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FINALLY! I'm soo excited for the new Ele spear!!

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For so long wanted a long range damage-focused Ele weapon and it's finally on the way! It's wayy better than I expected especially with the animations and the mechanic. What I love most about Ele gameplay is mastering the many options over time. I LOVE the depth and intricacy of the recent Ele weapon mechanics and this sounds like it's going to be the best one yet. The etching symbols!!! Did not expect that and they look amazing. It's great to see some large animations again for all the attunements like volcano, twister, whirlpool, the earth trap, they all look so good. I love that it was designed to be: "primarily focused on damage and crowd control, leading to a “glass cannon” style of play". That's exactly what I've been waiting for! Thank you Anet for this gift🤗💚

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Looks promising but hope it's not overly complex for no reason. Looks like they went the pure range "Black Mage" route thankfully.
I want everything to do huge AoE damage including Water. No more boring water healing/defense. Need water destruction. Everything destruction. Mages don't need defence if entire map is deleted in a tsunami or collapsed into the abyss from an earthquake.

Like; Rain in Mortal Kombat 1 wiped out an entire civilization with Water magic. XD

Edited by Doggie.3184
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Very happy to see that they finally are trying to do what their customers want, with regards to ele weapons. Hoping for 1200+ range. It looks like it is smaller aoes, which is ok if damage matches. "Stand in the circle" will probably not work so well for wvw, but maybe it can work.

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It looks interesting and I'm curious how Weaver duals will interact with it. I think the sigil mechanic is also a good way to balance it's mobility as a 1200(?) range weapon, and is a notion that should be applied to all long range weapons (but never will, because Ele is the only class that actually follows the rules). Although those ground effects look like they'll be hilarious in group content. Cata + Spear = Hope you like never seeing the floor / warning rings for any boss mechanic ever.

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The elemental magic circles look amazing. Looks like they shift along with you when you swap elements. Very cool. It sounds like the ranged power weapon players here have been asking for.

Create your magic circle, power it up in combat + utilities, unleash the appropriate super move. Looking forward to the complaints about the difficulty. 😏

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im hyped, even if it does have a gimmick (the spell etching) it seems actually reasonable (just use any 3 skills after placing it to get the most out of it) and not tedious like hammer orbs or pistol bullets. heck the spell etchings based off of what im reading sound like they are essentially mini catalyst spheres (that may only effect the player, will have to see if fire etching grants might to allies too) that turn into mini tempest overloads.

im most curious about the weaver and the #3 skills. the double radius aoe skills on the #4 skills also have my intrigued.

can see a lot of quality experimentation with the elite specs, as well as taking some less used utility skills for the insta-cast to charge the spell circle faster.

main criticism so far is the visual noise of the etchings, they dont need to be fully colored in, worried it might cause some visual issues in group content. it also seems to rely on you staying more still so might be a bit hard to use in wvw, especially in zerg battles. in pvp can see the etchings being useful for point control.

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11 hours ago, Ragnarox.9601 said:

hahaha so much hype, so much disappointment inc.... (remember the pistol)

It's been a few months, but I'm pretty sure there were a fair few "wtf are they thinking" responses pretty much immediately after elepistol was revealed. I don't really recall any time when there was real hype for elepistol after we found out about the mechanic it was being saddled with, it was just a question of the ratio between doom and cope.

Mind you, there's always the possibility that we'll find something out in the livestream that utterly ruins it.

Edited by draxynnic.3719
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Funny that after like 12 years Mage-like class will be mage-like class. Impressive. Let's wait and see what it actually can and how it plays.
Also interesting that you guys have some sort of "expectations", I've abandoned that concept when Tempest released, still unfinished e-spec that it's other missing part became Catalyst.

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I hope it's effective in roaming on 1v1's as well as grp content in wvw.

It is perfect for my playstyle with low support and sustain as a glass cannon FA weaver player. Or even weaver staff players be used to this playstyle.

I foresee that this may be one of the biggest complaints we see will be from players having to learn awareness of the battlefield and using terrain, predicting the enemy, etc than rely on support skills as much if have not already been. 

and...I love the spear as a weapon, so very happy that this is the ranged power weapon.

(all subject to change on beta, lol)

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