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World Restructuring

Gaile Gray.6029

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@Super Hayes.6890 said:

@"Ubi.4136" said:In today's devs play wvw stream, they mentioned "when world restructuring is done" as an offhand remark to something else they were talking about. I guess they still think it will happen...someday.

Or maybe it was in the same context as the old saying, "When pigs fly."

I mean I feel like they like referencing the table is why they keep off-handing it.

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Whatever you do theyll destroy WvW doing it , once they decide based on ' analysis ' of ' your playing time etc ' whether your guild is a ' declared wvw guild ' theyll force you all into a single guild if you want to continue playing alongside the WvW friends youve spent 8 long years with, defending and representing the server you call home .... and then THEYLL decide what ' world ' youll play for on a random rotating basis. Course the bandwagoners and repeated server jumpers wont give a damn .... but those of us who`ve spent 8 years dedicated to one ( currently ) ... will get shagged in the behind

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@Balkarrie Legacy.9175 said:Whatever you do theyll destroy WvW doing it , once they decide based on ' analysis ' of ' your playing time etc ' whether your guild is a ' declared wvw guild ' theyll force you all into a single guild if you want to continue playing alongside the WvW friends youve spent 8 long years with, defending and representing the server you call home .... and then THEYLL decide what ' world ' youll play for on a random rotating basis. Course the bandwagoners and repeated server jumpers wont give a kitten .... but those of us who`ve spent 8 years dedicated to one ( currently ) ... will get shagged in the behind

I mean, I've been with all my friends on Sorrow's Furnace since the begining and not one of us will be upset with this change. Server pride would mean something to us if we weren't constantly being linked to different servers each go.

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@Balkarrie Legacy.9175 said:I mean, I've been with all my friends on Sorrow's Furnace since the begining and not one of us will be upset with this change. Server pride would mean something to us if we weren't constantly being linked to different servers each go.

So YOU won`t care , MANY of us will

Many casuals who only follow the tags who don't care, do care B) .

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@Super Hayes.6890 said:

@Balkarrie Legacy.9175 said:Whatever you do they
ll destroy WvW doing it , once they decide based on ' analysis ' of ' your playing time etc ' whether your guild is a ' declared wvw guild ' they
ll force you all into a single guild if you want to continue playing alongside the WvW friends you
ve spent 8 long years with, defending and representing the server you call home .... and then THEY
LL decide what ' world ' you
ll play for on a random rotating basis. Course the bandwagoners and repeated server jumpers won
t give a kitten .... but those of us who`ve spent 8 years dedicated to one ( currently ) ... will get shagged in the behind

I mean, I've been with all my friends on Sorrow's Furnace since the begining and not one of us will be upset with this change. Server pride would mean something to us if we weren't constantly being linked to different servers each go.

i mean, they destroy servers with their trashy current system yet. as said, desolation is filled with newbies and might not survive this 2nd unlink within a year... it's barely playable, the new and inexperienced casuals are not doing much more than providing the enemies bags.

@vier.1327 @Balkarrie Legacy.9175we have barely guilds left... not a single battle guild, and before it was only one since several months. i was getting desolation as automatic server when making my account, and stayed sofar. but it becomes unacceptable. last two weeks i made 3400~ and 2500~ kills, our overall kd/r is just far far worse.

i might have to transfer too, for what should there be "server pride" if nobody of the original server is left bc anets outdated and neutrally said unhealthy system still stays?

i'd prefer to unlink and flatten every servers population, systemwise. just then we'd kinda stuck with all the new players as well, idk. hopeless i guess.

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i'd prefer to unlink and flatten every servers population, systemwise. just then we'd kinda stuck with all the new players as well, idk. hopeless i guess.

