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After losing t3 stuff with no siege in sight, can we get fixes for that?

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18 hours ago, misterman.1530 said:

However, I think a better solution, and one I've suggested in the past, is to make the Lord and guards inside the objective totally invulnerable if no wall or gate is down.  All Anet would need to do is to use the RI buff but have it tied to walls and gates being downed rather than a timer. In keeps, if an outer wall or gate is down, the guards between outer and inner are no longer invulnerable. Only when an inner gate or wall is down do the Lord and inner guards become vulnerable.

Now, if walls and/or gates WERE down, and defenders repaired both the outer and inner (doubtful they can do that in time), the Lord and inner guards only go invulnerable after 5 min.

This fixes a few issues:

  1. Exploiting into the objective as per the video above
  2. Using cheat tools to hit the lord from under the map
  3. Thieves/Mesmers with perma stealth who stay in an objective to port their friends in

good suggestion for a fast fix

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On 8/10/2024 at 5:32 PM, bq pd.2148 said:


  • by triggering the teleport midair you are between a spot with pathing and one without so the game sucks you to the closest valid position (there is never a valid path from midair to anywhere, so this mechanic is in place to allow the skills to activate midair) and tries to move you from there, thats when it notices that there is no valid path and leaves you there.

thus what we need is the game to simply never try to shadowstep from mid air, that fixes all the skills involved not just thief sword 2.

the leaping skills need to be fixed with some minor invisible walls - but given RBL keep it looks like adding walls is not so trivial.

Hmmm... the game always seems to put you to a location that is higher on the y-axis of the previous location. Perhaps there needs to be a check if the x- and z-axis have changed "enough" to make a change in the y-axis "reasonable" (otherwise you would not be able to shadowstep "upwards" in any way). Straight up the y-axis, without moving on the x- or z-axis should be validated.

PS: I saw what you did there for DBL 😂 Cornerstone mode of the game ...

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Don't know what everyone is hoping for the glitches were probably endorsed my stream queen Roy to help his guild out and they will never get fixed. Better yet just put these videos into the wiki since Anet apparently encourages cheating in WVW matches since the glitches have been in the game for mow many years and they havent done squat to fix them or to the people that have been reported for exploiting them. So if they aren't cheats/exploits then everyone should know how to access them to ruin everyone else's enjoyment of the mode cause apparently that's what Anet and Roy are trying to do.

Edited by lilfuzzy.8326
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On 8/10/2024 at 5:32 PM, bq pd.2148 said:

mesmer trident on the other hand just rework the entire thing, mesmer in water is very weak - at least it feels that way coming from thief.

How I can assure you it is.

The #1 is the absolute worst underwater attack of all, doing a pitiful 1s bleeding (twice with the bounces).
It should at minimum do 2s of bleeding so it would do 2×2s of bleeding with the bounces.
Crimson Tide (Necro trident #1) does 2×2s of bleeding.
Splinter Shot (Ranger harpoon #1) does 4s of bleeding.
Piercing Shot (Thief harpoon #1) does 4s of bleeding.

The #2 apply a pitiful 3×8s of vulnerability and 4s of blindness on 8s cooldown.
It should apply some stacks of torment to dish proper condition damage.
I'll compare it to other classes #3 skill because mesmer trident #3 doesn't do any damage (which is fine, if not for #1 and #2 being garbage).
Foul Current (Necro trident #3) apply 2×6s to 10×6s of poison, and 2×2s to 8×2s of bleeding on a 12s cooldown.
Feeding Frenzy (Ranger harpoon #3) apply 11×8s of vulnerability and gives fury on a 10s cooldown.
Escape (Thief harpoon #3) apply 4×4s of poison for 4 initiative.
Split Shot (Warrior harpoon #3) apply 5×5s of bleeding on a 8s cooldown.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Amazing....Anet did not lose any time in nerfing ele ability to jump+ride the lightning around 12 years ago...but they are happy of having thief abusing exploits jump/hack for just as long....biased as much devs?...yeah yeah...ofc biased AF devs

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4 hours ago, Knighthonor.4061 said:

I want to ask. But shouldn't this be a Thief's role though? Sneaking into places. Yeah there should be a balance and counter to it, but isn't it their theme?

many things would need to be different / change for that.

  • first and foremost a more straightforward and not glitchy way to enter the structure.
  • then shadow portal changed to be either personal or only let thieves use it. so they cannot use their VIP access to get everyone else in.
  • we would need a way that structures don't flip to thieves entering that way. for example: tower/keep/SMC lords are always allied to all thieves. then they can't be killed by a thief and so the structure can't flip
  • the same we probably would need for siege: let thief use all siege regardless to which side it belongs. this way they cannot enter and destroy all siege, but they can use the enemies cannon to hit them if they are allowed.

probably missing still 10+ exploitable loopholes, but even that short list would require anet about 69 years to complete.


