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Alliance guild member number.

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14 minutes ago, Johje Holan.4607 said:

Don’t tell me that it’s the Titan Alliance from the beginning of the game all over again. Who could have predicted that?  Give players the means and they will stack stack stack. 

No, but the mindset remains the same.

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 Not liking the way that this alliance thing works. Would have preferred that whole guilds could list with other guilds as an alliance instead of having to create and join a totally new guild. I was too busy with work and did not pay attention to what was going on, at last minute (late nite before reset) I saw a message from a guild co-leader to join a new guild and set as WvW. I missed deadline and now am stuck playing on different team. Tried to get switched thru ticket but no-go. It also puts too much power in the hands of one Guild leader, that can lead to a Matriarchal type of tyranny where individual guilds are subject to haphazard implementation of rules due to however the Alliance Leader feels . 

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3 hours ago, DaVid Darksoul.4985 said:

 Not liking the way that this alliance thing works. Would have preferred that whole guilds could list with other guilds as an alliance instead of having to create and join a totally new guild. I was too busy with work and did not pay attention to what was going on, at last minute (late nite before reset) I saw a message from a guild co-leader to join a new guild and set as WvW. I missed deadline and now am stuck playing on different team. Tried to get switched thru ticket but no-go. It also puts too much power in the hands of one Guild leader, that can lead to a Matriarchal type of tyranny where individual guilds are subject to haphazard implementation of rules due to however the Alliance Leader feels . 

Want to thank Anet for transferring me, I am now able to play with my HoD comrades.

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12 hours ago, DaVid Darksoul.4985 said:

Want to thank Anet for transferring me, I am now able to play with my HoD comrades.

Congrats! 🎉

I put in a ticket too and asked to go from the top server Mosswood to the bottom server Throne of Balthazar. Still got a flat no.

For alliance sizes, the bigger the better. Players should have the freedom to create their own teams, not the devs forcing unto a team.

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35 minutes ago, DeWolfe.2174 said:

Congrats! 🎉

I put in a ticket too and asked to go from the top server Mosswood to the bottom server Throne of Balthazar. Still got a flat no.

For alliance sizes, the bigger the better. Players should have the freedom to create their own teams, not the devs forcing unto a team.

Because A: You weren't placed on the wrong team after choosing a WvW guild, and B: you thought they would transfer you to a world that "needed you" one - 1 - day after they implemented WR.

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On 6/18/2024 at 10:54 AM, SweetPotato.7456 said:

I think 500 per alliance is too many. 


okay. i take 200 or i could offer our homeborder to you. my account is to old to play alone vs world.^^ at hb never seen more than 2 other players and ebg is mostly very empty too. no idea if anet calculated the open field guilds as such active part (they are not really a part of wvw) to fill a few hundred spots with pve players or if that much players decided to stop playing wvw. but it is save that there isn't a bunch of guilds which do their own thing and don't care about the alliance. i would see them.

[Edit] never seen an overflow since alliances start.^^

On 6/18/2024 at 4:13 PM, Crystalreves.3965 said:

500 fight guild players vs 500 pugs whats the out come?  anyone can guess?

the pugs win the match because the fightguilds are usual 1-2 hours online and that usuall not every day

Edited by Michailski.6352
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On 6/18/2024 at 9:54 AM, SweetPotato.7456 said:

I think 500 per alliance is too many. 


I think 500 per guild is too many


IMO Guilds > alliances. I personally want GUILD WARS not ALLIANCE WARS.

Im interested to ask the OP why did you ask this question?

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8 hours ago, DeWolfe.2174 said:

And, they never leave EB and lose their entire hbl.

I think this is the bigger problem. People are playing for two different reasons. The fight guilds just want to fight other guilds and kill players (PPK) and often openly mock the idea of caring about overall score (PPT). Whereas many other players care about both but are probably more motivated by the overall score (tho demotivated by dying frequently if their team is losing all the big fights).

It seems like WR has allowed the fight guilds to band together even more (by creating mega guilds) which has exacerbated this problem. It's presumably why on GW2Mists you see quite a few teams who are smashing their opposition in K/D ratio but doing poorly in total score. That exactly matches what you would expect from teams made up primarily of fight guilds.

I don't know how feasible it is to have one game mode which caters well to both types of players? WR was largely created to cater to the WvW fight guilds but will it work well for everyone else?

