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[Suggestions]QoL (Quality of Life) Ideas [Merged]


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On 7/1/2022 at 5:52 PM, SoupER.5920 said:

Yeah, I want to use my main helmet plus the outfit, would be nice if I could hide the outfit helmet without affecting my actual helmet skin

With so many gem store helms (sunglasses, halo, horns, etc.), it would behoove Anet to let us use a skinned helm with outfits; we already can use back items (another plentiful gem store option) with an outfit and swap them around, so why not this? Really frustrating not to be able to pull off a look you want. Another option might be to add a pack of individual armor skins for each outfit, though I assume that this would be much more difficult to inpliment. 

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Hi, I would to suggest something about Fractals

- I think it would be great to have a reward system like the Wizard's Valut, where we could actually choose the reward we want. 

- Also, I think it would be great to have at least one of the 4 CMs automatically choosen into the T4. 

- Please update the number of the fractals, there is too many fractals that we do on T4 and we find it on recs too, it's annoying. 

- Last but not least I suggest to delete the 4 Fractals who came with the season 1 (Underground Facility, Molten Boss, Aetherblade and Captain Mai Trin), they are in game when you put the season 1, so no need to keep them in Fractals. 

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It would be super great if you gave us an alternate way to get the Gift of Exploration (two received for core game map completion).... As there are 20 tier 1 legendries, if you want to craft them all, that is ten times you have to completely do all 25 of the core game maps, and it is super tedious clearing 25 maps over and over and over (speed run is like 12 hours minimum).

I'm not saying give them away for free or anything, but make them obtainable via another method after an account has done like 3 total runs or something.

Similarly, Gift of Maguuma and Gift of the Desert... while each of these is only clearing 4 maps (not 25), you only get one per clear, and as there are 16 tier 2 legendries, that means 4 to 16 times clearing HoT maps and up to 12 clears of PoF maps. (four of the tier 2 can only be made with Gift of Maguuma while the other 12 can be either or).

Again, not saying give them away, but after X number of times clearing, allow them to be purchased or obtained easier.

Note that all three of these gifts are still largely time-gated since Gift of Exploration requires Gift of Battle (WvW reward track), Gift of Maguuma requires Crystalline Ore (pods from Dragon Stand), and Gift of the Desert requires Funerary Incense (mostly from hearts in PoF) to use them, so allowing the map clear grind to be avoided after several times doing it should not really crush the economy or anything, it would just make our lives better.

Edited by DemonAtTheWheel.1804
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Everyone thumbs up this because I know all of you have this problem.


Make these #@%$^$#^$%^ obsidian shards sellable on the market.  We get them EVERYWHERE.  I get like 4-10 of them every time I play and they're a complete pain in the kitten to store.  I'm NOT making legendaries, the process is waaaayyy too long and boring.  I don't like crafting.

Every time I'm about to delete them it gives me this warning message about how valuable they are.... so we're like... well #$%# maybe I shouldn't delete them.

Clearly there are players who ENJOY crafting.  Let us sell these items to those players, THEN THEY can make the legendaries.  Then since  - crafting people - like to make legendaries, they will then sell them on the market and WE WILL BUY THEM with the gold we get from selling obsidians.  

See then everyone is happy.  And GIVE US A HEADS UP ON THIS.  Watch everyone is going to delete like 5000 obsidian shards and then the next month ANET makes them sellable and everyone rages for years about it since they lost 20,000 gold.


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A quick search tells me this has been brought up time and time again, but we cannot be complacent in being ignored. ArenaNet, either make the camera respect the Free Look option even while mounted, or add a second checkbox for us to enable Free Look while mounted. I am sick and tired of the camera controls being yanked away from me every three seconds! Not to mention insisting on doing their thing before letting me have any kind of control back.

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5 hours ago, AlphaLightBringer.7431 said:

Everyone thumbs up this because I know all of you have this problem.


Make these #@%$^$#^$%^ obsidian shards sellable on the market.  We get them EVERYWHERE.  I get like 4-10 of them every time I play and they're a complete pain in the kitten to store.  I'm NOT making legendaries, the process is waaaayyy too long and boring.  I don't like crafting.