  • as thieves that way could res enemy lord for champ farm: one can no longer res a lord, they respawn like other guards after 3min. potentially with RI
Edited by bq pd.2148
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6 hours ago, Knighthonor.4061 said:

I want to ask. But shouldn't this be a Thief's role though? Sneaking into places. Yeah there should be a balance and counter to it, but isn't it their theme?

No. One player should not make a keep's walls and gates pointless.

We had a thief exploit into our T3 keep, port in Mesmers who ported in a full squad last night.

All walls and gates were full health. We had the keep sieged, with tactics, and some people inside the keep.

The first thing we saw was OJs when they started killing players inside the keep. I was able to Waypoint in since they hadn't damaged walls or got to lord yet. I verified all walls and gates at 100, yet we had a full enemy squad now moving to the lord. They hadn't been in our keep at all, so this wasn't some leftover Mesmer hiding either. It was the same exploit on Desert BL keep. 

Cathedral of Blood was the server who exploited. They really wanted to PPT and for us to quit playing. They got what they wanted too. They PPTd our empty BL all night.

That's not the role of thieves . That's cheating. It's like playing chess and one player reaches over and takes some of your pieces off the board. Who wants to keep playing a game like that?

Edited by Stone.6751
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9 hours ago, Knighthonor.4061 said:

I want to ask. But shouldn't this be a Thief's role though? Sneaking into places. Yeah there should be a balance and counter to it, but isn't it their theme?

No. Gates and walls are there for a reason. It's one thing if you hide after failed attempt but getting inside objective through exploit like that shouldn't be allowed in the slightest.

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It is pretty telling that noone considers it a distant possibility that they could fix the map bugs. We know what kind of effort we will have put into us at this point and if it goes beyond changing a few numbers in a spreadsheet and isn't to sell an expansion it is a far-fetched notion.

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I always find it funny to look at the list of trivial kitten they deem worthy of hotfixes in the patch notes: 


Meanwhile keep-glitches just exist for half a decade and never get fixed. But it's okay guys. 

  • Titanspawn emerging from Mists rifts will now begin spawning as standard enemies rather than as veterans. 
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On 8/25/2024 at 8:14 PM, TrollingDemigod.3041 said:

No. Gates and walls are there for a reason. It's one thing if you hide after failed attempt but getting inside objective through exploit like that shouldn't be allowed in the slightest.

There is no hide after failed attempt,nowadays people game the system by using disposable accounts and mini map hack to render the stealth mechanic useless and calling for reinforcements to flip on map/team chat immediately notifies the enemy via linked overlays.

Thieves doing thief things is a byproduct of that problem.


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7 hours ago, Grave.5683 said:

There is no hide after failed attempt,nowadays people game the system by using disposable accounts and mini map hack to render the stealth mechanic useless

for such a hack to work your client would need to receive information about the stealthed player.
what is more likely to happen is that people notice your stealth/portal tells as there always are some. sure there was a time before SA and Silent Scope nerfs where the only tell would have been a random voice line every 1-2 min about getting vigor, but these days its all pretty noisy or visually disruptive at least.

Edited by bq pd.2148
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On 8/9/2024 at 5:22 PM, Mangoyami.2418 said:

I feel like these posts at this point are disingenuous and people aren't posting to complain, they're posting to spread information.

This is the second thread in a short bit with this exact video. Like you're bringing attention, but you're basically showing the exploit off too.

i) More people know about the exploit -> more people complaints and understand what is going on

ii) More people know about the exploit -> more people use the exploit -> more people are annoyed

Devs FINALLY AFTER YEARS decide to fix a bug that HIGHLY DISRUPTS EVERYONE's gameplay. They should also perma ban everyone that is exploiting this (obv not talking about demonstrative videos).


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I agree that bringing attention to these problems is how they get resolved.

What I don't understand is why they're not being fixed. When Warclaws were introduced to the game, fixes to objectives to prevent jumping into them were implemented quickly as more and more exploits were shown to the community. 

Now? There are multiple videos and posts showing how Theif Sword 2 and Staff 5 can be used to get into objectives. So why not add invisible walls or terrain adjustments to fix this like they had before? 

Does Anet not see how idiotic they appear by adjusting War Scores, Victory Points, Tactivators, Siege, Capture Circles, Lord Abilities, and Contesting Mechanics while allowing a class to jump past all defenses and portal people to Lord?

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On 8/25/2024 at 9:21 AM, Knighthonor.4061 said:

I want to ask. But shouldn't this be a Thief's role though? Sneaking into places. Yeah there should be a balance and counter to it, but isn't it their theme?

I am totally fine with that if on the other hand we extend the roleplay to being able to execute a caught thief on the spot, meaning the character will be permanently deleted and an amount equaling "account value in tradeable goods and gold/number of characters on account" (being a proxy for the personal belongings of the unlucky thief) distributed to all who helped catch him or her.

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