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META is so stupid

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The next changes to wvw will consist of them nerfing the supply removal trap (or changing it to something like "takes 0 supply but applies 1 second of slow") along with some "adjustments" to the few boon removal skills we have left cause "defense is still too strong" somwhow.

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Posted (edited)

Isn't the new meta basically attack a structure, run off if reinforcements come, once reinforcements leave sneak back and reattack, if reinforcements show up again run off, rinse repeat. as many times as necessary until the structure can be safely taken or just give up.

It seems as if everyone should be able do what warriors had to do... Adapt to any changes made, it's the nature of the game.

Edited by Widebody.5071
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Posted (edited)
51 minutes ago, Widebody.5071 said:

Isn't the new meta basically attack a structure, run off if reinforcements come, once reinforcements leave sneak back and reattack, if reinforcements show up again run off, rinse repeat. as many times as necessary until the structure can be safely taken or just give up.

It seems as if everyone should be able do what warriors had to do... Adapt to any changes made, it's the nature of the game.

That is the adaptation. No point in staying when the enemy boonball rolls in. 

Edited by Dawdler.8521
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14 hours ago, Widebody.5071 said:

Another broken meta to replace a broken meta, perfect all player driven. History repeats itself.

Well there is also various forms of the meta, what players see it as, tags see it as, clouds see it as, and what Anet tries to drive it to be based on who or whatever that is at the time.

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Posted (edited)

The boon ball meta is ridiculous. I had my fingers crossed for effective boon removal from the new relic's but that didn't happen and then I had my fingers crossed for the balance update to address it but that failed too. All of this could be fixed if they just made boon removal in a set order when stripped starting with protection being the first boon to be removed and then resolution, vigor, regeneration, resistance, quickness, alacrity, fury, might. In that order. This way they wouldn't have to adjust every single skill for more boon removal. Because if you compare the amount of boon strip vs the amount of boon application, it's like 1000 to 1. Making boon removal redundant. 


Another idea could be a set random boon striping. For example, the first boon is random between protection, resolution and vigor being stripped till they all our stripped then the next random set order would be resistance, quickness and alacrity and so on.

Edited by Lionwait.4815
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Posted (edited)
11 hours ago, Lionwait.4815 said:

The boon ball meta is ridiculous. I had my fingers crossed for effective boon removal from the new relic's but that didn't happen and then I had my fingers crossed for the balance update to address it but that failed too. All of this could be fixed if they just made boon removal in a set order when stripped starting with protection being the first boon to be removed and then resolution, vigor, regeneration, resistance, quickness, alacrity, fury, might. In that order. This way they wouldn't have to adjust every single skill for more boon removal. Because if you compare the amount of boon strip vs the amount of boon application, it's like 1000 to 1. Making boon removal redundant. 


Another idea could be a set random boon striping. For example, the first boon is random between protection, resolution and vigor being stripped till they all our stripped then the next random set order would be resistance, quickness and alacrity and so on.

Not a bad idea but I don't think those with the influence will go for any changes that may diminish the boonball. Someone championed this type of gameplay and someone didn't provide any pushback. Are there not game masters in this game that actually participate in the game instead of random content creators beating up on bots in the pvp area trying to maximize their builds? Like I said before, the e-sports fiasco told all there was to know about balancing and policing in game.

Edited by Widebody.5071
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Posted (edited)
On 5/31/2024 at 1:55 PM, ShadowInTheVoid.9183 said:

Meta is just another word for unbalanced................

Nowadays yes, best way to get carried trough unbalancement or poor care in balance and mask it as a "meta".

It is what sells games for the current lvl of IQ that habitates this planet.

Edited by Aeolus.3615
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There is more to WvW than PPK blobbing. personally the 3-5 cele/minstrel partes is a very boring meta and ppk in open field gets boring after a while.

Currently enjoying Roaming and Havoking with 2-10 players. GvG has no rewards - I prersonally lost interest 4-5 years ago. 

Sometimes it is up to you to find where your type of fun and where likeminded people are within this great game. Good luck!

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Posted (edited)
  1. Base TTK without boons or cleanse is too low.
    • Boon and condition potency is too high to ignore. You can easily die outside of a boon ball.
    • Results in boon hate and condi purge being too high in demand. Everything is getting condi cleanse baked into it.
  2. The number of targets effected per ability is too high.
    • Massive projectile shields absorb an unlimited number of projectiles while active, while said shields are in constant rotation to create an indefinite barrier around groups.
    • Condi cleanse hits 5 players at a time, even though many builds take self-cleansing abilities, so condi damage is excessively high to accommodate the excessive amount of cleanse in group combat.
    • Protection and resolution is constantly hitting 5 players at a time, resulting in 100% upkeep of 33% damage reduction to an entire group.
    • Things like poison AoE fields are desired, as they hit 5 players at a time to reduce healing by 33% in a pulse.
    • Stability is hitting 5 players at a time and in bulk.
    • Boons strips in an ability are balanced around the number of people they hit in WvW. Other game modes have higher boon strip intensity, because these abilities are meant to hit less than 5 people. They programmed them to hit 5 people anyways. 😕
    • Heals are constantly getting nerfed, since they hit 5x when in a large boon ball. This further reduces smaller group potency.
Edited by Quench.7091
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Posted (edited)

@Quench.7091. Corruption trait Replenishing Despair ( +1 pip of energy on upkeeps ) can make  ventari  dome infinite no rotation needed, this needs to be adressed IMO, w/o this trait it is easy to deal with the revenant on range, issue is really the corruption trait, with this change revenant can be easily stressed and killed,  if this gets fixed and people still complain it is just a l2p issue from range user or expecting to get carried with range skills against no counter.

Offtopic: corruption trait line is a mess overall and very outdated for the game anyway since Anet devs don't like rev they probably won't even fix the infinite dome.

Let me tall you and others the  Issue is not the ilimited number of range absorbed or reflected hits, if domes and reflects don't work like that any one can win at range due no counter, issue is there's alot of everything already in game.

Making reflects and domes limited by hits its just lamers crying to get carried while Anet gives u tools to bypass those reflects and domes, they forgot anet already carry them with the perma boon meta and now they want more, so yaaa asking to make it count its it just just an excuse to win.

People that want domes and reflects limited to a number of hits  should get a reality slap check:

Just Increase the CD  or shorten the duration of some other skills effects to give more opening , part of the  issue is the stacking of some classes that have everything for bunkering minstrel FB's, scrapers  and the auras mechanics of elementalists, IT is Anet wanting to carry zergs and bad design/balance that leaded to this meta of reflects domes reflect  while on perma boons and minstrels.

Like I said there's to much of everything just stack aura elementals and ur party is perma safe from range attacks.... its lame, Anet is lame that's what to expect from them, I have been asking even for Anet to change the corruption trait to avoid infinite domes Anet does not care since it can carry zergs vs range spikes.

About boons and boon duration mechanics is all busted Anet won't fix nor balance it will keep just increase the boon spam nothing more... that's what PVE players want... to be carried and that's why alot play this game, Anet will never put any kind of sanity into the game of wvw unless its a queue zerg vs queue zerg all minstrels, that where the "balance"  checks happens.

Edited by Aeolus.3615
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