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Does anyone have a map of invisible walls?

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Disclaimer: I want all zones to be mounted so I'm willing to pay the price of invisible walls if necessary 😕


That said, I'm sick of going south to my destination only to smack into a wall and have to puzzle out the way I'm "supposed" to go.   


If anyone has any hints making navigating less frustrating or a map of where the invisible walls are so I can stop smacking into them in the middle of the map I'd be super grateful. Flying is the way I like to navigate because it's relaxing and I have to step away from the computer a lot

Edited by cloudsareyum.8120
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I feel like theoretically, because they're objects with collision it would be possible for some sort of reshade to render them in a way that is visible, but that might be naive of me.

Very occasionally, you can find a small gap in them, but the most reliable way is to go over the top. Some are taller than others, but if you have griffon you can easily just dismount-remount repeatedly in the air while pressed up against it to gradually gain height until you go over the top. You could probably have got there the intended way by the time you do that, but if it's just the principle of it, that works.

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4 hours ago, Randulf.7614 said:

Invisble walls tend to exist only at the edge of the map or where a cliff exists that clearly isn't traversable anyway. Where are you encountering mid map invisible walls?

Thank you. I don't really have issues with the ones around the border edge of the map, it's the mid map ones in the sky that keep getting me. I'm not sure how I'm to judge untraversable cliffs while flying lol.  I'm amazed you don't seem to run into them. What do you mean by untraversable and how can I tell it's supposed to be so while flying in the air? Do you have any tips for what counts as untraversable terrain I should avoid?


Most recent invisible wall smacking-


Elon River lands - the big circular rock ne of the words deadlock sweep. For no apparent reason I can't land on it. It is not on the edge of the map. No jp or cave I know of around there


Jahai Cliffs - So I was trying to fly south thru jahai from the reclaimed chantry wp directly to fortress of jahai. Can't fly over the rocks,  it needed me to pass under the gate stead of straight lining it lol. They made the cliff on top unlandable (SE of the wp) and had to go low and search for where I was supposed to go


The ones with better indicators but are smack in the middle of the map and you will either die or be shocked if you don't pay attention to the secret caves and jumping puzzle locations: (which is terrible. )

Dredge haunt cliffs- Dostoev Sky Peak smack dab in the middle of the map.  I understand they were protecting the cave but it is a shock to be flying and smack into that wall


Brisban wildlands- attempt to fly over skrittsburgh going directly west or nw from zinder slope/caledon entrance will run smack into a wall. 


Metrica Province- you may not fly over the anthill



 kill zones- 

The infamous forcible demount mount zone  over gendarran fields SE that has claimed many a flier's lives.  It's pretty hard to stop in time before it forcibly demounts you if you're in the wrong place and especially the wrong mount



I'm aware some of these - though not the ones I mentioned in the desert- are to protect unfinished assets in caves and jumping puzzles.  But for caves couldn't they just make a general landable ceiling above it with short walls instead of walls in the airspace above?  The unfinished assets look cool anyway if it's about the skybox.  For jumping puzzles I don't think it's bad for the game for people to be able to do it easy cheat way with mounts but if the devs want to make it no shortcuts or cheats, I feel like it would be effective to just put a zone at the entrance of the jp that applies a status (it could be called key to the chest or sth) that gets removed if the player mounts at any point and that status must be applied to open the chest. Since the player must pass thru the entrance you can't cheat by shortcuts, and since the status will be gone on mount you can't cheat with mount.  They would just need to make the status and zone for one puzzle and then could apply it to the others and it would be so much more polished than invisible walls jutting up randomly in the sky or zones that will kill you if you're flying too fast in the wrong place.  The kill zone is a zone with a Boolean check for mount, and there are already mechanisms and bosses that require a status, I don't see why it would be so much more work than kill zones and invisible walls?


Well regardless of my protests I just am wondering if someone has an idea. Like I guess if I pay attention I can avoid the caves but I don't have all the secret jp locations marked on the map until it's too late and I'm either smacked into a wall or dead from forcible dismount and there's no rhyme nor reason for the desert ones.   Please tell me your secrets of how to notice the untraversable cliffs, I beg 😅 



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14 hours ago, Randulf.7614 said:

Invisble walls tend to exist only at the edge of the map or where a cliff exists that clearly isn't traversable anyway. Where are you encountering mid map invisible walls?

Fort Trinity is the land of abomination when the issue is invisible walls

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6 minutes ago, Therac.6431 said:

Fort Trinity is the land of abomination when the issue is invisible walls

Agreed, that was one of the first places that came to mind when OP asked about invisible walls. The ones around Caer Aval are egregiously high for no good reason, too — you have to practically be in the stratosphere to fly over them. Fortunately there's a little gap in part of the fortress to get in and out. My main reason for trying to get in without going into the instance was when Jade Protocols were more useful and more of a pain to apply, so I would avoid instances wherever possible to not get them stripped.