Anet have done more to kill Deso than the opposition who constantly double team us .... linking ruined WvW , their ' superservers ' helped kill it too , was nothing better than being in Lions Arch when someone jumped in to say Border needed help, and 60 people would instantly jump into WvW , server pride !Their constant insistence we were full when we werent , the matchups it created , even now Millers have got 90+ players on at 1AM BST in a T5? match up . Supposedly were just as full as they are ... so yeah i agree with you, unlink everyone, do a proper study of actually how many players really spend any time in wvw on each server then drop them into tiers to rise and fall by themselves .Banning players from other continents joining certain servers would be a start too ...

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I agree with all of you. Server links were a temporary solution that it has been with us for too long.

I do not know how it is working in USA, but in Europe has killed lot of servers; or at least the feeling that x guild was part of y server.

Fortunately Baruch Bay has avoided this mess for now.

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@"vier.1327" said:I agree with all of you. Server links were a temporary solution that it has been with us for too long.

I do not know how it is working in USA, but in Europe has killed lot of servers; or at least the feeling that x guild was part of y server.

Fortunately Baruch Bay has avoided this mess for now.

NA is leading EU in this regard...imho

Full Context - [ NA leads EU on Server Linking ]


Credibility requires critical insight & time.

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btw alliances when :9


did anybody hear of this?(video title: "Fortunes Vale Tour!!! - The Lost Gamemode")

some guy posted it today on discord, and it's kinda madness what pre-ready content apparently has been made years ago - in 2013! yet, 7 years later they only removed tournaments, add useless stuff like warclaw and didn't even give any clarity about the 2+ years ago promised content of "alliances".

the "fortunes vale" content might be worked in and used for other living world maps etc yet.. i'm not pve map expert to be able to compare / identify this there.

also, to quote a youtube source comment of 2015 | https://www.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/33i9hn/fortunes_vale_the_map_that_went_missing/cqm0p6w/ original post from reddit;

by Devon Carver:"So a couple of notes that I can share. 1) This was not, repeat not, a pre-version of Edge of the Mists. I can see where the overlap would be, but that's not what this >map is about. 2) You would not be wrong to blame Tirzah for the moogle, although in her defense, I don't think she expected the art to get out with the moogle still >on it. 3) Because it was Tirzah working on the art, you are correct to say it is awesome. 4) While there is nothing that says we will bring this map back, there's nothing >that says we won't. If we really wanted to do something silly, we'd put it literally on a table somewhere. :P 5) This is a particularly grand scale example of the >development process and iteration. This is not the only thing we've worked on that was scrapped and inevitably the reasons that we cut things can be idiosyncratic, >though they usually fall down to if they are fun enough.I'm sure that just piques your appetite without bedding it back down again, so to say, but that's a bit of the history behind the mystery."

however, anet just dropping other content there speaks rather for alliances 100% to never happen. probably alliances wouldn't even fix enough for the hype people have/put into it.

outside of that: @ devon carvers' reddit account, u can find a comment where they spoiler that u can fight some boss dragon mob @ red border. just, they somehow forgot that u need a 10 people group that a bored enough to walk into the very corner of hugest map they made, to fight the dragon. for a reward that was maybe good at HoT launch, but never afterwards i bet (i never killed it yet)

you may ask yourself now like me, who had this idea?

"let's make content, but place it so it does not interact with anyone"

this boss mobs should maybe wander the maps and attack other npcs, including guards/dollers, so ppl would have a reason to fight them. and no idea why it'd be that hard to bring Desert Borders' objectives just 10-20% closer together and to reduce the maps' size by as well, like what for do we really need the huge amount of unused space?

like, they did yet make map caps smaller than those have been initially. "peformance reasons", no offcicial statement afaik about HOW many ppl exactly fit into maps. plus, sometimes it doesn't feel like all teams have the same size "fitting in" - just we cannot check that assumption, since we don't know the real numbers here. smart af, dear devs.

i think diku means that NA has lost far more active servers. bunch of the people fill EU spots by now even i think, would be odd to explain where the night blobs of more than a full map size come from otherwise.

