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Legendary starter kit killed the game for me

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14 hours ago, Runa.2163 said:

Many of you seem to be missing the point entirely that the legendary starter kit will be the first indtroduction to legendaries for most new players in this game now. I probably wasn't the first nor will I be the last person to run into this through the starter kit. Your perspective as a player since launch or whatever is wholly irrelevant to the experience of a new player running into this and there is no important information whatsoever attached to the starter kits.

By all means choose to kitten on people in your desperation to defend the game, instead of actually trying to make it a better one. I'm sure that'll work out wonders.

New players will not be able to buy the other stuff needed for legendary anyway. By the time they managed to obtain the resources (or gold for it), they'd be already at the point where they should know enough to check requirements for the legendary. Especially since they are now shown in an ingame collection that would trigger upon opening the starter kit.

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Posted (edited)
40 minutes ago, RoseofGilead.8907 said:

You already have options that don't require using the TP.

We must have more , now that the majority insisting that you should buy it from the TP , or we dont need .

One more option shouldnt hurt , like from Astrals Points (exept some people pockets might get hurt )

Edited by Killthehealersffs.8940
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Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, Killthehealersffs.8940 said:

We must have more , now that the majority insisting that you should buy it from the TP , or we dont need .

How is anything about that "reasoninig" supposed to make sense?
If anything, it proves there's already an option to do whatever you want and get it by using gold, but you're still here trying to claim "you have to do x". No, you don't -and yet you're still not using the alternative.

Edited by Sobx.1758
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4 hours ago, TIM.3064 said:

Starter kits only give stuff for gen 1 trade-ables which were already going down in value due to supply going up and farming, albeit a lot slower. Nothing stopping you from getting expansion legendary items unless you don't actually own the expansions.

The Gen 1 legendary weapons are on par with or slightly higher  than the Gen 3 when it comes to TP prices. Only when they started with the legendary start packs did some of them go down in price, namely the ones that have featured in the starter pack. It's the Gen 3 ones that have dropped a lot in price.

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Posted (edited)

Map completion sucks (finished my 2nd one yesterday) but it should be noted that you get 2 gifts and thus will be set for 2 legendaries. The kits also do remove some annoying aspects of making legendaries that should not be understated such as not needing icy runestones, This alone already saves more gold compared to the Astral Acclaim used to get it assuming you bought out the other good stuff in the wizard's vault. 

Nor do you have to worry about dungeon currency or lodestones.

Of course, even if you still don't want to, kit legendaries are all cheaper on the TP for good reason.

Edited by ArchonWing.9480
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I loved to work on World Completion on my main character but I never liked to redo this on alt characters. Because the Legendary starter kits do not cover the Gift of Exploration, I have not used mine yet. They do have resulted in lowering the price of legendary items at the trading post. Which is a good thing because I sometimes buy them from there.

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17 hours ago, Gehenna.3625 said:

The Gen 1 legendary weapons are on par with or slightly higher  than the Gen 3 when it comes to TP prices. Only when they started with the legendary start packs did some of them go down in price, namely the ones that have featured in the starter pack. It's the Gen 3 ones that have dropped a lot in price.

Yes, they are on par with gen3. Now. They were significantly cheaper before SotO however (even dipping below 1k, when gen 3 was going around 1300-1400)

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2 hours ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

Yes, they are on par with gen3. Now. They were significantly cheaper before SotO however (even dipping below 1k, when gen 3 was going around 1300-1400)

That should be pretty easy to prove.

Can you list a few ones that dropped below 1k using something like Gw2bltc ?

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Posted (edited)
2 hours ago, ArchonWing.9480 said:

That should be pretty easy to prove.

Can you list a few ones that dropped below 1k using something like Gw2bltc ?

I'm convinced he meant "below 2k, when gen 3 was around 2,3-2,4k" and with that in mind I'm also convinced the point he's making is correct.


e: ...guess not, apparently he's talking about crafting prices despite the post he quoted there said "when it comes to TP prices".

Edited by Sobx.1758
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Posted (edited)
2 hours ago, ArchonWing.9480 said:

That should be pretty easy to prove.

Can you list a few ones that dropped below 1k using something like Gw2bltc ?

