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What is the reason most GW2 PvPrs are such kittenheads?

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In this 3v3 mini season the solo queue is pretty rough due to a simple reason that includes normal 5v5 too: 80% of GW2 PvP player base are either trolls, too temperamental and/or they are just joining for the rewards they get even if they lose all matches.

I've played PvP here for over 3 months and I'm still having issues to score a 5 battles consecutive streak where there was no smack-talk on chat nor anyone going AFK or deliberately make their team lose.

Everyone here suffered this several times and its like a "normal" tip to close chat while randoming teams. "I'm better than u, ur not doin s***!", "they got VPN lag rigged match gg. afk.", "Happy grind! (15 secs later) useless team, gg.", "ur class is overpowered, gg, afk.", etc. before the first minute of match time but after the first initial teamfight. Seriously? The reason this happens in other games varies; in League of Legends for example, the majority of mass of players where this happens are very young, like 13 years old average, if not teenagers who don't understand the concept of "sportsmanship". In Call of Duty there's a large disrespect to new players who are easy to shoot down; but what is the reason here in GW2?

In PvP games where this is prone to happen, the problem isn't the player themselves, but the developer company that does nothing to avoid it. In DotA2 for example: the game has a behavior system where you get a rating that gets hit everytime they report you for AFKing, insulting, etc. if that rating is a given period goes too low, they force you out of ranked play and have to play several useless matches as penalty, to the point it actually causes most of these type of players to try to avoid misbehaving and not to get the penalty.
But here in GW2 players reports seem to be gathered like sand in a beach and only when the beach overcomes the ocean, then they might review a few cases. Other PvP games, even some not PvP dedicated, improved greatly this issue by simply give the players suspected of bad behavior to other players, who are giving the full chat and stats, and even the match's replay to decide the fate of said player which might be from a small loss of points up to a couple weeks ban.

The problem of the report system is that it is considered useless, to the point the people reports other players barely "with hope" other than making justice. And then, even if you permanently ban 50% of GW2 PvP (making the player pool insufficient to run a decent PvP mode), there will still be idiots who troll, insult and do whatever they want in a match instead of go defeat the enemy team. This are main reasons why the GW2 PvP has so many issues regardless of in-game balance.

Is it seriously too much to ask for a formal review on the report system so that continuously reported players actually get sanctioned, somehow? Because no punishment leads to bad behavior itself, and at this point the game is already plagued with so many idiots ruining everyone's else matches that it is almost unplayable for player who don't have a formal PvP team set up, and this is the reason why the PvP pool keeps being too small.

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It's kind of embarrassing the amount of forum posts asking Anet to swiftly respond to reports. Realistically, it most likely will  never happen. Heck, you can't even post pictures/proof of other players abusing you/your team on the forums otherwise YOU will get a warning/ban yourself. It's very lousy on Anets part. Can't blame them though. No reason to invest any kind of money/time into pvp with such an abysmal player population. You could go 5+ games in a row with the same people just shuffled into different teams every match. 


PvP itself isn't worth investing time into if your goal is to climb the ranks. Though, It's a great place to learn classes, mechanics, kiting and positioning. And you can take that knowledge into wvw. As for climbing itself... the higher you go the more likely you're to encounter win trading, toxic players & uneven matches(2 top 10 duo queue players against a team of gold 2 and gold 3 players)


There is just so much that needs work in pvp, and Anet just doesn't see the value in putting in that work. Unfortunate.

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There could be some hope with the recent PVP reward changes and bigger PVP updates coming up that anet will finally focus more on PVP. Or it is just smoke and they leave it be. Lets hope for the better

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Some people haven't come to terms with their own mediocrity and try to make their tantrums everyone else's problem. 

6 hours ago, Zekent.3652 said:

Don't close the chat, just block them, you'll end up blocking all of the toxic trashtalkers eventually.

Zekent is correct though.  It's a finite number of them. A surprising amount of people are chill.