Every time I'm about to delete them it gives me this warning message about how valuable they are.... so we're like... well #$%# maybe I shouldn't delete them.

Clearly there are players who ENJOY crafting.  Let us sell these items to those players, THEN THEY can make the legendaries.  Then since  - crafting people - like to make legendaries, they will then sell them on the market and WE WILL BUY THEM with the gold we get from selling obsidians.  

See then everyone is happy.  And GIVE US A HEADS UP ON THIS.  Watch everyone is going to delete like 5000 obsidian shards and then the next month ANET makes them sellable and everyone rages for years about it since they lost 20,000 gold.


You can sell them! As a part of a legendary weapon to sell on the TP...

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So I know I posted a (rather grumpy) thread on this already, but I wanted to delve into the chest puzzles further.

Long time ago, the devs said something I can't quote after this long but was something to the effect of: that in developing this game they wanted to eliminate unnecessary grindy parts that didn't serve a real purpose and made the game less fun. They wanted to maximize the fun parts. 

So they specifically made it so you don't have to visit a particular NPC in a particular place to start a quest (unless there's a reason like they want you to use some specific experimental equipment the NPCs are developing in that place), and you also don't have to return to that NPC or to some other specific place, to get your reward. Instead we have bouncy chests (which are fun to get!) and the renowned heart rewards pop up on the screen as well.

This was part of how they drew in casual gamers, by specifically saying they wanted to make it more fun and less grindy (and by doing just that). The horizontal progression is another part of that. And it worked. There are lots of casual players here, we have an overall nice gaming community, and so on.

I feel like the system of scattering chests around that are your reward for something (e.g. meta reward in Skywatch Archipeligo and Tarir), defeats this stated objective. (Not talking about the scattered chests that are just bonus finds you come across in your travels, I mean the ones you only get to open if you helped with something specific). 

These reward chests should be reworked to bouncy chests or combined into a single chest or at least placed all together. 

Edited by willow.8209
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Similarly I think that gating reward chests behind masteries (e.g. IBS strikes) also may defeat the objective of eliminating un-fun grind. Sometimes my guild is doing IBS strikes and I haven't managed to get story done yet, so I don't get the chests even though I may go with them to what they're playing. 

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8 hours ago, willow.8209 said:

I feel like the system of scattering chests around that are your reward for something (e.g. meta reward in Skywatch Archipeligo and Tarir), defeats this stated objective. (Not talking about the scattered chests that are just bonus finds you come across in your travels, I mean the ones you only get to open if you helped with something specific). 

These reward chests should be reworked to bouncy chests or combined into a single chest or at least placed all together. 

I don't know. That statement was so long ago that things in gaming have changed / evolved, so I am OK with having to go to a 'treasure room' to collect additional loot for metas.....with a few caveats.

As a side note, treasure room looting like Tarir and Drizzlewood require keys, so bouncy chests would not work with that mechanic. The added chests for Skywatch Archipeligo and Amnytas do not require keys, so they could be bouncy chests in theory.

Caveats for treasure room usage (in my mind)....
1) as long as the treasure room is "additional loot" and not needed for the basic meta reward, that is OK. For example Tarir gives you several participation chests (as bouncy chests) just for doing the meta.  These participation rewards are better than older metas, which matches with the fact they are much longer battles with more involved pre events. The added chests are locked with keys, but the overall process of gathering the treasure room chests is enjoyable.  Additionally, the treasure room option allows players who showed up late to the meta, or could not get into a good meta map, and thus did not get full participation, to still get loot (as long as they have the keys). By contrast, the Drizzlewood meta chests are all in a circle, which is easier but less fun to get.... and the keys are more costly which is a negative.

2) as long as the treasure room additional loot is worth the trek. For Skywatch Archipeligo, this is NOT true. While you don't have to use keys (great) there are 6 chests in the treasure room, a very short time to claim them, and the loot is not overly good compared to metas like Tarir and Drizzlewood.  Skywatch Archipeligo either needs more small chests in the treasure room, or better loot drops from the few chests it has. If that trade off means keys, that is fine as long as keys are plentiful and cheap..... otherwise these may as well be bouncy chests.

