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[Suggestions]QoL (Quality of Life) Ideas [Merged]


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11 hours ago, SoulGuardian.6203 said:

You must be  a privileged V.I.P. because most of us still have a cap of 19 characters in a name. 

So not 21 as you are stating.

Also,  i don't know why all the confused emojies with such a simple straight fowards request, as if that was a bad thing or rocket science.

I swear to God, sometimes I don't know if that's just out of spite, Just because... you can, or pure boredom.

Sometimes I feel like this is a kindergarten, pre primary school place, or just some individuals not having real problems in real life to waste time down voting something that could  benefit everyone.

Tbh if I am a VIP i don't feel like it https://imgur.com/yUAc2Yh 
And its a common thing across reddit. downvotes are rampant,. its just how the community is now. I fully understand the feeling though. 

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51 minutes ago, Screlite.9308 said:

Tbh if I am a VIP i don't feel like it https://imgur.com/yUAc2Yh 
And its a common thing across reddit. downvotes are rampant,. its just how the community is now. I fully understand the feeling though. 

Its not number of characters you have in total its the number of letters aka characters that you can have when naming your character mate.

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Make each equipment template save its own hide/unhide gear checks separately from other templates. I want to hide my cape in template 1, but show it in template 2. Currently, it's either hide on both templates, or show in both templates, which is quite limiting when you're trying to go for different looks for each template.

Edited by BlueJin.4127
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please consider fixing the gem currency exchange menu field to where you can empty out the entire field & put whatever numbers you want; for some reason you have to always have a digit, and the digit has to be at the front. say it's set to "100" & you want 400. you have to manually go in between the "1" & "0" to type "400" then you have "1400" so you have to key over to in front of the 4 to erase the 1 to get "400."

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Hello everyone,

I would like to propose the implementation of a "Disable Followers" feature in Guild Wars 2. When engaging in World vs. World (WvW), during server links, commanders often accumulate a significant number of followers. However, these links are temporary, and once they expire, those former allies could become adversaries. The issue arises when they can still see our online status.

Additionally, I suggest displaying the home server of individuals when hovering over their names in the followers' list. This enhancement would greatly alleviate the challenges we face in WvW. Thank you for taking the time to read this. If you support this proposal, please express your agreement below. Cheers!

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This is the same with friends. I have friends on multiple servers, and sometimes we are faced up against each other. If they are on a linked server, I can still see what BL they are on. It would be great if all WvW map information could be completely disabled in the friends' list - and we can find where people are at via the guild information.

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1. Please remove the reinforced armour anvils from the game altogether. 

This is absolutely unecessary. 

It was a concept for some games back in the day, and not a very good one; and the reason they failed to be popular.

It's a waste of game data and resources. 

2. Please add a description in-game to those weapons that are only low tier but the value price in TP is almost as much as the cheapest legendary.

Some of us are still in the dark about these specific items.

3. Make character recover easy, rather than placing a support ticket.

You could be making money out of this by adding it in the gem store. 

800 gems minimum for a character restore tool is way worth your while.

4. Please give us side kicks/helpers/mercenaries for our own private instances.

800 gems for a merc slot of our choosing would be profitable. 

People would still play together, but it would be a good alternative to solo stuff when there's no one around, or for those who prefer to solo most of the content.

The merc slot would be like selecting your character, in which you could assign one of your characters to the one you want to play with.

For instance: I first click on Hommer, then click on mercenaries button and the character slots will turn blue. Now I select Marge as merc.

So now, Everytime I play with Hommer, Marge will be his sidekick.

You can change this at any time, and you could do a max of 5 or 6 sidekicks per character.


5. Please make tomes of knowledge more accessible. 

I understand you want to sell instant level 80 from Gem store, but 2000 gems is a bit pricey for this item.

Please add them as an exchangeable item for spirit shards, and other currencies.

I'm one of those who are constantly buying new character slots, creating new characters, or starting them from fresh, and no amount of tomes is ever enough.

I just created 8 new characters, only to delete 3 again and start new.

I'm out of tomes already, and unfortunately I'm not rich yet.

I wish I was.

6. Please add a TP NPC in Claypool.

The constant back and forth trips to the garry or other places that has one is very time consuming, and time is an indulgence I cannot afford to waste, considering I work 12 hours a day... and most players probably do too.

7. A 24 hour option to recover accidentally deleted ascended items or higher tier.

That's twice now I deleted ascended items and wasn't able to recover them.

They aren't easy to obtain either.

Back items take a lot of grinding.

8. Consider profession changing item in gem store. 

More profit.

With the new weapons now coming soon, there are several characters I would like to change to a different profession but do not want to delete because of their age and achievements. 

I believe this Gem item would do wonders.

It's a win win for everyone.

9. Create an appearance template to save for future character creation or total makeovers.

This would encourage players to change appearance more often.

10. Please add hairstyles and other appearance features to the equipment template tabs.

Players could create alter egos for their characters and buy more appearance changing items.


Thanks for your time.

Edited by SoulGuardian.6203
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Not sure where else to put this but since you are making a plushie skin for most mounts  I have a suggestion for that.

If someone owns one plushie skin for each of the mounts they get a plushie skin themselves for an affect turning their skin into plush. 

It would add a reason to buy all of them to get that skin.

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4 hours ago, Incurve Giidis.7829 said:

when i put 3 unidentifier gear in my shared slot

why the kitten dont all the drops go there but a separate stack in normal inventory

maybe you can turn this into a gemstore feature

If a shared slot fills up with an item (ex. Unidentified Gear) and you have an empty shared slot, any additional items of the same type that enter your inventory will fill that additional shared slot before overflowing into your regular bags.


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By too much space, do you mean 1 slot?

I mean, i don't think there is a situation where you may need more than 250 tomes.

On the other side, i'm not fan of the fact of literally changing every spirit shard into tome, they are meant to ease a bit the leveling, but having them at that quantity would kinda cheapen the leveling process even more.

But, without changing how spirit shard works, i wouldn't mind being able to change the birthday scroll for either tome or spirit shard, even if it's at a reduced rate (like level 40 scroll tradable for like 20 tome or spirit shard)

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