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Quality-of-Life Requests and Suggestions (New for 2024)

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Squad QoL suggestion: Make  your squad subgroup's names and the dots on the minimap a different color from the rest of the squad, just your sub and keep everyone else in the squad the current blue color. When doing Metas, Convergences and I guess WvW with 50 people and you are a healer, it's hard to track down the people in your subgroup so you can keep them alive and give them boons. Same thing would he helpful in Raids and Strikes so you apply your boons to your subgroup and people can stack with you. And make it a setting you can turn on/off so everyone is happy 🙂

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23 hours ago, Izzy.2951 said:

Would it be posible for Arenanet to create a second youtube channel called "Black Lion Trading Company" where they upload all the videos of the skins and cool stuff that they add to the gemstore (basically the twitter/blopost videos) so we can easily find them and see how they look in game, specially since some are offers that come and go and the twitter videos just dissapear in the mist after 1 week forever.

This is a problem with channels not making proper playlists of their content. Then there's the ones putting chronological playlists in reverse order.

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On 5/25/2024 at 9:47 PM, quake.9023 said:

"greater arcane chest in amnytas needs redone"

over time for some reason, skywatch map currency is x3 of amnytas. in addition why is there 11 greater chest in skywatch but only 3 in amnytas and they move everyday. amnytas needs more. 

I think it is intended that Amnytas currency is supposed to be annoying to farm.

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I'm quoting myself from the  Instanced Group Content section of the forum. It seems fitting for this topic as well.

"As someone who does a lot of Mentorin in Ashford Plains lately, one recurring  question from  new players is when and how they can play a dungeon. They have some sorts of expectations in terms of loot and leveling experience. Well, while the experience gain is quite good for the time you spend, the loot is not really appealing.  Buying some cheap stuff from the trading post is way more comfortable and accessible. 

Yes, I see dungeons mostly as something for low-level and/or new players. Veterans like me run them (I guess) mostly for the memes. In view of low-level and/or new players, I would like it if they could join any dungeon no matter the level and simply get upscaled like in WvW. And in terms of loot, I think they should always get something which represents their profession and their level. Rare gear starts with level 35. That would be a pretty good starting point."

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Posted (edited)

choya skiff! 🌵🚤🌵 also, except my unending need for choya themed items ...

can you consider making unbreakable gathering tools with glyphs /any gathering tools with glyphs or even glyphs themselves  swapable without having to go to the inventory/bank? I have more than 3 glyphs and it would be handy to be able to just switch from one to another when I need. Would be VERY handy!

Yes, it is quite good rn but if we could swap the glyphs among our gathering tools AND between the characters as well would help people who have more than one character and more than 3 glyphs. besides, no one always remember to carry certian tools/ glyphs on certain character that they are playing. And I don't have THAT many shared inventory slots yet 😛 I think for a thing like glyph that is easily swappable either way, it would be ok to just put it in a pocket dimension, like keys were placed, for example



Edited by Avelione.6075
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I have 2 requests:

1. Skyscale wall latch toggle:

This may have been suggested already, but add a button to skyscale to toggle off wall-hugging. It would work the same way as the ley-line button for skyscale/griffon, while enabled, skyscales latch to walls. While disabled, skyscales won't latch to walls.

This would improve maneuverability without having to do some sideways moving shenanigans.


2: Bigger UI scale options.:

UI looks tiny in resolutions over 1080. Making the game run in a very small window solves the problem but introduces several others. SEtting resolution lower doesn't help either.

This would help fix some very basic accessibility issues that make it really hard to read text sometimes, as well as see icons properly.

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Otter's Blessing Enrichment should have a method for changing its bonus effect. Either via a recipe to change it from Magic Find -> Gold Find -> Exp Boost -> Karma Boost. or a vendor that lets you trade one version for another.

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Reducing amount of Attribute combinations and adding "guide" icon next to them when you have option to select them on items. Large part of GW2 playerbase do not care about stats combinations and till this day "most" common answer for "What stats should I use for DPS?" is "Berserk." and it is not wrong in a lot cases. Adding little "hint" icons on stat selection screen would also help a lot of ppl like add icons next to preset names. For example crossed swords for power dps presets, shiled for tank presets and + for heal presets and it does not need to be on everything like hard to put this type of icon on celestial.

Current state

Core game atrribute combinations:

  • 29 in total
    • 11 available for PvP
      • 4 from these 11 only available for PvP
    • 25 available for PvE
      • 2 unique ones from these 25 only available on weapons – these can be removed without any impact
      • 1 unique one from these 25 only available on trinkets, backs and upgrades – this can be removed without any impact
      • 5 unique ones from these 25 NOT available on upgrades

HoT attribute combinations:

  • 9 in total
    • 1 available for PvP
    • 9 available for PvE
      • 1 unique one from these 9 NOT available on upgrades

PoF attribute combinations:

  • 7 in total
    • 4 available for PvP
      • 3 from these 4 only available for PvP
    • 4 available for PvE
      • 1 unique one from these 4 NOT available on upgrades

EoD attribute combinations:

  • 2 in total
    • 0 available for PvP
    • 2 available for PvE


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Posted (edited)

A new patch is coming for WVW. Maybe everything that needs to be said has been said on this subject, but I want to talk about a different subjects.

