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Event Leeching Has Really Gotten Worse, Hasn't It?

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For the past few months, I've been getting a high frequency of players joining an event just to quickly abandon me alone with the now upscaled difficulty. Did everyone forget the courtesy of sticking with an event unless there are multiple people there to handle it? And if that's not happening, sometimes there's skyscalers sniping all the enemies from a mile away, stopping me from getting sure credit despite being in the thick of it. There aren't as many of them as the leavers, but I still encounter them at least once per week. Eventing now somehow feels worse than the days when I had to put a PSA about hogging kills in map chat.

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This has always existed. Are you referring to SotO events mainly?
IBS and SotO suffer from it more due to achievements requiring players to complete mediocre events hundreds of time. 
Repetitive non-engaging content results in passive participation. Simply said, more and more players don't find the content fun but still want the rewards they offer.

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it really has. i see all this people just standing there at all meta bosses just going down and after rezzing them , they still stand in the same spot til they go down again and die. and they just stay dead and don't even waypoint and scale up the metas.

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It really did went worse. Not even metas, but even fractals too. I've met like a duo player from the same guild just get trapped inside the Cliffside fractal jail and went afk for the whole fight. I'm not even mad about low DPS or anything, but they really tried their hardest not to play the game.
This all started very noticeably since Dragonstorm. Which is why I simply stopped bothering with these large public metas. It's irritating to play and an eyesore to watch.

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On 5/30/2024 at 5:08 PM, Smoky.5348 said:

For the past few months, I've been getting a high frequency of players joining an event just to quickly abandon me alone with the now upscaled difficulty. Did everyone forget the courtesy of sticking with an event unless there are multiple people there to handle it?

Yes it's been pretty bad since they gave the skyscale fireball and introduced the turtle. It's gotten to the point where if I'm doing an event that I know I can complete on my own eventually but someone is just there on their mount tagging I'll literally just walk away and do something else. I'm not going to do all the work and fight for my life against the entirety of the mobs just so you can sit in your mount. If you want credit you can dismount and finish it, otherwise congrats on wasting both our time. 

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There's always been leachers, but they've really gotten so much worse since around Dragonstorm. :( Public Convergences freaking suck now because each one I've had lately has had 8+ people AFK'ing it, and I don't have enough playtime atm for that nonsense. Let alone metas with people just AFK'ing/dead at the boss.

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Posted (edited)

I noticed this behavior in junundu meta

1) noone will showup for prevent, where u have to turn in 8 sulphur crystals(solo) atleast one junundu lure. And as soon as the preevents are finished, players would pop out of nowhere for loot

2) or sometimes, during preevent, some players showup but refuse to collect sulphur crystals and just fly in skyscale. Now the required sulphur crystals count jumps from 8 to 16 or something and if u want to finish the meta, u have to collect all crystals for atleast one lure

This leeching trend is so regular with players from one guild tag that's related to choya... Idk if they do it on purpose or just return from other meta events. Also, one day a player said "thanks for completing preevent on time", for which the leeching player replied immediately, "you're welcome" without any shame , as, if, he did the preevent .. even tho, I'm the only one who solo'd the pre event , collecting 8 crystals on lure..noone else participated. 


If this trend continues, Idk what's the future of meta events will look like

Edited by Crystal Paladin.3871
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I'm about to floor all of you. I've been playing primarily Core Tyria.

Interesting to hear it's been going on everywhere else, but I can't say I'm surprised; I've heard hints of this sort of thing before, and there are so many more cheevos asking for events these days.

11 hours ago, rotten.9753 said:

If they leave, the event should be downscaled to the previous level though.

I don't believe that applies to Core Tyria, only expansion maps. And even then, it takes a minute for it to register who's left. I've played a lot of open world PoF and I don't think I've seen an event scale down (but I don't see many leavers in PoF, either).

16 hours ago, CoffeePlease.3082 said:

Yes it's been pretty bad since they gave the skyscale fireball and introduced the turtle. It's gotten to the point where if I'm doing an event that I know I can complete on my own eventually but someone is just there on their mount tagging I'll literally just walk away and do something else. I'm not going to do all the work and fight for my life against the entirety of the mobs just so you can sit in your mount. If you want credit you can dismount and finish it, otherwise congrats on wasting both our time. 

Funnily enough, I was afraid the turtle was gonna cause all sorts of problems, but even now I don't see it very often in my neck of the woods. Instead, it's the skyscale that's fulfilling everything I was worried about, which seems odd to me; the skyscale's attack pattern looks significantly more boring than the turtle's. Though, maybe that's the leechers making it look bad.

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23 hours ago, YtseJam.9784 said:

it really has. i see all this people just standing there at all meta bosses just going down and after rezzing them , they still stand in the same spot til they go down again and die. and they just stay dead and don't even waypoint and scale up the metas.

