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27 minutes ago, Blacklust.4638 said:

There is absolutely no reason to think that guild wars 3 will be the same style of game. Might not even be an MMO. Might be a battle royal kind of game. There is no indication that Guild wars 2 will stop being developed. 

This is like saying WOW will stop being developed just because they will make a Warcraft 4. 

I am not worried in the slightest that the attention will continue to be on guild wars 2 as most likely whoever is working on maybe that guild wars 3 mobile game or whatever it is is a completely different team from the new batch of hires. So stop the drama.

Eh, I think you're overcompensating too far in the other way there. GW1 is a very different game to GW2, but GW1 development was throttled back hard when GW2 was announced (and enough signs were already there for people to suspect), and the planned final Beyond chapter was canceled because it didn't get out before GW2. You mention how a Warcraft 4 wouldn't mean the end of WoW, but that's the thing: WoW has de facto meant the end of Warcraft RTS games because now the franchise is being used for something else. GW3 is likely to do the same thing to GW2: at some point, even if they wanted to make more GW2 content, they'd have to stick within the confines of whatever they decide happened between GW2 and GW3, even if they are completely different kinds of games.

I think they've planned things out better this time, to the point where, unlike GW1, they were able to hide what was going on before someone blurted it out in a shareholder meeting. But on the 'past behaviour indicates likely future behaviour' principle, there is absolutely an indication that GW2 is likely to be deprioritised and ultimately all but abandoned as GW3 matures. And it's probably now fair to assess that we're unlikely to get anything bigger than professions gaining new weapons or possibly utility skills from here on. Maybe, if we're very lucky, there'll be one more 'big' expansion pack with elite specialisations around the time GW3 is formally announced... but GW1 didn't get new professions with EotN, despite at least some work having already been done on them.

Edited by draxynnic.3719
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How about you quit jumping for conclusions and wait for an actual concrete decision and announcement from ArenaNet regarding this so-called 'GW3'. There has been 0 concrete evidence that GW3 is actively in development. ArenaNet has already said that their current focus is the continued development of GW2. Read that again:

ArenaNet has already said that their current focus is the continued development of GW2.

Still didn't see it? Here let me try to highlight it a little better:

ArenaNet has already said that their current focus is the continued development of GW2.

Edited by Zera.9435
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On 4/9/2024 at 9:26 PM, Astralporing.1957 said:

The argument was that it's smart to do GW3, because GW2 income would plummet down after GW3 gets released. Which is quite idiotic if you do apply logic to it. You do not release a game to stave off financial issues release of that very game would cause.

gw2 inc is already not good according to NCsoft

so ur logic maybe not really apply here

but lets see.

i personal don't need gw3 and gw2 dying but im pretty sure they would not do the effort if not useful means profit for them.

if u apply logic also apply reality

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58 minutes ago, Deadmoose.6594 said:

Anet should focus on gw2. SoO was awesome, I really don’t care to see a gw3, I already love this game and have invested a lot of time and effort into my characters. No new content for gw2 will be super sad

Thats great! But hey, I wana tell you something. I do want a guild wars 3; Ain't that crazy that we as two individualistic people want different things? Cool. Now then there is a whole thread about this 

right here ^

Also, I doubt they will get rid of GW2. Just let those of us who want a GW3 go to GW3 and you can stay in guild wars 2, simple enough. 

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4 hours ago, Blacklust.4638 said:

There is absolutely no reason to think that guild wars 3 will be the same style of game. Might not even be an MMO. Might be a battle royal kind of game. There is no indication that Guild wars 2 will stop being developed. 

This is like saying WOW will stop being developed just because they will make a Warcraft 4. 

I am not worried in the slightest that the attention will continue to be on guild wars 2 as most likely whoever is working on maybe that guild wars 3 mobile game or whatever it is is a completely different team from the new batch of hires. So stop the drama.

The point was only that GW3 takes up resources. This isn’t as big a company as Blizzard. If they’re working on a new game, even if it never comes out, it takes up time and attention. That means less talent working on GW2. That’s all. 
So just be realistic and understand you’ll never get anything outside of Soto style content (and quality of life updates and balance) ever again. 

They don't have the manpower or resources to make something entirely new and big. The biggest updates will be new open world maps until the game goes offline. How this is shocking to anyone at this point is beyond me.

