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Remove Insta-Gibbing from WvW

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23 hours ago, Nemo.6295 said:

This is not PVP. It's a joke. Please consider removing it. I don't mind dying to 5 guys fast, I do mind getting insta-downed by one guy

You are probably new. There should be couple builds that can instantly kill enemies, because then other builds can kill enemies from 70%. WvW would be quite boring game if it was just AoE bombing for mouthbreathing commander rather than single target focusing.

I would suggest to single target focus yourself as well.... Or tank it up. Celestial is recommended for new players.

Edited by Riba.3271
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I'd agree that one-shots are lame play and it would be great if "balance" meant that even the most leveraged, sellout, risk-it-all-on-my-first-shot build still allowed some counterplay, but that ship has long since sailed. There are just far too many specs now to hope for any legitimate gameplay balance, and it's also worth noting that anet has not shown any particular interest in balancing for smallscale in wvw . . .

So short answer, if you want to avoid getting one-shot, you need a more defensive set . . .

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6 hours ago, Gop.8713 said:

I'd agree that one-shots are lame play and it would be great if "balance" meant that even the most leveraged, sellout, risk-it-all-on-my-first-shot build still allowed some counterplay, but that ship has long since sailed. There are just far too many specs now to hope for any legitimate gameplay balance, and it's also worth noting that anet has not shown any particular interest in balancing for smallscale in wvw . . .

So short answer, if you want to avoid getting one-shot, you need a more defensive set . . .

I don't need perfect balance. Some classes and talents are gonna outshine others, I'm perfectly aware of that. I'm talking about the ones that take you from 100-0 instantly. Those need to go because they simply have no place in a game like WvW. You get hit by AOE, you get chain-stunned. Fine. There are ways to avoid some of that at least. Even in let's say more balanced gear. Then comes along the one-shot man and it's all over. How do you justify that as a developer? 

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5 hours ago, Bunbury.8472 said:

post build so you can get real help. even better post a VOD of it happening to u...

unless ofc you don't want help and just want to complain 🤪

You come at me like that I get the impression that whatever I give you is not gonna matter, cause you aren't here to help but to defend the insta gibbing.

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3 hours ago, Nemo.6295 said:

You come at me like that I get the impression that whatever I give you is not gonna matter, cause you aren't here to help but to defend the insta gibbing.

Because history and experience has shown that these complaints are usually based around player mistakes, bad builds, lack of knowledge what the opposing class can do.

The amount of "insta gib" builds which work against proper setup builds is miniscule at best, especially in an era where most players run celestial.

If you want help (and probably the ridicule that goes with exposing lack of skill/knowledge) then you have to ask the correct question and provide the necessary information. 

If you just want to vent, that's fine too but won't really improve your game experience.

Edited by Cyninja.2954
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10 minutes ago, Cyninja.2954 said:

Because history and experience has shown that these complaints are usually based around player mistakes, bad builds, lack of knowledge what the opposing class can do.

The amount of "insta gib" builds which work against proper setup builds is miniscule at best, especially in an era where most players run celestial.

If you want help (and probably the ridicule that goes with exposing lack of skill/knowledge) then you have to ask the correct question and provide the necessary information. 

If you just want to vent, that's fine too but won't really improve your game experience.

It's bloody hypocritical to shame players for not running tanky stats and instead, dying to the screwed-up game design that people like you enjoy...and then people like you will complain about that same gear on the forum.

GW2 playerbase in a nutshell:

-"Lol you noob! You should only run celestial if you don't want to die to my leet gameplay stealth oneshot, which is awesome and showcase my superior skill level"

-"Lol you noob! You can only run celestial, you suck. Anet should remove celestial gear because I can't win with my superior skill stealth gameplay cheese"


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8 minutes ago, Arheundel.6451 said:

It's bloody hypocritical to shame players for not running tanky stats and instead, dying to the screwed-up game design that people like you enjoy...and then people like you will complain about that same gear on the forum.

i don't think they said that celestial would lead to them surviving the fight, only that it reduces the times that one gets seemingly oneshot as one needs a higher burst to hit through more defenses.