I admit, I'm one of the people in mapchat repeatedly yelling not to rez the dead and let them wp for exactly this reason - just got tired of AFKers 😒

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9 hours ago, Smoky.5348 said:

I don't believe that applies to Core Tyria, only expansion maps. And even then, it takes a minute for it to register who's left. I've played a lot of open world PoF and I don't think I've seen an event scale down (but I don't see many leavers in PoF, either).

It definitely works in Core Tyria. Long time ago, someone tested HP scaling with old version of DPS meter that gave you precise HP values. https://www.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/38pdks/controlled_event_scaling_test/


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9 hours ago, Antycypator.9874 said:

For most meta events, it takes only few hits at the end to tag the boss and get full reward.

SotO metas are all pretty much like that. The most, if not all, rewards are for the last event so what is the incentive to participate in the long 20 minutes chain of events for barely any rewards? Especially when you participate in, let's say, Eparch final meta and witness the contribution from the average player (their DPS), it's no wonder events like Eparch or Soo-Won can fail.

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Yep. Just had the final boss of the Seitung meta narrowly fail, with what seemed half the group fully dead on the floor for much of the fight. There has always been some of this behaviour but it seems to have gotten worse. I think thresholds for participation need to be tightened up, there shouldn't be an expectation to get rewards for just lying there.

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On 6/1/2024 at 12:49 PM, Crystal Paladin.3871 said:

I noticed this behavior in junundu meta

1) noone will showup for prevent, where u have to turn in 8 sulphur crystals(solo) atleast one junundu lure. And as soon as the preevents are finished, players would pop out of nowhere for loot

2) or sometimes, during preevent, some players showup but refuse to collect sulphur crystals and just fly in skyscale. Now the required sulphur crystals count jumps from 8 to 16 or something and if u want to finish the meta, u have to collect all crystals for atleast one lure

This leeching trend is so regular with players from one guild tag that's related to choya... Idk if they do it on purpose or just return from other meta events. Also, one day a player said "thanks for completing preevent on time", for which the leeching player replied immediately, "you're welcome" without any shame , as, if, he did the preevent .. even tho, I'm the only one who solo'd the pre event , collecting 8 crystals on lure..noone else participated. 


If this trend continues, Idk what's the future of meta events will look like

The AFK leeches love the ego stroke as if everyone around them are their serfs running the events for them. You can see the same behavior at Pinata event in Crystal Oasis calling everyone else "slaves" for picking up the coins while they sit in their chair on map chat. 
Arenanet appeals to these type of players.

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That actually reminds me of one of my earliest memories of this problem, way back many years ago when world boss train was one of the main ways ppls spent their time, there was this one dude standing on a rock by Tahida's gate screaming things like "put your backs into it" and "what am I paying you ppls for". I thought it was really funny at the time but it's also an example of how long 'leeching' has been a problem . . .

Autokicking the full dead back to the wp would at least get them out of the way so I'm in favor, but participation can be trickier, for example remember that on release players would actually lose participation for amnytas meta while actively engaged in the meta, or wvw players who can lose participation while actively engaged in a fight, etc. . . .

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I'm kind of curious if its just people deciding to go afk, or if (more likely IMO) multibox leeches with their alts. Pretty sad you pull up to an event and see 3-5 characters somehow similarly named (see 4 heralds with similar names at pinata a lot), or all dressed the same (seen 5 toons at dragonstorm the other day, all same clothing/weapons with no dye, basic weapon skins). Like how does this not fall under botting? 

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Posted (edited)

I think both happen and agree that multiboxing is more of a problem. Another funny recent story from convergences someone got called out for being afk and "explained" that their alt had wound up on another instance and they had been away keeping up participation on that account. When ppls complained about being afk in our instance they said no they were still at a hundred percent participation in both instances so they were fine lol ; p

It's also worth distinguishing between afk and leeching I think. If ppls afk for rl or bc they just don't enjoy a particular part of an event chain or w/e I'm fine with that, as long as they are legitimately afk and not getting credit for that event in the chain or w/e. To me that is different from someone who does whatever the minimum is for participation and just relies on everyone else to actually do the event so they can get their rewards. That is what I would mean by 'leeching' . . .

Edited by Gop.8713
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8 hours ago, babak.3654 said:

Yep. Just had the final boss of the Seitung meta narrowly fail, with what seemed half the group fully dead on the floor for much of the fight. There has always been some of this behaviour but it seems to have gotten worse. I think thresholds for participation need to be tightened up, there shouldn't be an expectation to get rewards for just lying there.

Worst is many of those people have personal waypoints that would give them at least one free rez, but they don't bother to put them down.

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I know that the confused reaction is the default for "I disagree but I'm afraid to post" but I'm curious as to whether those reactions to my last post are that or something else. I promise I'm not scary, just curious as to what ppls think. Don't be afraid : )

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