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The new meta just feels not fun

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The meta is ok, people leeching are not. Getting back from the waypoint is as easy as taking leylines and running down the stairs to the portal. Anet needs to start thinking about mechanics discouraging people from staying dead around the boss, be it through auto-respawn at the nearest wp after set time (30-60s?), losing event participation after set timer on the ground (30-60s?) or whatever else.Won some, lost some and if anything's annoying there, it's people trying to leech the rewards or being too lazy (uninformed?) to use wp/laylines to get back.

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I like this one. It's got some variety, some complexity, decent rewards from an ow perspective I guess . . ?

With it not being on a timer I don't think it will work its way into the rest of the 'gamble for infusions' metas and I don't know how popular it will be once it's not the latest thing anymore but for now I'll take it. I found myself comparing it to gyala, and I def think this meta benefits from that comparison . . .

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Finished the achievements for the Meta. Likely not returning regularly cause... man I fell asleep!

And stop the constant Skyscale gimmick on meta's pls. I let other do it cause it's way too tedious. You can't see a thing with 50+ skyscales in the air, let along aim anywhere.

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Posted (edited)
On 5/25/2024 at 8:52 AM, Trejgon.9367 said:

{snip} Ultimatelly the metas I personally failed, have a common theme of general dps being on the low side, people dying, refusing to wp andjust staying dead under the boss, and then everyone starts panicking and crap collapses. [snip}

I really do try my best not to be rude on these forums and I have no doubt what I write here next will get flamed but at this point I don't care:

The amount of leeching in these events has GOT TO BE ADDRESSED.  Today I was in two failed attempts where people dead on the floor were literally arguing with the commander about leaving the room.  The commander was very polite, explained repeatedly what to do and these people just stayed there saying "i don't have to do --it bro, just gimme my completion."  I have seen this behaviour also in public convergences more times than I can count as well, and it is so positively exhausting to deal with I am to the point where unless I am going in with a guild run, I am done doing anymore public anyting -- which is a shame, because I am one of those people who always puts down ascended food, brings banners, campfires, rezzes people whenever possible and  is one of the few who inevitable knows what the hell a break bar is....

If people are going to be this rude to everyone else on the map, then you deserve to be kicked off the map.

@ANet-- for the love of Joko DO SOMETHING ABOUT THIS.  Put dead players on a timer and remove them from the map at the very least.  Same with contribution to convergences when there are 4-7 people hiding on the map and doing nothing.  If you cannot actively contribute, you should not be there.  Period.

Sorry but really fed up.

Edited by Surelia.2651
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On 5/24/2024 at 9:27 AM, KindredPhoenyx.8976 said:

I've done this at least 5 times and every single time its failed. I recognise the issues, (being that people are still learning; it's only week 1) but everyone's experiences are different.

I got through it with a pug mob for my story-completion character without too much difficulty, but there were definitely a few glitches. There were a couple places where things seemed to stall out briefly, and of course there was the "new experience" aspect so add in the standard unfamiliar encounter on an unfamiliar map foibles. Particle spam was insane with no way to see what was happening, but when is that not the case anymore? I did variously see in chat that it was failing for others, bugging etc. so it feels like it has bug fixes and a tuning pass coming sooner rather than later.

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I'm on board with the suggestions for autokicking the full dead back to the wp or removing participation/rewards after a short time, tho I'll also point out that removing participation is a delicate balance that has swung too far the other way in the past as well . . .

But I do think ppls are overstating the issue a little. I always see ppls who refuse to participate, but I don't think it's as common as some of the complaints in this thread make it seem . . .

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1 hour ago, Surelia.2651 said:

The amount of leeching in these events has GOT TO BE ADDRESSED.  Today I was in two failed attempts where people dead on the floor were literally arguing with the commander about leaving the room.  The commander was very polite, explained repeatedly what to do and these people just stayed there saying "i don't have to do --it bro, just gimme my completion."  I have seen this behaviour also in public convergences more times than I can count as well, and it is so positively exhausting to deal with I am to the point where unless I am going in with a guild run, I am done doing anymore public anyting -- which is a shame, because I am one of those people who always puts down ascended food, brings banners, campfires, rezzes people whenever possible and  is one of the few who inevitable knows what the hell a break bar is....

If people are going to be this rude to everyone else on the map, then you deserve to be kicked off the map.

@ANet-- for the love of Joko DO SOMETHING ABOUT THIS.  Put dead players on a timer and remove them from the map at the very least.  Same with contribution to convergences when there are 4-7 people hiding on the map and doing nothing.  If you cannot actively contribute, you should not be there.  Period.

