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So 5 min in a chair and you are in character select now?

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On 7/21/2024 at 11:12 AM, Sobx.1758 said:

If getting to the stove and back takes you 5 minutes or more, tell your buttler to press a key every now and then -or better yet, tell your cook to stop forgetting turning it off.
Also I see we're back to the "afking during events is ok because I wanted to do something else while the other players complete the events to get me the rewards" excuse. If you can't play then turn the game off, go to character select or afk in a city. Alternatively, again, getting to the place where mobs don't spawn isn't really hard nor time consuming.

it's called emergencies and interruptions for a reason. players are not robots. they're human beings with stuff going on. some people don't even have their own room to play the game.

you can park in a spot you think is safe but it might actually have been cleared of mobs and they spawn back in.

you can be waiting for a meta and the map is getting full so you can't port out.

think a little broader please.

5 min is not that much 

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3 hours ago, Eloc Freidon.5692 said:

Get a chair that lets you move.

How many are there in the game? I actually got lucky from the BLC chest back then... the Jade Tech Chair that floats a bit in the air where you can move slowly. Basically I mainly get the chairs lol - when I get something special (other than that only the 4 cheap items) from the chest. Also got the Vermillion Throne.

Seems it actually is in the notes at the bottom in the wiki: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Chair

3 others besides the jade tech one. Players not knowing this might think your post was a joke. 😄

Edited by Luthan.5236
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9 hours ago, keyokku.5412 said:

it's called emergencies and interruptions for a reason. players are not robots. they're human beings with stuff going on. some people don't even have their own room to play the game.

Pressing alt+f4 will take you less than it takes for you to get up from a chair. Nobody said there are no emergencies or interruptions, the issue is how you're actively looking for an excuse to leech the rewards with no gameplay (or while not even being near your pc in the first place).

9 hours ago, keyokku.5412 said:

you can park in a spot you think is safe but it might actually have been cleared of mobs and they spawn back in.

you can be waiting for a meta and the map is getting full so you can't port out.

If you think it was a safe spot, but it wasn't then you've learned something and hopefully will be able to pick a different spot next time.

9 hours ago, keyokku.5412 said:

think a little broader please.

5 min is not that much 

I am thinking a little broader. Are you?
5 minutes is easly enough.


9 hours ago, Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:

If it's an emergency, does finding your character back in Character Select really matter? 


Exactly. It's getting ridiculous how some people attempt bringing up "emergencies" while rather clearly being preoccupied with being unable to leech rewards while being inactive (once or twice, because emergencies don't happen constantly... right?).

Edited by Sobx.1758
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1 hour ago, Sobx.1758 said:



Exactly. It's getting ridiculous how some people attempt bringing up "emergencies" while rather clearly being preoccupied with being unable to leech rewards while being inactive (once or twice, because emergencies don't happen constantly... right?).

and yet despite all this, there is still a big pile of engi turrets in istan, and heralds still leeching at pinata bumping out boons, except now they autorun into a pile of crates instead of just standing there...


but don't you dare sit in a chair or do a tonic dance for more than 5 minutes withou any additional input....

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6 minutes ago, preacher.9370 said:

and yet despite all this, there is still a big pile of engi turrets in istan

What does it have to do with anything? If someone sits at their pc, presses a key every 4-or-so minutes and respawns turrets, the system obviously won't boot them out because they're still pressing their keys. What is this whataboutism supposed to change about anything said here?

6 minutes ago, preacher.9370 said:

except now they autorun into a pile of crates instead of just standing there...

Doer autorun do anything against this newly implemented change? Because technically it's not an input, so it shouldn't. Also running into crates/walls isn't new, people did it for years now (which doesn't make it fine, but it means it's not necessarily done to counteract the recently implemented change).

Edited by Sobx.1758
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so that is perfectly ok with you? suppose you're fine with piles of reapers auto spamming gs4 then also. You can go in that area any time of any day and find a pile of minimum height asuran engis hiding in their turret nest, short enough you can't hardly pick them out from the turrets to target and report them

And for the fun of it, lets play say you're multibox leeching without saying you're multibox leeching


the autorunning is to fullfill the "move or use a skill" in x amount of seconds or you'll be kicked, since the character is technically moving from what I see. From what it sounds like heralds pumping boons with no other input will trigger that warning after 5 minutes, hence the auto run now. most of the auto runner bots I ever saw was engis with mech and MM necros, letting the minions and mech do all the work while they just stand there running into a wall to avoid the auto kick for lack of movement or skill use.

people still doing that stuff, but again, gods forbid someone sit in a chair or do a tonic dance while standing around waiting for something, because somehow those are part of the problem I guess🤷‍♂️. i mean, there's just SO much you can go do (sarcasm) during AB after the wave event at the gates for like 10 minutes.... or just stand there and stare at the wall in TD for 10-11 minutes if you're on a cacheless map. i mean, how much can you really afk farm in a chair? or a dance tonic unless you're on MM necro or mech/turret engi? that seems quite broad and heavy handed to include noncombat items like chairs and choya tonics in something meant to combat the botting, or its an unintended side effect. In all the times I've done map completion across all maps, never have I once come across a bot using a chair or choya/similar tonic.


if anything, I would think Anet just shot themselves in the foot with this and killed future chair sales.

