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Squad Messages - Hover Over Info

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Has anyone tested this one in WvW?

Patch Notes:

  • Squad messages under a certain length can now be viewed on the minimap by hovering over a commander tag icon.

This has been a requested feature for a while to allow for people to post what type the agenda the tag is running. Anyone try it yet? I had read this weeks patch and just saw it.

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Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, TheGrimm.5624 said:

Has anyone tested this one in WvW?

someone tested that the "under a certain length" means a squad message of up to 108 characters will show.
Note that a squad message of 0 characters has a length of 1/250 according to the counter so it will show at most when it is 109/250.

probably useful to put discord link in for the tags that require people to join voice or a note that it is closed guild raid + short ad.

Edited by bq pd.2148
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Posted (edited)
5 hours ago, TheGrimm.5624 said:

Has anyone tested this one in WvW?

Patch Notes:

  • Squad messages under a certain length can now be viewed on the minimap by hovering over a commander tag icon.

This has been a requested feature for a while to allow for people to post what type the agenda the tag is running. Anyone try it yet? I had read this weeks patch and just saw it.

yes it did pop up but the commander isn't staying in one place making it very annoying to read the message, because the message went away when your cursor isn't over the commander tag on the mini map, which makes this feature moot.  What should be more convenient for players is making it possible to copy text from the chat window, instead of making us re-type the discord address. 

Edited by SweetPotato.7456
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Posted (edited)

I only tested it in my solo guild hall - to check how it works. Funny that it has a char limit but still allows for vertically long tool tips if you make a lot of line breaks in between in the messages.

Edit: Not wanting to make a new post - but I agree with Dawdler. Could make WvW more interesting. Maybe even add the tags (so they won't move) additionally at the commander UI (listing the active ones there) where supposedly open stuff can be listed - at the top left. (But barely anything there.) For objectives I would find it nice if guilds having claimed one ... could add strategic messages there as well. Like "don't use the supply crate tactics when the storage is still full with supplies" lol. 😄

Edited by Luthan.5236
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8 hours ago, SweetPotato.7456 said:

yes it did pop up but the commander isn't staying in one place making it very annoying to read the message, because the message went away when your cursor isn't over the commander tag on the mini map, which makes this feature moot.  What should be more convenient for players is making it possible to copy text from the chat window, instead of making us re-type the discord address. 

Just tell your commander to stand still while you read, I don’t see what the problem is.

Hover over info has been suggested before, so that’s cool. Now they only need more types of tags and preferably dynamic ones showing the size of the squad.

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5 hours ago, Dawdler.8521 said:

Just tell your commander to stand still while you read, I don’t see what the problem is.

Hover over info has been suggested before, so that’s cool. Now they only need more types of tags and preferably dynamic ones showing the size of the squad.

An guild logo tag icons, instead of the generic tags and catmanders. kitten I'd pay good money for that.

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Posted (edited)
14 hours ago, SweetPotato.7456 said:

players is making it possible to copy text from the chat window,

YES!!!! I hate seeing join for "vc on discord.gg/A:fjk;asldkfjal;kfj;akdsjf;adkjf;aksdjf;adklfj;adkjf;asdkfj" then carefully using chat to retype that, eyeball it for accuracy and then eventually copy and paste my text into discord.

Edited by Tinker.6924
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Posted (edited)

You can join the squad and then copy the text in the squad message.... (open party menu, click view squad message, highlight the discord link, ctrl+c, then ctrl+v in browser)

Then leave the squad after it copied if thats what you want. 

Edited by Draygo.9473
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Posted (edited)
3 hours ago, Draygo.9473 said:

You can join the squad and then copy the text in the squad message.... (open party menu, click view squad message, highlight the discord link, ctrl+c, then ctrl+v in browser)

Then leave the squad after it copied if thats what you want. 

Do you know the time it takes for people to do that, by the time that is done the squad has left the spawn area, thus creating a long tail..... letting players copy paste from chat is quality of life feature, even better quality of life is letting players  click on the Discord link and went directly to the discord channel with a confirmation. i know that can be done because its a computer we play on, and /wiki works, so why not make an exception for Discord.

There is actually no need for players (especially in WvW) to know what other squads are doing, if the tag is at triple wurms, we know the tag is doing triple wurm, why do I need to hover over the tag to know what they are doing if it isn't to copy paste voice channel? any tag at any boss location is "doing the boss." no pun intended. lmao. move along,  if it is a tag on WvW why would I want to know what other tags are doing, all I need to do is stay on tag and provide stab to my squad? WvW Tag already talks to other tag all the time, what they need is probably a chat channel of their own like, if they tag up, they can  ask in said text channel" any tag here? we are doing xxx stuffs, wanna join us? or  "any tag needs a side car?"  and if someone isn't a tag but tagged up to spy on said channel, we know who the spy are.

/shrug. I don't see the point of this at all. moot.

Edited by SweetPotato.7456
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48 minutes ago, SweetPotato.7456 said:

/shrug. I don't see the point of this at all. moot.

I want to say this suggestion first started to appear years ago as we got more and more tag options before private tags came out. When a map had main tags guild tag and havoc tags people were looking for a fast way to determine which tag to head towards and an early warning that they were heading to tag that would tell them to go away we aren't the main tag. Its popped up in various fashion over the years. Granted one of the aids that was brought up about private tags was to remove the cluster. Now does this help less tags go private, maybe.

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18 hours ago, SweetPotato.7456 said:

Do you know the time it takes for people to do that, by the time that is done the squad has left the spawn area, thus creating a long tail..... letting players copy paste from chat is quality of life feature, even better quality of life is letting players  click on the Discord link and went directly to the discord channel with a confirmation. i know that can be done because its a computer we play on, and /wiki works, so why not make an exception for Discord.

There is actually no need for players (especially in WvW) to know what other squads are doing, if the tag is at triple wurms, we know the tag is doing triple wurm, why do I need to hover over the tag to know what they are doing if it isn't to copy paste voice channel? any tag at any boss location is "doing the boss." no pun intended. lmao. move along,  if it is a tag on WvW why would I want to know what other tags are doing, all I need to do is stay on tag and provide stab to my squad? WvW Tag already talks to other tag all the time, what they need is probably a chat channel of their own like, if they tag up, they can  ask in said text channel" any tag here? we are doing xxx stuffs, wanna join us? or  "any tag needs a side car?"  and if someone isn't a tag but tagged up to spy on said channel, we know who the spy are.

/shrug. I don't see the point of this at all. moot.

Being able to copy messages from chat might be a nice feature, but it doesn't really have anything to do with the squad message on pin, those are different systems. I prefer to stay on topic, which is about the hover info on the commander pin.

I cant think of a particular reason you would join a discord for a squad you're not in. Squad would probably think your a spy anyway if you arn't in the squad but in VC. The use case for being able to copy from the map pin is small to non-existent. The main purpose of this as I see it is for tags to state their purpose so I as a player can make a decision to join the squad or not, not as some advertisement tool for a discord. Is the squad an open tag, havoc tag, scout tag? That's what I want to know, not the squads discord info.


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