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5 hours ago, Mistwraithe.3106 said:

I think this is the bigger problem. People are playing for two different reasons. The fight guilds just want to fight other guilds and kill players (PPK) and often openly mock the idea of caring about overall score (PPT). Whereas many other players care about both but are probably more motivated by the overall score (tho demotivated by dying frequently if their team is losing all the big fights).

It seems like WR has allowed the fight guilds to band together even more (by creating mega guilds) which has exacerbated this problem. It's presumably why on GW2Mists you see quite a few teams who are smashing their opposition in K/D ratio but doing poorly in total score. That exactly matches what you would expect from teams made up primarily of fight guilds.

I don't know how feasible it is to have one game mode which caters well to both types of players? WR was largely created to cater to the WvW fight guilds but will it work well for everyone else?

I'd say that this happened a lot on the old server system as well. Fight guilds tried stacking (as they always do), and they usually have a commander/driver or two, so pugs find that they have moved to another world and transfer after them, and fills up the server. And at some point the fight guilds move around again to either stack with someone else, or are annoyed that they can't get another guild into their world because it's now full, or they just get tired of having a bunch of random pugs following them everywhere.

If anything, we're actually more forced into different play-styles now, as it's impossible to weed out an entire world, you only have influence over your own guild. Naturally a guild of 50+ active players with commander/organization can and will be able to dictate how their world play during the time they're active. That's no different in either system.

So I don't see it as a problem that PPK and PPT (a gross simplifications) players can't get along or work well together. They used to do that just fine first 3 years. In fact the more motivated players are by "Points" the more they're actually motivated to have as huge a variety of players with different motivation as they can.


Side rant on Points, skip if you like. Seriously, I intended to write like 2 paragraphs...

Now people has played for different reasons since the start of the game. We had an even more active "fight" scene in the first couple of years of the game, with GvG's and "Zerg-busting" guilds being at their peak. And people even cared a lot more about PPT as people still cared about server ranks and hadn't just abandoned/given up on the whole "Points" system yet. If anything I'd say that the game been having less diversity in terms of play styles and player motivations as the game/mode gotten older. Which is pretty normal in most games.

The majority of the problem is honestly that most players aren't motivated by "Points" at all any longer. The mode is built/designed around Points being the driving factor, and if you take that part out, then all the other systems fall apart. Why would anyone care about defending/capturing/supply/scouting/etc if they don't care for points? And the answer to that tends to boil down to two things: "Rewards" and "Fights". (And more specific/accurate terms could probably be: "Rewards" = Loot/Gift and "Fights" = Zerg/Action)

So if a guild cared about Points, the most effective way for them to organize is NOT to stack 500 boon-ball players in NA timezone with as many commanders as possible.

Probably the most effective way would be something like: (using NA as example)
* 5-10 roamers+scouts in SEA
* 5-10 roamers+scouts in OCX
* 5-10 roamers+scouts in EU
* 5-10 roamers+scouts in NA
* ~50 fight guild+commander NA
* ~50 fight guild+commander NA

Which is about 150 people, allowing you to fit in a lot of friends and stuff. But that gives presence/coverage around most of the day, and 2 fighting guilds with decent numbers that can command and take turns so neither has to burn out trying to play every day. And since most players can't be active every day, use the remaining 350 slots to bring in more extras so people can come and go a bit.

This has the added benefit that if every "alliance-guild" tried for something like this (supply of people holding), then most matches would be more fun for everyone, as people would be more evenly spread around. Most fighting guilds would be able to meet matching fighting guilds on other Worlds, and roamers would generally have others to roam against.

This is what we saw in classic-gw2, except that there BlackGate naturally took it to its logical extreme, and bought guilds, and loaded up their server with coverage and organised guilds, depleting the rest of the servers. Due to the biggest problems with the system: Transfers, and that players to some degree had enough control over something as large as a whole server that had no effective max population.

The natural result of that, players lost interest/faith in the Points system, because well, BlackGate just solved the entire thing. Why would anyone care about a system that just feels rigged from the get go? Heck it got so bad even BlackGate got bored, and ended up trying to help other servers up so they had someone to fight against (Old Glicko locked NA Tier1, BG+JQ+TC).


Now, why the heck is this idiot ranting about the "Points" system again?