Edited by preacher.9370
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30 minutes ago, preacher.9370 said:


so that is perfectly ok with you? suppose you're fine with piles of reapers auto spamming gs4 then also. You can go in that area any time of any day and find a pile of minimum height asuran engis hiding in their turret nest, short enough you can't hardly pick them out from the turrets to target and report them

What does it have to do with anything? If someone sits at their pc, presses a key every 4-or-so minutes and respawns turrets, the system obviously won't boot them out because they're still pressing their keys. What is this whataboutism supposed to change about anything said here? 

At no point I said I'm ok with people afk farming, but at the same time you don't actually know they're afk farming. Why can't you respond the question you're quoting? How did you convince yourself that I somehow don't believe engies farm with turrets or reapers autospam gs4? Because I can't work it out why you decided to quote what I said and then... respond with pasting that screenshot. You think I should be ok with someone leeching events because other cases of possibly unwanted gameplay patterns exist? All you can get from me here is that yes, I think anet should also target botters -and that's if those players are actually botting/macroing- but somehow I don't think that's the point you're trying to make here. I think the point you're trying to make here is: "these guys do something they shouldn't be doing, so why can't I leech the events??".
This is why I called what you're doing here whataboutism: "what I'm doing is ok, because another issue exists!!".

Not to mention that for some reason you quoted my post responding to someone talking about (apparently constant) "emergencies" as justification for leeching and then started responding with... "but chair!".   Well, use chairs where the mobs don't spawn. You should be doing that if you don't want to come back to a dead character anyways.

30 minutes ago, preacher.9370 said:

And for the fun of it, lets play say you're multibox leeching without saying you're multibox leeching


Again, what point are you trying to go for here? That there should be more systems targetting unwanted ingame behavior (like gms manually checking those players' responsiveness more often)? Sure, why not. What do you propose? Keep in mind that -while I'm not doing it- pretty sure multiboxing isn't against the rules. At least it wasn't when there was another thread about it.

30 minutes ago, preacher.9370 said:

the autorunning is to fullfill the "move or use a skill" in x amount of seconds or you'll be kicked, since the character is technically moving from what I see.


Are you sure that's how it works or this is just something you suspect? Because the patch notes say this: "the time remaining before a player who has not manually moved their character or performed any skill inputs". As far as I'm aware, slapping "autorun" is not "manually moving" the character. So did you check how it works? Because I didn't, but it doesn't sound you're correct, according to what the patchnotes said.

The rest of your post is, once again, just nothing more than whataboutism.

Edited by Sobx.1758
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9 hours ago, Luthan.5236 said:

How many are there in the game? I actually got lucky from the BLC chest back then... the Jade Tech Chair that floats a bit in the air where you can move slowly. Basically I mainly get the chairs lol - when I get something special (other than that only the 4 cheap items) from the chest. Also got the Vermillion Throne.

Seems it actually is in the notes at the bottom in the wiki: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Chair

3 others besides the jade tech one. Players not knowing this might think your post was a joke. 😄

The Inquest chair (also a glider) I think was the first one. Followed by the cloud chair/glider from the BL Statuettes. There are a lot of chairs that looks like they could move, like the lily you meditate over, but isn't. Any chair that doesn't look stationary should have the feature of moving.

Based on the thanks/laugh emojis, I think the joke came across just fine.

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Is anyone sure they're NOT running a macro? go in there and /say frelling botters and get 0-2 responses from that entire pile. Iron marches near the wall, 8 seperate toons spaced out along the south side of the wall farming ghosts, all with similar account names clearly botting, there many days when i get up in that area for iron, zero replies from any. those 4 heralds in the screenshot (pretty sure a 5th), prior to this update would stand there and pump boons to get credit and never move. haven't kept an eye on them since the update.


to answer your question, make it so it removes any doubt whether or not they press a button every 4 minutes or if they're straight up botting with macro. How? IDK. above my paygrade.


I'll test the autorun myself when i get home


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22 minutes ago, preacher.9370 said:

Is anyone sure they're NOT running a macro? go in there and /say frelling botters and get 0-2 responses from that entire pile.

That's the point, the only people they're obligated to respond to are gms, which is exactly why I wrote: "Again, what point are you trying to go for here? That there should be more systems targetting unwanted ingame behavior (like gms manually checking those players' responsiveness more often)? Sure, why not. What do you propose?". I have no doubt at least some of them macro, but -again- what does this change about anything I said above?

As for pinata heralds, I don't think they'd need to press anything anyways, because they're not getting in combat before pinata spawns and then... they're still not getting in combat, because they deal no damage and neither does the pinata.

Edited by Sobx.1758
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The key thing is that Anet have made a change to help address bot farming which is something many people have asked for. So those few who are not happy with the change will have to live with it.

