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Obsidian Legendary Armor Tier 2 Preview

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37 minutes ago, Geronmy.3298 said:

I think the slumbering is just the unsheathed version.

It's not, if you look at the very start of the video you can see the Light Armor character in combat mode right before it starts sheathing the weapons and yet there are no effects around it. You can see with the 2nd variation that the effects don't disappear instanly when sheathing, therefore the 1st variation is definitely a different one than the non-Slumbering.

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Posted (edited)
15 hours ago, Sobx.1758 said:

What you're getting is a legendary item, if you think it's not worth it then not doing it is an easy option.

Agreed. Looks like that part could be a bit toned down (but maybe it just looks like it at closeup) and it should have the same dye slot as the runes (armor/coat part, I'm guessing).

Then make that one, not sure who said everything needs to be "what you consider equivalent".


As far as we know t2 is the final one (check the soto content table).

It's t1 and t2. Pretty sure no variants were mentioned (at least not in the context you seem to remember it at). So... 1 variant, because that's what t2 is.

It's called feedback. I don't need your feedback though because why would you (not a dev) try to problem-solve an issue you didn't create. I know I can just not make the armor. Not the point of my post at all.

Edited by HotDelirium.7984
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Posted (edited)
14 minutes ago, HotDelirium.7984 said:

It's called feedback. I don't need your feedback though because why would you (not a dev) try to problem-solve an issue you didn't create. I know I can just not make it the armor. Not the point of my post at all.

It's called another player's perspective, which as a results is also giving feedback.
Personally I find "the time investment for this legendary armor doesn't seem worth it if this is all we get" to be a weak piece of feedback, because it should be a given that different players like different styles of items -which is rather evident when we as much as read through this forum alone. Some like glowy, others don't -and that's just the tip of the iceberg in regards of prefered visuals. There's not much to solve here other than "if you think it's not worth getting then don't get it".
It not being "equivalent" (in the way you determined it in your post) seems to be a given considering last time the "moving parts" armor was made, they mentioned something about it being the last time they're doing it. But if it's incorrect and I'm misremembering things, feel free to correct me.

Edited by Sobx.1758
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23 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

I find "the time investment for this legendary armor doesn't seem worth it if this is all we get" to be a weak piece of feedback

Do you find telling someone, who already knows that they dont need to get this item, that they dont need to get this item to not be weak feedback?

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Well, even less reason to deal with rifts and convergences. Which is likely good, because as content goes, those are just plain bad. Boring, unimaginative and both too grindy and too unrewarding at the same time (which makes for an extremely poor combination).

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1 minute ago, Ashen.2907 said:

Do you find telling someone, who already knows that they dont need to get this item, that they dont need to get this item to not be weak feedback?

That particular part of feedback is questioning how "someone thinking it's not worth getting (for the skin, apparently)" is supposed to be a problem when we know the target audience of this armor set wasn't exactly "people getting them for the skin" -even though some people will still craft it for the skins. And we know the target audience for that armor because anet informed us about it right around the announcement of this set, iirc. So yes, I think that's a good reminder.

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When you said the obsidian armor would have "combat effects," I guess I expected something a little more than a particle splash that you get from legendary trinkets, but it's technically not an untrue statement. I was hoping for the armor itself to animate like the raid sets. I think you would have gotten more overall player satisfaction by being open, honest, and specific about the design goals from the start, so players were more informed about what they were making.

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Posted (edited)

That is a certified Arenanet moment. 

The hype music. The build up. 

Only for it to be the equivalent of dad turning on the 5 dollar Christmas lights on the tree.  Going "TA DAH! "

I don't know why but that brought a big smile on my face. In a good way. 

It's such peak Anet. 

Edited by DanAlcedo.3281
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Going by the posts here and on the youtube comments, the feedback does not appear to be .. glowing.

Now the big question if Anet is gonna take it to heart and update it to be more legendary .. or more obsidian-y. Though with visuals there's always the problem that changing it may make it worse for people that actually like the current looks.

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50 minutes ago, Chyro.1462 said:

Going by the posts here and on the youtube comments, the feedback does not appear to be .. glowing.

Now the big question if Anet is gonna take it to heart and update it to be more legendary .. or more obsidian-y. Though with visuals there's always the problem that changing it may make it worse for people that actually like the current looks.