Because points is the natural counter to zerging.

Zerging used to be one way to play in WvW, not THE way. Because if you zerged with 50+ players then you could still only take a single objective at a time. It was useful against Keeps/Castle, but if all you did was zerging, your opponent would just split up into a bunch of havoc teams, and take every camp/tower on the map much faster than you did, and avoid fighting against you. And you'd have to counter this, by splitting up in multiple groups to respond to this, or you lost on points.

Also, there where sharks in the water. If you zerged too much, chances where that the enemy team had a "Zerg-busting" guild, and once they found you, the zerg-fest was over. The only way to fight a Zerg-buster was with another of the same. But again, zerg-busting was useless for points, so the way to counter them was to split up into multiple havoc groups and focus on points.

Which... again would force the other team to also split up, and thus you got a lot of smaller scale fights all over the maps. Which... then dynamically turn into ever changing fights of different sizes as you call for help to take out a pesky group, they call for help to take you out, rince and repeat until you got some zergs, and the zerg-busters find you again... and it repeats.


So what happens when no one cares about Points ?

Well, "Rewards" and "Fights". Or to put it more crudely: "Bread and Circus".

The players that care about the rewards are thus focused mostly on what they get out of it, and if they can't effectively get something from it, they disengage. Enemy pit-zergs you, they feel they don't have good/optimal situation for getting their rewards/pips/bags/gift/track/whatever. So they think "Why bother? I can come back another time when things are more optimal for me." And complain if they feel the world/system isn't optimal often enough for their taste.

The players that care about the fights are thus mostly focused on the spectacle. They want constant action, with lots of lots of players on every side, to actually feel like they're in a mass combat. And they need to either win most/all or at least half of the fights, so they feel they have a chance. Add in a lot of complications regarding organisation and skill levels, and it becomes almost impossible to match these up perfectly to each others. And if they're not near-perfectly matched, they enjoy it less. And so they disengage with the game/mode if they don't have a constant amount of players on all sides, or if their side doesn't have enough players to even start, or doesn't have any commanders/organisation to start. Usually complaining about game is dead, something is unbalanced, please fix things etc.

The common trend here is that when the circumstances aren't set in favour of just how they (both) like it, they disengage, instead of changing how they play. They're not motivated to play the game outside of their very narrow style of enjoying the game mode. WvW was created as a sandbox by design, but at this point the majority of players are trying to force it to become two different theme park rides. And then wonder why the theme-park is empty, as everyone comes in, goes to the one ride they like, ignore the other one, ride it once, and leaves the park.

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On 6/19/2024 at 12:51 AM, Gotejjeken.1267 said:

What actually happens if you have 500 people set the same WvW guild? Do they take up an entire team name like Moogaloo or whatever? If not, how many guilds can a team hold?

To me, they needed way more tooling for this.  If alliance size is guild size, then huge guilds should be spread across multiple alliances--may not get to play with all the people you want but would get to play with your guild. 

So, say alliance is 500, you could put a cap at 100 people in any guild go to that alliance, then groupings of 100 in four other ones.  Might have to fight guildies but would distribute the power around. 

Not knowing what guilds comprise what teams is also not great--it makes the new system entirely ambiguous as far as stat tracking goes.  If UI elements are made, it should have at least been there--hover over the team's name and it shows a list of guilds (or click it or something in the likely event they overflow a GUI element).  

This is completely idiotic. Most alliances are made up of several smaller guilds. And despite all those players being in one larger alliance, most still run with their friends/guildmates from their prior smaller guilds. So what happens if you cap it at 100 people from said alliance, and 10 from guild A, 10 from guild B get put on one shard and 15 people from guild A and 5 people from guild B get put on a different shard. You've just completely defeated the point of making an alliance guild in the first place and might as well just assign every player a random shard regardless of guild/alliance.

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My guild alliance is only 350, but we actually chose guilds that played in different time zones to spread out our alliance. Granted we're almost exclusively comprised of fight guilds (not all from the same server), but we spent a good month setting this up when we found out about WR. I'm honestly surprised there weren't more guilds that attempted to do this.

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40 minutes ago, Ronin.4501 said:

My guild alliance is only 350, but we actually chose guilds that played in different time zones to spread out our alliance. Granted we're almost exclusively comprised of fight guilds (not all from the same server), but we spent a good month setting this up when we found out about WR. I'm honestly surprised there weren't more guilds that attempted to do this.