No, because i was not talking about TP prices (that can be checked on btlc) but their cost from gw2efficiency, which is based on crafting. Straight out buying them from TP was always the worst choice, with crafting being considerably cheaper. That's true for both gen 1 and gen3, btw.

Unfortunately, i don;t think efficiency has a history for those prices. Maybe there's something like that on other sites, but if so i am unaware of it.

I was making some legendaries shortly before SotO, so i remember in general the price ranges then. It was around 900-1100 for gen1 (excluding Eternity, of course), ~1300-1400 for gen3 and somewhere around1700 for gen2 (i think, those i remember the least, because i wasn't interested in gen2 skins at that point, and i dismissed them immediately as being significantly more costly than other options).

Edit: shortly after SotO appeared, the prices for all 3 generations went up significantly, and while they fell down since, they're still far from pre-SotO levels. I guess that's mostly due to ecto and Mystic Coins price impact.

Edited by Astralporing.1957
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13 minutes ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

No, because i was not talking about TP prices (that can be checked on btlc) but their cost from gw2efficiency, which is based on crafting. Straight out buying them from TP was always the worst choice, with crafting being considerably cheaper. That's true for both gen 1 and gen3, btw.


Oh ok, that's just cost vs price I suppose.

Usually the difference doesn't matter because the prices follow the crafting cost-- the cost of the account bound stuff is typically factored in.

But anyhow that makes more sense.


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On 6/30/2024 at 9:32 AM, Randulf.7614 said:

Legendaries were originally designed as a token to show your mastery of multiple areas of the game. They've already streamlined things and made them trivial, I don't think the gift - one of the few remaining reasons to revisit core maps - should be removed. It's literally removing playing the game from an end game reward.

I'm not a big fan of them giving away the precursor and mastery gifts in the vault as it is. That was a cheap move and made crafting precursors redundant and left yet another system by the wayside instead of building on it like they claim they are doing with systems. I don't want to see further trivilisation. They're meant to take months to get and core map completion fits that

"in my day" we didn't even have reliable ways to farm T6 mats. No laurels, no map rewards. Just lucky drops - same for the precursor


I bang out map completes while I'm watching Netflix because it's not hard, just a bit of time - be grateful you missed the days of no kit AND all the the wvw maps being included in map completion because once again: 

On 6/30/2024 at 9:32 AM, Randulf.7614 said:

Legendaries were originally designed as a token to show your mastery of multiple areas of the game.

The only weapon skins in the game still even worthy of the title 'legendary' are gen 2 because they are the only ones left that require a dedicated effort specifically to acquire them. I don't know how much more first gen legendaries can even be watered down (recently found out you don't even need dungeon completion anymore, wait what!?) and still considered special but if both travelling through Tyria, which would get you really close to a free map completion OR actively playing the game, which would reimburse you all the fake money you're upset about, don't sound like things you want to do... then I think you might need to reevaluate what game you've decided on because moving an avatar/playing the content is all there is to do 🤨

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16 minutes ago, Obnoxa.6702 said:


I bang out map completes while I'm watching Netflix because it's not hard, just a bit of time - be grateful you missed the days of no kit AND all the the wvw maps being included in map completion because once again: 

The only weapon skins in the game still even worthy of the title 'legendary' are gen 2 because they are the only ones left that require a dedicated effort specifically to acquire them. I don't know how much more first gen legendaries can even be watered down (recently found out you don't even need dungeon completion anymore, wait what!?) and still considered special but if both travelling through Tyria, which would get you really close to a free map completion OR actively playing the game, which would reimburse you all the fake money you're upset about, don't sound like things you want to do... then I think you might need to reevaluate what game you've decided on because moving an avatar/playing the content is all there is to do 🤨

Ah yes, I had blocked out WvW map completion. And WvW jumping puzzle farming for the gift of battle, hoping not be ganked by pvpers who legitimately had a reason to go after you

Happy days. 

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Posted (edited)
On 6/30/2024 at 10:22 PM, Runa.2163 said:

Your perspective as a player since launch or whatever is wholly irrelevant to the experience of a new player running into this and there is no important information whatsoever attached to the starter kits.