10 minutes ago, Arheundel.6451 said:

GW2 playerbase in a nutshell:

-"Lol you noob! You should only run celestial if you don't want to die to my leet gameplay stealth oneshot, which is awesome and showcase my superior skill level"

-"Lol you noob! You can only run celestial, you suck. Anet should remove celestial gear because I can't win with my superior skill stealth gameplay cheese"

i find cele to be easiest to kill on superior no skill stealth cheese build that can ignore the condi pressure and has tons of boon rip steal. sadly not many classes can build for that, can they?

encounter duration is my only gripe with cele as over time people have become faster and so the fights are more likely to evolve into larger fights that usually depend on who has more people showing up.

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20 minutes ago, Arheundel.6451 said:

It's bloody hypocritical to shame players for not running tanky stats and instead, dying to the screwed-up game design that people like you enjoy...and then people like you will complain about that same gear on the forum.

GW2 playerbase in a nutshell:

-"Lol you noob! You should only run celestial if you don't want to die to my leet gameplay stealth oneshot, which is awesome and showcase my superior skill level"

-"Lol you noob! You can only run celestial, you suck. Anet should remove celestial gear because I can't win with my superior skill stealth gameplay cheese"


I never said I enjoy celestial gear (I even argued for removing it multiple times in other threads).

I am saying the result of getting "insta gibbed" is a product of lack of player skill. Suggesting celestial gear was me just nudging that player in a direction.

That fact will not change even if celestial got removed because it's based in this games active combat sytsem which essentially rewards correct actions and reatcions.

Go be angry somewhere else.

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8 minutes ago, Cyninja.2954 said:

I never said I enjoy celestial gear (I even argued for removing it multiple times in other threads).

I am saying the result of getting "insta gibbed" is a product of lack of player skill. Suggesting celestial gear was me just nudging that player in a direction.

That fact will not change even if celestial got removed because it's based in this games active combat sytsem which essentially rewards correct actions and reatcions.

Go be angry somewhere else.

Not even the world champion would be able to perform any "correct" action if he plays some normal class like say a core warrior and  I play some oneshot stealth BS, stealthing from 1 mile away then macro jump on the target...so all this "lack of player skill" talk is nonsense. I am 100% certain the OP not talking about getting "insta gibbed" by some lone core FA ele or axe warrior...we all know he's talking about some stealth BS

Edited by Arheundel.6451
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32 minutes ago, Arheundel.6451 said:

It's bloody hypocritical to shame players for not running tanky stats and instead, dying to the screwed-up game design that people like you enjoy...and then people like you will complain about that same gear on the forum.

GW2 playerbase in a nutshell:

-"Lol you noob! You should only run celestial if you don't want to die to my leet gameplay stealth oneshot, which is awesome and showcase my superior skill level"

-"Lol you noob! You can only run celestial, you suck. Anet should remove celestial gear because I can't win with my superior skill stealth gameplay cheese"


that's a great dilemma. If removing Cele meant players would learn their skills and their class better, thus leading to more interesting fights, I would 100% do it. But the fact is that it's hard to get to the point where you are even adequately good, and most people, who are playing Cele now, would 100% just perma leave - and that would kill off small scale WvW-ing for good @_@ lose-lose

Edited by Codename T.2847
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1 minute ago, Codename T.2847 said:

that's a great dilemma. If removing Cele meant players would learn their skills and their class better, thus leading to more interesting fights, I would 100% do it. But the fact is that it's hard to get to the point where you are even adequately good, and most people, who are playing Cele now, would 100% just perma leave - it kill off small scale WvW-ing for good @_@

You can replicate cele stats with other gear combinations and anybody can do it, at worst you will lose 20% condi dmg, some few points of toughness and precision or vitality/boon duration/condi duration but that's it really. The problem is not glass cannon gameplay...the problem is glass cannon gameplay in 2024, it's just some stealth "run away and come back" BS that make people annoyed and frustrated, there is nothing skilled or interesting about it...and definitely you don't need celestial to survive it but that doesn't justify it and neither should people like the OP be laughed at for complaining about it

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16 minutes ago, Arheundel.6451 said:

Not even the world champion would be able to perform any "correct" action if he plays some normal class like say a core warrior and  I play some oneshot stealth BS, stealthing from 1 mile away then macro jump on the target...so all this "lack of player skill" talk is nonsense. I am 100% certain the OP not talking about getting "insta gibbed" by some lone core FA ele or axe warrior...we all know he's talking about some stealth BS

So what you are saying is: there is a huge gap between random garbage builds and dedicated builds for Spvp and WvW? True.