Well, as you've noticed a lot of people rushed it and priority 1 was to play your friends and other relevant folks. I suppose they only care about the times they run, which is fine if they accept that ppt could be a problem. But with 1 month relinks they probably don't care.

If the matchup system worked properly, it'll still be balanced out by coverage; like there would be alliances in this tz or that tz though naturally any results are going to take some time to produce. 

But with 5 tiers in NA people got spread out and Anet is Anet so we probably have some servers that can't be filled properly.

Of course it is kinda harsh because they need some aspects to be opaque cuz you know people will game the system.

Edited by ArchonWing.9480
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1 hour ago, joneirikb.7506 said:

The majority of the problem is honestly that most players aren't motivated by "Points" at all any longer. The mode is built/designed around Points being the driving factor, and if you take that part out, then all the other systems fall apart.

You put it so well.  I will probably have better feedback in the morning as I will have more time to digest the long read.

I just want to offer my most immediate feedback.  I'd argue that this motivation about points was never really a thing.  When EOTM was released, a lot of us saw what the real motivation was.  EOTM's old ktrains were never about points for your server.  At the time, a lot of the more hardcore WvW players were upset about it because it attracted a large chunk of their WvW population to something outside of WvW proper.  It was the WvW version of the Queensdale champ train.  That event I rank up there with the introduction of megaserver in it's impact on WvW.

Edited by Chaba.5410
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1 hour ago, Mistwraithe.3106 said:

Interesting read.

Where does that leave us tho? Maybe hoping Anet have some clever plans in store for how to update scoring?

Tldr: SOL.

I have no faith at all that ANet can somehow make players care for points at this point (pun) of time. And I said players cared more for points, not that people cared a lot for points. Just to make that clear. There's just too many problems with the 24/7 format to ever make Points be something interesting for most players. That said, the old seasons/tournaments was probably the highest point (hah) of this, especially the first one before more and more players realized BlackGate had "solved" it.

So the natural conclusion becomes that in order to make players care for Points, you have to make players care enough about winning or rising in ranks, and all the logical conclusions as to how to do that just leads into ideas that will make the player-base butcher the mode trying to game it. The usual stuff like big rewards for winning match, big rewards for being top server, big rewards for etc...

Again showing why Transfers been so problematic for the mode since the very start (especially the period of time it was free...).

Player motivation is hard stuff. There's a reason no one made the perfect RvR game yet.

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25 minutes ago, Chaba.5410 said:

You put it so well.  I will probably have better feedback in the morning as I will have more time to digest the long read.

I just want to offer my most immediate feedback.  I'd argue that this motivation about points was never really a thing.  When EOTM was released, a lot of us saw what the real motivation was.  EOTM's old ktrains were never about points for your server.  At the time, a lot of the more hardcore WvW players were upset about it because it attracted a large chunk of their WvW population to something outside of WvW proper.  It was the WvW version of the Queensdale champ train.  That event I rank up there with the introduction of megaserver in it's impact on WvW.

Oh absolutely. Wasn't trying to say that all players really cared about points, but it was how the game was made and thus how we played it. Once people get more and more familiar with the game mechanics and how it works, and how it doesn't work, people starts getting jaded about things and skips the parts they no longer feel is important. (One of the interesting parts about "new game" syndrome, a lot of players enjoy it because it is new and no one knows all the systems yet. This also means things isn't "solved" yet)

In many ways EotM is the perfect example of "Bread and Circus", it satisfies those two very well. The underlying system change (shorter matches, filled up with players constantly, single map, less focus on the long term upgrading, more instant here and now mechanics, even less focus on points), is almost perfectly built up to be a theme-park version of the more Sandbox like WvW. There's a reason I keep saying that if they took EotM, threw in glider/mount/pip/full reward, and gave it the EBG map, most players in WvW would be happy/content. What reason would most players have to go into normal WvW then?

"Bread and Circus", all the rewards and all the action, all the time.

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10 hours ago, Mistwraithe.3106 said:

I think this is the bigger problem. People are playing for two different reasons. The fight guilds just want to fight other guilds and kill players (PPK) and often openly mock the idea of caring about overall score (PPT). Whereas many other players care about both but are probably more motivated by the overall score (tho demotivated by dying frequently if their team is losing all the big fights).

