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QOL Requests: New for 2024

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I honestly think we have too many items in the game. Gizmos, teleport scrolls, currency disposal items, etc. It would be a good idea to consolidate them. Especially the teleport scrolls. There are literally 7 different scrolls. Mawdrey, star, princess, gobblers. If we own them, they should be automatically go into the portable tower wizard exchange. 

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13 hours ago, Magus Antiverse.8569 said:

quality of life suggestion:  i would like there to be a better use for globs of dark matter.  (...) Currently the only use for globs of dark matter is for ascended gear or limited weekly trades for astral fluctuating mass.  

Actually, Gharr Leadclaw takes them now. 😄

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Ally targeting is part of some of the game's gameplay mechanics, it's mainly used by Specters with the skill Siphon alongside all of their main weapons abilities, the scepter, and recently added Scepter for revenants also has this gameplay mechanic. It can be a fun, but challenging, way to play the game, however, it could use some QoL updates.
There are keybinds that exist to facilitate ally targeting, but these are not working as a player like myself would expect. Currently Target nearest Ally keybind will target Minis, Mesmer Clones (it makes it super hard to target actual players when the battlefield is full of clones), Necromancer minions, NPCs, and of course, Ally Players.

The players would expect this keybind to ONLY target Ally Players, but this is not the case. This becomes a problem on End Game content such as Metas, fractals, Strikes, Raids, and other instanced content such as Dragonstorm, where the NPC allies will usually not allow you to use this keybind to target actual players, unless zoomed in all the way and directly looking at a player. I use action camera turned on, ally targeting keybinds are great, and i love it, but the keybinds not working as intended (from what a player would expect) make it intensely disagreeable.

Why does this matter?

Ally targeting weapons/specs in GW2 have an elevated difficulty compared to others, we can't look at the enemy target's bar 100% of the time, meaning we might not always be quick to react when an enemy target has a CC break bar or such.
To my knowledge ally targeting is heavily criticized by the community, however it doesn't mean it needs to be removed, it simply needs a few Quality of Life tweaks from the targeting ally keybinds to better work for the player, not against the player. From my experience, the targeting priority of these keybinds is such: Ally NPCS in combat such as those in Dragonstorm > Clones > Players. Of course it may feel like this because there can be many mesmer clones on the battlefield, but, the priority of targeting should ALWAYS have a player first if they are near my reticle. Please give us this QoL tweak! The UI of GW2 is good, but not great, and certainly not favorable for ally targeting, these keybinds are a MUST for people that use this system.

If i were to add another suggestion it would be more reticle options for action camera, and to have the reticle stay in place on the screen, it currently moves based on the zoom level, it is weird to have your reticle move up and down sometimes, player choice would be great here!

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On 5/29/2024 at 3:21 PM, Crunch Bars.4309 said:


I think it would be lovely for more materials to be put into material storage such as gift of battle, craftsmanship, and nearly anything else that is pivotal in creation of legendary armor or weapons. There has already been great strides in this. I also think it would be great if the Tyrian Exchange Voucher was updated to reflect map currencies for things in EoD like the favors and Captured Lightning and Stardust for example to also be included as selections since they are also a form of currencies.

I would like to second the suggestion of updating the Tyrian Exchange Vouchers. The last update they've had was in July of 2022 and that was only to update them with the new form of the dungeon currency. If these are going to continue to be one of the possible rewards from seasonal events I think they should be updated with some of the newer currencies available in the game.

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Option to disable auto-zoom. Specially when using elementalist tornado. And also the classic when some big boss spawns. Not only I would like my camera not to zoom by itself, but specially don't change my zoom level so I have to manually revert it every time!

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QoL Suggestion: Homestead Decos
Specifically raid ones. We have the ones from the guild hall but it would go a ton to be able to utilize platforms like a Xera platform (say you buy or earn it with raids, you could then obtain the SCRIBE recipe and HOMESTEAD recipe at the same time). I would be able to teach tanking easier. Or Sabetha's one. How cool would that be for a tree house?! I'd be in love.