Edited by gmmg.9210
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3 hours ago, Balsa.3951 said:

gw2 inc is already not good according to NCsoft

so ur logic maybe not really apply here

but lets see.

i personal don't need gw3 and gw2 dying but im pretty sure they would not do the effort if not useful means profit for them.

if u apply logic also apply reality

NCsoft literally just said GW2 is doing well in the 4Q23 financial report, though, lmao. It's carrying the NA/EU market.

GW2 has been alternating between #2 and #3 PC MMO for NCsoft for a couple years now. If NCsoft should be closing anything, it should be Blade & Soul (and probably Aion retail, at least in NA, especially with the BS "promotion" Aion is doing/about to do in NA), but they won't because they refuse to close their own games, even if they're grossly underperforming for years. 

Edited by QueenKeriti.5176
The data is publicly available at https://kr.ncsoft.com/en/ir/irArchive/earningsRelease.do
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4 hours ago, Zera.9435 said:

How about you quit jumping for conclusions and wait for an actual concrete decision and announcement from ArenaNet regarding this so-called 'GW3'. There has been 0 concrete evidence that GW3 is actively in development. ArenaNet has already said that their current focus is the continued development of GW2. Read that again:

ArenaNet has already said that their current focus is the continued development of GW2.

Still didn't see it? Here let me try to highlight it a little better:

ArenaNet has already said that their current focus is the continued development of GW2.

Yeah of course anet will say that. They’d be insane not to, considering we’re they’re customers. If they say “hey guys we’re making a new game called gw3” then player retention goes down and they lose money. 
Also this is not a rumor. A person working at NCsoft CONFIRMED they’re working on GW3:)

So maybe I’m not the one jumping to conclusions and instead being a realist when saying that because the amount of manpower they have isn’t fully invested in GW2, we can expect at best more Soto style content like we’ve gotten so far and nothing else that goes into the stratosphere.
Thats not harsh or doomer that’s just being honest.

Edited by gmmg.9210
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1 hour ago, Deadmoose.6594 said:

Anet should focus on gw2. SoO was awesome, I really don’t care to see a gw3, I already love this game and have invested a lot of time and effort into my characters. No new content for gw2 will be super sad

ArenaNet itself gave a similar non-denial to MMORPG.com, saying, “”As an active game studio we are always doing internal exploratory work for possible future titles we’d want to create, however we have nothing to confirm right now. The team’s focus is on Guild Wars 2 development, including the game’s next expansion, which we’re excited to talk about soon.”

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2 minutes ago, gmmg.9210 said:

Yeah of course anet will say that. They’d be insane not to, considering were they’re customers. If they say “hey guys we’re making a new game called gw3” then player retention goes down and they lose money. 
Also this is not a rumor. A person working at NCsoft CONFIRMED they’re working on GW3:)

So maybe I’m not the one jumping to conclusions and instead being a realist when saying that because the amount of manpower they have isn’t fully invested in GW2, we can expect at best more Soto style content like we’ve gotten so far and nothing else that goes into the stratosphere.
Thats not harsh or doomer that’s just being honest.

Business Post Korea’s article this evening includes a quote from NCsoft issued after the meeting; NCsoft says, “The Guild Wars 3 project is in the review stage and the start of development has not been finalized.” (Cheers, Wccftech!) ArenaNet itself gave a similar non-denial to MMORPG.com, saying, “”As an active game studio we are always doing internal exploratory work for possible future titles we’d want to create, however we have nothing to confirm right now. The team’s focus is on Guild Wars 2 development, including the game’s next expansion, which we’re excited to talk about soon.”

https://massivelyop.com/2024/03/28/hostile-ncsoft-shareholder-meeting-reveals-arenanet-is-working-on-guild-wars-3/ "

The person at NCsoft didn't "confirm it." They were panicking because the investors are pissed at NCsoft's abysmal performance last year + the obfuscation of some info on the financial report (where are the individual game breakdowns + T&L's report?) + the problematic nepo hire that's in charge of NCWest/NCAmerica and has had NCWest losing money for 8 years, and they threw out "WE'RE MAKING GW3" as a smoke bomb distraction.

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21 minutes ago, QueenKeriti.5176 said:

Business Post Korea’s article this evening includes a quote from NCsoft issued after the meeting; NCsoft says, “The Guild Wars 3 project is in the review stage and the start of development has not been finalized.” (Cheers, Wccftech!) ArenaNet itself gave a similar non-denial to MMORPG.com, saying, “”As an active game studio we are always doing internal exploratory work for possible future titles we’d want to create, however we have nothing to confirm right now. The team’s focus is on Guild Wars 2 development, including the game’s next expansion, which we’re excited to talk about soon.”

https://massivelyop.com/2024/03/28/hostile-ncsoft-shareholder-meeting-reveals-arenanet-is-working-on-guild-wars-3/ "

The person at NCsoft didn't "confirm it." They were panicking because the investors are pissed at NCsoft's abysmal performance last year + the obfuscation of some info on the financial report (where are the individual game breakdowns + T&L's report?) + the problematic nepo hire that's in charge of NCWest/NCAmerica and has had NCWest losing money for 8 years, and they threw out "WE'RE MAKING GW3" as a smoke bomb distraction.