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The Amnytas World Spire meta silver/grey participation chests need to be fixed to be like the silver/grey participation chests of other metas

For example.... With Tarir or Chalk Gerent, you can 'right click' to just open the silver/grey participation chests without having to confirm the content. Only the final gold or green chest (which shows total meta participation) requires confirmation to accept the loot.

For World Spire there are like 4 to 10 silver/grey participation chests, ALL of which require confirmation to accept the loot, which is tedious. 

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On 9/2/2023 at 3:59 PM, XgoroX.6920 said:

Hey, just a thought.... would it be possible to put into the game a way to turn off unwanted notifications. such as i need to jump during the fight with Fire Elemental. or if you don't have a mastery unlocked to use something... its so freaking annouying its not even funny anymore. i know this would only really be used by veteran players but it would be really nice... those notifications are rather annouying when your just trying to play and already know how to.

This should 100% already be a thing the QoL for the game need to be looked at all the time. Devs should all play the game a lot and note down when they get annoyed at something so they can fix this kinda thing.

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QoL but also accessibility:

Please make unclaimed Mastery Point map icons more visible, either with an outline or some other way to indicate them somehow.

The map completion tracker already does this for waypoints, PoI's and Hero Challenges with a highlight-on-mouseover effect. Mastery Points don't count toward map completion, but there should be a way to similarly indicate where the MP's are that you haven't done yet.

As it stands, there are quite a lot of them that are semi-transparent grey icons on textured grey mountain ranges, dun-colored landscapes and so on. Grey content on a grey background is not only annoying, it's an accessibility problem. When that happens on multi-tiered maps like in Maguuma, it's even harder to find them or figure out which "floor" of the map they're on.

Honestly, a lot of the GUI-related stuff in this thread would probably be cleaned up if ANet just had an accessibility specialist working on it, to actually point out where the problems are and why they are problems.

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Suggestion: Make the border around boons more consistent.

Instead of having them tick down relative to the duration that was granted, have the border generate relative to that boons maximum duration, for example, granting 15 seconds of Quickness only has half the border filled no matter what, 20 seconds is 2/3rds, etc. That will make it easier to track at a glance how much duration you've granted, and how much you have left.

It's not as much of an issue for Stability or Might, but tracking the longest remaining stack might be a good idea for that.

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I wish they would update the custom music feature inside of GW2 and let us select music via an in-game UI, with a toggle for if we want to switch between using custom music or not.

  • Right now the custom music feature is riddled with bugs that can break playlists and cause odd changes between music. We need to edit the playlist files inside of a text editor to accommodate these bugs.
  • If we want to switch to listening to official GW2 playlists, we need to exit the game and remove the playlists from the documents.
  • If we make a custom playlist, with the desire to use the original GW1 and GW2 music, we cannot purchase those works to do so. I wish we could create custom playlists using the in-game files. This would be a way around complications with the seller of this art.
  • Custom music needs a personal slider for volume, because it tends to be more quiet.
  • There should be an option to choose to use custom playlists inside of WvW and PvP zones. It's fun to have music change with the scenery inside of PvE zones, but we've been having the same music in these PvP areas for about a decade.
Edited by Quench.7091
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I'm not entirely sure this suggestion belongs here, but it's technically about saving time, among other things, so...


Please consider making some events shorter


I don't have a complete list, and not every event needs to be shortened, but in recent memory, these come to mind:

Bjora Marches, Storms of Winter: After building defenses, there's a ten minute stretch where we need to defend the shrines. This segment is hardly difficult, given that if you're a smarter and more attentive player, you know you can just stand by the bonfires and literally watch the enemies melt away. The "bombers" do no damage to the shrines, so this segment is, as Colin's infamous line from the manifesto goes: "I swung a sword. I swung a sword again! That's great." Ten minutes isn't a long time on paper, but basically sitting idle for ten minutes and just pressing 1 makes it feel like an eternity. This should be five minutes, tops.

Kaineng Blackout: Bruh this whole event, from start to finish is like half an hour, for slightly more reward than you might get from a leviathan spawn. A number of the defense segments could easily be shortened, and a good 10-15 minutes chopped off this event. I want to say Echovald Gang Wars is a bit like this too but I don't quite remember. Again, more of what is basically brain-dead idle or follow NPC time, with minimal effort.

