guild Missions outside of picking either WvW or PvP or PvE centric missions for the weekly.  I was just curious if there was any chance to make new Guild Missions.  Save Our Supplies for Charrs in Iron Marches or Racing as a polar bear through the caves of Lonars Pass, for 10+ years has been fun.

What about adding something new for HoT or PoF or EoD for Guild Missions? 

  • Mushroom Race through Verdant Brink (Race)
  • Choya race through Crystal Desert Ruins (Race)
  • Dolphin Race through the underwater caves of Jade Seas (Race)
  • Bouncing Mushroom Tangled Depths (Puzzle)
  • Save the Nursery Skimmers from Joko's Minions  (Challenge)
  • Ravens Maze (Puzzle)

Just an idea and thought it would be kind of cool to see new missions and new areas

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3 minutes ago, Quirin.1076 said:

There has not been any changes to Guild Missions outside of picking either WvW or PvP or PvE centric missions for the weekly.  I was just curious if there was any chance to make new Guild Missions.  Save Our Supplies for Charrs in Iron Marches or Racing as a polar bear through the caves of Lonars Pass, for 10+ years has been fun.

What about adding something new for HoT or PoF or EoD for Guild Missions? 

  • Mushroom Race through Verdant Brink (Race)
  • Choya race through Crystal Desert Ruins (Race)
  • Dolphin Race through the underwater caves of Jade Seas (Race)
  • Bouncing Mushroom Tangled Depths (Puzzle)
  • Save the Nursery Skimmers from Joko's Minions  (Challenge)
  • Ravens Maze (Puzzle)

Just an idea and thought it would be kind of cool to see new missions and new areas

While I would absolutely love to have some new missions, it's not likely it'll happen; guild are more or less abandoned content, and even if it wasn't they can hardly make guild-related content that requires expansions and/or living world seasons, since that would/might exclude some guild members from taking part in the missions.

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28 minutes ago, Zohane.7208 said:

While I would absolutely love to have some new missions, it's not likely it'll happen; guild are more or less abandoned content, and even if it wasn't they can hardly make guild-related content that requires expansions and/or living world seasons, since that would/might exclude some guild members from taking part in the missions.

They recently changed Strike Missions so that those who do not have the expansion could still join them as the one leading the strike missions has the content unlocked.  It enables those who do not have the expansions to join and participate.   

I was thinking it could be instance driven similar to strike missions, would be kind of cool to have events to bring a guild together outside of leading Meta Events

Edited by Quirin.1076
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