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[Suggestions]QoL (Quality of Life) Ideas [Merged]


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19 minutes ago, Kinurak.5307 said:

As an althoholic (55 toons and counting) this would be absolutley make me hate the game. I love my scrolls, i NEVER have enough tomes....removing them would suck a lot and i dont think i am the only one who'd feel that way.

why would removing the tomes "suck a lot"?  Converting it to spirit shards would be the same thing, it just frees up inventory space.

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1 hour ago, Shuzuru.3651 said:

By too much space, do you mean 1 slot?

I mean, i don't think there is a situation where you may need more than 250 tomes.

On the other side, i'm not fan of the fact of literally changing every spirit shard into tome, they are meant to ease a bit the leveling, but having them at that quantity would kinda cheapen the leveling process even more.

But, without changing how spirit shard works, i wouldn't mind being able to change the birthday scroll for either tome or spirit shard, even if it's at a reduced rate (like level 40 scroll tradable for like 20 tome or spirit shard)

I have 8 stacks of tomes in my bank and about 8 different stacks of scrolls. 

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7 minutes ago, Jumpin Lumpix.6108 said:

I have 8 stacks of tomes in my bank and about 8 different stacks of scrolls. 

And why do you need 2000 tomes? That enough to max out 25 char, did you plan to max out that many character in a near future ?

Simply convert the excess tomes into shard, it take like 5 sec to do at the Miyani.

I do agree to the fact of allowing convertion of birthday scroll, thought, as i would rather have the more flexible tome or some shard rather than lvl20,30,40 scroll, for exemple

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31 minutes ago, Shuzuru.3651 said:

And why do you need 2000 tomes? That enough to max out 25 char, did you plan to max out that many character in a near future ?

Simply convert the excess tomes into shard, it take like 5 sec to do at the Miyani.

I do agree to the fact of allowing convertion of birthday scroll, thought, as i would rather have the more flexible tome or some shard rather than lvl20,30,40 scroll, for exemple

I dont need the tomes, but the entire point is it would be easier if all level ups were just done via shards.  THat way leveling up and crafting shards are both in the same place, in the wallet out of the inventory.  Plus the experience scrolls would be consumed and converted into shards as well.

Edited by Jumpin Lumpix.6108
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6 minutes ago, WRay.2391 said:

I find more annoying that lvl 80 boost cannot be removed from shared slot. I convert tomes of knowledge to shard when they take more than 2 slots and it fits not annoy me too much.

While it do annoy me a bit, there is a good reason to it to work like this, a character candidate to be boosted is more likely to be deleted.

The classic scenario would be something like :

Create a character, try the boost, do not like how the class play out, delete the character.

if the boost was in the normal inventory, you could had 2 very likely step :

forgot to remove the boost before deleting, "Hello, support, i messed up..."


I completely understand the will to reduce the workload of their support that probably already got a lot of task and don't need this unecessary work. Plus, originaly, they didn't even talk about the shared inventory slot, so this security was also converted into a nice gift (shared slot are pricy), if they didn't add it, we probably wouldn't have the slot free.

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2 minutes ago, Jumpin Lumpix.6108 said:

I dont need the tomes, but the entire point is it would be easier if all level ups were just done via shards.  THat way leveling up and crafting shards are both in the same place, in the wallet out of the inventory.  Plus the experience scrolls would be consumed and converted into shards as well.

Well, then i disagree with your point, some "currency" are meant to work in one way conversion and i believe tome are in this category.

The place argument seems kinda irrelevant to the subject as they are 2 scenario possible :

- you consider tome worthless, then simply convert them to spirit shard

- you consider tome valuable, then 250 tomes probably deserve using a slot 

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1 hour ago, Shuzuru.3651 said:

While it do annoy me a bit, there is a good reason to it to work like this, a character candidate to be boosted is more likely to be deleted.

The classic scenario would be something like :

Create a character, try the boost, do not like how the class play out, delete the character.

if the boost was in the normal inventory, you could had 2 very likely step :

forgot to remove the boost before deleting, "Hello, support, i messed up..."


I completely understand the will to reduce the workload of their support that probably already got a lot of task and don't need this unecessary work. Plus, originaly, they didn't even talk about the shared inventory slot, so this security was also converted into a nice gift (shared slot are pricy), if they didn't add it, we probably wouldn't have the slot free.