@"subversiontwo.7501" i struggle a bit with editing atm, notsure why it doesn't format like i want it to ^^"

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Kami, could you edit and reformat that post a bit? It's interesting but it's pretty hard to see who is saying what since the citation got botched.

The mode both looks pretty cool and pretty limited with questionable replay value. Assuming it is an escort attack/defend competition mode as WP outlines it. If it was 2013 I would presume that it got scrapped because other titles were comming out with more open-ended (and thus superior-looking) escort-style features. It's also probably good that it did get scrapped given the reception of later similar PvEWvW systems like the one that launched in WoW and wasn't very well received. Furthermore, it gives yet another unsurprising look into the direction and process of alot of things Anet have done since, it's almost as if they are taking some kind of board-game approach to building a system with game theory from scratch and then blow it up in wheel-reinventing proportions only to later fold everything about it with little salvage, instead of taking an iterative approach rooted in what they have that works and could be repurposed, reshaped or expanded into something else.

I'm not sure if this puts it more aptly, but the approach is almost as if they are making a new game rather than making a new mode to fit into their existing game. That would show that they for quite a long time has had that sort of direction and that it is not only recently that ArenaNet seems more interested in creating multiple smaller games and experiences rather than a holistic MMO.

If anything, the video is more reminiscent of Drizzlewood than anything else, you can also see the ideas of such biomes in both EotM and DBL, besides Drizzle itself. I've never been a fan of the idea myself. Not that I hate all forms of gradually changing textures but rather that such splits in a 4 or a 6 has always felt a bit shoehorned rather than being actual gradual transitions over different textures. It has somehow always felt more like a Mario world than an MMO world if you catch my drift, with things like Fire keep on DBL feeling out of place thematically in both textures and terrain, etc.

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@vier.1327 said:Fortunately Baruch Bay has avoided this mess for now.That is nice for BB to some degree, but sadly BB is also a corner piece of alot of the issues that exist with the system and all it would take to force the issue would be for some nomadic community to exploit the special treatment of the server and doomstack it. Imagine BB's nightcap domination with a bunch of international GvG guilds on their dayshift.

It would make sense for any guilds who are in recruitment- or community rebuilding phases to just go BB and stay artificially open for recruitment. It would also just take a few popular guilds or even players at this point deciding to 'show' the impact on the server/community side instead of complaining about it.

I'm actually a bit surprised that no one has done that yet :3

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@"kamikharzeeh.8016" said:"ding dang""who there"

alliances when

outside of that, i agree that the project sounds not flawless, but keep in mind that the guy on the vid just guessed how it would work or precisely look. i agree that i think they worked in much of the area into other maps

As long as there are transfers


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Appreciate keeping the hope alive! :)

A few questions in terms of Alliance for constructive discussion if you'd like to pass the time: visuals welcomed:

  1. Based on GW1 Alliances & battles gamemode, what elements do you think would be something that might be integratable while improving WvW? Any examples or scenarios, mechanics, or gameplay that made it 'fun'? Did you like it? Hate it?

Random Video of GW1 Alliance Battles fyi:

  1. Before rewards were scaled back from EOTM: Edge of the Mists (divide and conquer play), what did you enjoy in terms of gameplay + mechanics compared to say Eternal Battlegrounds? Was it fun? Loved it? hated it?

  2. There was a legacy thread related to commander/UI adjustment proposals that focuses on utilization of minimal time/resources in order to improve the WvW, any comments or suggestions?

Many thanks! =)

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it's finally just not my job to fix this... i don't think we have much if any influence on the development. and if i read quite some posts on here, it's also better alike. it is like 25% pretty good ideas and 75% wanting kittens and skyscales. and have probably not even yet unlocked the warclaw, or think every charakter needs to have access to every skill and utility option etc :dizzy:about gw1, i never played it, so cannot say much. might check the vid laterabout @vier.1327 idk any of these names ol

many of the core points have been discussed in certain topics... i think this one here is mainly having the job to remind the devs that they're still having one promise to keep.

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