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What race would you most like to see playable and why?


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  • They are different enough culturally to the other races. So they would bring a fresh perspective to the story.
  • Their rig is close enough to charr so making models for them won't take as much work as other races with odder shapes. The main problems with their seem to be their tail and the arm feathers sticking out. Arm feathers can just be adjusted to stick more to the arm and get covered with armor when sleeves are long, or stick to the arm when wearing bracers, but the tail may take extra adjustments as they animate completely different to charr tails.
  • They have the greatest customization potential. Crests, faces and beaks, plumage, feather patters, eyes. The possibilities are endless.
  • There's room in the map for their city and starting area.
  • Avian races are rather uncommon. It'll help GW2 stand out.
  • Gotta see female Tengu and the interior of the Dominion of Winds.
  • Gotta beat you-know-who before they do the arakkoa.

Also, by process of elimination, there's no other existing races that could be playable. They are missing key components such as:

  • A centralized city hub

  • Customable, with a body that won't conflict with existing customization features and that is as close as possible to existing rigs to reduce the extra work of adjusting armors for them. That means 2 legs, 2 arms, 1 head, tail optional.

  • Compatible lore, able to play all professions.

  • Kodan are out, because they are all polar bears. Even if you extended it to other kinds of bears, that just adds grey, brown and black, and panda. And mostly the same heads. Bears just look too alike.

  • Largos are out, unless their fins are actually a cultural back, which they probably are not. They would get in the way of backs.

  • Dwarves are out because they all stone, clothes and all. Can't change pants if they are part of your butt.

  • Tribal races are all out, because they are tribal. Too limited in lore to match all professions. Ogres, grawl, etc.

  • Skritt can be very smart when enough are together, but while having a playable race that is actually 3 to 5 characters in one is often very fun to see, it is also a real pain to deal with. Specially for animations and gear.

  • Non-humanoid races are all out, because they are too different to use with mounts and such. So no centaur, forgotten, krait, naga, djinn, quaggans, hylek, etc.

Other than tengu, the only existing races that could be used are:

  • Humanoid sentient constructs. For example, they could look kind of like the Dynamics Exo-Suit, with different head patterns.
  • Humanoid sentient undead. Meh. Too common.
  • Humanoid sentient elementals that do not have snake-like lower torsos like djinn have. Not as common, but kind of bland.
  • Humanoid demons. Lots of possibilities, but demons and mist entities usually just look too much like humans like Raza, or too different.But they still like all the background tengu have.
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@MithranArkanere.8957 said:


  • They are different enough culturally to the other races. So they would bring a fresh perspective to the story.
  • Their rig is close enough to charr so making models for them won't take as much work as other races with odder shapes. The main problems with their seem to be their tail and the arm feathers sticking out. Arm feathers can just be adjusted to stick more to the arm and get covered with armor when sleeves are long, or stick to the arm when wearing bracers, but the tail may take extra adjustments as they animate completely different to charr tails.
  • They have the greatest customization potential. Crests, faces and beaks, plumage, feather patters, eyes. The possibilities are endless.
  • There's room in the map for their city and starting area.
  • Avian races are rather uncommon. It'll help GW2 stand out.
  • Gotta see female Tengu and the interior of the Dominion of Winds.
  • Gotta beat you-know-who before they do the arakkoa.

Also, by process of elimination, there's no other existing races that could be playable. They are missing key components such as:

  • A centralized city hub

  • Customable, with a body that won't conflict with existing customization features and that is as close as possible to existing rigs to reduce the extra work of adjusting armors for them. That means 2 legs, 2 arms, 1 head, tail optional.

  • Compatible lore, able to play all professions.

  • Kodan are out, because they are all polar bears. Even if you extended it to other kinds of bears, that just adds grey, brown and black, and panda. And mostly the same heads. Bears just look too alike.

  • Largos are out, unless their fins are actually a cultural back, which they probably are not. They would get in the way of backs.

  • Dwarves are out because they all stone, clothes and all. Can't change pants if they are part of your butt.

  • Tribal races are all out, because they are tribal. Too limited in lore to match all professions. Ogres, grawl, etc.

  • Skritt can be very smart when enough are together, but while having a playable race that is actually 3 to 5 characters in one is often very fun to see, it is also a real pain to deal with. Specially for animations and gear.

  • Non-humanoid races are all out, because they are too different to use with mounts and such. So no centaur, forgotten, krait, naga, djinn, quaggans, hylek, etc.

Other than tengu, the only existing races that could be used are:

  • Humanoid sentient constructs. For example, they could look kind of like the Dynamics Exo-Suit, with different head patterns.
  • Humanoid sentient undead. Meh. Too common.
  • Humanoid sentient elementals that do not have snake-like lower torsos like djinn have. Not as common, but kind of bland.
  • Humanoid demons. Lots of possibilities, but demons and mist entities usually just look too much like humans like Raza, or too different.But they still like all the background tengu have.