Ah I see, so the guy at NCsoft just lied to cover his tail and make the company look better than it was? Why would he lie to an investor like that if Gw3 was not being made? The truth is getting out eventually one way or another so why risk tanking the stock even more? Wouldn't it be easier to just mention an actual game in development in NCWest? A game like Idk, the one after Gw2, whatever game that would be called. Maybe Gw3, the name really rolls off the tongue.

Idk, I just can't wait for the announcement to prove I'm right. And even if I wasn't right my point still stands. Resources are going into other stuff that is not Gw2, which means tempering expectations for new content for Gw2 is reasonable. Never hearing any argument refuting this point other than people naively thinking someone at NCsoft lied because it serves their narrative interests.

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From a consumer perspective; I totally understand your view on the matter.

Since the launch, Gw2 has come a long way; got its own share of fan's/player base. I am sure there are anet employees that feel the same; they poured heart and soul /contributing  into the game, also playing gw2 themselves... i suppose they do feel genuine pride of accomplishment: "see that tree over there? i designed it! o7" i would be too.

But Anet is also a gamecompany, they must take alot of things into account so they can keep operating as they have for the next 5 years to come/staying relevant.


If the NCsoft news dropped a bombshell? idk.

It seems like business as usual. Doesnt this happen in alot of game companies/publishers relationships behind the scenes; discussing the future?

We(the consumer) have just simply been given an early glimpse of the those future plans.

Your upset at the prospect that Anet's attention for GW2 might deminish because of that NCsoft news...

but we dont know that? Its schrodingers Cat atm.   Lets wait a few years and give them the benefit of the doubt shall we? You might be suprised what a gamecompany can do in a few year   

But you can also see it like this; As long Anet is around,  GW2(and all your characters) will be kept alive , they are the gatekeepers to ensure it stays that way and NCsoft  doesnt drop the shutdown-hammer.

Look at GW1; servers still going strong and connected to GW2 HoM system; so they both retain their relevance to excist. If GW3 is gonna be a continuation of this then the previous title will also remain.    Without Anet there is no GW2, and thats a way worst outcome then lets say; less Expansion releases.


Personally i am in favor of this future IP(GW Spinoff title) to explore a possible SP game, set in the Guildwars universe on a grand scale / openworld, a handtailored experience.

If you look at GW1 aside  from the mmo components, most stuff you could do with Heroes or without.

SP would expand the Franchise to console market.

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1 hour ago, gmmg.9210 said:

Ah I see, so the guy at NCsoft just lied to cover his tail and make the company look better than it was? Why would he lie to an investor like that if Gw3 was not being made? The truth is getting out eventually one way or another so why risk tanking the stock even more? Wouldn't it be easier to just mention an actual game in development in NCWest? A game like Idk, the one after Gw2, whatever game that would be called. Maybe Gw3, the name really rolls off the tongue.

Idk, I just can't wait for the announcement to prove I'm right. And even if I wasn't right my point still stands. Resources are going into other stuff that is not Gw2, which means tempering expectations for new content for Gw2 is reasonable. Never hearing any argument refuting this point other than people naively thinking someone at NCsoft lied because it serves their narrative interests.

Welcome to corporate, where execs will lie through their teeth, obfuscate data, misrepresent plausible things, and pull out any distraction they can to keep investors from leaving. And then have to have the PR team show up to clean up their mess. Gods bless your soul if you have never had to deal with the C suite of a company, let alone the mismanaged greedy mess that is NCsoft.

What we know: Anet is hiring for both GW2 and some "established fantasy IP" game. GW2 performed well, especially in NA/EU, last year thanks to strong sales. Anet has at least two more mini expacs planned (so at least another 2 years of some degree of content), with the upcoming one under active development. There are more people working on GW2 now than there was for EoD, supposedly almost as many as we had with LWS4. 

Further things we have been told: they're working on core game (not necessarily core Tyria) content and improving it (we have had many QOL updates, and soon we're getting another guild slot). They're working on making changes for the long term health of the game.