It seems like WR has allowed the fight guilds to band together even more (by creating mega guilds) which has exacerbated this problem. It's presumably why on GW2Mists you see quite a few teams who are smashing their opposition in K/D ratio but doing poorly in total score. That exactly matches what you would expect from teams made up primarily of fight guilds.

I don't know how feasible it is to have one game mode which caters well to both types of players? WR was largely created to cater to the WvW fight guilds but will it work well for everyone else?

This is why PPK and PPT balance is important. And we all need to watch the scoring change info and provide feedback once they provide..

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3 hours ago, joneirikb.7506 said:

I'd say that this happened a lot on the old server system as well. Fight guilds tried stacking (as they always do), and they usually have a commander/driver or two, so pugs find that they have moved to another world and transfer after them, and fills up the server. And at some point the fight guilds move around again to either stack with someone else, or are annoyed that they can't get another guild into their world because it's now full, or they just get tired of having a bunch of random pugs following them everywhere.

If anything, we're actually more forced into different play-styles now, as it's impossible to weed out an entire world, you only have influence over your own guild. Naturally a guild of 50+ active players with commander/organization can and will be able to dictate how their world play during the time they're active. That's no different in either system.

So I don't see it as a problem that PPK and PPT (a gross simplifications) players can't get along or work well together. They used to do that just fine first 3 years. In fact the more motivated players are by "Points" the more they're actually motivated to have as huge a variety of players with different motivation as they can.


Side rant on Points, skip if you like. Seriously, I intended to write like 2 paragraphs...

Now people has played for different reasons since the start of the game. We had an even more active "fight" scene in the first couple of years of the game, with GvG's and "Zerg-busting" guilds being at their peak. And people even cared a lot more about PPT as people still cared about server ranks and hadn't just abandoned/given up on the whole "Points" system yet. If anything I'd say that the game been having less diversity in terms of play styles and player motivations as the game/mode gotten older. Which is pretty normal in most games.

The majority of the problem is honestly that most players aren't motivated by "Points" at all any longer. The mode is built/designed around Points being the driving factor, and if you take that part out, then all the other systems fall apart. Why would anyone care about defending/capturing/supply/scouting/etc if they don't care for points? And the answer to that tends to boil down to two things: "Rewards" and "Fights". (And more specific/accurate terms could probably be: "Rewards" = Loot/Gift and "Fights" = Zerg/Action)

So if a guild cared about Points, the most effective way for them to organize is NOT to stack 500 boon-ball players in NA timezone with as many commanders as possible.

Probably the most effective way would be something like: (using NA as example)
* 5-10 roamers+scouts in SEA
* 5-10 roamers+scouts in OCX
* 5-10 roamers+scouts in EU
* 5-10 roamers+scouts in NA
* ~50 fight guild+commander NA
* ~50 fight guild+commander NA

Which is about 150 people, allowing you to fit in a lot of friends and stuff. But that gives presence/coverage around most of the day, and 2 fighting guilds with decent numbers that can command and take turns so neither has to burn out trying to play every day. And since most players can't be active every day, use the remaining 350 slots to bring in more extras so people can come and go a bit.

This has the added benefit that if every "alliance-guild" tried for something like this (supply of people holding), then most matches would be more fun for everyone, as people would be more evenly spread around. Most fighting guilds would be able to meet matching fighting guilds on other Worlds, and roamers would generally have others to roam against.

This is what we saw in classic-gw2, except that there BlackGate naturally took it to its logical extreme, and bought guilds, and loaded up their server with coverage and organised guilds, depleting the rest of the servers. Due to the biggest problems with the system: Transfers, and that players to some degree had enough control over something as large as a whole server that had no effective max population.

The natural result of that, players lost interest/faith in the Points system, because well, BlackGate just solved the entire thing. Why would anyone care about a system that just feels rigged from the get go? Heck it got so bad even BlackGate got bored, and ended up trying to help other servers up so they had someone to fight against (Old Glicko locked NA Tier1, BG+JQ+TC).


Now, why the heck is this idiot ranting about the "Points" system again?

Because points is the natural counter to zerging.