I see you put a fair amount of effort into this. Thanks for sharing!

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Largos, tengu and kodan in that order.

I love the idea of playing an underwater race, and we have the basis for the tengu to become playable as well. The kodan have slowly grown on my with the community love for the race.

@MithranArkanere.8957 said:

  • Kodan are out, because they are all polar bears. Even if you extended it to other kinds of bears, that just adds grey, brown and black, and panda. And mostly the same heads. Bears just look too alike.
  • Largos are out, unless their fins are actually a cultural back, which they probably are not. They would get in the way of backs.

Kodan have the possibility of being included because just take a look at all the char faces. They got all that from 'feline', going from cat-like to monstrous for males and they have plenty of variations for female charr too, which mostly are cat-like faces of various species of large cats. They all LOOK the same currently because why would you put that much effort into an NPC race that isn't a focus of the game? The risen have very little variation in terms of facial structures (when comparing the same race, like charr risen or asura risen), they may outright just be the same models, but they're a main focus of the core game. Just because facial variations don't currently exist on Kodan doesn't mean they CAN'T ever exist in the future.

As for the largos, the wings aren't an issue when it comes to the backpack because have you seen the charr and their tail clipping issues? or the horn clipping issues? or the asura ears clipping issues for hoods and helmets?

Though maybe the wings backpacks like the batwings, the white/black feathered wings etc. would be a bit strange, but an optional cosmetic item would NOT be a factor in preventing the largos from becoming a playable race, not in the slightest, not with the charr and asura clipping issues. Tying them to the story and resolving the lore dissonance of having a largos/kodan/tengu play through the zhaitan arc (while they weren't a part of it) IS the biggest factor. With Kodan and Largos, there is the issue of a capital city not existing, but for the largos, assuming we go face the deep sea dragon, would have the opportunity for a capital city to be available for players to interact with, and with the Kodan, something similar could be done if we ever go further into Jormags territory.

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@Ashantara.8731 said:

@AngelDiscarnate.5489 said:I'd like to see Largos playable by the time we go and face Steve...

"Steve"? Is that your name for the Deep Sea Dragon? ;)

Steve has been a community name for the Deep Sea Dragon, as is Bubbles (which is my favourite nickname).

There'll be a certain magic lost when it's actual name is revealed and we'll no longer call it steve/bubbles, only 'the water dragon' (if water turns out to be it's domain, which is probable) and it's name.

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1st Tengu, Dominion of Winds as their capital and we can learn what happened to Cantha and also why they were banned from it+ what they've been doing all this time inside of their capital city. I've always wanted to play as Tengu, imagine the customization, =)2nd Largos, somewhere in Unending Ocean, we would see Largos' capital city underwater and learn alot more about the Deep Sea Dragon and other dangerous below the deep, dark ocean.... :dizzy:

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@castlemanic.3198 said:Kodan have the possibility of being included because just take a look at all the char faces. They got all that from 'feline', going from cat-like to monstrous for males and they have plenty of variations for female charr too, which mostly are cat-like faces of various species of large cats. They all LOOK the same currently because why would you put that much effort into an NPC race that isn't a focus of the game? The risen have very little variation in terms of facial structures (when comparing the same race, like charr risen or asura risen), they may outright just be the same models, but they're a main focus of the core game. Just because facial variations don't currently exist on Kodan doesn't mean they CAN'T ever exist in the future.

As for the largos, the wings aren't an issue when it comes to the backpack because have you seen the charr and their tail clipping issues? or the horn clipping issues? or the asura ears clipping issues for hoods and helmets?

Though maybe the wings backpacks like the batwings, the white/black feathered wings etc. would be a bit strange, but an optional cosmetic item would NOT be a factor in preventing the largos from becoming a playable race, not in the slightest, not with the charr and asura clipping issues. Tying them to the story and resolving the lore dissonance of having a largos/kodan/tengu play through the zhaitan arc (while they weren't a part of it) IS the biggest factor. With Kodan and Largos, there is the issue of a capital city not existing, but for the largos, assuming we go face the deep sea dragon, would have the opportunity for a capital city to be available for players to interact with, and with the Kodan, something similar could be done if we ever go further into Jormags territory.

Considered that, but charr do not have "cat heads" they have "large land carnivore" heads. I actually have a charr with a rather bear-like head and face. All you need is getting the snout to look round enough. They have such a large variation because they do not limit them to just cats. And this is not some design change made in GW2 to give them customization. They were extremely varied already in GW1. They were clearly more cat-like in general and had more similar faces, but still very varied thanks to horns, fangs and patterns.

Kodan on the other hand are all polar bears that look like each other by the design. And I suspect they are not meant to ever be playable by design too. So they are are always this "other race" that is ancient and knowledgeable and powerful and revered, but still distant.