Honestly, they should just leave it as is. For those who just wanted obby armor purely for the QoL of having legendary armor, they're set. This variant even more optional than getting the armor itself. I'm getting it because it will keep me busy.

Whoever dyed those armors in that video don't have the same tastes as I do. They just picked bright colors to showcase the effects.

It's up to me to make it look good.

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Posted (edited)
11 minutes ago, Pifil.5193 said:


What did you expect, really?

I regret wasting time on this in the first place just for the skin, since two of the three sets look nothing like the cool concept art images, and I am not surprised to see that the messed up bodily proportions remain unchanged in the T2 version. The effects look okay, though; more visual clutter for the masses. 😉 

Edited by Ashantara.8731
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2 hours ago, Zeperio.4853 said:

I love this armor, and seeing that many people hates it and probably they won't craft it makes it more exclusive for us who loves and hav it 😄

It's less about what it looks like but the hype behind it. From players and Arenanet. 

Personally I don't care much but making us expect this grant Firework, only to give us "babies first Firework" is pretty funny and just Sooooo much Anet style. 😄

People simply excepted to much. 

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1 hour ago, DanAlcedo.3281 said:

It's less about what it looks like but the hype behind it. From players and Arenanet. 

Personally I don't care much but making us expect this grant Firework, only to give us "babies first Firework" is pretty funny and just Sooooo much Anet style. 😄

People simply excepted to much. 

tbf to arenanet, they cannot control how people will expect what the T2 armor would look like, as far as I'm aware only the youtubers said that the T2 will be "Flashier and shinier" but arenanet just said it would be a variant unlock. I don't recall them making any promises about being a super shiny design. I may be wrong and if that's the case then I would stand corrected.

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22 minutes ago, Zeperio.4853 said:

tbf to arenanet, they cannot control how people will expect what the T2 armor would look like, as far as I'm aware only the youtubers said that the T2 will be "Flashier and shinier" but arenanet just said it would be a variant unlock. I don't recall them making any promises about being a super shiny design. I may be wrong and if that's the case then I would stand corrected.

Well ArenaNet described the legendary armour like this on their SotO marketing:


A future release will introduce a brand-new set of legendary armor that becomes infused with magic in combat.

They never said anything about having different tiers or variants of armour at the start. That detail was added after launch, IIRC. So they did say there'd be a combat effect on the armour.

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5 minutes ago, Pifil.5193 said:

Well ArenaNet described the legendary armour like this on their SotO marketing:

They never said anything about having different tiers or variants of armour at the start. That detail was added after launch, IIRC. So they did say there'd be a combat effect on the armour.

Yes this is what I remembered them saying, and nowhere in this did it say that it will be shiny or flashy, it only says it will have combat effect

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19 minutes ago, Pifil.5193 said:

Well ArenaNet described the legendary armour like this on their SotO marketing:

They never said anything about having different tiers or variants of armour at the start. That detail was added after launch, IIRC. So they did say there'd be a combat effect on the armour.

I think that's part of the issue. The original mention was about a single set of armor, but later, for some reason, they decided to make two (probably to add some reasons to grind stuff in later parts of the patch cycle). Except, they either did not want, or lacked resources to make that second set, so they've just decided to split the original one in two.

Thus, the big expectations that do not match the reality. First, with the first set, that was plainer than what the original announcement mentioned. Then the second, where people expected the difference will be somewhat bigger than the one we so far saw in completely normal two-tier sets (like carapace/Luminescent, Mist Shard/Blossoming Mist Shard or Elegy/Requiem). Sure, there's no actual hard requirement for legendary armor to look legendary (or even have an unique look, as WvW/SPvP sets clearly show), but people expecting this to be the case here (seeing as the whole expansion revolves aroudn acquisition of those two sets) wasn't exactly completely unjustified.

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I was genuinely hoping for some light transformation, maybe some kind of reflection on the pieces or structure appearing but its just glowing stuff that reminds me of a cheaper version of the Requiem pieces from LW4. The runic explosion is not bad per se, just a bit much in close-up and I really hope it's going to be dyeable. The glowing runes on heavy looks fine (but is something I would have expected as a GS skin tbh). A bit underwhelming compared to the transformation of Raid Leggys but okay-ish if dyeable (again), but light armor has to be a joke the glow looks messy and doesn't seem so be very coherent with how the T1 looks underneath it. Well, there probably won't be any changes now but I really hoped for something more exciting. Gonna finish my set and will see how it will play in-game. 

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