What we don't know: if "established fantasy IP" is GW3 (could it be? Absolutely, it's quite plausible and makes plenty of sense, but we don't KNOW) nor do we know what the exact nature, timeline, or progress on the unknown game. 

Further info in general: NCsoft PR had to come out and say GW3 is only being talked about and starting development is not finalized. Anet said focus is on GW2 and upcoming expac. NCsoft is a dumpster fire of bad and dumb decisions and mismanagement, as any dedicated, long term, unfortunate player of their games can probably tell you. Aion just announced some more stupidity today, so I guess NCWest still hasn't learned...


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11 minutes ago, QueenKeriti.5176 said:

Welcome to corporate, where execs will lie through their teeth, obfuscate data, misrepresent plausible things, and pull out any distraction they can to keep investors from leaving. And then have to have the PR team show up to clean up their mess. Gods bless your soul if you have never had to deal with the C suite of a company, let alone the mismanaged greedy mess that is NCsoft.

What we know: Anet is hiring for both GW2 and some "established fantasy IP" game. GW2 performed well, especially in NA/EU, last year thanks to strong sales. Anet has at least two more mini expacs planned (so at least another 2 years of some degree of content), with the upcoming one under active development. There are more people working on GW2 now than there was for EoD, supposedly almost as many as we had with LWS4. 

Further things we have been told: they're working on core game (not necessarily core Tyria) content and improving it (we have had many QOL updates, and soon we're getting another guild slot). They're working on making changes for the long term health of the game.

What we don't know: if "established fantasy IP" is GW3 (could it be? Absolutely, it's quite plausible and makes plenty of sense, but we don't KNOW) nor do we know what the exact nature, timeline, or progress on the unknown game. 

Further info in general: NCsoft PR had to come out and say GW3 is only being talked about and starting development is not finalized. Anet said focus is on GW2 and upcoming expac. NCsoft is a dumpster fire of bad and dumb decisions and mismanagement, as any dedicated, long term, unfortunate player of their games can probably tell you. Aion just announced some more stupidity today, so I guess NCWest still hasn't learned...


Like I said previously, even if they weren’t working on GW3 (which I think time will prove to every doubter here that they are. It’s a shame this forum post will probably vanish by then. The level of confused faces will only confirm my suspicion that many players are on serious copium) they still 100% are working on something else. That means that resources are not all going to GW2. This is just puzzling to me and slightly funny. Here you literally have a guy who works for the publisher (ie the owner) of Arenanet. They are telling investors to their face that GW3 is coming (iceberg dead ahead) and the Titanic that is these forum readers choose to believe it’s a lie. 
And it’s a lie because? Oh yeah greedy businessmen lie when pressed… right… 

Or maybe he just actually leaked a really big secret to impress shareholders. I think the latter possibility speaks for itself but by all means root for the narrative you support.

That tells me all I need to know. We’ll see in the end who was right though won’t we. I did learn though that confirmation bias and cognitive dissonance are much more prevalent and real than I once thought. When told something is red but you want to believe it’s blue, you’ll make up any excuse in the book to justify why that color wasn’t red. 


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2 hours ago, gmmg.9210 said:

The point was only that GW3 takes up resources. This isn’t as big a company as Blizzard. If they’re working on a new game, even if it never comes out, it takes up time and attention. That means less talent working on GW2. That’s all. 
So just be realistic and understand you’ll never get anything outside of Soto style content (and quality of life updates and balance) ever again. 

They don't have the manpower or resources to make something entirely new and big. The biggest updates will be new open world maps until the game goes offline. How this is shocking to anyone at this point is beyond me.

Or they could do what most companies would do if they were taking on an additional project: approach their publisher for additional funding and use it to hire more people to do the additional work. Anet have been hiring for different jobs on 'an unannounced project' for a few years now. We don't know what that is, but it shows Anet don't have to divert existing staff to make a new game.


3 hours ago, gmmg.9210 said:

They don't have the manpower or resources to make something entirely new and big. The biggest updates will be new open world maps until the game goes offline. How this is shocking to anyone at this point is beyond me.

I don't understand the thinking here. How does a dungeon, a new PvP map, or even a raid, take more resources than an entire open-world map with an accompanying voice-acted storyline, meta-event chain, achievements, new weapon sets and/or armour etc?