Unlocking the Wizard's Tower: This one has an 8+ minute segment where you do little else except run over colored balls. WHY. Again, not really a terribly long time on paper, but it feels like a slog when you're actually there, because it's hardly what I would call stimulating or challenging. Should be five minutes at most. The rest of the event doesn't feel too bad, I guess.

Chak Gerent victory: Yeah, can't forget this one, right? That post-victory wait might've not been too bad at one point, but now that every player is running around with 2-3x the dps from before, now we typically have a ten minute wait time staring at a wall. "Cannons ready to fire! But uh, we're safe now so let's just run some last-minute diagnostics just to be safe." (admittedly not a bad idea, but still)  Maybe an extra check could be inserted into that countdown timer? Like every minute or two, just check to see if all the Chak Gerents are dead, and skip to the end sequence.


I'd even prefer these sorts of segments to be harder, but faster -- make us actually have to try, and actually make it feel a bit more hectic. But barring that, a decent bandage fix would just be to shorten them. Here are some reasons to consider:

1. Because I would hope the game designers want the game to be fun. But I don't know; maybe people honestly do find these sorts of tasks fun, and I'm just out of touch.

2. The game is getting larger, with more events to do. People only have a limited amount of time to play per day, and this lets people enjoy more of the game daily.

3. Kinda follows #2, but it gives the player more of a sense that their time is respected.


Also, skyscale chicken skin please 🙏🐔

Edited by tanpopo.9102
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Let us choose where our weapon abillitys are located from 1-5 the same way we can choose our utility spells right now.

of course this wouldnt change any thing for those that are already used to where things are located right now but it would be a massive improvement for people like me that fat finger alot in the heat of battle or change weapons or classes frequently and make mistakes by muscle memory quite often.

This would also make room for new basic weapon spells if that is something that the player base would want to see maybe in far future. 🙂 



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Can we please have Defiance damage scaling on soft CC? 

People complain constantly about Defiance bars not getting broken, but scaling is certainly a culprit. And I've been pushing for an update for 6 years already. 

https://i.imgur.com/oMOZsCK.jpg <- Some extra visualization to show that soft CC as it exists is absolutely unhelpful in large events. I know it's less "QOL" than a lot of suggestions, but it's important.

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How about making a setting to allow weapon basic attack chains not being able to be interrupted by other skills and let them queue up like most of the other abilities like the whole chain is 1 skill? This should make player's lives easier when learning certain classes/specs that rely quite a bit on the last hit of the basic chain.

Also why not give visual indicator of soft cc defiance break numbers in the skill description, like the hard cc now? Would greatly make people understand that some skills with taunt, fear etc. are actually cc skills. Makes the learning curve easier too, since they will know most of the ccs in their kit without having to look over guides to find out that fact.

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Please add:

Self Hairstyle kits, Complete make overs, and Finishers, to the Wizard's Vault.

Alternatively, black Lion statuettes. 



Also what @AlphaLightBringer.7431



"Please make Obsidian Shards sellable"

I've got like 20 stacks of those that I will never use, or very very rarely.

I don't even remember what I used them for... just sitting in my bank doing nothing. 

Having to delete them, requires typing the entire thing every time over and over.

Just like OP said:


I will never make a legendary

for those reasons mentioned and then some... 

Surely people who love making legendary stuff will appreciate this too.



Edited by SoulGuardian.6203
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26 minutes ago, SoulGuardian.6203 said:

Please add:

Self Hairstyle kits, Complete make overs, and Finishers, to the Wizard's Vault.

Alternatively, black Lion statuettes. 



Also what @AlphaLightBringer.7431


I've got like 20 stacks of those that I will never use, or very very rarely.

I don't even remember what I used them for... judt sitting in my bank doing nothing. 

Having to delete them, requires typing the entire thing every time over and over.

Just like OP said: I will never make a legendary for those reasons mentioned and then some... 

Surely people who love making legendary stuff will appreciate this too.



Got any character slots empty?

If so create a character load them up with obsidian stacks delete character make it abit less tedious.

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