You kind of don't need to remove it from shared slot to try. Nobody forcing you. But if you don't want to use it for a while you should be able to put it to your bank. I literally used boost on random alt just because it was using shared slot.

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4 hours ago, Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:

If a shared slot fills up with an item (ex. Unidentified Gear) and you have an empty shared slot, any additional items of the same type that enter your inventory will fill that additional shared slot before overflowing into your regular bags.


a stack of 1

in shared inventory slot

a drop creates another stack of 1

in inventory

instead of

going to the shared inventory

that has an unfinished stack







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16 hours ago, Jumpin Lumpix.6108 said:

Books/experience scrolls take up too much space, just convert all books/experience scrolls into spirit shards and let us level up new characters with spirit shards.  When your experience bar hits max you get a spirit shard which you can use for crafting or gaining levels. 

I Don't know why so many confused faces when this is one of the best ideas I've read in ages.

"Let us level up characters using spirit shards."

16 hours ago, Jumpin Lumpix.6108 said:

DO i have to think of everything?

Maybe it's because if this. 

I personally don't see it a great deal, but there's a bit of an attitude here.

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13 hours ago, Jumpin Lumpix.6108 said:

why would removing the tomes "suck a lot"?  Converting it to spirit shards would be the same thing, it just frees up inventory space.

It would basically stop me from making alts. I use the tomes and scrolls to lvl up. Taking them away will force me lvl up manually. I'd be fine with the OPTION to automatically turn them into spirit shards or turn spirit shards into tomes. But not complete removal.

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35 minutes ago, Kinurak.5307 said:

It would basically stop me from making alts. I use the tomes and scrolls to lvl up. Taking them away will force me lvl up manually. I'd be fine with the OPTION to automatically turn them into spirit shards or turn spirit shards into tomes. But not complete removal.

Part of the idea is that you use Spirit Shards to skip the leveling part, instead of the books and scrolls.

So, you'd still be able to skip the leveling part just fine.

Edited by Fueki.4753
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Getting really old that Items cant go over 10k gold in the trading post (when they are worth more than 10k gold).  ITs spawned an entire cottage industry of guilds having middle men to trade items and you have to negotiate prices with them and give them a percentage fee (if it goes right its cheaper than the TP), but its a huge hassle and most of the trade is done with items (legendaries or materials).  Also if they steal your item well GOOD LUCK cuz you didn't do it in the TP.  Its tedious and ridiculous.


Please increase the sell limit on the TP to 50k-100k gold or something, and also either remove or greatly increase the gold send limit in the mail. The whole goldseller/bot people abusing this is NOT MY PROBLEM and its ridiculous that the solution after 12 YEARS, is still to handicap regular players in this way. 

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On 12/14/2023 at 9:32 PM, Sovngarde.7502 said:

Mawdrey II is a far superior Bloodstone gobbler to Herta


On 12/14/2023 at 9:38 PM, Linken.6345 said:

You got a chance for Liquid Aurillium Infusion from Herta tho.

Sorry for being a couple of weeks late. It's really because empyreal shards and dragonite ore has far less value than bloodstone dust on average, and I think this would help. 

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2 hours ago, kharmin.7683 said:

Anet raises TP cap to 100k.  Sellers start selling for 500k.  Anet raises cap, Sellers raise price, etc.... 



how do you know it will work this way, and even if it did why does it matter?  IF thats the price of the item, thats the price of the item.  THe way it is now, is that said item is NEVER available in game and then if u want it you have to go to guilds that sell it for 10-20k and trade them in items and you run the risk of being scammed.  SO i dont see how thats better

Edited by Jumpin Lumpix.6108
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1 hour ago, Kiki.9450 said:

I imagine there's not that many actual regular players looking to do trade for more than 10000g at a time anyway. If they can keep gold sellers and bots hindered with this, then great.

But it doesnt hinder them they get around it the same way the guilds do, they trade in items instead..... which is why the limitation is pointless

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2 hours ago, Jumpin Lumpix.6108 said:

There's always going to be rare items.

The price of items is determined by supply and demand.  The less there is supplied and the higher the demand, the more the price goes up.  Since all these are aesthetic, demand is finnicky to deal with, but supply is in pretty direct control by Anet.  

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