A. All guild kill proof decorations being able to be gotten in homestead

B. Add new homestead decos utilizing already made items such a:

  • Sabetha's Platform
  • Xera's Platform
  • Gorseval Platform Walls (cool maze idea no?)
  • Adina Hexagonal platform pieces
  • Pool from Q2
  • Portals/Gates from TC with functionality along with platforms
  • Samarog spike clusters
  • 😄 Functionign MO spikes? L;OLOL jk

And the list can go on and on. You could do the same for fractals. Make stuff worth buying from there again. Could make some stuff LI/PFR sink for older players but have a versatile option for newer players to buy with raid/fractal currency which is easier for them to stack up.

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A copy function similar to the 7th skill, except it allows you to copy the scale and rotation of any placed item, not just the last one you placed.

I really like that skill already, but it would be even more helpful if we're able to re-use the settings of any placed item, since there are plenty of times when you can make a mistake with the most previous item, or when you build in an order that doesn't work with this feature.


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Are we able to suggest masteries here? My request is eventually we should get one that increase mounts usability.

For example, springers hop a bit higher, raptors jump a bit farther, skimmers float a bit higher, jackal have an extra blink, etc.

I don't think it would be overpowering anything especially since we are getting access to easier ways to get the mounts. We might as well give it a small power boost for quality of life as a mastery. 

By the pattern of expansion unlock, I wouldn't be surprised to see the roller beetle and griffin being easier to unlock in future expansions. *wink wink*

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On 9/12/2024 at 10:16 AM, meerfunkuhtron.9725 said:

A copy function similar to the 7th skill, except it allows you to copy the scale and rotation of any placed item, not just the last one you placed.

I really like that skill already, but it would be even more helpful if we're able to re-use the settings of any placed item, since there are plenty of times when you can make a mistake with the most previous item, or when you build in an order that doesn't work with this feature.


just use the edit function (yellow F2 skill) on an already placed object you whose state you want to copy, immediately place the item again without making any edits.
it's now the last item you placed and you can use the 7 skill to duplicate it's state.

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On 9/12/2024 at 2:16 AM, meerfunkuhtron.9725 said:

A copy function similar to the 7th skill, except it allows you to copy the scale and rotation of any placed item, not just the last one you placed.

I really like that skill already, but it would be even more helpful if we're able to re-use the settings of any placed item, since there are plenty of times when you can make a mistake with the most previous item, or when you build in an order that doesn't work with this feature.


in the same vein i would like the ability to select multiple decorations at once with edit to move as a group, and copy multiple decorations and their setup.  i have made some decorations that are not provided (like a lit stove top) by using multiple decorations at once some cropped inside others and it would be useful to move/edit the group as a single unit

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All the guides and wikis have the list of lanters in both EoD and SoTo listed with numbers, but the actual list in game has the lanterns in order but with no numbers.  Its very difficult to see what lantern you're on (especially when you've collected a few randomly and then go to finish the whole list) when you literally have to count the lanterns down the list on the achievement panel or type in the text from the achievement panel corresponding to the lanterns location using ctrl + f into the wiki as to which lantern it is.  This could be solved by adding numbers 1,2,3,4... etc. to each lantern on the achievement panel.

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There is a small quality of life update I would really see in the game. When I click the Log Out button after pressing the Esc key, I get a prompt that asks if I want to: a) log out, b) go to the character select screen or c) cancel. The Exit to Desktop button is right below the Log Out button, and it immediately kicks me out of the game.

Could we get a "Are you sure? Y/N" prompt too? I have mistakenly clicked the Exit to Desktop button by mistake when trying to switch characters and it's kind of annoying. I mean, it's not game breaking or anything, and it doesn't take too long to log back into the game, but there you go.

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I noticed a lot of people asking for a more complete set of stats in the ascended boxes in the WV. Although the upcoming changes make this availability even more visible, it's something that's been asked from the beginning.

I've been assuming that the issue with this could be that it's technically challenging to fill a single box with items that vary based on account DLC owned. However maybe that could be circumvented by making boxes in boxes (like was done with the relics given out when relics were introduced). So the outside box is ascended gear, but instead of choosing a stat you must first choose an expansion, then you can choose an attribute combination. The drawback to this is that you can't look at all the available items at once. If that still doesn't work, maybe just add some options in the WV for ascended expansion gears and have a totally separate item in the vault for each expansion. 

Once again I'd like to mention that condi has fewer choices compared with power, and the most-used condi gears are generally more expensive and more difficult to obtain (and usually rely mainly on Celestial if you need to do anything at all besides DOT and survive). There are other stats which are under-represented as well, and some that just aren't combined in a way that matches current roles. 

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