Macros will allow botters to get around it but that might also be part of the plan. If Anet can log the key presses for suspect accounts they are monitoring and hence detect patterns which look like macros then that gives them clear evidence of something against the T&C.

So this change is forcing AFK botters to escalate their actions into something Anet can more easily identify as being ban worthy.


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5 hours ago, Sobx.1758 said:

As for pinata heralds, I don't think they'd need to press anything anyways, because they're not getting in combat before pinata spawns and then... they're still not getting in combat, because they deal no damage and neither does the pinata.

And people have been banned before for being AFK on heralds to mooch rewards from events, including pinata. Just report them and let Anet handle it, lmao.

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Well, guess people are wrong, stood around about 10 minutes on a herald with boons going, and no kick message, unless it happens when applying boons to others, idk. I tried in an empty spot. Didn't bother trying auto run into a wall.


Back to the original theme of this post, I was merely attempting to point out that there are still multibox leeches, afkers and botters still seem to be doing their thing, while those of us who do not do that, can't simply sit in a chair or do a choya dance while staring at walls, gates, etc waiting for stuff to happen, without getting kicked after 5 minutes, but can still stand around for however long (way more than 5 minutes) staring at gates, walls, etc in normal toon form without issue.


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AFK farmers use bot or macros to farm. Too lazy to manually farm.

Anet uses automation to check for AFK farmers/botter. Too lazy to manually check.

They have something in common 😆

Edited by EzyQzy.8620
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On 7/16/2024 at 6:09 PM, Marxx.5021 said:

Ok, seems it is only to prevent AFK farming.

So... you didn't try this chair thing and get kicked after 5 minutes, then come to the forum to complain, you just posted a "rage post" about it first?

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On 7/22/2024 at 10:38 PM, keyokku.5412 said:

5 min is not that much 

Nor is missing a single event. An emergency is a rare thing as full maps that you cannot log back into can be. So it is a rare occurance that in turn rarely causes an impact which is in turn rarely consequential. Rarely to the third power impactful.

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5 hours ago, Draygo.9473 said:

I suspect characters are falling in and out of combat which probably restarts the timer.

It does not. The timer starts when you enter the combat (and only then), and ends either when you move/use a skill, or 5 minutes pass and you get logged out.

It does not reset if you leave the combat, nor does it get reapplied during the combat itself. In the unlikely case of place where there's so much mobs (or other effects, like melandru shrine thorn aura) to put you in combat indefinitely, you could still move/use skill only once, and then go full afk and you would not get logged out.

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On 7/24/2024 at 6:25 AM, preacher.9370 said:

Well, guess people are wrong, stood around about 10 minutes on a herald with boons going, and no kick message, unless it happens when applying boons to others, idk. I tried in an empty spot. Didn't bother trying auto run into a wall.

Yes, I already said that system doesn't even concern heralds on pinata in the first place (as opposed to your "they need to autorun into pile of crates now" claim):

On 7/23/2024 at 8:22 PM, Sobx.1758 said:

As for pinata heralds, I don't think they'd need to press anything anyways, because they're not getting in combat before pinata spawns and then... they're still not getting in combat, because they deal no damage and neither does the pinata.


On 7/24/2024 at 6:25 AM, preacher.9370 said:

Back to the original theme of this post, I was merely attempting to point out that there are still multibox leeches, afkers and botters still seem to be doing their thing, while those of us who do not do that, can't simply sit in a chair or do a choya dance while staring at walls, gates, etc waiting for stuff to happen, without getting kicked after 5 minutes, but can still stand around for however long (way more than 5 minutes) staring at gates, walls, etc in normal toon form without issue.

Which is why I said what you're doing here is an attempt at whataboutism while quoting posts discussing people trying to afk-leech the events, to which you started talking about your choya tonic in eotn . If that's what you're flustered about then maybe consider creating a thread in a bug subforum about dancing choya tonic being affected by the newly implemented system (because it puts you in combat) when it shouldn't be?
As for the "can't sit in a chair for 5 minutes or you'll be kicked too!", you're wrong again -sitting in a chair doesn't trigger the kick related to this change. In other words, you keep arguing about something you don't understand in the first place.

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Not going to bother reading the backwards and forward arguements, but this is just to let people know that earlier today I went to Lake Doric to do the Return to season 3 stuff and there were no rangers/necromancers/revenants or engineers at the spot that you usually find them at. None at all!

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On 7/24/2024 at 11:38 PM, Andy.5981 said:

Not going to bother reading the backwards and forward arguements, but this is just to let people know that earlier today I went to Lake Doric to do the Return to season 3 stuff and there were no rangers/necromancers/revenants or engineers at the spot that you usually find them at. None at all!

Of course, but history has shown that it is temporary.  Only a real amateur would immediately resume afk farming after Anet put their anti afk measures. Some are laying low, some who got banned are regrouping and resetting, some are figuring things, observing, etc etc.  The fact that Anet can't figure out AFK farmers from BRB players means the botters have something to latch on.

And just like the last time, THEY WILL BE BACK.



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