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Be my guest story quest- how is this fun?

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   I have been a GW player since the begininng. I still even play GW1. I love the game(s), i love the art, i love the stories. I am currently playing thru the Path of fire story for the first time. I have to say, i love but its not totally making me happy. The final boss fight with Balthazar was most rage inducing . I wanted to quit several times. Who thought it was a good idea to start making fights like this? Trapped in a tiny small area, with a boss that spams AOE non stop all over the place, and you repeatedly die over and over. You know we are dying, you even gave us a mechanic for it. I was loving the story, having a great adventure.. all over shadowed by that BS. I came here to have fun, i dont need get all jacked up and raged to feel good about winning a fight. If other players do, give them a hard option.

   That fight is not really why I'm here however.  It is nothing compared to how stupid this room full of traps is chasing Joko with Braham, in the quest "Be my guest." You give us cold traps so, we cant move or jump, then switch them to fire to kill us as fast as possible with no chance of being able to revive, and we have to get thru the lasers. Ok fair enough its a puzzle, with some patience and watching i can just eventually work the pattern..NO you cant!! the fn ring you gave us to reveal the puzzle, gives you 15 secs then turns off.. WTF! 

   So now im dead, halfway thru the puzzle.. and the check point option puts me back in the middle. I manage with much anger and rage to get to the end of the hall and use the switches. Not good enough, now go back and do them again. So now im in the middle of the puzzle dead, check point keeps me there, and my quest shows 2 arrows.. I dont have a clue which way is which. Im in a foul toic mood. I just wasted most of my morning working on this quest chain,, now i need to log and im screwed. I know you wont change this, i know i cannot be helped or saved. I will rage quit and maybe try again...?? maybe..later?  Is this the gaming experience you intended when you made this quest? Can you maybe stop treating us like this and make future content with gamers like me in mind?

Edited by Unknownhero.6745
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You can use WASD to avoid the AoEs in the majority of the story fights, there are some fights where dodging is required here and there, these are all generally taught somewhere around.. an hour into the game you know.
You can easily do the puzzle in that mission simply by... not running head first into everything, using the Special Action Key to see what to avoid.

You can also use the Enter key to make your wall of text a bit more readable.

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Stop standing in aoes, it's not really that hard. If you need to fail here and there to recognize the attack or a pattern then so be it, just try learning from those mistakes instead of trying to force your way through and complaining when it appears to not be the best plan to play the game.

Edited by Sobx.1758
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I had heard how difficult this fight was and was ecstatic (as a very casual player) to survive all of the way to the end on my ranger main ... only to dc.  Gaaahhh!!!   I had to run it all over again, but had less success the second time.  I was able to complete it, but the dc was quite frustrating.

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I expected the sarcasm and lack of sympathy. It is an online community. I had heard this one was pretty good, but I've yet to see it. Thank you for correcting my poor writing skills, and lack of .indents and paragraphs. I also appreciate pointing out my mistake of confusing the names Path of Fire/ Heart of Thorns. I tried to fix those. As for the proper use of my WASD keys..and get good.. I will look into that, thanks!

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3 hours ago, Unknownhero.6745 said:

Trapped in a tiny small area, with a boss that spams AOE non stop all over the place, and you repeatedly die over and over.

Everyone complaining the fight was too easy here you are being like this...

I remember when I did it I kept getting disconnected after the Balthazar melting cut scene and had to do the fight about 20 times, not exaggerating, till someone suggested me to keep pressing buttons on my keyboard so I wouldn't disconnect.

I'd love to see the look on your face having to beat that fight some 20 times in a row.

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You will all be pleased to know, my return attempt was significantly different. The first trip thru, as I said earlier  the switches after all of them being activated, sent me backwards and made me do them another time. This happened in both section of lasers. To make matters further difficult, the checkpoints were sending me back to the middle of the hall no matter where i died or progressed. Being my first time here ever, I assumed this was the way the puzzle was made.

My second trip  I still died a few times, but every time i did, the checkpoint put me to the last spot i completed or once even at one that i barely made it to. After completing the section, it DID NOT send me back to other switches again. With some difficult I got it done.

So, I get the impression, my first trip that things were not working as intended. For whatever reason the gods decided to have a chuckle at my expense. I'm glad they showed mercy and let me pass eventually.

Thanks everyone for the helpful advice and suggestions. GG!

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I feel the same way about glint's colors and shatters in ls2. It's not exactly difficult, it's just tedious at the end of a long bit of story that you just want to finish. As you've discovered the best solution to this sort of thing is usually to take a break and come back later, works even better than getting good ; p

And even moreso I applaud your ability to deal with your fellow posters, it's a rare skill. Welcome to the forums : )

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7 hours ago, Unknownhero.6745 said:

You will all be pleased to know, my return attempt was significantly different. The first trip thru, as I said earlier  the switches after all of them being activated, sent me backwards and made me do them another time. This happened in both section of lasers. To make matters further difficult, the checkpoints were sending me back to the middle of the hall no matter where i died or progressed. Being my first time here ever, I assumed this was the way the puzzle was made.

My second trip  I still died a few times, but every time i did, the checkpoint put me to the last spot i completed or once even at one that i barely made it to. After completing the section, it DID NOT send me back to other switches again. With some difficult I got it done.

So, I get the impression, my first trip that things were not working as intended. For whatever reason the gods decided to have a chuckle at my expense. I'm glad they showed mercy and let me pass eventually.

Thanks everyone for the helpful advice and suggestions. GG!

Yeah.. the game can have some inconsistencies like that sometimes. Stuff can be buggy or not working as intended. Dunno if its the game engine or lack of quality control. It's not as polished as ff14 for example. On the other hand, it doesn't follow a strict formula for its story and content which makes it more diverse. But there can be some jank with how the game functions at times.

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13 hours ago, Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:

He/she is in the middle of 'Hearts of Fire' dontcha know!  :classic_tongue:

(Just kidding, OP.) 

Hm, just curious, can you see my post any more? It's gone and I have no notification that it was deleted or an infraction or anything...

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It's a tough balance to strike.  You may find certain fights or puzzles difficult or frustrating, while other players find them too easy. 


Balthazar being a God and the final boss of the PoF storyline, it's appropriate that the fight is a step up.  The fact that you can die without losing progress is a compromise.  It's how they can make the fight feel like a satisfying conclusion to the story while also allowing for less skilled players to get through it.  It's not intended that you die over and over and suffer frustration, but if that's how it goes for you at least you can still complete it and move on.  For other players, this is one of the best story bosses in the game because he actually has some punch to his attacks.  At the same time, it feels fair because everything is well-telegraphed so you can avoid it.  And the dialogue is great (although it gets cut off a lot if you deal too much damage).  If you're interested in seeing how this fight is supposed to go, here's a clip.


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To the OP,  the "Be my guest" episode is supposed to be infuriating, it is Joko's HQ after all.

A couple of tips from someone who has run 16 characaters through this....

1) If you see a spark above one of the tiles making up the corridor floor it is safe to stand on it. The spark indicates that there are no traps working on that tile. Try to head towads those and stop.

2) Don't try to run through blindly. It is designed so that you use the ring, see where its safe, move and stop on one of the sparking tiles that I mentioned above.

If you are really struggling then perhaps read the Wiki entry and the walkthrough tips.


Edited by Andy.5981
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