Edited by Azure The Heartless.3261
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8 hours ago, DanAlcedo.3281 said:

You need a level of self hatred to play Gw2 PvP. 

And miserable people tend to be toxic. 

Takes me about 3 games of ranked sPvP to remember the reason why I quit fully.

Edited by ConorRhysT.3819
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On 6/26/2024 at 7:21 PM, Quab.4106 said:

In this 3v3 mini season the solo queue is pretty rough due to a simple reason that includes normal 5v5 too: 80% of GW2 PvP player base are either trolls, too temperamental and/or they are just joining for the rewards they get even if they lose all matches.

I've played PvP here for over 3 months and I'm still having issues to score a 5 battles consecutive streak where there was no smack-talk on chat nor anyone going AFK or deliberately make their team lose.

Everyone here suffered this several times and its like a "normal" tip to close chat while randoming teams. "I'm better than u, ur not doin s***!", "they got VPN lag rigged match gg. afk.", "Happy grind! (15 secs later) useless team, gg.", "ur class is overpowered, gg, afk.", etc. before the first minute of match time but after the first initial teamfight. Seriously? The reason this happens in other games varies; in League of Legends for example, the majority of mass of players where this happens are very young, like 13 years old average, if not teenagers who don't understand the concept of "sportsmanship". In Call of Duty there's a large disrespect to new players who are easy to shoot down; but what is the reason here in GW2?

In PvP games where this is prone to happen, the problem isn't the player themselves, but the developer company that does nothing to avoid it. In DotA2 for example: the game has a behavior system where you get a rating that gets hit everytime they report you for AFKing, insulting, etc. if that rating is a given period goes too low, they force you out of ranked play and have to play several useless matches as penalty, to the point it actually causes most of these type of players to try to avoid misbehaving and not to get the penalty.
But here in GW2 players reports seem to be gathered like sand in a beach and only when the beach overcomes the ocean, then they might review a few cases. Other PvP games, even some not PvP dedicated, improved greatly this issue by simply give the players suspected of bad behavior to other players, who are giving the full chat and stats, and even the match's replay to decide the fate of said player which might be from a small loss of points up to a couple weeks ban.

The problem of the report system is that it is considered useless, to the point the people reports other players barely "with hope" other than making justice. And then, even if you permanently ban 50% of GW2 PvP (making the player pool insufficient to run a decent PvP mode), there will still be idiots who troll, insult and do whatever they want in a match instead of go defeat the enemy team. This are main reasons why the GW2 PvP has so many issues regardless of in-game balance.

Is it seriously too much to ask for a formal review on the report system so that continuously reported players actually get sanctioned, somehow? Because no punishment leads to bad behavior itself, and at this point the game is already plagued with so many idiots ruining everyone's else matches that it is almost unplayable for player who don't have a formal PvP team set up, and this is the reason why the PvP pool keeps being too small.

 It's highly competitive. 

 All competitive online games have the same problems. 


Immature, salty and inexperienced players from 12-26. 

There is very little room to get better at your own pace. As the pvp community shrinks, the newby is put up against hardened vets.


It's not easy to get into because there are so many factors to personal success and a win. And a player could have done everything perfect but the team can't perform and the player loses rank points.

How is that fair? There is no way to balance the point gain or loss. There are just too many factors..

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On 6/27/2024 at 4:10 PM, Terrorhuz.4695 said:

Every time a daredevil backstabs me I broadcast a racial slur in map chat.

You don't need slurs, you just call them kittening thief main, I don't think there something worse you can be then that, maybe mesmer but only when Anet has some grand mechanic/balance idea.

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4 hours ago, EnderzShadow.2506 said:

 All competitive online games have the same problems. 

Specifically competitive online team games have the same problems.

Human psychology always wants to blame someone else. It's easier to say "my team sucks" than "I suck". 

You never see the same toxicity in 1v1 games like fighting games, RTS, TCG, etc. If you lose, it's a clear and humbling experience. You have no one to blame but yourself.