But somehow your perspective, which is riddled with factual errors and at best speculation, is.

Press F to doubt.

Press F to warn other new players to doubt.

Edited by ArchonWing.9480
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On 7/1/2024 at 6:22 AM, Runa.2163 said:

Many of you seem to be missing the point entirely that the legendary starter kit will be the first indtroduction to legendaries for most new players in this game now. I probably wasn't the first nor will I be the last person to run into this through the starter kit. Your perspective as a player since launch or whatever is wholly irrelevant to the experience of a new player running into this and there is no important information whatsoever attached to the starter kits.

By all means choose to kitten on people in your desperation to defend the game, instead of actually trying to make it a better one. I'm sure that'll work out wonders.

Surely a new players wouldn't be going for a legendary? By the time they are ready to make one or have the mats for one, they are long past the point of being new. These are the very end game items, aimed as long term goals. If they are meant to be easy to obtain for new players, then they should not be legendary. There are plenty of other tiers for new players. Legendary is certainly not aimed at them - even with the dubious shortcut provided by the starter kit. If you then take out the gift of exploration via map completion and don't replace it with an equally long task, then the reward should ultmately be ascended or exotic.

We were all new players once. We all had to work towards Legendaries if we wanted one or settled for exotic or ascended (the latter being identical in stats to legendary). IIt's a long term goal, not a new player reward

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7 minutes ago, Randulf.7614 said:

...then the reward should ultmately be ascended or exotic.

We were all new players once. We all had to work towards Legendaries if we wanted one or settled for exotic or ascended (the latter being identical in stats to legendary). 

And - let's be fair - you can also pick up ascended weapons and armor in the Astral Vault, along with those starter kits.  Not to mention, a fair amount of gold.

I appreciate the "I started this in a happy glow only to be brought up short by the grind time still left," because I had that moment myself with the legendary armor.  (Not in the complaining about it sense, in the sense that I thought I was closer than I was until I unpacked the full "X to make Y" requirements.)  I get even having a rage-quite moment and wandering on to other things until the task seems less daunting.  In the end, though, legendries always required out-of-game research.  For that matter, there's a fair amount of other content that regularly requires out-of-game research.  You're going to want to remember this lesson if you ever embark on the LS missions.

Heck, I remember threads about the required out-of-game Wiki research required for basic play... what, couple of years back?  When certain of us were remembering the old "buy the guide book in the bookstore" days of gaming.

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On 6/30/2024 at 3:20 PM, Randulf.7614 said:

Just to clear this bit up. Hearts were brought back to the game by popular demand and request from S3E2 and have been used from season 3 until EoD. Soto dropped them for reasons unknown, prob because they didn’t fit or the massively reduced resources meant they didn’t have time to make them. We do not know it was a popularity reason 

Some people don’t like them it is true, but it’s not factually true that they are one of the worst parts of the game

The one-and-dones are fine, it's the ones you have to re-do to unlock the NPCs as a vendor again that can be annoying. Sometimes that specific karma vendor is the only one that has X thing you need. Even so they're not that bad, but they do have their quirks.

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Is those a troll post? Cmon no way this is real...


Where's Ashton Cutcher at? Are we being punk'd....


Bro you think map complete is mad, don't read the archives of what it Washoe before mounts made it trvial....hahahaha. oh my goodness....no way this is legit!

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45 minutes ago, Wolfofdivinity.6251 said:

Is those a troll post? Cmon no way this is real...


Where's Ashton Cutcher at? Are we being punk'd....


Bro you think map complete is mad, don't read the archives of what it Washoe before mounts made it trvial....hahahaha. oh my goodness....no way this is legit!

Bloodtide Coast/Sparkfly Fen/Straights pre-skimmer? Yep, just the memory is making my jaw clench... just a little bit 😆

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Posted (edited)
21 hours ago, Eloc Freidon.5692 said:

Imagine people complaining about completing maps in an RPG where exploration is a key part of the game.

It's not even that. It's complaining about having to read at all.

And that is why people should stay in school. Otherwise they could be down 1000 Astral Acclaim. Or bet the whole farm on a legendary weapon (why do people do this?)

Edited by ArchonWing.9480
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