Sorry but really fed up.

This ^

I got lucky in that my last Nayos meta only had one readily visible leecher,

but the 8+ people AFK at one of my last public Convergences, where we almost failed, has become heavily discouraging to doing the content anymore. 


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At least out of the various attempts I've had, only the first one failed and that was on day 1 when nobody knew what was going on. Honestly as long as you have a Commander and people are in squad and participating, it's not that bad. It's definitely way easier than Soo-Won. Having the final Wayfinder mastery unlocked helps as well, though I'm still not even entirely sure what it actually does, just that it does... Something to do with this fight, supposedly. Over time it's all going to get better organized as people figure things out, I think.

Getting back from the waypoint isn't too difficult either, though you have to know how; during the pre-events you open a lower barrier in both sides, which provides a shortcut straight down to the portals. It isn't very clearly indicated though, so I know I had a hard time finding it at first.

The main issue I have with it is that absolutely ridiculous CC bar in the final battle. I have no idea what happens if you break it because I've never seen any group get it further than halfway, and that's bearing in mind it lasts a really long time. That thing could stand a substantial nerf just to make it doable. Beyond that, though, I'm not too pressed on the difficulty.

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Honestly... I'm still disappointed that after the Heitor meta... the wall on the vine bridge (sorry... gotta reference dry top...) doesn't break away to allow easier access to second waypoint. It would have made a great chain... Heitor --> Fangs --> Lair... since the map closes after Lair, it would have made perfect sense.

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1 hour ago, Gop.8713 said:

I'm on board with the suggestions for autokicking the full dead back to the wp or removing participation/rewards after a short time, tho I'll also point out that removing participation is a delicate balance that has swung too far the other way in the past as well . . .

But I do think ppls are overstating the issue a little. I always see ppls who refuse to participate, but I don't think it's as common as some of the complaints in this thread make it seem . . .

I would say it's more common than what is even posted here.   Considering I've done almost 200 public convergence groups and all the zone metas practically every day since they came out, I think I know what I am talking about ---  but I am well aware everyone can just disregard what I am saying as only my perception. 

My experiences have been consistent nonetheless and I do not think it unreasonable at this stage to speak out against it. 

It's been allowed to go completely unchecked in any way shape or form, and now that the t2 armour requires people to still complete metas and covergences as part of the repeatable achievement for a full set, it's only going to continue.  

They need to do something about it.

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Posted (edited)

Aside all the reussed enemys all along the expansion and in the last meta too, there is just no gameplay. Your hitting a boss that is in iddle animation not attacking, with waves coming and going. Also the optimization of these maps are pretty bad, every single one has worst performance than any other "old" map, and the graphics are the same as always tbh.

Edited by Izzy.2951
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Posted (edited)
2 hours ago, Krzysztof.5973 said:

You can only choose one: 
- Open world is for everybody
- Leechers are not allowed to be rewarded

Especially when you realize how people have significantly different understanding of who leechers are. For one, it would be the dead, not waypointing people. For some it would be "autoattack" people. Others would push it to "everyone under 5k", even if that person is not afk, stays alive and is actually doing the mechanics (and their low dps is just a result of having a bad build).

And when you get to that point, it's only a short step from demanding that "meta commander" (lol) can kick people out of the map, and that to do the meta killproof is required.

Edit: notice, that all the suggestions i mentioned here are those i have actually seen being proposed on these forums.

Edited by Astralporing.1957
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6 hours ago, Krzysztof.5973 said:

You can only choose one: 
- Open world is for everybody
- Leechers are not allowed to be rewarded

Public convergences are still instanced maps you have to deliberately enter.

There should be a timed contribution check put in place to offset the people who are not active in the event instance they entered. 

And by not active, I do NOT mean people who do low or even very low dps.  That is still contributing something to the damage total being done and they are helping.  I am talking about the trolls who deliberately enter the map and then go hide in the rocks the entire time.

Open world meta battles are not taking place on an entire map but have set zone in which they are done, just like any other event on a map.  If you are deliberately hanging out in the battle zone of the map meta yet not contributing anything to the fight, then you should not expect to rewarded meta completion currency box just for sitting there watching the fight.  And yes, in the case of the new Nayos meta, you should definitely be timed out of the map after death in the event if you are not rezzed and do not wp within X min of the death.  There is categorically zero excuse to allow players to be there for 15 min dead on the floor.

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