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June 25 Balance Update Preview

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The change to personal battering ram in PvP makes no sense, the entire reason you would take personal battering ram is to move your enemy away from their current position, including downed targets that can be moved out of instant revivals as one of the only counters to such abilities.

If you want to knock an enemy down on the spot then you can just take slick shoes, if you wanted this functionality then you should have just changed slick shoes into an oil blast with 2 charges.

The problem here is you are overlapping the functionality of a skill/capability that we already have possible access to with any spec.

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@Rubi Bayer.8493  Hello. 

There are still traits that reduce skills cooldowns. It would be great if in a near future devs can spend time finishing that work they started a long time ago and updating/reworking those traits and their related skills.   

Thank you 😊

Edited by Zoser.7245
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On 6/11/2024 at 11:28 AM, arazoth.7290 said:

Idk, if 10 players keep standing in 1 place and all are dying at the same time by 1 player, like just move little bit so you all don't die as minimum effort.

I almost don't play guard, but when I see such a video of this exact scenario and then someone claims willbender is really strong that it can even take out that many. Then I am not sure if it's the fault of willbender entirely.

It may not look nice what I said, but rather take it as hard criticism. I would rather have someone say that so they maybe can reflect "I could have survived that atleast".

Cause players are sheep and need to rely on commanders to tell them when where how to move or dodge when in squad.

Still disgusting this class has good aoes on top of stacking burns and top mobility and stability. While another top aoe class like necro have practically no stab and constantly getting nerfed all these years? 😒

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8 minutes ago, XenesisII.1540 said:

Cause players are sheep and need to rely on commanders to tell them when where how to move or dodge when in squad.

Still disgusting this class has good aoes on top of stacking burns and top mobility and stability. While another top aoe class like necro have practically no stab and constantly getting nerfed all these years? 😒

The design with their virtues going offensive and same time getting defensives is the problem.

It's a double sided blade, either they can put that out and gain these bonusess or either not enough and bye bye. It's little bad design, makes it harder to find the right balance un competitive modes.



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22 minutes ago, arazoth.7290 said:

The design with their virtues going offensive and same time getting defensives is the problem.

It's a double sided blade, either they can put that out and gain these bonusess or either not enough and bye bye. It's little bad design, makes it harder to find the right balance un competitive modes.

Skills doing "too much", which I guess only applied up to the feb 2020, then it went out the window again, but I guess that only applies to cc skills and everything else gets to be multifunctionally bloated. 🙄

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So Warrior gets a whole 1 more stack of might on hitting with a dodge roll while this kitten gets to stay in the game: !?!?




 P E R F E C T L Y

 B A L A N C E D


Bonus points if you nerf Bladesworn again without previewing/explaining it to compensate.

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cele gear is fine, people crying since 2012 about cele are just bad roamers terrible at the game.

we had like 7 years of condi trailblazer dominance in wvw roaming, what would elementalist even play if they could not wear cele??? they have no power roaming builds that work , and would be forced into a healbot......Problem is the power-creeped builds like willbender, which can play with marauder gear, they don't even need cele, its the builds that are broken, not the armor stats. 

Way more egregious builds and stats that are busted than cele....roaming is only a small portion of wvw, no one outside  of solo roaming is even using cele gear...   

Edited by DivineDreaming.7206
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On 6/10/2024 at 10:48 AM, kapenike.6793 said:

I have to say that if this happened... You would never see another alac heal other than tempest 😂 dagger warhorn with aura share has such an absurd amount of aura output with a specific build, ontop of solid heals already, we would be unstoppable! I really feel like tempest is at a perfect spot for challenge/reward.

If you struggle with heals outside of water:

-make sure you dont waste heal util skill near and right after water attunement

-try not to overload water if you dont have to, if you don't need that extra healing coming up, get out of water attunement ASAP so that you have the attunement back up sooner, and therefore your water attunement heal proc happens more often. I touch my water staff 1 maybe twice every 10 minutes 

-go into earth after, almost all earth weapons have blast finishers for the water fields left behind

- water greater ele is god tier

- run Relic of the Flock, there is no greater alternative imo, although i'm toying with Relic of Karakosa

People are already playing only heal chrono or heal brand almost all the time. I wanted the update I stated because while other supports are op than needed, elementalist is only balanced right now and most of the time ele need to chose give heal or give alac. While you are overloading you can't heal anybody otherwise your alacrity would be not enough since alac pulses are short timed and you need to finish the overload to give good amount of time alac. I'd also accept being able to use shouts like Eye of the Storm during overloads so I can heal without breaking my alac. 