Largos wing clipping is rather different to horn, ear, tail and asura feet clipping. One thing is having a limb stick out through, and another having an "

" thing going on. Largos fins would constantly clip in and out of many backs. Unless they are actually a "cultural back item" that not every largos actually has. Or unless player largos lose them in an accident in their starting instance.
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@Alga.6498 said:1st Tengu, Dominion of Winds as their capital and we can learn what happened to Cantha and also why they were banned from it+ what they've been doing all this time inside of their capital city. I've always wanted to play as Tengu, imagine the customization, =)2nd Largos, somewhere in Unending Ocean, we would see Largos' capital city underwater and learn alot more about the Deep Sea Dragon and other dangerous below the deep, dark ocean.... :dizzy:

You have really piqued my interest by quite a lot! I would love to see this happen! Even if its not in a new race if they somehow explain the lore of the Tengu I would be happy!

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My first instinct is to run with Tengu, because they already have a "hub city" behind the wall to the Dominion of the Winds.

But, having said that, I can actually see the Kodan as well. Being nomads of the ice, they wouldn't have to have a "hub city" so much as a floating ship-city. THey could be in the bay north of Bitterfrost, and their start area could be in the Northern Isles of Janthir.

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@MithranArkanere.8957 said:Considered that, but charr do not have "cat heads" they have "large land carnivore" heads. I actually have a charr with a rather bear-like head and face. All you need is getting the snout to look round enough. They have such a large variation because they do not limit them to just cats. And this is not some design change made in GW2 to give them customization. They were extremely varied already in GW1. They were clearly more cat-like in general and had more similar faces, but still very varied thanks to horns, fangs and patterns.

Kodan on the other hand are all polar bears that look like each other by the design. And I suspect they are not meant to ever be playable by design too. So they are are always this "other race" that is ancient and knowledgeable and powerful and revered, but still distant.

A lore design is different from appearance design, in that the Kodan were modeled with a single feature with very small variations compared to the playable races which have lots of space for changing the appearance in several ways. This is not impossible and perhaps not even difficult with a bit of imagination. The end all be all is that the physical model, what we see, can be changed to accommodate players needs to mold their character as they wish. On the lore side, I agree, I don't think they were ever intended to be a playable race, especially because so little effort went into making the kodan customisable. But just because there's so little effort now does not ever impede their ability to make kodan more customisable in the future. They changed the currently unplayable tengu, so it's not a completely unheard of idea, the fact will always remain that if arenanet wanted to, they could make enough customisable faces to suit a playable kodan race.

This should not have been your arguing point, because it's easily debunked (the ability to create will break though any imagined restriction on a design level), however the very existence of the endless kodan tonic makes it nearly impossible for the devs to adhere to players wishes about the kodan being playable, and this is a clear example of the devs saying it's not going to happen.

Largos wing clipping is rather different to horn, ear, tail and asura feet clipping. One thing is having a limb stick out through, and another having an "

" thing going on. Largos fins would constantly clip in and out of many backs. Unless they are actually a "cultural back item" that not every largos actually has. Or unless player largos lose them in an accident in their starting instance.

But again, this can be worked around, the current largos model can (and should) be altered to accommodate for players needs, including customisation. As before, arenanet have the ability to take the race and mold it as they wish, especially to get rid of any clipping issues (this extends from the kodan argument in that they have the ability to remodel the kodan in any way they wish, same for the largos).

However, in a similar fashion to what the devs did for the kodan (the endless kodan tonic), there is now another clear sign from the devs that the largos are a no go. Introduced mere hours ago was the largos fin glider and backpack. Unluck an optional armour piece, this is a clear sign from the devs saying "this is the best you'll get", because at no point would you introduce something like the endless kodan tonic (which you can use in combat) and the largos fin backpack/glider set with the intention of revoking those items if those races become playable.

Mere issues about models and a lack of customisations are not large enough walls that prevent races from becoming playable (because they can and should be changed when made playable). Irrevocable items that devs use to indicate those races will never become playable are. There's also lore considerations but the devs can and have bent the rules to make things as they wish.

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:+1: Tengu. They have all the necessary components to become a playable race, and HoT may have worked with teasing more looks for them.

:neutral: Kodan. They had the possibility of being interesting, until they shoveled their lore on the . . quaggan. They also lack much in the way of customization. I'd be intrigued if they were open, and I have a name for one, but I doubt we'll see it happen.

:-1: No to Water Drow, now and forever. The token appearance one makes in Personal Story does not redeem the fact that they are evil athathins, which is the sole reason some clamor for it. They have no home, the notion of a capital city for them is laughable, since it would crumble in the face of their solitary, evil backstabbing. They would have to have breathers outside of the water, and their wings are canonical, so FashionFail Wars 2. And so far, ANet has really backed away from anything underwater; Revenant remains a half-class, and most professions lose their best abilities. BubbleSteve and his army of possessed soggy moths would win only by circumstance that all of our good skills and traits are gone.

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