Zerging used to be one way to play in WvW, not THE way. Because if you zerged with 50+ players then you could still only take a single objective at a time. It was useful against Keeps/Castle, but if all you did was zerging, your opponent would just split up into a bunch of havoc teams, and take every camp/tower on the map much faster than you did, and avoid fighting against you. And you'd have to counter this, by splitting up in multiple groups to respond to this, or you lost on points.

Also, there where sharks in the water. If you zerged too much, chances where that the enemy team had a "Zerg-busting" guild, and once they found you, the zerg-fest was over. The only way to fight a Zerg-buster was with another of the same. But again, zerg-busting was useless for points, so the way to counter them was to split up into multiple havoc groups and focus on points.

Which... again would force the other team to also split up, and thus you got a lot of smaller scale fights all over the maps. Which... then dynamically turn into ever changing fights of different sizes as you call for help to take out a pesky group, they call for help to take you out, rince and repeat until you got some zergs, and the zerg-busters find you again... and it repeats.


So what happens when no one cares about Points ?

Well, "Rewards" and "Fights". Or to put it more crudely: "Bread and Circus".

The players that care about the rewards are thus focused mostly on what they get out of it, and if they can't effectively get something from it, they disengage. Enemy pit-zergs you, they feel they don't have good/optimal situation for getting their rewards/pips/bags/gift/track/whatever. So they think "Why bother? I can come back another time when things are more optimal for me." And complain if they feel the world/system isn't optimal often enough for their taste.

The players that care about the fights are thus mostly focused on the spectacle. They want constant action, with lots of lots of players on every side, to actually feel like they're in a mass combat. And they need to either win most/all or at least half of the fights, so they feel they have a chance. Add in a lot of complications regarding organisation and skill levels, and it becomes almost impossible to match these up perfectly to each others. And if they're not near-perfectly matched, they enjoy it less. And so they disengage with the game/mode if they don't have a constant amount of players on all sides, or if their side doesn't have enough players to even start, or doesn't have any commanders/organisation to start. Usually complaining about game is dead, something is unbalanced, please fix things etc.

The common trend here is that when the circumstances aren't set in favour of just how they (both) like it, they disengage, instead of changing how they play. They're not motivated to play the game outside of their very narrow style of enjoying the game mode. WvW was created as a sandbox by design, but at this point the majority of players are trying to force it to become two different theme park rides. And then wonder why the theme-park is empty, as everyone comes in, goes to the one ride they like, ignore the other one, ride it once, and leaves the park.


Well put.


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2 hours ago, Chaba.5410 said:

You put it so well.  I will probably have better feedback in the morning as I will have more time to digest the long read.

I just want to offer my most immediate feedback.  I'd argue that this motivation about points was never really a thing.  When EOTM was released, a lot of us saw what the real motivation was.  EOTM's old ktrains were never about points for your server.  At the time, a lot of the more hardcore WvW players were upset about it because it attracted a large chunk of their WvW population to something outside of WvW proper.  It was the WvW version of the Queensdale champ train.  That event I rank up there with the introduction of megaserver in it's impact on WvW.

lol. What drew me and my Havoc to EotM was groups trying to game the system and hunting them in EotM. 🙂 Doing the same in the WR. So again, history repeats.

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23 hours ago, DeWolfe.2174 said:

Congrats! 🎉

I put in a ticket too and asked to go from the top server Mosswood to the bottom server Throne of Balthazar. Still got a flat no.

For alliance sizes, the bigger the better. Players should have the freedom to create their own teams, not the devs forcing unto a team.

Oh sorry to hear that. The server I was on was Throne of Balthazar, they really could use help. Seemed like they were better at making degenerative comments in chat then gameplay.  I am very happy to be where I belong with HoD, although my timeframe is constantly outnumbered and defense has been nerfed to the point where we just grab supply and wait to recap. No sense in handing bags out constantly. IT'S KINDA LIKE GIVING THAT kitten lOCH nESS MONSTER THREE FIDDY.

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4 hours ago, Chaba.5410 said:

It was the WvW version of the Queensdale champ train.  That event I rank up there with the introduction of megaserver in it's impact on WvW.

The good ole days of driving the Queensdale and Frostgorge Champ Trains to entice people into transferring to JQ. 😁👍

That's the kind of community and organizing GW2 had and lost.

Edited by DeWolfe.2174
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