Also with new blash finishers and combo field Karakosa would be even more better. 

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The Renegade changes are actually good. I have one suggestion: 

Add a visual skill bar effect for "Band Together" to allow for more precise skill prioritization and potential counterplay. The duration should be 15s or 20s. This would allow the effect to persist after legend swap (similar to how the "Force of Nature" effect persists after Ranger weapon swaps from maces).

Edited by Exalted Quality.8534
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On 5/24/2024 at 8:23 PM, Rubi Bayer.8493 said:

Elixir of Ignorance: This skill now grants protection in addition to its previous effects. Reduced the cooldown from 24 seconds to 20 seconds in PvE only.

Yeah, cause what harby is realing lacking, is more boons, right? They’re just trolling us at this stage.  

Didnt u forget the the extra power buffs to willy, or some more mobility maybe? 

And ele's seem to be lacking in the, block and invun to everything category. 

Maybe some more dodges for DD? I mean they been struggling with 3 dodges for years now. Maybe time for 5 or 6? 


Edited by Thomas.2564
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On 6/13/2024 at 2:56 AM, bambi.6214 said:

0 nerfs to obnoxious willbender in wvw, no changes to celestial gear for wvw either is bad.

... the only thing obnoxious is the amount of upvotes you got. If there were actual GOOD pvp players in this game then WB wouldn't be able to win a single 1v1 fight in WvW roaming lol. Even with Zakiros relic, we are still reliant on a support because our sustains within a fight are still very bad.

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In regards to the Warrior changes,

I appreciate that they are trying to improve the Strength and Tactics lines, and while the changes are good changes overall, some don't make much sense. 

In particular, why add resistance to Restorative Strength? We need resistance on traits/skills that we can quickly activate in reponse to weakness, blind, etc. Additionally, most Warriors use Mending which will typically clear all your condis, making resistance almost useless. If they wanted to give Strength some more tools to deal with conditions, why not add some resolution or condi clears to the trait? Either of those would make more sense than resistance IMO. Then maybe we could take a heal skill other than Mending.

Maybe reconsider your Restorative Strength changes Anet? Your heart is in the right place, but those changes would be more of a side-grade or even a nerf to the trait. A trait that was already arguably worse than the other options. I know you all can do better.

Edited by Girth.9731
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Why do thieves not get buffs in pvp and wvw? Just nerfed or stagnating while all other classes get stronger.

Before, there was something like this; Let's not give buffs to thieves, but those who can play their mechanics extremely well should win. But now even playing extremely well doesn't pay off. All other classes can deal easy and powerful damage with very simple mechanics. But even if I play all thieve's mechanics solidly, other characters don't even need to dodge because they can give themselves all the ridiculous buffs. Just press a few skills and perma buff + easily dealt condi damage due to features coming from traits = free win. Long live Anet...


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On 5/24/2024 at 1:23 PM, Rubi Bayer.8493 said:

Vindication: This trait no longer grants might when gaining Kalla's Fervor and instead causes the user to heal for a percentage of their outgoing damage for each stack of Kalla's Fervor.

i forgot to make another comment on this change: Devestation traitline is already dedicated to allowing lifesteal through 3 traits. This change is total crap for the potential nerfs to devestation, in addition to removal of might stacking for solo power renegades. Y'all said the reason for this change was that might stacking was "boring", and then you changed it to lifesteal, which is obviously just as boring, based on meta builds that won't use lifesteal in devastation traitline.

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On 6/19/2024 at 6:57 AM, Saiyan.1704 said:

... the only thing obnoxious is the amount of upvotes you got. If there were actual GOOD pvp players in this game then WB wouldn't be able to win a single 1v1 fight in WvW roaming lol. Even with Zakiros relic, we are still reliant on a support because our sustains within a fight are still very bad.

Ahh so the only thing to win against a WB - that an average player is missing - is to have "some skill". But then average player (that doesn't  have "some skill") who plays willbender wins against an average player. Therefore we can conclude willbender carries, quod erat demonstrandum.

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These threads are always depressing, because you know they locked in the patch changes already, and nothing is going to change, no matter what the feedback.

Maybe in 6 months .. maybe..

Edited by coro.3176
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Please guys, we have a big list of suggestions for Warrior improvements, please take a look through them.

We are really trying to get you guys the info you need regarding what the players think.

The support Warrior changes are great but we could really use some love on other fronts that are a bit more pressing.


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