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Legendary Armour – Increasing the appeal

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On 7/22/2024 at 8:05 AM, DarkK.7368 said:

I'm a bit tired of excuses "they cannot do it", "spaguetti code", "etc etc". They can do whatever they like, and it's just excuses. Maybe some things require more investment than others and may not be economically worth. But they can do it. For the love of god, they are not working on some super limited environment. I never worked in these types of projects, and I talk from a bit of not knowing (though I know programming and making games), but as long as the environment supports BASIC CODE (variables, conditionals, loops) then you can do WHATEVER YOU WANT. It's harder if the environment used does not make that for you automatically? Sure. But you can do whatever you want.

Specially for mixing armor types, where you can just COPYPASTE the skins, and create, for example, NEW LIGHT SKINS that visually use the same model as the heavy ones. And make these new skins only available for legendary. Or make it baseline, who knows. I'll refuse to believe they can't do it. Just they don't want, or they think it won't generate enough money for the effort.

While it is true that we should not assume ANet cannot do something due to coding issues (I was so *very* sure gliding couldn't come to core Tyria, until it did), mix-matching armor weights in skins is something the devs have outright told us the code does not allow.  It's not just copy-pasting, it's building it on a different rig, because equipping pieces from different rigs causes game breaking glitches.  They've been able to give the same look by making three different copies on new armor pieces, but note that medium still tends to get the skirt included with the top as it is on the medium rig which is designed that way.  Could they remake every single piece of armor in the game to look very similar in three weights of each?  Probably.  Should they put the rest of the game on hold in order to accomplish this massive project?  Maybe not.  It was a big design oversight in the early 2000's, or at least a failure to predict how gamer sensibilities would evolve, but we're stuck with it now.

As to the OP, I do like the idea of selectable effects (to include an option for no visual effect at all).  I don't think professions should get new hues, it's too core to the game's aesthetic (I might think differently if the Guardian spear "gold" wasn't an ugly flat yellow but actually had luminosity, translucence, and a feeling of golden light).

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I like these suggestions

PvP and WvW have the "default" apperance to not comfuse the enemy , based on the weight of their armor

And its a good RP content of the majority , creating wacky pic in the reddit


We should reduce th e grind of the mats needed for legenderies  , across different nodes (like 2 months) , so people aim to run across different modes and legendaries becomes a thing of the past (or some communitties from on part of the game m dont go in other areas (WvW-OW threads) and tell that theTHEIR HUGE GRING IS JUSTIFIABLE) .

And afterwards  procced with the phase "2" > half WvW weapons / half OW armor skins , change every expansions . Or UI where you choose 5x phase "2" skins for reduced cost (20%), and you can choose to either get the few last items from PvP or Raid .

If most stick to those 2 modes , if will be our 2 "good legs"

Edited by Killthehealersffs.8940
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Maybe the Raiding one must be increasedin cost , to increase retention .

Lets say , 8 months , for a single set if you play 2-4 hours per week ?


Edit: or dont have a problem trippling the weekly gold (up to 540) and then making raids daily , splitting the gold , so its beneficial to run each raid twice daily , while the other modes with their 2 months rewards , get disminise population

Edited by Killthehealersffs.8940
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7 hours ago, Gehenna.3625 said:

You do make me curious though: what's this item that you can get from a vendor that requires you to complete the entire game?


7 hours ago, Sobx.1758 said:

Does anything like that even exist? Because I'm not sure it does, so by your own words you shouldn't mind the current ways of legendary acquisition.

i was engaging in hyperbole, but every time i think about crafting a legendary it is never just as simple as grinding mats, there will always be something like Gift of Exploration (requires core map completion), Provisioner Tokens (daily timegated),  Hydrocatalytic Reagent (requires Research notes [crafting]) to name a few.

i'd rather just have simple ingredients listed, even if they go into the thousands, no more "complete this, do that".

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2 hours ago, Liewec.2896 said:


i was engaging in hyperbole, but every time i think about crafting a legendary it is never just as simple as grinding mats, there will always be something like Gift of Exploration (requires core map completion), Provisioner Tokens (daily timegated),  Hydrocatalytic Reagent (requires Research notes [crafting]) to name a few.

i'd rather just have simple ingredients listed, even if they go into the thousands, no more "complete this, do that".

I understand that viewpoint but disagree with it. I believe GW2 is a better game the more people actually play it and do a wide range of things - it's great that I can see other players in any zone at virtually any time. Achievements and advanced crafting items (like Legendaries) requiring people to do various things in game encourages people to play more of the game.

I also personally enjoy doing the achievements. Some are hard but there are also usually workarounds if I (rarely) reach the point where I'm ready to give up on it (eg teleport to friend to reach the end of jumping puzzles).

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7 hours ago, Mistwraithe.3106 said:

I understand that viewpoint but disagree with it. I believe GW2 is a better game the more people actually play it and do a wide range of things - it's great that I can see other players in any zone at virtually any time. Achievements and advanced crafting items (like Legendaries) requiring people to do various things in game encourages people to play more of the game.

I also personally enjoy doing the achievements. Some are hard but there are also usually workarounds if I (rarely) reach the point where I'm ready to give up on it (eg teleport to friend to reach the end of jumping puzzles).

I may be misremembering but I don't recall any of my legendaries, except the amulet, requiring me to do a wide range of content. Again, it has been a while so I may be off base on this.

