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Warclaw original name

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In the German localization of this game, the animals in Janthir are called Wanderling. In the audio. I've never heard a bear talk about a warclaw. The text always says Warclaw, including the names the animals have above their heads.

In the tower where you start, there are two scientists talking about how the energy of the wanderlings from Janthir have the same signature (or level) as the warclaw from the mists. Breaking news (actually, not meant ironically). A connection has been found.

WvW players may remember what the warclaw is (from the acquisition process or the books lying around in WvW), namely an entity, not a material thing, from the Mists which binds itself to the warclaw armor pieces through collection and thus becomes material.

[From the lore: The Warclaw is a spiritual animal bound to armor found in the Mists. It is theorized that the creature was made years ago for some ancient war in the Mists and abandoned after the war had concluded. Discovered by the Durmand Priory's expeditions into the Mist Wars territories, it is related to other mystical constructs such as the sand jackals, Exalted, and Forged. The creature manifests once the armor set is placed together and imprints on the one who assembled the armor, and will disperse if the armor is disassembled.]

I can't find another name for it in English. The wiki only says warclaw. Is there nothing else in English?

I think it's cool that the warclaw, which is from the Mists, has its own name in Janthir, among the bears. Without the war. Wanderling.
Unfortunately, the fact that it's only in the audio and not in the text pretty much destroys this illusion.

Edited by Tula.6021
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I think it's meant to show that we as the PC and the kodan are just used to use different words for two rather similar "animals". So when we see that animal in the wild , we would still think, oh that's a warclaw, because we  are used to it, that's why I guess that they still have this char names. But then when we talk kodan or even the warclaws themself (like the cub at the outpost) we use the word they are used to, to make conversation easier and/or to show respect to their culture.

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I think some of the kodan mention the Journeykin just appeared around Janthir at some point relatively recently, so it sounds like they are originally from the Mists like the warclaws we've found previously. Maybe they got there the same way as the Titans? The kodan made up their own name for them because, not having much contact with the player races, they didn't know what we were calling them and obviously don't associate them with the Mist War.

Although according to the book the warclaws found in WvW are bound to their armour, it's literally part of them, whereas the ones in Janthir don't have armour at all, so maybe they're somehow different? Or maybe they're bound to and formed around a different object, which is less obvious? We know skyscales (which are also from the Mists) change form based on the magic they consume, and sand jackals are made from magical runestones and could actually have different forms, it's just that the djinn choose to shape them into jackals. (I suspect the runestones are the same as the Inscribed Shards from GW1, which came from Graven Monoliths, very different to jackals.) So it would make sense if the warclaw/journeykin which are also magical creatures can manifest in different ways depending on the circumstances.

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18 hours ago, Farohna.6247 said:

Journeykin is what they are referred to English in Janthir.  I quite like Wanderling....that's charming for them.    

Wanderling basically means "little wanderer".. so a pretty good translation for journeykin!

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On 9/13/2024 at 12:44 AM, Danikat.8537 said:

I think some of the kodan mention the Journeykin just appeared around Janthir at some point relatively recently

Interesting. I already can't remember anymore.

In my head I imagined that the animal called Wanderling is either the animal that later became the Warclaw in the Mists, or that both Wanderling and Warclaw have a common ancestor. So closely related but not exactly the same.

I imagine that whatever was used as a Warclaw before also had a name (which we don't know) and they are souls lost in wars which were later bound to the armor pieces that were reassembled. And what came out was called Warclaw (nobody knew what this being was called before).
The Warclaw is a solely wvw creature. 
You never saw any young ones.

The Wanderling seems to be a normal, living mammal.

How it ended up in the Kodan area is certainly interesting if it happened in recent times. The area of origin of the two has therefore never been determined.

On 9/12/2024 at 7:22 PM, Schimmi.6872 said:

So when we see that animal in the wild , we would still think, oh that's a warclaw, because we  are used to it

I only unlocked my Warclaw like 3 years ago and for me these two creatures don't go together. The Warclaw is a disembodied entity bound to armor (regardless of what skins are offered).

The Wanderling is a normal wild mammal. At least that's what it looks like.

That's why I find it irritating to call a Wanderling a Warclaw, in Janthir.
And then to distinguish so consistently between audio and text. And that's only in my language. 
In English it's always called Journeykin. I think it would be much better to stick with the Kodan name.

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53 minutes ago, Tula.6021 said:

I only unlocked my Warclaw like 3 years ago and for me these two creatures don't go together. The Warclaw is a disembodied entity bound to armor (regardless of what skins are offered).

The Wanderling is a normal wild mammal. At least that's what it looks like.

That's why I find it irritating to call a Wanderling a Warclaw, in Janthir.
And then to distinguish so consistently between audio and text. And that's only in my language. 
In English it's always called Journeykin. I think it would be much better to stick with the Kodan name.

The english version uses both words too, you see them as warclaws on the map and e.g. also during the story in the swamp Malice calls it a warclaw when there are no kodans with you.

I don't know how far skins as seen as part of the lore, but as NPCs sometimes use them too, a guess at least some are. So as even one of the two original warclaw skins was just a jaguar with armor-parts, so yes, I guess we and the people we travel with are used to call big feline mounts warclaws. Even, if the journykinsmight not be exactly the same and just related. It's just like in real life, where animals also often got names because they reminded the "discoverer" of something, while the natives would use different names and also the DNA would tell a different story.

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The big cats in Janthir are Journeykins.
Warclaw has come to mean more. One is the original story for collecting and unlocking the original species in WvW and the other is the container for the skins. There are also non-cats in this category. I got the goat, which looks more like a capricorn. On another account I have the sand lion, which is from the Elonian desert. According to the category, both are warclaws.
So the Journeykin became a warclaw (just recently). But not every warclaw is a Journeykin.

Anyway, I'm with you, the name of the species should be used and not the category. It bothers me when everything is named Warclaw in Janthir in the text, even the kittens.

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