The most annoying invisible walls to me are the ones in random places where you can't fly over the fence for no good reason; even the centaur camp in Queensdale has this. You can go around, or there isn't invisible wall specifically at the entrance, but it's  just... Why? It's also consistently inconsistent because some maps let you fly over the gate but not the rest of the fence, while others even have invisible walls above the gate to force you to go through it.

Best invisible walls are the ones in places like Tangled Labyrinth, where they're low enough to fly over or even run along while the Bioluminescent Lurchers are powerless to stop you. Makes it much more fun!

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I most often bang into invisible walls on the coremaps. When I want to take a shortcut over mountains instead of around them. Like in the north of Diessa. I fall for it every time.

But there are surprises everywhere.

Recently I jumped down on the dry top at the top of the jumping puzzle to glide to the starting WP (the char didn't have it yet because T2F) and I never got to the bottom. There are also invisible barriers that I slid into and couldn't get out of.

So close and yet so far away.


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On 4/26/2024 at 11:12 PM, cloudsareyum.8120 said:

I'm sick of going south to my destination only to smack into a wall and have to puzzle out the way I'm "supposed" to go.  

Remember how there were no mounts back when the greater parts of GW2 were released. Invisible walls didn't hold you back back then.

While I would appreciate a rework of those old maps to have those invisible walls removed, I don't see ANet putting any resources into it.

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43 minutes ago, Epsilon Indi.2031 said:

Divinity's Reach has SO many around the bank and upper part surrounding the garden.  It makes no sense.

Those weren't always there, either. I remember when you could get on top of the palace, fall through the roof because it didn't have collision, and explore the dungeon outside of the story instance (as well as getting both PoIs). I'm not sure what the reasoning was for blocking it off.

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It's mostly in older zones

I'm pretty sure that old zones weren't even supposed to have mounts

But people asked for it, so they listened

In newer zones it's much more rare 


If they do ever releaese GW3 and it's an open world MMORPG, I do hope it will be one big open world this time (no loading screens)

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7 minutes ago, jokke.6239 said:

It's mostly in older zones

I'm pretty sure that old zones weren't even supposed to have mounts

But people asked for it, so they listened

In newer zones it's much more rare 


If they do ever releaese GW3 and it's an open world MMORPG, I do hope it will be one big open world this time (no loading screens)

Since mounts were introduced, Divinity's Reach has seen a significant increase in invisible walls. This suggests a prioritization of quick fixes over well-designed maps. Fort Trinity you cant fly over a stupid random gate...

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17 minutes ago, Therac.6431 said:

Since mounts were introduced, Divinity's Reach has seen a significant increase in invisible walls. This suggests a prioritization of quick fixes over well-designed maps. Fort Trinity you cant fly over a stupid random gate...

But this map was designed long before mounts was in the game


What would you rather have

Like it is now, no mounts in older zones or them to spent long time reworking older maps?

Can it be annoying at times? Sure

But, It's not really a big issue for me


If you think, does it look like the game wants me to go here, if I didn't have a flying mount?

If the answer is no, don't bother

You will not have this issue so much


I'm more annoyed with grabbing onto trees or whatever with my skyscale. And that happens everywhere 😅


Edited by jokke.6239
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On 4/27/2024 at 1:55 AM, cloudsareyum.8120 said:

Thank you. I don't really have issues with the ones around the border edge of the map, it's the mid map ones in the sky that keep getting me. I'm not sure how I'm to judge untraversable cliffs while flying lol.  I'm amazed you don't seem to run into them. What do you mean by untraversable and how can I tell it's supposed to be so while flying in the air? Do you have any tips for what counts as untraversable terrain I should avoid?


Most recent invisible wall smacking-


Elon River lands - the big circular rock ne of the words deadlock sweep. For no apparent reason I can't land on it. It is not on the edge of the map. No jp or cave I know of around there


Jahai Cliffs - So I was trying to fly south thru jahai from the reclaimed chantry wp directly to fortress of jahai. Can't fly over the rocks,  it needed me to pass under the gate stead of straight lining it lol. They made the cliff on top unlandable (SE of the wp) and had to go low and search for where I was supposed to go


The ones with better indicators but are smack in the middle of the map and you will either die or be shocked if you don't pay attention to the secret caves and jumping puzzle locations: (which is terrible. )

Dredge haunt cliffs- Dostoev Sky Peak smack dab in the middle of the map.  I understand they were protecting the cave but it is a shock to be flying and smack into that wall


Brisban wildlands- attempt to fly over skrittsburgh going directly west or nw from zinder slope/caledon entrance will run smack into a wall. 


