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[Suggestions]QoL (Quality of Life) Ideas [Merged]


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6 hours ago, Ollie B.8597 said:

Ok i have played for like 6 months now (300 hours play time) and this game aint that great. Yeah its good that its free after you buy it but still
you buy pickaxes and equipment and you can instantly farm all the ores, woods, ingredients etc but then what do you do with them? just sell them to the trading post because it doesnt tell you what to do with them, no real tutorials, so thats a dead end. plus if they are for crafting theres no motivation because you just buy armors and stuff from the trading post. theres no progression and no motivation  like on runescape where you can only wield weak pickaxes to start with and only gather low level ores to then make low level armor, then work up.  this game isnt user friendly imo, only intelligent pc gamer people can figure it out properly. You hand out max level account boosts so you just instantly get the max level so no need to train, thats masses of gameplay and rewarding feeling taken away. but then there was no real like groups of types of enemies where you work out whats is the best xp per hour. Then theres no real armor and weapon progression, you just buy exotic nearly best from the trading post and then get ascended from wizards vault and hope you get an acended drops from bosses (that bit is decent; doing dailys, weeklies and killing bosses for ascended drops). and ive met a bunch of players earning their ascended this way because thats the fun way, i aint even getting started with crafting got to get it to 400/500? f that. if i have instant access to exotic armos and weapons then why would i craft? Then thats it really, world boss train is alright but no real reward for doing it, just hanging out with the other ppl doing it. Tequatl and Triple Trouble again for hanging out with players, at least chance of ascended with that. campaigns not really entertaining for me. keep skipping too cartoon cutscenes, nah im good, skip skip. also the graphics are quite weird, the characters are small, i prefered gw1 graphics. anyways, i will say thankyou for some entertainment, it was fun getting the mounts, helps with exploring 
anyways im a nobody, have a good day

You can't buy the good armor and weapons from the trading post outside of very expensive gen 1 and 3 legendaries. Discovering the game is part of the fun, but you have huge amount of sources you can rely on to assist you. This isn't an uncommon thing MMO players typically use outside resources to optimize things and figure it all out. Level 80 is a very very small grind you are nowhere near your maximum capability at that point, even if you boost and get optimal exotic gear and use the best build you're still as weak to veterans as one of the people leveling up basically. You have a ton of ways to get ascended so you can choose which path to take. The newly added Wizard's Vault only allows you 3 armors and 1 weapon per 3 month rotation which is a long time to wait over doing it the more fun methods. 

Pretty sure you just don't like the hooks and that's fine. It's not a game meant for everyone, but that doesn't make it wrong because it doesn't grab you. It's just not for you.

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Please remove Strike Coffers as a weekly reward from strike CMs. Why don't we just instantly get the loot from inside those coffers instead? Now these coffers are being (ab)used as killproof. Having maximum strike CMs coffers is starting to feel like more like a job than something I do for fun. Without these coffers I would just do the strikes every now and then whenever I feel like. Honestly if I miss a single coffer at this point I would likely just quit the game because I'd feel like all the work was for nothing. This means that taking a break and/or a vacation is impossible too.

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13 minutes ago, walkingstick.7319 said:

I'd love to see a couple guild halls in core Tyria! A snow hall and maybe that one map between Kessex and Lions Arch, or north of the Reach?

The area between Kessex and LA is the Tengu city it wouldn't be used for this we will likely get one of the xpacs located there and bridge to LA from the west and the other areas that connect to it.

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This isn't so much a QOL suggestion but I guess more of an immersion one. As far as I know, there isn't some lore or explanation for why mounts just pop in and out of existence. I think it might be nice if there was at least some rudimentary attempt to make the mounts run away or something every time you dismount or use an engage skill. Like use the raptor tail, then it dashes off out of sight. Bunny stomp, then it bounces away. The skyscale engage is actually kinda okay, although it does dematerialize pretty quickly too.

An on-mount animation would be great too! Like if you call your raptor while running, your character's speed increases drastically for a step or two as you approach mount speed, then you do a running mount onto the raptor. It doesn't have to be as stylish as movie Legolas, but something other than "poof, magic" would be a bit nicer. From what I can see, it does already look like there is a mount animation, but the only real thing missing is the mount running up.

Probably never gonna happen, but can't hurt to ask, I guess.

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2 hours ago, tanpopo.9102 said:

This isn't so much a QOL suggestion but I guess more of an immersion one. As far as I know, there isn't some lore or explanation for why mounts just pop in and out of existence. I think it might be nice if there was at least some rudimentary attempt to make the mounts run away or something every time you dismount or use an engage skill. Like use the raptor tail, then it dashes off out of sight. Bunny stomp, then it bounces away. The skyscale engage is actually kinda okay, although it does dematerialize pretty quickly too.

An on-mount animation would be great too! Like if you call your raptor while running, your character's speed increases drastically for a step or two as you approach mount speed, then you do a running mount onto the raptor. It doesn't have to be as stylish as movie Legolas, but something other than "poof, magic" would be a bit nicer. From what I can see, it does already look like there is a mount animation, but the only real thing missing is the mount running up.

Probably never gonna happen, but can't hurt to ask, I guess.

Commander has magic items that store the mounts in. It's spherical in shape and shoots out like a red light. They're bigger on the inside... 

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Wizard Vault:  Could there be an audio or visual notification that an objective has been reached?  I know the icon gets a tiny red marker on it, but I have to actively look for that.  The old daily system had a chime or something.  I don't want a huge text notice or a pop up text box, certainly not!  But something akin to what we had so if the reward is unlocked while we're in the middle of a frenzy of stuff we can break off and go on to other things if we wish to.  Really a small chime would satisfy me in this.  The silence feels lacking.

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Ive been begging for this for years as well as other people...


enemy AoE rings >>NEED TO BE PRIORITIZED<< over friendly AoE

Vale guardian does need to see blues, especially for new characters (no one new watches for yellow on the edge of the kitten screen, nor should they have to...), Can NOT see the RED / organe aoe effects effectively because the effects cover the AoEs.

I will keep reposting this until someone friggin listens

Edited by Lithril Ashwalker.6230
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1 hour ago, Mirror.3521 said:

I want to buy the End of Dragons expansion in the near future and i wonder why there is no Black Lion outfit voucher as a gift when purchasing this expansion? This is good idea i think, and i would buy whole thing instanty without waiting.

We only got outfits when something we previously had to buy got free for future costumers like heart of thorns when it got bundled into path of fire for example.

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1 hour ago, Linken.6345 said:

We only got outfits when something we previously had to buy got free for future costumers like heart of thorns when it got bundled into path of fire for example.

So? This doesn't mean now this voucher can't be with End of Dragons and Secret of the Obscure.

Edited by Mirror.3521
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Please add Spirit Shards to the WV, comparable to what we had before WV was added. For players who have been playing since the beginning, I'm sure Spirit Shards isn't an issue. But for those of us who started later and haven't stocked up on Spirit Shards before multiple nerfs to Spirit Shards rewards, they're now a bottle neck for making legendaries.

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