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On 7/22/2024 at 6:47 PM, Astralporing.1957 said:

General cost and functionality are fine. It's narrow-locking legendary armor that always was an issue. And while Obsidian set was finally released for OW, it is still suffering from the same issue. They really should have spread it more over GW2 OW content, instead of locking it behind a single expansion so strongly.

It might have been different had SotO was a good expansion (or at least a decent one), but unfortunately it wasn't.

Last time that happened players complained that they started a collection not knowing it required stuff from an expansion they didn’t like, because it started in core Tyria.  Its a catch 22. Not having it in the expansion devalues the expansion.  Putting it in Core Tyria but requiring expansion access gets called a bait and switch.  

This is the world we live in now. 

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8 hours ago, Ashen.2907 said:

I may be misremembering but I don't recall any of my legendaries, except the amulet, requiring me to do a wide range of content. Again, it has been a while so I may be off base on this.

Legendaries do tend to require quite a few currencies (including dungeon tokens for the gen1 legendaries, HoT/PoF/EoD map currencies and so on), things you get from metas (chak eggs for example), Gift of Battle and either Gifts of Exploration, or the expansion equivalent so they do require quite a bit of play across the expansions and game.

Of course, the Tyrian Exchange Vouchers you can get from festivals allows people to skip a lot of that.

People might also have a lot of those already in their wallets before they even think about crafting Legendaries.

Edited by Pifil.5193
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People asked for legendary OW armour, saying they did not care for the cost in materials/time/grind, they were just that desperate to have an alternative to raids, wvw and pvp. 

Though the utility of legendary armor was not your reasoning for crafting it, it still stands the main reason to have legendary items. If it doesn't suit players needs or wants then why do they need to be encouraged to obtain it? It's a choice item for convenience.

Sounds like you are basically dissatisfied with the current style and design of the armor even though it was clearly shown what you'd get. There's no harm in asking for more cosmetic affects in game but doesn't mean we need to tie it to legendary armor under thr premise of making it more appealing to others, you just want to have these features added. Also does it necessarily need to be implemented to legendary armour? Could it be a separate item that achieves the desired result?

I think legendary armor is fine as is and will appeal to those who really want it.

Edited by Dibit.6259
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18 hours ago, Liewec.2896 said:


i was engaging in hyperbole, but every time i think about crafting a legendary it is never just as simple as grinding mats, there will always be something like Gift of Exploration (requires core map completion), Provisioner Tokens (daily timegated),  Hydrocatalytic Reagent (requires Research notes [crafting]) to name a few.

i'd rather just have simple ingredients listed, even if they go into the thousands, no more "complete this, do that".

Ah too bad, I thought I was going to learn about something new. Simple is not a legendary effort though, it's already pretty much a legendary grind. 

I prefer there to be a"complete this, do that" parts to it. There's enough grind that's part of it already. More grind would just bore the crap out of me. Well, we all have our own opinion of course

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Unlike the OP, I never needed new, flashy stuff to encourage me to get legendaries. When I first started the game, I didn't bother with leggys because they seemed like way too much effort for stuff that could only be equipped on one alt. It wasn't until the Legendary Armory was first announced that I started paying attention to leggys. At this point I've got a full set of leggy weapons, all three sets of leggy armor, and all the leggy accessories, including sigils and runes, except for Aurora and Vision. I haven't bothered with the last two simply because the collections just seem like too much bother and the LS 3/LS 4 ascended trinkets are so easy to get, that the bother doesn't seem worth it. And, speaking only for myself, adding flashy infusions or whatever to Aurora & Vision wouldn't make the bother worth it either.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Allowing legendary armor to skin it to individual pieces from outfits you own would be super cool.  Maybe not all pieces would be available since there are some particular parts of outfits that wouldn't make sense with other custom parts but there are alot of peices that could be used to mix and match with regular armor skins

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43 minutes ago, MiguelLionheart.1589 said:

Allowing legendary armor to skin it to individual pieces from outfits you own would be super cool.  Maybe not all pieces would be available since there are some particular parts of outfits that wouldn't make sense with other custom parts but there are alot of peices that could be used to mix and match with regular armor skins

Except outfits aren't designed in seperate pieces but as one piece. So breaking them up into separate pieces isn't possible without redesigning the outfit.

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On 7/22/2024 at 3:34 AM, khemkitty.7942 said:

When legendary armour was available for PvE I was a first excited by the prospect however when I realized the cost of completing a full set of armour my interest diminished significantly.  

I like some of your suggestions, but I'm curious - what else is there to do if they don't make the cost in 'time' or 'gold' significant?  Because legendary is the 'end-game' for many solo players, I wish it would take significantly longer!  I get that some people wouldn't like that, but I quickly run out of things to chase. 😞

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On 7/22/2024 at 8:39 AM, DarkK.7368 said:

Classes are already 9999999% muddled with outfits and with shop skins that ignore weight, a heavy armor dude with bikini. That's also an old complain that doesn't let the game advance. I find negative that combining armor weights is taking so long to be a reality.

I agree that visual clutter could be reduced, infusions and so, but maybe better some configuration that lets you hide in a percentage the infusions, but let the others see their own infusions. I would make also infusion visible in PVP again, and if anyone is mad at that, that person can disable it with the new option 

What that person is complaining about is a non issue.  All PvP game modes have standardized character model options that remove the custom appearance of enemies for them to be the generic outfit related to their class.

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