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Can we skip Prologue: The Tyrian Alliance? Stop shoving boring story down our throat

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This is Guild Wars 2.

The story and pacing has always been an Ambien pill with less risk of toxic shock. It's just become more pronounced from... Icebrood Saga onwards.

At least you can't get addicted to slow story telling about characters you don't care about, right?

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They really know how to kick the excitement for an expansion down about three notches fast don't they.  If your launching today make sure you have something interesting to watch or a book to read, because the exposition load is heavy.

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Posted (edited)

Not only that imagine having to fight a Warclaw 4 times to pacific it. A champion level.
I almost threw my mouse when I had to do it a fourth time.

And they wonder why GW2 isnt as popular as it used to be.

Stop shoving story down our throats.
Let us explore, discover lore, tell us the story that way.

Do they read these forums?

Edited by darkwombat.3695
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I wish they would stop gating all the masteries in the story too, it would be one thing if it was enjoyable at all.  I mean did you miss the part where your are like.."oh be careful, a cliff."  I was riding on my dragon..having previously stood in the middle of two angry elder dragons, but a 20ft drop?  Watch out for those wilds man.  

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  • darkwombat.3695 changed the title to Can we skip Prologue: The Tyrian Alliance? Stop shoving boring story down our throat

I miss the cutscenes you could skip...or like go take a shower and move on with your day.  The story would be engaging if I didn't hate the guts of every npc Im forced to interact with.  When Isgarren popped back up I went to get a drink.

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That sounds wonderful, actually. One of SoTO's main flaws was that the story was just sort of...thrown at you, without much time to actually set up plot points or characters. It sounds like this is a step in the right direction.

And before people start going "LOL you must be sarcastic"...no, I'm not. I want a reason to care about these characters and stories so I can actually give a darn when they're in danger or there's a plot twist. Give me lore! Give me dialogue! Give me worldbuilding! 😄 And also give me combat and exploration, now that I have a reason to fight and explore. Otherwise you run into SoTO all over again: cool concept, but the execution fell flat with characters coming and going in record time (Irja, anyone?) and no one really has a reason to care about the story or anyone in it.

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36 minutes ago, darkwombat.3695 said:

Not only that imagine having to fight a Warclaw 4 times to pacific it. A champion level.
I almost threw my mouse when I had to do it a fourth time.

And they wonder why GW2 isnt as popular as it used to be.

Stop shoving story down our throats.
Let us explore, discover lore, tell us the story that way.

Do they read these forums?

Fighting the same Warclaw in the same way four times just about made me throw my rig against the wall.  This is not how you do interesting content.  And all the talk talk talk talk talk talk, geez!!!

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9 minutes ago, Batel.9206 said:

That sounds wonderful, actually. One of SoTO's main flaws was that the story was just sort of...thrown at you, without much time to actually set up plot points or characters. It sounds like this is a step in the right direction.

And before people start going "LOL you must be sarcastic"...no, I'm not. I want a reason to care about these characters and stories so I can actually give a darn when they're in danger or there's a plot twist. Give me lore! Give me dialogue! Give me worldbuilding! 😄 And also give me combat and exploration, now that I have a reason to fight and explore. Otherwise you run into SoTO all over again: cool concept, but the execution fell flat with characters coming and going in record time (Irja, anyone?) and no one really has a reason to care about the story or anyone in it.

I'd say it was a well thought out series of expositions for those of us who are invested in the story. For those not, it's very unfair

So it's both a step in the right direction and the presentment of an issue they need to circumnavigate for the future. We have been fortunate that EoD and SoTo started with more action. i'm not sure that would have worked with a small scale like this, but it needed a skip mode for others 

It also potentially sets the stage for the next two expansion story arcs and destinations

Edited by Randulf.7614
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1 hour ago, Batel.9206 said:

also give me combat and exploration, now that I have a reason to fight and explore


If gameplay/combat is all that I had to look forward to I would just stay in WvW where the opposition actually fights back and winning a fight feels like an accomplishment.

That said, a skip option would be a good idea.

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I understand that anet has no resources to continue with core story telling design where you had animation with skip option and whole cutscene dialog was also in chat window. Now there was time where we just talk to NPC with pop-up window where you had options for dialogs and you could select first option and while they were talking you could select next one or interact with items and so on.

Now we have this "NPC is talking and you will wait and can't do nothing else" this is so annoying. Core story was ok, but LW seasons were complete trash and after that it is not better. It is not hard to design story in way that everyone enjoy it. Just add option that any new interaction(dialog) end previous one with all whole dialog being added chat. It was in the game so it is something already existing in the game.  

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 Scripting writing and story telling are , quite frankly, are not Anet strength, to put it extremely nicely.  Dialogs tend to run on and on, beating around the bushes instead of getting straight to the point.  for the introduction achievement, it  took like 10 mins to get the Council introduction to 6 council members, because each of them keep yapping nonsense , and you gotta do it for all 6.  No one is gona sit there to read the novel when people anticipate actions. Telling stories in action game is nothing wrong, but be concise, get the point, don't make people sit half an hr reading pleasantry dialog.  There is something to learn from script writing from the elder scrolls series.

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