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Will siege turtle get into wvw as discussed before?

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The idea that was floated before the mount released that it could be used in WvW has never seen more light after it was used as a selling point for the expansion.

Do I think it could be added, yes. Could see camps going back to allowing for up to T3 tactics and making that a T3 tactic that would act like the Dune Roller that it's deployable for 15 minute use once installed with a cooldown between uses. That would fulfil the idea that it could be used in WvW, make camps more valuable to hold creating more fights around them, and limit the turtles use as being too OP to be deployed, and create opportunities for interesting T2 camp tactic options for camps.

But last news was, no they said they didn't see how it could be used in WvW after selling it as it would be.

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8 hours ago, Lithril Ashwalker.6230 said:

Will siege turtle get into wvw as discussed before?

Maybe. If they do expect their ammo charge and general movement to be extremely nerfed compared to PvE and only deployable after certain conditions are met. Siege golem the mount. But it's a turtle and has better range? Something like that if it happens at all. It won't be the quick scuttle bug dropping siege damage nukes willy nilly.

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3 hours ago, XenesisII.1540 said:

Sure, the zergs could use free siege damage next.

WvW seems to be split between 2 sides asking for things.

The one side, wants things to be balanced.

The other, wants to press 1, win every fight, have walls magically crumble because their 50 man walked by and the lord commit seppuku because why should they have to wait, fight, or actually siege things to take them.

Anet seems to be listening to the second.

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36 minutes ago, MedievalThings.5417 said:

the lord commit seppuku

I'm surprised they haven't just taken him out, they want ring fights after all.

Idiotic fight players calling for nerfs to stuff that barely affects them cause blob, I guess they got finally tired of fighting on their patch of land at south island, gotta dumb down the rest of the mode for them.

Edited by XenesisII.1540
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10 hours ago, ChrisWhitey.9076 said:

 but the flying in WvW would be a unbalanced.

maybe just a very short burst of that hovering to prevent fall damage as that is currently a quick way to kill your golem by accident.

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Siege Turtle in WvW would be perfectly fine to have, if ANet would commit to "completely different skills" than in PVE, e.g. :
- Pilot: Slam does no exist but gets replaced by "Switch" for 5 seconds (which is kind of a Stance/Mantra, so Pilot & Gunner see if one of them has activated the skill; Turtle moves extreme slow and Activate Jump Jets only gives the Turtle a Swiftness boon.
- Gunner: Only gunner can shoot; Turtle siege does little damage to PCs and Gates, but double damage to walls and siege and uses supply of the gunner to shoot; damage dealt to walls and siege should be around 80% of a normal catapult, range should be 1500. No Hunker Down, no Overdrive, but "Switch"
If Gunner & Pilot push "Switch" at the same time window, they can change roles (without de-mounting);
A normal catapult both the pilot and the gunner can build with their supply should be faster to take down a wall than the ability to do it with the turtle (applies to usage of supply as well)
The special use of the turtle would be to be able to move a bit, when "siege-ing" has started and to be able to offend things like canons, ACs and ballistae that have been built on the wall.
To counter the effect of only using the turtle instead of catapults, you could tweak rate of fire and supply used for each shot, so that building the catas would always be the faster/more efficient way to attack.

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they could make flying mounts, vehicles,... limited the same way it is in the battlefield games. these type of issues are already solved for similar game modes in other games.

keeps and castles can be protected from flying mounts by some magical shield that can be disabled only after destroying the walls and entering the keep. a lot of possibilities. 

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If they added Siege Turtle it would have it's own line of WvW abilities, much like how the Warclaw abilities are not gained in PvE.

Slam would not do extra damage to gates, just what a player would normally do.
The Gunner would use supply per shot. The WvW abilities would cause the supply amount to decrease and cause extra damage to walls.
There is room for the ability tree to give the gunner different types of shots.
The jet boosters would only function in territories belonging to your team, much like gliding.
The speed boost from PvE could be an ability, but would have to be reduced.
The Armor and HP of the turtle would have to be reduced, but the defiance bar can stay.

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26 minutes ago, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

They would be dismounted. You know what happens when you get dismounted off of a Warclaw right?

Well nothing because I get off the mount first. But also the CC would be the same as damage then lol.

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1 hour ago, Dawdler.8521 said:

Well nothing because I get off the mount first. But also the CC would be the same as damage then lol.

Turtle has high HP and Defense. It would have to be reduced for WvW, but still high so that a solo person would dismount them faster with CCs than damage.

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There's no reason why a mount has to function the same in wvw as it does in pve.

They already toned down the dismount leap off warclaw in wvw compared to pve, (obviously because it allowed players to get to place they shouldn't when they dismounted).

So no reason why turtle can't be adjusted and has to follow the same rules or even have the same skills as pve.

They could bring all the rest of the mounts into wvw and have them function exactly like the warclaw, thus you preserve the mount feature in wvw, and also open access to all the skins. If you need some dumb excuse as to why a skyscale can't fly in wvw, I dunno maybe all that siege you're carrying is weighing it down. 🤷‍♂️

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I want a siege turtle with a Howdah on its back like the Mumakil from Lord of the Rings where all of the passengers can use their own abilities. 

Imagine a siege turtle rolling up with a bunch of longbow rangers and zerker staff eles inside blasting everyone from the safety of their little fortress. 

It should be built with supply though. Not just a mount you can pull out at any time. 

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Well, Siege Turtles could be balanced! You just have to give like 1 supply per shot with a decent damage, like 40-50 shots needed for one gate or wall (in no faster time than one flame ram or one catapult needs, 40-50 like the costs to build one siege, plus maybe a little because you don‘t have to buy a siege). All could be possible.

Edited by Galmac.4680
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On 6/12/2024 at 7:57 AM, Galmac.4680 said:

Well, Siege Turtles could be balanced! You just have to give like 1 supply per shot with a decent damage, like 40-50 shots needed for one gate or wall (in no faster time than one flame ram or one catapult needs, 40-50 like the costs to build one siege, plus maybe a little because you don‘t have to buy a siege). All could be possible.

So a squad of 50 rolls up to a tower and they all fire one shot from their turtle at the same time, and instantly break the wall or gate down....

Your numbers would need to be like 4x that amount, like at least 200 shots to break the wall or gate, with long cooldown between shots per person like 5-10sec, and greater supply charge of like 3-5 supply per shot.

It shouldn't outright be better than siege to make them obsolete.

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Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, XenesisII.1540 said:

So a squad of 50 rolls up to a tower and they all fire one shot from their turtle at the same time, and instantly break the wall or gate down....

Your numbers would need to be like 4x that amount, like at least 200 shots to break the wall or gate, with long cooldown between shots per person like 5-10sec, and greater supply charge of like 3-5 supply per shot.

It shouldn't outright be better than siege to make them obsolete.

It isss a siege turtle but if it was a required mastery, ammo and siege damage tweaked with a limiting factor of whom can can the turtle then I see no issue

Edited by Lithril Ashwalker.6230
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