Metrica Province- you may not fly over the anthill



 kill zones- 

The infamous forcible demount mount zone  over gendarran fields SE that has claimed many a flier's lives.  It's pretty hard to stop in time before it forcibly demounts you if you're in the wrong place and especially the wrong mount



I'm aware some of these - though not the ones I mentioned in the desert- are to protect unfinished assets in caves and jumping puzzles.  But for caves couldn't they just make a general landable ceiling above it with short walls instead of walls in the airspace above?  The unfinished assets look cool anyway if it's about the skybox.  For jumping puzzles I don't think it's bad for the game for people to be able to do it easy cheat way with mounts but if the devs want to make it no shortcuts or cheats, I feel like it would be effective to just put a zone at the entrance of the jp that applies a status (it could be called key to the chest or sth) that gets removed if the player mounts at any point and that status must be applied to open the chest. Since the player must pass thru the entrance you can't cheat by shortcuts, and since the status will be gone on mount you can't cheat with mount.  They would just need to make the status and zone for one puzzle and then could apply it to the others and it would be so much more polished than invisible walls jutting up randomly in the sky or zones that will kill you if you're flying too fast in the wrong place.  The kill zone is a zone with a Boolean check for mount, and there are already mechanisms and bosses that require a status, I don't see why it would be so much more work than kill zones and invisible walls?


Well regardless of my protests I just am wondering if someone has an idea. Like I guess if I pay attention I can avoid the caves but I don't have all the secret jp locations marked on the map until it's too late and I'm either smacked into a wall or dead from forcible dismount and there's no rhyme nor reason for the desert ones.   Please tell me your secrets of how to notice the untraversable cliffs, I beg 😅 



iam interesting, Can you do a video of these examples?

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If there was a map of invisible wall on the core maps, it sure has been altered after they added the mounts in PoF (or later with Skyscale) without adding the changes to official update notes. A few days ago, when mapping in Caledon Forest, I thought I could get quick access to the "Cerebro" area on the west border, but that is now completely blocked via "new" invisible walls that have not been there when the game was released. There are still ways to get in by flying through non-collision walls and vines, but the old "breakout path" you could climb and jump is gone.

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The Jumping Puzzle at Drowned old Kaineng City is sooooooooo annoying with the invisible walls.


I know also a core map, Brisban Wildlands, has an insivible wall where bandits are trying to repairing a bridge, therefore there is a portal map to an unreleased core map. You can jump over there with Griffon if you're high enough and gets pass the wall. You can run behind the wall and enter the portal but nothing sadly happens. 😢

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The sad/annoying part is rather than spend some time doing some rework on the maps so that invisible walls are not needed, they just quickly slapped invisible walls all over the place (as well as no mount & no fly zones) when the relevant content first came out.  But that content has since changed (skyscale and bond of faith skyscale skill) which means that many of these walls and zones can now be bypassed.  So that original work Anet did to block them is now basically useless from the intended purpose.


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On 4/30/2024 at 9:41 AM, jokke.6239 said:

But this map was designed long before mounts was in the game


What would you rather have

Like it is now, no mounts in older zones or them to spent long time reworking older maps?

Can it be annoying at times? Sure

But, It's not really a big issue for me


If you think, does it look like the game wants me to go here, if I didn't have a flying mount?

If the answer is no, don't bother

You will not have this issue so much


I'm more annoyed with grabbing onto trees or whatever with my skyscale. And that happens everywhere 😅


There's literally 0 things in DR that would be problematic to fly over or land on top of.  There's no chests, there's no jumping puzzles, there's nothing in that city.  LA I can see it.  Grove has some problem spots but that's mostly below a tree.  Rata Sum is open enough just don't fly too low.  Hoelbrak is fine.  Black Citadel is fine.  DR is about the only city that has a bunch of invisible walls that feel super unreasonable.

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Generally speaking there are two situations you will encounter where there will almost always be invisible walls.

1) On maps with large meta chains, multiple lanes or fixed approach routes, and parts of the map locked off until the meta progresses, you will in most cases find invisible walls seperating the lanes and also blocking off all approach routes to the restricted area except the intended path.

2) You are trying to go over a high piece of terrain, large area of hill or mountain above an underground complex, or large cliff-faced area of which there's nothing accessible in the middle of it. In these areas you are walled-off because inside them the visible terrain often has no collision, it goes high enough to reach the map ceiling, and/or beyond what is visible from the invisible wall at the edge the surface terrain is simply not there and you can peer down into a pit full of the structural pieces that form an underground complex.

One good example of the latter is Brisbain Wildlands. The surface above Skrittsburg is completely walled-off (barring a spot I know of where you can slip through). Go up the "mountain" above the Skritt city and there's places with no terrain collision and you can peer into the Skrittsburg tunnels from outside them. Completely useless place to access, and the only way out was back through the hole in the invisible wall or to waypoint out. Did have a laugh with a guildie though who was inside one of the tunnels by pretending I was a "ghost in the walls, WhoOooOooo!" hahaha! 😄

But yeah, most of the time you get a rock or something that has an invisible wall around the top of it, the top of said rock has no collision on it and the walls are to stop players getting up there and falling through the map into the void.

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