1 minute ago, Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:

Funny...if ArenaNet says they are focusing on Guild Wars 2 it means they are lying.  But, if NCSoft says they are working on Guild Wars 3 it means they are telling the truth.  It must be grand to be able to suss out who is lying and who is not!  :classic_tongue:

I will never understand this thinking coming from GW2 players. I understand thinking a company is lying to their customers, it happens all the time. But the way some people talk they think Anet is always lying to us about everything they're doing, and not doing. If I thought that I wouldn't want anything to do with them, I certainly wouldn't play GW2.

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13 minutes ago, Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:

Funny...if ArenaNet says they are focusing on Guild Wars 2 it means they are lying.  But, if NCSoft says they are working on Guild Wars 3 it means they are telling the truth.  It must be grand to be able to suss out who is lying and who is not!  :classic_tongue:

If they say they are not mainly focussed on guildwars 2 anymore then ppl stop spending. If they say that guildwars 2 is their focus then ppl keep hope and spend money. 

maybe they could team up with the devs of “new world” someone said that game is ending. 

Edited by Holmindeboks.3490
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7 hours ago, Zera.9435 said:

How about you quit jumping for conclusions and wait for an actual concrete decision and announcement from ArenaNet regarding this so-called 'GW3'. There has been 0 concrete evidence that GW3 is actively in development.

This. However:

7 hours ago, Zera.9435 said:

ArenaNet has already said that their current focus is the continued development of GW2.

That's what they claim, but it has become painfully obvious during the past two SotO releases that this is not the case. They have obviously put most of their resources somewhere else, there just is no evidence whatsoever that it's GW3.

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8 hours ago, gmmg.9210 said:

Ncsoft showed their hand, we not getting anything of note thats new unless its stuff we’ve already gotten (new meta events, maps, personal story, weapons etc). 

No new PvP game modes or player housing or wvw updates other than server restructuring. Never getting new raids. Never getting dungeon reworks. Never getting a new class. Not a chance, it’s too much work and would take away devs that are working on GW3.

New weapons coming to the game is also too much work. Every class will eventually get every weapon at best, no spears or harpoons or whips or great axes. The amount of dev time to model every new skin to compare to the weapons we have now would be enormous. They don’t have the manpower if they also making GW3. 

The game is about retention at this point. It’s too late in the games life to get new players with big risks, so the new Soto style expacs to keep already established players invested is all that matters. Don’t expect anything big ever from gw2 from this point forward, it’s on its way out and into the sunset. 
Sure it’ll take a number of years to finally get GW3 still, and GW2 is by no means a “dead game” (unless it’s PvP, which is totally dead). But expecting anything other than Soto style going forward is copium.

I could've told you that years ago. I'm just baffled that people were still hoping for these things. Don't play a game for what it could be but for what it actually is. Potential is an illusion. 

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57 minutes ago, Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:

Funny...if ArenaNet says they are focusing on Guild Wars 2 it means they are lying.  But, if NCSoft says they are working on Guild Wars 3 it means they are telling the truth.  It must be grand to be able to suss out who is lying and who is not!  :classic_tongue:

Arenanet isn’t technically lying when they tell you that, they are focusing on guild wars 2 and it IS their focus for “the foreseeable future”. Which to us who don’t know as much as they do means a few years. 
So when GW3 is announced in years to come that statement will technically look right. It’s PR man! Isn’t that obvious?😂 To us it’ll look like it’s just been Gw2 content and nothing more. But behind the scenes, and what is confirmed (unless you want to believe the guy was lying in which case be my guest) NCsoft said to a shareholder that they are already working on GW3. 
Arena net is doing two things at once here, and that’s the point I keep trying to say to deaf ears. Two things means not all resources on Gw2. The GW3 leak means it has the potential to be not just some one off dumb thing but a seriously massive project.


Edited by gmmg.9210
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20 minutes ago, Ashantara.8731 said:

This. However:

That's what they claim, but it has become painfully obvious during the past two SotO releases that this is not the case. They have obviously put most of their resources somewhere else, there just is no evidence whatsoever that it's GW3.

Well I mean there’s literally a confirmation unless you won’t believe it. Which a lot of people apparently don’t want to believe😂 

If Microsoft said they’re making a new Halo game, would you not believe it until 343 said it? No of course not. You’d go in what Microsoft said cuz they have the funds, the money. They make the decisions and green light things. It’s more than a bit of evidence it’s a watershed moment. 


But the power of denial is a dangerous thing 


I said I think all i can on this topic, we’ll see how well it ages. I just hope this post survives and doesn’t get taken down by mods or something cuz I want to revisit this in many years when it’s confirmed just to prove my point that it was in fact Soto style content until gw3

Edited by gmmg.9210
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