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literally every game is condi reaper, thief, support chrono

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People have min/maxed for efficiency in the SPvP world. This is the comp you get for that.

It is FAR from the worst meta thats existed in this game though. I still have vivid nightmares about the five man elementalist stacks that made the game unplayable for two months, that stack won MATs easily.

We can also remember the unkillable Bladesworn menace, the MULTIPLE Ranger incidents and finally the Dragonhunter situation that arose when you could trueshot people for 10k while being untouchable.

History is a fickle thing but I strongly advise to reflect on how bad things could be and how rough they currently are, but I understand your frustration none the less.

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Posted (edited)

Yea GW2 is gonna be necro/deadeye meta till the next balance patch. Tools holo kept reaper AND deadeye in check. Now there's no good meta counter for deadeye, which also hard counters reaper. I kittening hate deadeye, but the next balance patch is like a month away, so im not too worried about the meta. Hopefully they nerf axe thief aswell, cause that kitten is low key busted


Support chrono got some sizable nerfs, but still playable IMO because of the aforementioned specs. Feedback for DE and resistance for reaper. Sup core guard/firebrand is probably the strongest support now. Tools holo was super strong vs them, but not anymore 


I wish tempest was playable, but its just so bad vs reaper


Back to me hating deadeye. ANet legit needs to either remove stealth on dodge, or increase revealed to 8-10 seconds. Deadeye had been nerfed multiple times, but it's still meta. The spec is either good, or it's bad. This is not a numbers issue(which anet seems to think it is) it's a mechanics issue. Nerf the degen mechanic that makes it degen and horrible to play against


Edited by WhoWantsAHug.3186
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Its very far from the worst meta and after 10 years i can tell you 😛 Every team needs a supp and if its chrono, then it is (also gua and tempest lives). Every team needs a roamer and it its tif, then it is (rangers and warriors also). Every team needs some prybar to handle boon hoarding classes and if its condi reaper, you geuss, then it is. Whats your problem? Get on a counter class and farm them 🙂

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9 minutes ago, Sahne.6950 said:

I think i vaaaguely remember a time where MAT´s consisted of nothing by Catalysts......

Ele has always been meta during those couples of times where some skill got buffed to provide too much burning....nerf that and ele goes back to yolo zerk gameplay to stay relevant at silver skill level. It was the same with the 5x fire dagger eles winning a MAT and catalyst short reign thx to scepter fire1...this talk of elementalist like is some grandiose class design always ready to dominate  ..it's silly at best

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Not including you, each game has other 9 players. There are 9 professions. So, by pure stadistic, yes, each game will literally have one thief. And if your statement includes two more professions (even with conditionals) then even more yes, each game will literally satisfy your condition (with a high chance).

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Posted (edited)

Tbf the OP isn't far off, I got back into g3 and P+ theives are more common than necros. Its this rediculous roam meta allowing them plenty of low risk jumps. Stealing through terrain with instant Immob >daze,  and 13k hp deleted in like 1 second. How any thief has the ordasity to call that skill or risk is beyound me. Scrapper/mirage jumps are no better.

Edited by Flowki.7194
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U see them because they are very reliable at the moment to win games. If u dont have them you feel it. The meta was more fun 6months ago tho everyobe has 2 builds that where good then de and rev took most out the meta. Only reason necro sticks around when by paper de takes it out the game, is because its very noob friendly and veey useful as a 2nd peel and cleave

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On 5/25/2024 at 2:57 AM, Flowki.7194 said:

The 0 team work meta, perpetual state of chaotic "rotating", 8/10 players on low risk roam specs, or bloated duelers.

Let's see.
There is thiefs who very rarely can do something meaningful solo.
Condi reapers which can't even leave spawn without a team.
Support chrono... well should I say something about it?

Surely 0 team work meta. Not like those very team dependant classes like cata/soulbeast/untamed/holo. 

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