In WVW, playing as a zerg or herd basically affects the game negatively. There are certain classes that must be present in a zerg, and it is almost impossible to play with otherwise builds or classes. In my opinion, this is one of the biggest shortcomings of the game. The basic structure of the game is also in this direction. I am not a game developer, but I think it is wrong to try to make all the players play by standing on top of each other. We can see this in raids, strikes and almost all boss battles. Even if it is done to benefit from boon and buffs, the personal abilities of the players remain in the background and being left behind from the group usually results in death. I think this is the biggest minus of the game. Boons should be given in a different way so that the players can play separately from each other, but this is just my opinion.

We have the best mounts in all mmorpg games. Their uses and abilities are perfectly designed, but they are not used on many maps. First of all, I think that a small change should be made in the interface for more comfortable use of the mounts.

I think a mount like a turtle that can carry 50 players should be added to the game. Please calm down and read first. As you know, a new patch is coming to WvW and we have many siege weapons such as Ballista in WVW. When we become a commander in WVW, we are usually followed by a herd of people and go to capture, defend or fight a certain target. These wars are sometimes very difficult, being on the defending side is usually more advantageous and the group can be dispersed meaninglessly until we reach our target point. Here, a giant mount that can only be used by commanders (or a different tag such as the commander tag, for example the fleet commander) should be added to the game and this mount should be added especially for wvw.


This mount should simply be in the form of a flying castle and be managed by the commander and other players should be able to ride as passengers on it. The mount should not be able to rise above a certain height, and parachutes or ropes on the mount should be used to get off it. I think this mount should be in the form of a flying whale, so that it can be included in the game with a small addition to WvW maps. I gave some sample images. There should be a destructible platform on the whale's back, a command cabin and weapons attached to it. We can think of this mount as a kind of super weapon. Its platforms and weapons must be repairable and can be used strategically to attack by passing over the walls. This will both make it easier to play goal-oriented and eliminate the disadvantage of being the attacker, adding greater importance to non-zerg roles in wvw. You want to know that a whale is approaching your castle. We can use the use of this mount to make the game more balanced. It can also be considered as a possibility to make it available only to the losing and weakest side. This will change the game for the better.

There are many problems caused by using the commander tag to help new players. For example, today I opened the commander tag and started a train for the world's bosses. First of all, many different commanders from time to time asked me to close my commander tag even though 50 people were under my tag. When this did not work, there were many players trying to break this, even though I clearly wrote the world bosses train in the title and told them which points they should reach. So they pressured me to go in directions that were unrelated to the topic or that I didn't write in the title, all of which required me to close my commander tag. I've seen this before in WVW or in meta events. Certain groups in the game are trying to prevent different people from directing the players. Something permanent must definitely be done about this, especially regarding these particular groups. All old players know why only some people can be commanders and when different people do it, they try to prevent this. They are trying to hold the doors. This causes GW2 to lose players and the company to lose money. There must be game masters who actively play the game. Such behavior should be punished immediately and permanently. So what happened now? What did you gain when you shut down my world boss train? I don't have to open the commander tag. I can teleport to whichever boss is active whenever I want and a hit or two is enough, but why am I being prevented from teaching this to new players or directing them? There are players asking me to make a world boss train, I told them nop need quit. Just to put this on the forum.

You will harm yourself by holding the doors. You are not in control of the game. You will only gain our hostility and be punished. These kinds of things happen in games. I think what you're doing is harming yourself.

I also want to talk about spies and cheaters regarding WVW. There are people who play on different servers with different computers and accounts. At the same time, there are those who instantly report the location of the players on the server they are on, via discord or similar third-party applications to rival players. I hope you are aware of GW2's policy on cheating. With a youtube video, this can easily be sent to one of the publishers, for example one of the official GW2 youtubers, and exposed. These kinds of things spoil the fun of the game. I wanted to warn you about this because I have a lot of recordings. Some people use special programs for this, so that they can see the locations of the enemys  as if they were using radar.Dont do it.

Swearing and bad language. We often encounter this type of bad behavior in PvP or WVW. Don't forget that children, women and elderly people also play the game. All it takes is a phone call from a woman or an adult person to file a lawsuit against you. Swearing at a game can even get you imprisoned, and even if it's a game, it's a human being tou talking. If you can't control your nerves, don't play PVP. GW2 has a good player community, but such players, even if they are one in a thousand, cause the game to become toxic.

Edited by eriniy.8607
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An idea for something to fill the time between releases: A cleanup event. It has been long a time, and would be nice to see Kessex Hills get all the wreckage removed, Fort Salma and Concordia rebuilt, waypoints that were destroyed by Mordremoth replaced (or least just removed from the map entirely)

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7 hours ago, eriniy.8607 said:

Swearing and bad language. We often encounter this type of bad behavior in PvP or WVW. Don't forget that children, women and elderly people also play the game. All it takes is a phone call from a woman or an adult person to file a lawsuit against you. Swearing at a game can even get you imprisoned, and even if it's a game, it's a human being tou talking. If you can't control your nerves, don't play PVP. GW2 has a good player community, but such players, even if they are one in a thousand, cause the game to become toxic.