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13 minutes ago, coro.3176 said:

you never see the same toxicity in 1v1 games like fighting games, RTS, TCG, etc. If you lose, it's a clear and humbling experience. You have no one to blame but yourself.


Nah we do that kitten too in fighting games

People complain all the time about the matchup or why your character is broken while their whole strategy is spamming the most busted weasely tripe imaginable, just like here.  TCG and RTS have their blameshifters too.

Never underestimate a person's ability to make excuses for losses

Edited by Azure The Heartless.3261
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Zero community moderation.

That and the game's perpetual meta just being a rotation of impossibly overtuned cheese builds that even a lobotomized monkey could pilot to victory. Cater to that demographic for the better part of a decade and of course the community's going to be scraping the bottom of the barrel, because pretty much anyone with any dignity or sportsmanship left already.

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19 hours ago, Azure The Heartless.3261 said:


Nah we do that kitten too in fighting games

People complain all the time about the matchup or why your character is broken while their whole strategy is spamming the most busted weasely tripe imaginable, just like here.  TCG and RTS have their blameshifters too.

Never underestimate a person's ability to make excuses for losses


ScrubQuotes twitter account exists and it’s a treasure

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Might aswell be honest, what makes me vocally toxic:


1: Players who join a team based game, and then make no effort to play as a team. I will call you out at a selfish prick if you walk past a downed team mate, chasing a kill, rather than helping peel/res. There are many other examples of players who are treating sPVP as their personal 1v1 battle ground, and you will get a reminder of your main character syndrome. Anet have not baned me for ages now, I guess they realised im doing gods work here 😜 


2: Toxic specs, anet make them, but players choose to play them, like toxic designs, low effort rates, low risk, etc. The type of players who played condi cata, SLB when it was broken, axe thief, DH, SPB, etc. Youre well within your rights to play these things when they are fotm overperforming (you were nowhere to be seen before that), and im well within my rights to say something about it. On the flip side, people continually say things about my core rev spec, which is fine, thats their opinion, just throw some mud back and see what sticks, not as if its hard to pick the toxicity out in any given spec, its gw2.


Basically the MMR is too wide due to a low playerbase (wonder why), which exposes most of us to no1, creating toxic players like me. With a more strict MMR, players who don't team work would fall into silver, so they would be avoided by climbing ranks through team work, meaning youre surrounded by like minded team players. Losing is not a problem to me if we lost as a team, being outplayed from similar skilled players is absolutely fine, so long as their spec is not bloated af, giving mechanical advantedges, which dilutes skill based encoutners, see no2.

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GW2 PvP is a game of shallow, esoteric, binary actions which more or less work toward the monopolization of fun.  If someone is winning in PVP, then based on GW2's baseline design, that generally means that the other team isn't doing anything engaging.  Losing never feels good because the game makes you feel like you were cheated out of a win.  Winning doesn't feel good because, due to how much builds decide matchups over player "skill," if a team wins, it's more like a case of the machine engine didn't malfunction rather than a natural sense of victory.

If you don't win, you're mad.  If you win, then that should've happened anyway so there's no good feeling in it.  This is the design of GW2 PvP, and it only continued trending toward this state since launch.  The game just doesn't have enough depth for role identity and player expression.

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GW2 PvP is one of the least toxic PvP environments imo. It has gotten worse overtime due to a raised skill floor caused by things like an increase in specializations and weapons which makes it harder to have an effective build and to know how to fight effective builds. The duo queue format of ranked and the small population do nothing to foster positive connections in games. Way back in the Free Tournament days you'd queue up (1-5 players) get on a team, then if you won you stayed together for the next match. If someone left, you just got someone new. Then if you won again you went to the next match. If you won that 3rd match you got better rewards which you could use to enter into Paid Tournaments that were more competitive and had better rewards. This system actively encouraged participation and fostered connection because you wanted to play with the better people because more wins = more rewards. With the current system its all just one offs. Win or lose your rating is affected and that is all that matters. I have little reason to interact with my teammates because next round they might not even be on the same team let alone in the same game.

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