Again, player skill/knowledge issue.

You won't be able to fix this with balance because if you do decide to balance the game around those garbage builds, it breaks at the mid and top end. The only thing can can do is help players overcome their garbage builds as well as lack of knowledge in regards to class skills. Just as I said.

10 minutes ago, Arheundel.6451 said:

You can replicate cele stats with other gear combinations and anybody can do it, at worst you will lose 20% condi dmg, some few points of toughness and precision or vitality/boon duration/condi duration but that's it really. The problem is not glass cannon gameplay...the problem is glass cannon gameplay in 2024, it's just some stealth "run away and come back" BS that make people annoyed and frustrated, there is nothing skilled or interesting about it...and definitely you don't need celestial to survive it but that doesn't justify it and neither should people like the OP be laughed at for complaining about it

TC never mentioned stealth but sure, we can add that to the list and some builds are annoying to fight. All stealth builds can be countered or avoided though, especially if they are running glass cannon stats.

Now as far as surviving against a non meme stealth able build on not glass cannon stats? That would likely not be an "insta gib".

Edited by Cyninja.2954
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Better get insta-gibbed than fight agaisnt some celestial lamer who stay full hp whole time. At least you can win against insta-gib build. Actually better if thief insta-gib you than do this atttack, stealth, attack, stealth kitten because he is just too bad to use berserker gear.

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1 hour ago, Arheundel.6451 said:

It's bloody hypocritical to shame players for not running tanky stats and instead, dying to the screwed-up game design that people like you enjoy...and then people like you will complain about that same gear on the forum.

GW2 playerbase in a nutshell:

-"Lol you noob! You should only run celestial if you don't want to die to my leet gameplay stealth oneshot, which is awesome and showcase my superior skill level"

-"Lol you noob! You can only run celestial, you suck. Anet should remove celestial gear because I can't win with my superior skill stealth gameplay cheese"


If there was ever a post on these forums that deserved more trophies, I haven't seen it lol . . .

You'll note that after this reply the quoted poster immediately retreated from "skill" to "skill/knowledge", bc in fact it is solely the build that is deciding the outcome, which has been our smallscale reality in wvw since idk when? HoT . . ?

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3 minutes ago, Gop.8713 said:

If there was ever a post on these forums that deserved more trophies, I haven't seen it lol . . .

You'll note that after this reply the quoted poster immediately retreated from "skill" to "skill/knowledge", bc in fact it is solely the build that is deciding the outcome, which has been our smallscale reality in wvw since idk when? HoT . . ?

Literally in my first reply to this topic:


Because history and experience has shown that these complaints are usually based around player mistakes, bad builds, lack of knowledge what the opposing class can do.

The amount of "insta gib" builds which work against proper setup builds is miniscule at best, especially in an era where most players run celestial.

If you want help (and probably the ridicule that goes with exposing lack of skill/knowledge) then you have to ask the correct question and provide the necessary information. 

I shortened these aspects into skill/knowledge later. Not sure what you are smoking. Better make snarky comments than actually read what was written, I mean who actually goes back and double checks right?

Now if you had some integrity, you'd actually apologize for the fact that your "over-read" what I wrote and made assumptions.

Edited by Cyninja.2954
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8 minutes ago, Gop.8713 said:

I don't need the apology, owning you is enough ; )

So you admit you merely read part of the discussion, then decided to make false claims and assumptions around your lack of understanding. Then to be pathetic to even owe up to that. Got it.

I feel very owned.

Edited by Cyninja.2954
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