I'll be the first person to say stay classy in map chat (in any leg of the game, not just wvw/pvp) but... what?

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Ok THIS should be new:
being able to rearrange the elemental attunements on elementalist.

We all ready know thanks to engi that the F skills can be swapped around even if it is indirectly through utility skills.

So I propose that ELE should be able to swap the attunements depending on the kind of build their are playing OR the order of rotation they are using. I will mostly focus on build type to visualize the idea though.

right now the attunements are in that order: fire water air earth.
but if i an ele were to play a power build they would mostly focus on fire and air. As it is now one would either have to unnaturally stretch their finger to press the f keys or have an MMO mouse with 40 buttons on the side, but most gaming mice have only 2 where the thumb is. 
If attunements could be rearrange the power ele could configure them to be: fire air earth water.
conversely a condi ele could go: fire earth water air.
and a heal alac ele could go: water earth etc.

this would be a nice Quality of life change that does not power creep, makes no thing worse or better statistically and merely remove a rigid button lay out requirement.

if brought a bit further it could also include that during combat the swap weapon button allows quick swap between the first two attunements, as the attunements are essentially the ele's weapon swap during combat

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Please please please please please please PLEASE .
We need the same that WoW and FF14 have done, a revamp of the main characters poligons and textures! There are so many issues with them, so many seams, a QA pass on them!!

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Posted (edited)

The problem is that some material is also a currency, some is account bound, some not.
And ideally all the currency would be in the wallet and all the material in the storage


Really need to be in the Wallet:

Glob of Ectoplasm

Memory of Battle

Mystic Coin

Shard of Glory

Mystic Forge Stone

These maybe so:

Eternal Ice Shard

Hatched Chili

Empyreal Fragment

Dragonite Ore

Pile of Bloodstone Dust

Queen's Gauntlet Entrance Tickets, Bauble, Bauble Bubble... as well as other trade trophy from events and festivals...


Another things need to be in Material Storage:

Emblem of the Avenger

Emblem of the Conqueror

Shard of Crystallized Blood of Jormag

Seal + Medallion + Crest of the Shaman, Magi, Rabid, Soldier

and maybe more... for example Queen's Gauntlet Entrance Tickets, Bauble, Bauble Bubble... as well as other trade trophy from events and festivals 🙂


Thank you! 🙂

Edited by Spyro.1632
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I would very much like an option to block guild-invite requests. I'm at the point in the game now that I have absolutely no need for a guild, and I keep getting unsolicited guild invites mostly from the same guild (Pyramid). I joined once briefly just to ask them to stop sending me an invite, but they keep doing it. It's borderline harassment at this point.

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Now that we're going to the Janthir Isles. I see an opportunity to add new Boneskinner & Empowered Boneskinner weapons. Via recipes obtained from an achievement or just an item from an achievement that can be used to make a Boneskinner Pistol, Torch and Axe. Ideally a full set but that's probably asking too much given how time consuming it can be. 

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Posted (edited)

I'd love to see the ability to recolor text channels and chat panel backgrounds. If only a limited range of colors are given (as opposed to a color picker), they should be 508 compliant with the background panel. Similarly, an option to change the size of the text and a few options to change the typeface would be a great help!

QoL changes like these would make chat far more accessible to players.

Edited by walkingstick.7319
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2 hours ago, Zera.9435 said:

I would very much like an option to block guild-invite requests. I'm at the point in the game now that I have absolutely no need for a guild, and I keep getting unsolicited guild invites mostly from the same guild (Pyramid). I joined once briefly just to ask them to stop sending me an invite, but they keep doing it. It's borderline harassment at this point.


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On 6/2/2024 at 12:22 PM, Abaddon.8657 said:

2: Bigger UI scale options.:

UI looks tiny in resolutions over 1080. Making the game run in a very small window solves the problem but introduces several others. SEtting resolution lower doesn't help either.

This would help fix some very basic accessibility issues that make it really hard to read text sometimes, as well as see icons properly.

Options > Graphics > check/uncheck the DPI scaling box.

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One thing that would be nice would be to apply sPvP queue logic to instanced 5-player PvE content, for a more passive LFG experience. Like, if you wanted to do low-traffic content like dungeons, you have the current LFG tool to create a group or watch for groups, but it requires more active engagement with LFG. It would be easier to just queue, play some open world, and then get warped there when the queue tells you a group is ready, and just go with whatever PUG you get assigned.

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Posted (edited)

The last vendor you added has the option to turn the useless currencies like eye of kormir into something useful. Could you add boneskinner vials too? Or maybe to the shard vendor to turn them into shards since they have no sink and no use once you make all 3 unique weapons

Edited by andreiblue.8231
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